
By the way, I’m pretty sure Joan rivers was a Democrat. You know, the traditional type of Democrat? As in, she believed in free speech but she also saw where this country was going & spoke truth & basically got arkancided for it.
It’s always Democrat’s these days trying to silence free speech. We’ve all seen it.

Here’s another one lol I can’t believe that first video was Alex Jones but this is true:

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His *cough* her name is Michael. He *cough* she cannot run for president as he *cough* she was not born in the USA. British Virgin Islands.

wow, that’s actually true in that first video - Obama was raised by a tranny nanny in Thailand or Philippines or some sh1t like that.
Lmao I told y’all nothing can stop what is coming. I warned you haters the truth bombs have only just begun... get ready, buckle thy seatbelt & prepare for the turbulence.
By the way, I can’t find the link right now BUT it is true that Trump’s first phase of the trade deals to be made with China (which was signed in February) includes basically a disclaimer making the deal null & void should there be a natural disaster. Meaning a virus or pandemic would cancel out all obligations within that deal signed by Trump. Keep in mind that this deal had been on the table for 8 months, well before the kungflu was released in October during the world military games (another coincidence.)
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Here’s another truth bomb (since I just brought up Joan Rivers) EDIT Why is this board all the sudden making emojis?! I’m so sick of that millennial bs:

Courtney killed Kurt.

Here’s some uncle Devon - he’s right, by the way, who goes to Australia & doesn’t enjoy it?

So here’s another truth bomb... enjoy Tariq Nasheed (that’s probably not even his real name). (By the way the people who commit the worst crime demographically in Australia is the same demographic as it is in South Africa.)

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Did we ever find the mass graves of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riots? Before you talk noise I’ve actually volunteered out North more than all of you, so eat a satchel of D.

We didn’t find those mass graves. Don’t tell me, “well, they stopped because of the ‘Rona.” No way. Even if there were mass graves (there aren’t,) imagine people doing nothing for no reason. That rarely happens. Fuccn ... ugh I hate cursing but you idiots use ad homonym attacks meaning name calling instead of coming back with actual facts. You hate who you are, you hate your ancestors who mah or may not have created this country & you hate this country.
“The slaves built this country...” they always say. No, my Irish ancestors who were serving their time as indentured servants built this country. Unless they’re referring to Chinese spaces, then yes. Those Chinese slaves played a small part in building the railroads. I’m not talking about the Underground Railroad. I mean the actual railroads.
By the way, as I get back to the actual TOPIC, THIS IS ALL CONNECTED!!! Who slid into the stimulus that people on unemployment get their regular paychecks + $600?! Who did that?! Lmao they are affiliated with the WHO BUT IT WAS THE DEMS!!! They are INCENTIVIZING PEOPLE TO NOT GO BACK TO WORK!!!
Officially the unemployment rate in the April report is 14.7%, which on it's own is catastrophic, but there is a pretty big lag. This is really only capturing the damage done in March and will almost certainly rise to well over 20% in the next report.

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This is the worst part of this. You have to believe in government and understand complex issues on how to improve this. We elected a bunch of morons who don’t believe in government and hate experts.