So.the NY judge donated to Biden, his wife and daughter are Democrat party activists. If that doesn't spell CONFLICT, .....
I guess Cannon's husband could have been like Clarence Thomas' wife Ginni, but wasn't. Donating to, or being an activist is just a degree of involvement. Neither one says how strong your feelings are. I don't hear you complaining when Judge Thomas doesn't recuse himself from cases that his wife protests about, and that's just as serious.
You have it on both sides of the aisle. You just want to complain about it, when it affects politicians that are in the Republican party negatively, and ignore it when it affects republicans positively or democrats negatively. Most politicians including judges are members of one of the two major parties. Just because they don't all demonstrably show their support doesn't mean they don't have it.
You can see Cannon's bias in her judgements, and that is all that is required. Just because she doesn't win a pissing contest on whose relatives are bigger activists or who donates the biggest amount of money, doesn't change her bias. It does not show a greater conflict of interest either. If it did then it would be against regulations.