
I.T.S. Athletic Director
Jan 23, 2008
Stafford, VA
each year I put together a friendly bracket challenge with friends and family for some healthy competition. I decided to make another group this year for the message board members. There is no fee and no prizes except bragging rights.

With as much crap that some of you spit out I figured let’s put your talents to the test. You are able to make 2 brackets in this group no more. You are not obligated to enter. I just felt like including this group.

If interested here is the link
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We have 5 entrants into the tournament challenge. I know some of you are just waiting until the brackets come out and some of you are just waiting till Tulsa is eliminated.

I say foolishness. Lets get in and talk crap lol
We have 5 entrants into the tournament challenge. I know some of you are just waiting until the brackets come out and some of you are just waiting till Tulsa is eliminated.

I say foolishness. Lets get in and talk crap lol
Best part of taking part is just wanting to sit on the couch all Thursday and start cursing because one upset happens. Without a doubt my wife always picks one team who gets beat in the 1st round and then says "well my bracket just got busted", except its usually a game no one else picked right either. That Thursday and Friday may be the best 2 days in all of sports including Super Bowl Sunday even when it's your team playing in the last 4 of 5 :wink:
Best part of taking part is just wanting to sit on the couch all Thursday and start cursing because one upset happens. Without a doubt my wife always picks one team who gets beat in the 1st round and then says "well my bracket just got busted", except its usually a game no one else picked right either. That Thursday and Friday may be the best 2 days in all of sports including Super Bowl Sunday even when it's your team playing in the last 4 of 5 :wink:
I take that Thursday and Friday off from work and I am there with my set up in the basement with nonstop basketball. The best game is still UMBC destroying Virginia.
Before I retired I had the first Thursday and Friday of the tourney reserved as vacation every year.

I’m not retired yet, so I still take those 2 days off every year as vacation days. This year, just like 2017, Thursday is TV day & Friday is BOK Center day for my son & I !
This year it happens to fall on Spring Break and since I moved over to TCC, we get the week off. No small computer screens. I may see about getting tickets to one of the sessions at the BOK.
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Do not forget brackets are announced today. So let’s get in the challenge the link is listed at the beginning we have seven in so far
Bump to remind and I got mine in, shouldn't be too long till it's time to throw it out lol.
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We have 25 entries in the challenge. A couple of these are double entries as I allow up to two brackets. Remember games start at 12:15 eastern time. So this is last call on new entrants and let the mayhem begin!!!
Thanks for the reminder. Got my selections in. Someone has to be the bottom of the standings.
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I joined with both of my brackets. I fully expect both of them to be sharing the bottom with @TU 1978

I will see your bottom bracket and raise you my "mascot challenge" bracket.

A Billiken is a troll-devil doll thing, not really a devil, so i think it gets beat by a turkey. A bear beats a tiger. Norsemen are pretty bad ass, but It think they get toasted by a Sun Devil. A cougar and a panther are the same critter, but a purple panther must be a genetic defect. In my head, the Sooners are settlers toting post civil war firearms, even though I know their mascot is a horse. Super natural forces are damn hard to beat, Duke's good even in a mascot fight. No claim is made to consistency, or accuracy...

I got this bottom bracket thing locked down tight.
Free throws are important. NMSU misses two of three free throws with less than two seconds to play and loses by one.
So far I’ve missed two games. I picked the ‘Ville over Minnesota and NMSU over Auburn (should have had that one).
My bracket did ok yesterday, 75% win, but so far today it’s taken a big dump.
Cincinnati crapped their britches...K-State screwed the pooch...and Virginia may lose to a 16 seed for the second year in a row.

The lady from accounts payable who doesn't follow basketball will win the office bracket contest.
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I am letting you know right now. If you are lower than me on the standings then you suck. My bracket is getting blistered
My first bracket is empty for some reason.
I entered 2 and they show in my view along with the empty one so I’m not sure where the first came from. Can you kill it?

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