Mike Flynn

Meh. She successfully got a couple of the Enron guys unconvicted who were over charged and the victims of misconduct, though she did not get the year of prison they served back as they were denied bond on appeal.

There aren’t a lot of big firm types out there willing to go toe to toe scorched Earth with DOJ and judges. She sells a particular service that people want to buy and not many sell it. She’s probably the best amongst those that do on the right side of the aisle.

He had Covington and Burling before who does what they do. Best their chests and make it clear they bust balls on other cases if there isn’t a favorable offer on a high profile high fee case. They got him a non-felonious, non-custody offer. That’s a win 90 percent of the time. But that’s not what many clients want, as you well know. They want a fighter who they perceive to have skin in the game with them so they can trust them. They don’t really care about the outcome, though a few do turn on you after they get the roasting they deserve in some cases. If you believe the papers, he’s wanted to fight all along.
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Except for the two times he pleaded guilty, the allocution, and looking the judge in the eye and saying he did this crime and others.
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The DC Circuit says a judge appointing a Biden fundraiser as an amicus prosecutor is not authorized by law and you’ve got ten days to tell us why you did and justify it. Notice it’s a per curiam (for the entire court unanimously) opinion signed by Bush, Obama, and Trump judges. For you non-lawyers, the Fokker case cited by the appellate court basically says you can’t refuse to dismiss a case when the Justice Department wants it dropped. The facts of that case suggest, but there is no specific holding, that the judge does have the continuing authority to investigate misconduct by the prosecutors (as I alluded go above).

Which is what we should have seen here, not some bizarre attempt to ignore obvious precedent and appoint a special “prosecutor” to compel Flynn to expose himself to perjury or contempt or enter an open plea or go to what would certainly be an unfair trial since he pled no contest with a DOJ recommendation of no jail time, then carried the case over while he decided whether to withdraw the plea before sentencing because the judge said he deserved the death penalty.

Get your popcorn. This will be entertaining. And it’s a nice piece of lawyering from a tv producer.$file/20-5143LDSN.pdf
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That’s how writs work. There is an extremely low percentage these are granted. Keep dreaming.
That’s how writs work. There is an extremely low percentage these are granted. Keep dreaming.
Exactly. 95% of these are dismissed without any type of action. Not this one. And certainly not per curiam.

You said a couple of days ago the pleadings were a sham and sanctionable. The most elite of the federal appeals benches, the breeding ground of Supreme Court justices, and no friend of Republicans, just said unanimously that essentially the Judge must show cause in 10 days why the motion should not be granted.

In this case, the entire court said you the judge, must answer personally, rather than appointing amicus to answer for him. He’s going to have to explain in writing why he hasn’t dismissed the case as the appellate court ordered just three years ago in a case directly on point. He’s going to have to do it without a proffer from Flynn or an “investigation” from a Biden bundler.

It’s the most extreme and most unlikely outcome they could have embarked upon.

People thought Stone and Manafort was interesting political theater. This suddenly got very nerd lawyer interesting.
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No, they ask judges to respond in short time. I have seen it before. It’s a dumb process. And it’s being abused to to grab headlines again.
No, they ask judges to respond in short time. I have seen it before. It’s a dumb process. And it’s being abused to to grab headlines again.
I’ll defer to you. I’ve only got about 40 appeals under my belt. Only 5 or so in fed court, most human trafficking. I’ve never seen or even heard of anything like it. Even extraordinary writs, they don’t make the judge explain themselves.

It makes you wonder if they are throwing a flag for him appointing somebody who publicly stated before the appointment that Flynn shouldn’t be allowed to withdraw the plea and has such obviously verifiable ties to the opposing political party. That move really turned this into a circus and I could see them being really uptight about that. Lawyers do all types of crazy stuff particularly when they have no choice. Judges shouldn’t be doing that. Makes you wonder if it had been any other amicus whether they would have summarily denied or even quashed the Motion by Flynn.

I mean cmon, a per curiam opinion on an interlocutory motion seeking a writ? When was the last time you saw that?

And the day after a Congressman filed impeachment articles against him citing to the very same case as the court? They must be sick of his crap, even if they also think Flynn really is a traitor who should be executed.
I’m not an appellate guy but it looks like the court asked Judge Sullivan to explain why he didn’t follow US vs Fokker Services. They are forcing him to defend his position. I don’t anticipate this turning out well for the good Judge.
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Unfortunately for General Flynn it may fall upon the luck of the draw but I don’t see how they can get away with what they did to him with the mounting evidence of corruption under Obama admin FBI. Especially with the new subpoenas from both senate & the Ukraine. #Obamagate #Bidenis&hasbeenDemented. Biden is also a rapist. Beats being gay [Hussein] Obama.
I’m not an appellate guy but it looks like the court asked Judge Sullivan to explain why he didn’t follow US vs Fokker Services. They are forcing him to defend his position. I don’t anticipate this turning out well for the good Judge.
In the weird category, Judge Sullivan has hired an appellate lawyer to represent him before the DC circuit. The $1000 an hour variety. Who’s paying for that? How can he remain impartial under such circumstances, even if the representation is gratis? Bizarre.

Remand with instructions to the administrative judge to reassign to another judge who must enter the dismissal must be the only outcome at this point in the case.
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Sullivan made a bad (likely partisan decision) which failed to follow established law. Now he appears to be scrambling to defend the same and save his judicial integrity. Will be fascinating to watch this play out.
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In the weird category, Judge Sullivan has hired an appellate lawyer to represent him before the DC circuit. The $1000 an hour variety. Who’s paying for that? How can he remain impartial under such circumstances, even if the representation is gratis? Bizarre.

Remand with instructions to the administrative judge to reassign to another judge who must enter the dismissal must be the only outcome at this point in the case.
I hope not the taxpayers, he brought this on himself by using hsi position for politics.
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They released the MOSTLY unredacted scope of investigation Rod Rosenstein, who was acting AG at the time, gave to Mueller when special investigator was approved/assigned. Um, nothing fishy or illegal or sketchy about what Mueller or his team did in getting the info they needed BASED on the scope and parameters given to him. How anyone thinks it was after reading through it is beyond me. Next they'll go back to GOP talking point #1 about the dossier even though it was first shopped to GOP candidates during the primaries.

Right now Trump and his GOP cronies are like a bunch of dogs at the vet who are waiting to see who gets called back for neutering next. All yelping loudly hoping beyond hope people just leave them along.
yes the never trumpers started the dossier but the dems paid for it and used it.
yes the never trumpers started the dossier but the dems paid for it and used it.
Dude was going to sell it to someone and he didn't care who. The fact that none of the GOP candidates, specifically Cruz and Kasich, didn't find it worthwhile, was amazing.
Dude was going to sell it to someone and he didn't care who. The fact that none of the GOP candidates, specifically Cruz and Kasich, didn't find it worthwhile, was amazing.
But the dems took the fake document created by a foreign opperative and used it to spy on an opposition candidate.

Whats worse starting a lie or adding to it and passing it on.
Dude was going to sell it to someone and he didn't care who. The fact that none of the GOP candidates, specifically Cruz and Kasich, didn't find it worthwhile, was amazing.
The Kasich people didn’t consider Trump a viable long term candidate until after South Carolina. Long after the dossier was shopped. They had the best in the business doing oppo and messaging, which is how he performed better than 9 other governors. They blew Bush and Rubio out of the water on the issues and Trump finished them off on personality and outright bullying.

I have no doubt that even if it was offered to John Weaver he would have said we don’t need it or the sleazy way you are peddling it.

If you think you are going to win, you don’t expose yourself to being blackmailed or owing people you don’t like unless you have to. And they didn’t “have to” until after the money didn’t materialize between the day after NH and the week after SC.

Cruz had a good portion of the grassroots amongst the politically active, but virtually none of the Reagan Democrats and common minimally knowledgeable voters, and his people were second teamers, at least for the issues in this race. And he was a sitting Senator. If they were even offered it, they had other problems and wouldn’t have exposed the candidate to risk beyond losing the election.

The question you are probably really asking is why none of the super pacs used it.
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The question you are probably really asking is why none of the super pacs used it.
SuperPACS are a whole different ball game...and I disagree with SCOTUS on Citizen's United. Corporations do not have a vote in the election. Nor do PACs/Super PACs. Right now we're allowing those entities to decide who is elected in any given election and not actual votes. Then there's the whole "truth in advertising" thing.
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Can we all agree now that Powell is a complete crap stain on the practice of law and embarrassment to this country?

yeah, & the guy who couldn’t draw a dozen people to his rallies got 80m votes. You know damned well the Dems cheated, the difference is you don’t care cause you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yours might even be terminal. Everyone knows what happened, hell -we even have it on multiple videos. If Trump wasn’t cheated then why hasn’t make-Slick-Willy Kamala(ot) Harris relinquished her Senate seat?
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yeah, & the guy who couldn’t draw a dozen people to his rallies got 80m votes. You know damned well the Dems cheated, the difference is you don’t care cause you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yours might even be terminal. Everyone knows what happened, hell -we even have it on multiple videos. If Trump wasn’t cheated then why hasn’t make-Slick-Willy Kamala(ot) Harris relinquished her Senate seat?
Everyone in America knows election fraud takes place in every election. I get people hate Trump and want him gone. There is plenty of justification for that train of thought. What I find dangerous is the people demonizing those who question the narrative or call for investigations. It’s pretty simple to me. If you commit a crime, you might get away with that crime but if you are sloppy or leave little clues of your involvement, people will always question your innocence. These lawyers might not be able to prove guilt right now but the optics that cheating occurred are absolutely horrible.
Everyone in America knows election fraud takes place in every election. I get people hate Trump and want him gone. There is plenty of justification for that train of thought. What I find dangerous is the people demonizing those who question the narrative or call for investigations. It’s pretty simple to me. If you commit a crime, you might get away with that crime but if you are sloppy or leave little clues of your involvement, people will always question your innocence. These lawyers might not be able to prove guilt right now but the optics that cheating occurred are absolutely horrible.
They were beyond sloppy. These people aren’t smart. If it weren’t for YouTube & Twitter & the test of the woke-erati silencing these lgbtq loving-afraid of their own shadow idiots these idiots who cheated for the left wouldn’t be able to get away with it.
Y’all woke liberals are literally giving the vaccine to people BASED ON THEIR SKINS COLORS!!

lmao I’ve been telling people for years how racist the left is but now they’ve just made it easy for me!
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Y’all woke liberals are literally giving the vaccine to people BASED ON THEIR SKINS COLORS!!

lmao I’ve been telling people for years how racist the left is but now they’ve just made it easy for me!
When will my people ever learn. 🤦🏽‍♂️ It’s the Guinea pig experiment. 😂 Black People, we got this experimental drug that we never used that we want you to take first. Oh and you can Never sue and you might get a false positive for HIV, women sterilized, or get Bells Palsy. Oh and in the same year, be used as tools in this election by the left to riot and be the street enforcement. Now that it’s over, they have been thrown to the side and replaced in priority by the Hispanic vote. BLM wasn’t even included is the civil rights council meeting held by Biden 😂 BLM local chapter members started asking for money after the election to do basic stuff and found out one of the founders cut them out of the equation. 😂 it’s sad!
Everyone in America knows election fraud takes place in every election. I get people hate Trump and want him gone. There is plenty of justification for that train of thought. What I find dangerous is the people demonizing those who question the narrative or call for investigations. It’s pretty simple to me. If you commit a crime, you might get away with that crime but if you are sloppy or leave little clues of your involvement, people will always question your innocence. These lawyers might not be able to prove guilt right now but the optics that cheating occurred are absolutely horrible.

That’s just not how it works. If you want to prove fraud, there is an incredibly high standard of proof. It’s just how the law has always worked. They don’t have any admissible evidence to prove fraud. In fact, they have the opposite of it: plain garbage.

As someone who successfully litigates fraud issues often, I can tell you that you generally have the evidence at the outset of the case. If you don’t, you have some sort of reasonable belief of what you don’t have that they won’t give you. You tell the Court that and they order it compelled to you. It’s not a complicated concept to grasp.

These idiots have no evidence or even a reasonable belief of what they need in discovery. They just make stupid accusations that get thrown out again and again. It’s actually very hard to lose as quickly and decisively as Trump has here. Again, I speak from experience.

At this point, the only reason this is even being discussed is 1) the likelihood of sanctions, bar complaints, and defamation lawsuits, 2) desperate idiots who just want to believe what they want to believe. In other words, ass holes, like Sydney Powell, the reason I brought this thread back. Don’t be an ass hole.
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When will my people ever learn. 🤦🏽‍♂️ It’s the Guinea pig experiment. 😂 Black People, we got this experimental drug that we never used that we want you to take first. Oh and you can Never sue and you might get a false positive for HIV, women sterilized, or get Bells Palsy. Oh and in the same year, be used as tools in this election by the left to riot and be the street enforcement. Now that it’s over, they have been thrown to the side and replaced in priority by the Hispanic vote. BLM wasn’t even included is the civil rights council meeting held by Biden 😂 BLM local chapter members started asking for money after the election to do basic stuff and found out one of the founders cut them out of the equation. 😂 it’s sad!

I may not be black but I have black nieces, a black brother & black sister-in-law & I see first hand how the manipulation affects the black community. The liberals have never cared about black people nor their communities - only their votes. Well, I take that back - they do care about keeping their elitist feet on their necks & holding them back from attaining opportunities/resources & from ascending to anywhere near their potential.

It truly is sickening. It truly is disgusting. The worst part is the white liberals who are tricked into thinking their party is better for the blacks. Especially because most white liberals really aren’t racist but they don’t realize that they’re supporting racist policies. Affirmative action is INHERENTLY racist - they’re saying blacks & browns peoples are so less than whites that they need a handout! If any of them need a helping hand it’s due to liberal policies!

As far as the election, how is it that Trump got record high numbers of votes from blacks & Hispanics yet still lost the election? That makes no sense. That means the only group from which Trump failed to gain support was white people. That does not make sense. Then again, it also doesn’t make sense that Biden could only win 17% of all counties & somehow didn’t just win the election but supposedly won in a landslide. Hell, he & Harris didn’t even perform well enough in the primaries to indicate that a victory in November would be even remotely possible by a long shot!
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That’s just not how it works. If you want to prove fraud, there is an incredibly high standard of proof. It’s just how the law has always worked. They don’t have any admissible evidence to prove fraud. In fact, they have the opposite of it: plain garbage.

As someone who successfully litigates fraud issues often, I can tell you that you generally have the evidence at the outset of the case. If you don’t, you have some sort of reasonable belief of what you don’t have that they won’t give you. You tell the Court that and they order it compelled to you. It’s not a complicated concept to grasp.

These idiots have no evidence or even a reasonable belief of what they need in discovery. They just make stupid accusations that get thrown out again and again. It’s actually very hard to lose as quickly and decisively as Trump has here. Again, I speak from experience.

At this point, the only reason this is even being discussed is 1) the likelihood of sanctions, bar complaints, and defamation lawsuits, 2) desperate idiots who just want to believe what they want to believe. In other words, ass holes, like Sydney Powell, the reason I brought this thread back. Don’t be an ass hole.
I can’t believe you pretend to be a lawyer. Just because you practice law doesn’t mean you know it or are an expert at it.

So many people have been convicted without video evidence. You know this is true. We have video evidence both with & without evidence of not only voter fraud but also foreign interference. Wake up & pretend for one minute that Trump won & there was all this evidence - thousands of affidavits signed by witnesses (who are equally both conservatives & liberals) & video evidence of Chinese/Russians printing ballots & committing voter fraud as well as video proof that votes were illegally hidden & counted in Georgia. You know damned well you’d claim he won illegally due to voter fraud & that it can be proven in court!

Friggin white liberals, I swear. They’re finna ruin this country.
That’s just not how it works. If you want to prove fraud, there is an incredibly high standard of proof. It’s just how the law has always worked. They don’t have any admissible evidence to prove fraud. In fact, they have the opposite of it: plain garbage.

As someone who successfully litigates fraud issues often, I can tell you that you generally have the evidence at the outset of the case. If you don’t, you have some sort of reasonable belief of what you don’t have that they won’t give you. You tell the Court that and they order it compelled to you. It’s not a complicated concept to grasp.

These idiots have no evidence or even a reasonable belief of what they need in discovery. They just make stupid accusations that get thrown out again and again. It’s actually very hard to lose as quickly and decisively as Trump has here. Again, I speak from experience.

At this point, the only reason this is even being discussed is 1) the likelihood of sanctions, bar complaints, and defamation lawsuits, 2) desperate idiots who just want to believe what they want to believe. In other words, ass holes, like Sydney Powell, the reason I brought this thread back. Don’t be an ass hole.
Questioning causes you to think of someone as an asshole? If you thought someone committed a crime and you were the prosecutor or the victim, why would you stop pursuing justice via the court system?
That’s just not how it works. If you want to prove fraud, there is an incredibly high standard of proof. It’s just how the law has always worked. They don’t have any admissible evidence to prove fraud. In fact, they have the opposite of it: plain garbage.

As someone who successfully litigates fraud issues often, I can tell you that you generally have the evidence at the outset of the case. If you don’t, you have some sort of reasonable belief of what you don’t have that they won’t give you. You tell the Court that and they order it compelled to you. It’s not a complicated concept to grasp.

These idiots have no evidence or even a reasonable belief of what they need in discovery. They just make stupid accusations that get thrown out again and again. It’s actually very hard to lose as quickly and decisively as Trump has here. Again, I speak from experience.

At this point, the only reason this is even being discussed is 1) the likelihood of sanctions, bar complaints, and defamation lawsuits, 2) desperate idiots who just want to believe what they want to believe. In other words, ass holes, like Sydney Powell, the reason I brought this thread back. Don’t be an ass hole.
Voter fraud is very hard to detect
. We have an open ystem which is volernable to undetected fraud and mistakes.
Questioning causes you to think of someone as an asshole? If you thought someone committed a crime and you were the prosecutor or the victim, why would you stop pursuing justice via the court system?

No, repeatedly losing with the same bad arguments makes you an asshole. It’s over. You can’t win. I take it you guys are used to that. I mean, you bragged about playing for Keith Burns.

But wasting people’s time with this quixotic, racist crap won’t change it.
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No, repeatedly losing with the same bad arguments makes you an asshole. It’s over. You can’t win. I take it you guys are used to that. I mean, you bragged about playing for Keith Burns.

But wasting people’s time with this quixotic, racist crap won’t change it.
Are you saying our alumni who had the privilege to play football under Keith Burns shouldn’t be proud of that accomplishment?

Unbelievable. You really are an asshole. That’s OK, though, Trump isn’t going anywhere.

It’s so funny watching liberals thinking they won & act like they’ve always been on the right side of history. These pu$$ies would tap out so fast if they actually try to remove our beloved & duly elected president. Actually, I take that back because to tap out you have to actually be in the fight first. They never were the in the fight & these white liberals, they damned sure won’t be able to stomach real war should it come to a fight.
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No, repeatedly losing with the same bad arguments makes you an asshole. It’s over. You can’t win. I take it you guys are used to that. I mean, you bragged about playing for Keith Burns.

But wasting people’s time with this quixotic, racist crap won’t change it.
Who’d you play for? Oh, that’s right - You didn’t.
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