Mike Flynn

This is a last ditch effort & everyone knows it. That’s why you hear crickets.

Let me ask you this: should Joe Biden (after saying he wasn’t in the late December ‘16 or early Jan ‘17 Oval Office meeting with Obama, Yates, Rice, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, etc) say that he did not personally make an unmasking request for Flynn? Or is he supposed to say that he did attend that meeting (it was early January 2017 - I’m not taking the time to look it up but it was either late December early January, regardless he requested the unmasking of Flynn himself on Jan 5 or Jan 6 2017 - same day the story broke on fake news?). Is he supposed to admit he doesn’t remember the meeting nor the request to unmask Flynn?

Either way, he’s done. Catch 22.

Ironically, I don’t care because (as I have been saying over & over again) that this is just the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. That’s why Gold is quiet. That’s why Uredskin is quiet. Everyone is shouting crickets.

That judge has been trying to Railroad Gen Flynn nonstop - a 33yr military veteran who has served our country, this judge’s country & YOUR country honorably & with dignity.

Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI. That’s why Obama called that meeting - he said continue pursuing RAZOR. You’ll see.

I know you’re slower than some of these other guys that I group you in with but you’re smarter than to still cling to hope.

Instead of crickets re: Flynn, want to change the subject.

Is Bill Gates a doctor? I know he IDENTIFIES as a doctor, but is he a doctor?

Is Bill Gates immune from prosecution? Could he possibly be guilty of something like racketeering? What about violating the Logan Act? Is that possible? Or is he just so rich that he’s untouchable? They said the same thing about Trump (innocent) & Epstein (got touched twice.)

Don’t worry, I know it’s a lot to take in from one post. I said there is more DECLAS to follow. Thus, I will probably make another post suggesting what I’m talking about that’s not related to Flynn.

However, the crickets are here. You know it, they know it. I know, it sucks to lose. It sucks to be wrong. I get it. Life doesn’t always work out the way you imagine it will. More DECLAS coming & I’m serious - I know things y’all don’t & y’all will have to seriously take an honest look in the mirror if you value your conscience / character as a human being.
Really? How do you sue the government for a guilty plea? Ever ever heard of sovereign immunity? Tell what the standard is to sue a media outlet for libel? Oh wait. You don’t know what the eff you are taking about.

Just quit. You aren’t smart and no one likes you.
What’s that?
Really? How do you sue the government for a guilty plea? Ever ever heard of sovereign immunity? Tell what the standard is to sue a media outlet for libel? Oh wait. You don’t know what the eff you are taking about.

Just quit. You aren’t smart and no one likes you.
You better get used to it quickly. Seriously, you’re going to have to concede defeat. I’ve been telling you guys this for a while now. It’s clear I know more than y’all when it comes to this. Come with something, at least. Anything other than crickets. It’s poor optics on your end.
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This is a last ditch effort & everyone knows it. That’s why you hear crickets.

Let me ask you this: should Joe Biden (after saying he wasn’t in the late December ‘16 or early Jan ‘17 Oval Office meeting with Obama, Yates, Rice, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, etc) say that he did not personally make an unmasking request for Flynn? Or is he supposed to say that he did attend that meeting (it was early January 2017 - I’m not taking the time to look it up but it was either late December early January, regardless he requested the unmasking of Flynn himself on Jan 5 or Jan 6 2017 - same day the story broke on fake news?). Is he supposed to admit he doesn’t remember the meeting nor the request to unmask Flynn?

Either way, he’s done. Catch 22.

Ironically, I don’t care because (as I have been saying over & over again) that this is just the beginning. The tip of the iceberg. That’s why Gold is quiet. That’s why Uredskin is quiet. Everyone is shouting crickets.

That judge has been trying to Railroad Gen Flynn nonstop - a 33yr military veteran who has served our country, this judge’s country & YOUR country honorably & with dignity.

Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI. That’s why Obama called that meeting - he said continue pursuing RAZOR. You’ll see.

I know you’re slower than some of these other guys that I group you in with but you’re smarter than to still cling to hope.

Instead of crickets re: Flynn, want to change the subject.

Is Bill Gates a doctor? I know he IDENTIFIES as a doctor, but is he a doctor?

Is Bill Gates immune from prosecution? Could he possibly be guilty of something like racketeering? What about violating the Logan Act? Is that possible? Or is he just so rich that he’s untouchable? They said the same thing about Trump (innocent) & Epstein (got touched twice.)

Don’t worry, I know it’s a lot to take in from one post. I said there is more DECLAS to follow. Thus, I will probably make another post suggesting what I’m talking about that’s not related to Flynn.

However, the crickets are here. You know it, they know it. I know, it sucks to lose. It sucks to be wrong. I get it. Life doesn’t always work out the way you imagine it will. More DECLAS coming & I’m serious - I know things y’all don’t & y’all will have to seriously take an honest look in the mirror if you value your conscience / character as a human being.
Update me on how your rumblings of war with China are going.
Update me on how your rumblings of war with China are going.
I don’t want us to go to war with China. However, it may have been a long time coming when it comes to the everyday, regular US citizens that have been sold out by previous administrations. As soon as Trump won we may have made the choice (albeit unwittingly) to face war with China. It’s no secret China wants to take us out - they want us all dead & if not for the 2nd amendment you better believe they would’ve already invaded this country as they fulfill their dream of becoming the new global superpower. They are still trying to invade the USA but not directly - they have to do it under the guise of the UN... Just a few months ago they were saying how bad it is that USA has the 2nd amendment. Why would they say that publicly? Why would they care? They don’t even care about their own citizens, only money & power.

back to Flynn, you do realize that the judge you cited is the same judge that wouldn’t allow Sidney Powell to obtain full discovery from Flynn’s original lawyers (which were corruptly recommended to him & hyped by everyone he knew as the best law firm in DC,) right? It was because Eric Holder (Obama’s former corrupt AG - fast & furious doesn’t scratch the surface of how corrupt Holder & Obama were.). That judge is corrupt. We all know it.

The current administration is doing everything they can to avoid war with China but those in the know with real knowledge of what’s going on both domestically & geopolitically, etc are aware that there war with China is all but inevitable.

I admit when I’m wrong. You could do the same & admit that y’all were all wrong about Flynn. Writing is on the wall. It doesn’t have to be legible & you don’t even have to be have to be literate to read it.
Help me out @Rippen, I'm not real sure what subpeonas really are. Could you fill me in? You seem to have an innate legal sensibility.
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Help me out @Rippen, I'm not real sure what subpeonas really are. Could you fill me in? You seem to have an innate legal sensibility.
Beats yours & Gold’s...

“One had to search far and wide to find a non-conservative legal analyst willing to say the obvious, i.e. that Sullivan’s decision was the kind one would expect from a judge in Belarus.” Lol y’all are getting clowned in dunked on so hard right now. The leftist cancel culture has been defeated. And Gen Mike Flynn finna be legal? LOL YALL ARE DEADED BUT KEEP COMING BACK!

I know y’all are the type to beg for that COVID vax, too... ok, you can have that mark of the beast. Not me.
Lol all joke aside it’s over & y’all lost. That’s why Gold hasn’t said a single thing since Monday in this thread. He knows. You should, too, Gmon
That’s why Gold can only post some satanic video - he really has nothing to say. If he did it would be boardal combat & I would FINISH HIM! And he knows it, too. Lol
Y’all have been duped by a fake president (not the current one), fake news, fake investigations (Mueller,) fake FBI agents on the 7th floor in DC & fake fodder. Get over it. Y’all lost.
now you have liberal governors abandoning civil liberties, the aclu is now a joke & one day this era will fill history books, dare I say one that’s called “Journalism ****ed up 101.” I’m talking textbooks about how y’all fell for it hook line & sinker & not one ounce of it was true.
By the way, when it comes to China - it’s not just China. It’s also people in the USA that have caused this event 201 nonsense. China managed to muck it up, as usual - it was supposed to be way worse than it is. But make no mistake, they have infiltrated every corner of our universities & research facilities. Why else do you see people pushing “calling it the Chinese virus” or the “Wuhan virus” is racist. I have news for you - Chinese & Wuhan are NOT EVEN A RACE! Yet people are spewing this on mainstream news. It’s a joke. Too many people have been bought out by China & love money/power too much.
As I’ve said before, you’d be hard pressed to find a university near you that has not been infiltrated by China. Many of them have been turned into straight up Confucius institutes. We have professors all over the country being arrested for treason. They’re calling it fraud but we know it’s treason. Harvard. Even UofA Fayetteville. I’m not surprised as many of my profs’ TAs that were from China/Asia COULD NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. We would be sitting there in a 3000 level class not understanding the teacher... I even complained about it to my advisor (of course, to no avail.)
I guess you are not the legalese mind I thought you were, I really wanted to get your take on the definition of subpeonas.
I guess you are not the legalese mind I thought you were, I really wanted to get your take on the definition of subpeonas.
I mean what do you want to know, though? Everyone knows you can get around them if you really want to (especially with COVID) avoid them. Also, many people don’t know that congressional subpoenas aren’t the same as one issued by the state or even federal government - another thing many people don’t understand as congress is federal but it’s not federal court. Meaning federal court holds more power. I’m not trying to get into semantics but what do you want to know, specifically?
Bill & Melinda are not doctors nor experts in vax. Who mentioned vax in the same breath as population control? I thought the vax is supposed to save you from dying?

These people are not smart.
I mean what do you want to know, though? Everyone knows you can get around them if you really want to (especially with COVID) avoid them. Also, many people don’t know that congressional subpoenas aren’t the same as one issued by the state or even federal government - another thing many people don’t understand as congress is federal but it’s not federal court. Meaning federal court holds more power. I’m not trying to get into semantics but what do you want to know, specifically?
I didn't ask for a definition of a subpoena, I asked for your definition of subpeonas.

I thought subpeonas were like your balls, dudette.(I'm speaking in phonetics here.)

Not really yours ya know, but maybe like somebody else's for sure.
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I didn't ask for a definition of a subpoena, I asked for your definition of subpeonas.

I thought subpeonas were like your balls, dudette.

Not really yours ya know, but maybe like somebody else's for sure.
Lol... good one

I know everything in that link. The point is Flynn did not lie. POTUS tells Biden/Comey/Brennan/Clapper/Yates to pursue RAZOR (Flynn.) then FBI CONTINUES investigation into Flynn even though they said he wasn’t lying. Next day Biden requests unmasking. Same day Washington post story drops.

What a beautiful dark sky.

Storm no longer approaching.
If you care about this country & aren’t one of these sheep, you ought to know when to speak, when to laugh, when to cry, when to shut up & when to pray.

Yeah you convince yourself Flynn didn't lie, Flynn couldn't convince himself he didn't lie, that's why he admitted to it several times.
Must be all your black buddies.
That sounds a bit racist?

All you need to do is look at the CA 25th district. They had mail-in voting & saw Mike Garcia was winning in a landslide so they decided to open up polling booths. He still won 2-1.

Everyone should pray Trump wins. If he doesn’t this country will experience something none of us have ever imagined.
That was a joke, by the way - I know you’re not racist. I do want you know what it’s like to be falsely accused of being racist, though. Most white people are getting fed up with it.

Also, I must say it looks like I was wrong on the Arbery case. I just saw a dude attack a legal gun owner & feloniously assault (punch) him while trying to take his weapon. I’d be saying the same thing if the races were reversed or not. The guys will likely walk due to lack of evidence (which is crazy bc there is a ton of evidence) except for the possibility of that GA law re: citizen arrest. Honestly, I don’t think I was wrong because you don’t fight someone with a gun & expect to not get shot but then again Arbery did it as smart as one could if they were threaded except they weren’t feloniously pointing a weapon at him or even pointing it at him at all. But according to GA law they shouldn’t have been there.
That was a joke, by the way - I know you’re not racist. I do want you know what it’s like to be falsely accused of being racist, though. Most white people are getting fed up with it.

Also, I must say it looks like I was wrong on the Arbery case. I just saw a dude attack a legal gun owner & feloniously assault (punch) him while trying to take his weapon. I’d be saying the same thing if the races were reversed or not. The guys will likely walk due to lack of evidence (which is crazy bc there is a ton of evidence) except for the possibility of that GA law re: citizen arrest. Honestly, I don’t think I was wrong because you don’t fight someone with a gun & expect to not get shot but then again Arbery did it as smart as one could if they were threaded except they weren’t feloniously pointing a weapon at him or even pointing it at him at all. But according to GA law they shouldn’t have been there.
Almost sounded like a real admission of fault, which would have been commendable in the whole scheme of things. That is until you muddied the waters halfway through it.

I played with you long enough to get bored. I'm putting the ignore on. One more down for the count. Pretty soon you'll be ranting and raving into the void with no one to even read or hear your vile words.
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Almost sounded like a real admission of fault, which would have been commendable in the whole scheme of things. That is until you muddied the waters halfway through it.

I played with you long enough to get bored. I'm putting the ignore on. One more down for the count. Pretty soon you'll be ranting and raving into the void with no one to even read or hear your vile words.
Actually, no. It has come out that the corrupt police department actually delegated their duty of apprehending the suspect in that neighborhood (Arbery) to Greg McMichaels. Legally, that does not clear them or any wrongdoing HOWEVER, when you take into account he was a former LEO/investigator for the Glynn County DA, he was still thinking like a cop & had been told to apprehend this guy by the police, could you convince a hurt beyond reasonable doubt that he intended to break the law? I don’t think so.
So now Trump’s, I mean Flynn’s, fake tv lawyers are trying to appeal the judge not automatically dismissing the charges and have him removed. As someone who handles a significant amount of appellate work and has dealt with a number of judicial disqualification arguments, that’s absolutely not how you do that. These guys are idiots and I think the attorneys are likely getting sanctioned. There are specific processes you have to follow. They crapped all over that bed, and then every other bed they could fine.
I don’t know that I would call her fake, she’s ex DOJ and been lead counsel in over 500 appeals with 150 on the private side with a 20% reversal record. And a past president of the fifth circuit bar association. That’s pretty impressive.
So now Trump’s, I mean Flynn’s, fake tv lawyers are trying to appeal the judge not automatically dismissing the charges and have him removed. As someone who handles a significant amount of appellate work and has dealt with a number of judicial disqualification arguments, that’s absolutely not how you do that. These guys are idiots and I think the attorneys are likely getting sanctioned. There are specific processes you have to follow. They crapped all over that bed, and then every other bed they could fine.
You’d be trying to get Gen Flynn off the hook, too, if you were his lawyer. Stop lying. Nothing in the phone call was bad! In fact, it was perfect (sounds similar to made-up Ukrainegate) but they THREATENED HIS SON! THE ORIGINAL FBI 302s ARE GONE! AS IN DISAPPEARED! In the words of your preferred president, “Come on, man!”

If you look her up on google, her profession is listed as “tv producer.” These arguments she’s making, judicial recusal on appeal and appealing the “decision” not to automatically dismiss, are horse :crap: and you know it. I’ve met a lot of people who held offices who were morons, but she’s the chef’s kiss of idiots.
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