NY sued a businessman for misstating collateral where no one lost a single penny. No loan went into default. In fact, the lender supported the valuations and stated they would make the loans again. Such a lawsuit is largely unprecedented. Moreover, the suit was brought by an AG who promised to “take down” an individual of a rival political party as part of her campaign. Once she took office she went through a political rivals business records until she found something she thought she could take to court Surely you can see the dangerous precedent being set here.
They only said they would loan it to him again because with those large amounts of money, they don't trust him to be honest, and did their own checking. Of course it didn't go into default. If it had been anywhere near default, you would have seen him declare bankruptcy, and cost everybody involved. When he gets in trouble, everybody except him suffers, creditors, lenders, workers, suppliers, etc. I don't think he got this treatment because he didn't deserve it.
NO ONE has pulled the kind of crap he has pulled in modern times. And you'd be hard pressed to find someone in our complete history who has pulled the crap he has.
I can tell you, he has pushed the democratic party much further left, and the general public to extremes they have never been at. If any, and I mean any of the Republicans besides him had been elected, they would have not received the same treatment as him. It wasn't like he was treated that way because lots of Hillary fans were p.o.ed. It was because of all the crap he pulled. I hope that after he leaves office, that no Republicans or Democrats keep pulling this on each other. But if they do, it can be attributed to him, and his actions whether it's Republicans, or Democrats, or both. That's not the worst fear I have, of them doing similar actions. It's up their with my worst fears, but I've got four or five others that get equal billing. He has made all our branches of government weaker.
The world hates him, and we are less respected than we were before him. The world has gone in directions it would not have gone if he had not been in office. We are on the brink of civil war because of him. He has disrupted our democracy like nobody ever has before. It's all because of his ignorance & insecurity, and him being a sociopath and a narcissist. I don't think we have had a President in office with as many psychological problems as him, and that's saying something.
I don't blame Democrats for doing what Republicans should have been doing to him a long time ago. He should have been pilloried, but Republicans were scared of the populist support he got out of the worst part of America. I guarantee you the Republicans would have handled this differently, and kept the nomination in 2016 with anybody else, if they knew the depths we would sink to with him, and the difficulty of ever raising our country out of those depths. They would have found a way to keep him out of office if they had known what would come to pass.
He would have found that he had very few supporters and very limited finances coming to him in 2016, if anybody had a crystal ball. The only ones who might have supported him would have been a few people like Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Guliani, Lindsay Graham etc. And Graham would only have supported him until the Republican party pulled support. Sniveling Graham follows power, because he can't amass any of it on his own.
There are people in our government that I wanted out of our government, who showed themselves to be admirable in comparison, when they saw what he was. People like Bolton and Sessions. As I said before this may lead to repetitive behaviors by both parties as Bragg has behaved. But that can also be laid upon the Republicans who refused to convict Trump of his second Impeachment. There should have been more Republicans with the cahonas of Cheney. I cannot just separate the one instance with Bragg's conviction, when there were many before it that led here. Ignorant people like judge Cannon are letting Trump do exactly what he wants not because she is a good judge, but because she supports him. I don't hear you complaining about that. That sets a precedent.
Stepping off soap box cuz I'm tired of typing. 😁