Pat Jones is the Grand Wizard of TU hatred

Originally posted by cbonham:

to say that Blankenship nearly broke the program and firing him has fixed things is an oversimplified viewpoint.
hey doofus ... reread my post. I did NOT say firing BB fixed the program. I said firing BB "begins" to fix it. It was a necessary first step to bring TU football back to the position it was before BB nearly broke over the course of 4 years.
The Montgomery hire is like heaping burning coals on Rat Bastard Pat Jones's shinny bald head. Pat Jones has publically expressed his disdain for Baylor. So, the Montgomery hire is burning him up for several reasons:

1) Despite his best efforts, Pat Jones wasn't able to keep his admitted good friends BB, Denver Johnson & Brent Guy in their TU jobs;

2) Despite his best efforts, Pat Jones wasn't able to convince he TU Admin to hire one of his other buddies (Houston Nutt) just so this tired old retread could draw an easy paycheck for a few years till retirement;

3) Despite his best efforts, Pat Jones (out of nothing but spite) couldn't keep TU from actually hiring a good coach. He blocked TU from hiring Meacham, Wells and Frost with his conversations which he admitted to publically. But TU ended up hiring someone better -- Montgomery -- who happens to be from Baylor which Pat Jones hates.

4) As a final act of sheer hatred towards TU, he claims that TU Football is broken and that TU fired BB because he was "just the scapegoat". He claims that whoever TU hires will get to benefit from the full cupboard that BB left for them. He claims that had TU fixed its Football Program at BB would till be the coach and winning games. Well, Pat Jones doesn't get that BB NEARLY BROKE THE PROGRAM. BB and his outstandingly poor decisions are what brought TU Football down. TU was doing great before BB became the head coach. It took BB only 4 short years to nearly destroy it.

PAT JONES IS A COMPLETE IDIOT AND SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED ON TU'S CAMPUS AGAIN. He deliberately tried to harm the TU Football. We should boycott his sponsors and let them know why. Pat Jones should not be in Tulsa covering TU with his biased idiotic views and intentional efforts to cause TU harm.
This post was edited on 12/12 5:48 AM by barrister1602
Originally posted by barrister1602:

PAT JONES IS A COMPLETE IDIOT AND SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED ON TU'S CAMPUS AGAIN. He deliberately tried to harm the TU Football. We should boycott his sponsors and let them know why. Pat Jones should not be in Tulsa covering TU with his biased idiotic views and intentional efforts to cause TU harm.
This. I'll be contacting the radio station that carries the bastard as well.
The other day, while Pat Jones was on the radio, an informed, educated TU caller called in and quizzed him about his efforts 2 harm TU's f-ball problem. Pat then said "Let me think about that." & began 2 scratch his nuts.

After all, Pat did say he would rather eat deer nuts over peanuts because deer nuts are under one buck!


This post was edited on 12/12 6:41 AM by HHOOTter
Can someone post a list of the sponsors? I don't listen to the PJ show and will not in the future. However, I would be happy to contact the sponsors and let them know that I will not be supporting their products as long as they continue to help that goober.
Originally posted by Tulsa_Cane:
Can someone post a list of the sponsors? I don't listen to the PJ show and will not in the future. However, I would be happy to contact the sponsors and let them know that I will not be supporting their products as long as they continue to help that goober.
Roberts auto center in pryor

Oklahoma men's clinic in tulsa

Golden flake potato chips

That is what I can recall off top of my head.
Pat Jones is still at it. He was once again trashing TU this morning on 104.5.

He needs to be shut down.
PJ needs to be ignored, he will fade into the background with no success at doing any harm to TU. Boycott his sponsors, make an informed complaint to the radio station making them aware of this. Then let TU's administration decide if there is anything that needs to be done about him. Barrister u are making him out to be more powerful than he actually is. Stop feeding the monster.
Originally posted by Gmoney4WW:
PJ needs to be ignored, he will fade into the background with no success at doing any harm to TU. Boycott his sponsors, make an informed complaint to the radio station making them aware of this. Then let TU's administration decide if there is anything that needs to be done about him. Barrister u are making him out to be more powerful than he actually is. Stop feeding the monster.
Gmoney: respectfully disagree. He is deliberately and intentionally trying to harm TU. For some reason, he does carry some weight. I can't imagine why. He sucked as a coach and offers nothing as a broadcaster. He is the perfect example of rising to your level of incompetence. But nevertheless, in some circles, his opinion matters. A "head in the sand" defense is not right in this circumstance.
One more comment, bout it. The circles he has weight in did not keep us from getting a great new coach, no damage to TU. He tried his best, and failed.
Originally posted by Gmoney4WW:

One more comment, bout it. The circles he has weight in did not keep us from getting a great new coach, no damage to TU. He tried his best, and failed.
You are absolutely correct. Thankfully, he failed to hurt us. In fact, his sabotage of Meacham, Wells & Frost led us to someone better -- MONTY!!

But we may not be so lucky next time. That is why he needs to be stopped.
Please, barrister, for the love of Pete; (whomever Pete is) step away from your screen! You're going to blow a gasket!
I'm sending some emails...
Originally posted by barrister1602:

Originally posted by Tulsa_Cane:
Can someone post a list of the sponsors? I don't listen to the PJ show and will not in the future. However, I would be happy to contact the sponsors and let them know that I will not be supporting their products as long as they continue to help that goober.
Roberts auto center in pryor

Oklahoma men's clinic in tulsa

Golden flake potato chips

That is what I can recall off top of my head.
From a radio advertising standpoint, these don't look like high-profile advertisers. Rather they look like advertisers on a station that has very low ratings and has a marginal audience in the city in which they serve. Judging by their ratings, that's probably an accurate representation. It makes you wonder how much longer they can hang on as a radio station before being sold to somebody else.
Actually, if you really want to hit them, hit the Sports Animal station in OKC where Jones made the statement that this wasn't a good job to Bob Barry.
Originally posted by sonofbird:

Please, barrister, for the love of Pete; (whomever Pete is) step away from your screen! You're going to blow a gasket!
LOL!! You're prolly right Bird. Between Pat Jones and the pot of coffee I have in me, I need to go lay down. Hope all is well with you and your family.
These two jerks er jerkins'es always have their show at some business in the area. I just wonder if they'd like some visitors in TU gear "attending" their show and making it clear to said business that they'll never do business there again. I was at Cooper Nissan one time and they did their show from there. My next oil change, I'm going to tell them that they've lost my business for good and thats the last car and last oil change from them. Same with any restaurant they do their show from. I guarantee you one thing, that if they start losing money over it, those businesses we frequent will let that creep and his station know.
My opinion, If the TU administration would just make some type of statement about it, at least aknowledging that they are aware of his intentions against TU. I would be happy and let them deal with it. But until then, Im going to act as though they are unaware the problem exists.
As you can tell by the ratings for KYAL, not many are listening to them. If their investors tire of losing money, they'll shift formats to something not requiring Pat Jones.

Search for Tulsa ratings
Jones is like the Grinch who stole Christmas. He has "something" that is seven sizes too small. Bless his little heart.
Pretty easy to see what is happening here....Pat Jones is obviously trolling barrister! Every time he hops on the air he probably sits back and thinks "what can I say today to make that barrister guy on the TU boards lose his SH** "

Barrister, don't give in!!!! He is beating you at your own game
Originally posted by aTUfan:

Can we officially terminate this thread? It means nothont now!
I've literally been saying the same thing about you for several years. Maybe we make a trade?
Barrister, while Muchkin Jones may have told Meacham not to take the job or that it was a bad job, Jerry O mentioned that TCU, more specifically, Gary Patterson, did not give Gragg permission to contact Meacham about the opening. He wasn't sure if it was the timing because of TCU's game last weekend or if it was more due to Patterson not wanting to lose the mind that completely turned the TCU offense around 180 degrees.

Don't get me wrong...I despise Pat Jones and have for at least 20+ years and his voice grates on me. But I'm not sure his warning to Meacham carried as much weight as we are giving him credit for.
I'm no lawyer, but I think things like this are what "might" get people sued. If his openly hostile and unethical discussions with ANY coaching prospect were to keep that coach from interviewing with an employer, then I assume TU "could" come back and sue on the grounds that PJ irreparably damaged the university and its FB program.

Now that may not be an easy case to prove in most instances, but in this case, PJ admitted as much on the open airwaves. Make his sorry butt have to hire a lawyer.

TU probably won't do anything since they got a better coach anyway IMO. But there needs to be a muzzle put on that idiots lip.

"Hey Bozo Jones when you gonna get that cut below your nose fixed?"
If telling someone to not take a job gets you sued then i have a list of people to both sue and who should be sued.
Pure opinion statements. If you'd sue him for that, you'd have the measure of paying his attorneys under Oklahoma's new Anti-SLAPP statute. Which is a good thing... Because while Pat Jones is clearly a has been who was reduced to being a piss poor broadcaster who gets off trolling the smallest FBS school once actually coaching didn't work out for him, he still gets to state his opinion without legal repurcusions. As do we.
i think the petition and suing threats are stupid and fruitless efforts

the guy has been shown to a be a dumbass by reading the blog of montgomery's wife, and listening to Gragg talk about interest in the program. if that many great assistants showed high levels of interest, Pat Jones is simply an idiot saying anything different. nothing more needs to be said.
Short quote from the Anatomy of Search article:

"The search firm made the first of multiple attempts to set a meeting with Doug Meacham, who expressed serious interest. However, that never materialized."

Pat Jones publically admitted that he directly told Meacham that TU was a bad job and to not take it. One day after Pat Jones made this public admission, Meacham suddenly dropped out of the process after initially expressing serious interest. Meacham then publically praised Pat Jones as someone he "trusts" and someone who has his "best interests at heart." Doesn't take a genius to connect the dots.

Again, I am so happy we ended up with Monty instead of Meacham. I think Monty will be a great hire and reverse the course. But still doesn't change the fact that Pat Jones meddled with TU's search.
Any coach who is dumb enough to take advice from Pat Jones is not qualified to coach TU. Don't know if Pat scared off anyone If he did, he did us a favor by weeding out potential bad hires.
Originally posted by rabidhurricanefan:

Has any TU fan called in and confronted Pat on Air?
I have heard a few try, but that rat bastard coward hangs up on them. There may have been others that i havent heard.
Here's Jones latest tweet on the topic. Doesn't sound hate filled to me:

"Texas background a real plus for new #TU Coach Montgomery !! Will be interested to watch new staff hires!!!"

Originally posted by Dirty Side Judge:
Here's Jones latest tweet on the topic. Doesn't sound hate filled to me:

"Texas background a real plus for new #TU Coach Montgomery !! Will be interested to watch new staff hires!!!"

Jones doesn't do his own tweets. I think Lauren does them for him.

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