Mike Flynn

Unbelievable. You really are an asshole. That’s OK, though, Trump isn’t going anywhere.

It’s so funny watching liberals thinking they won & act like they’ve always been on the right side of history. These pu$$ies would tap out so fast if they actually try to remove our beloved & duly elected president.
Going to be so disappointed on Jan 20th.

Really funny to see someone denying the facts/believing non facts they see on the intertrons.

So gullible.

Go ahead make some more predictions that won't happen.
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No, repeatedly losing with the same bad arguments makes you an asshole. It’s over. You can’t win. I take it you guys are used to that. I mean, you bragged about playing for Keith Burns.

But wasting people’s time with this quixotic, racist crap won’t change it.
😂 Bragging about playing for Burns would be the equivalent of drinking bleach. There are 1 Mil ways to die but bragging about playing for him would never be something I would ever choose to do! 😂😂😂 Your insecurities are beginning to show. I imagine your failures in the courtroom and your personal life have soured you. Stay encouraged, keep trying, and never give up.
What a bunch of effing losers. Then again, that’s a life long theme for at least one of these posters.
What a bunch of effing losers. Then again, that’s a life long theme for at least one of these posters.
Lol 😂 I never got to apologize about your girlfriend back then. So I won’t start now 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I mean if bragging about a girl online 20 years ago makes you feel better about your life choices and inferior intellect, maybe Trump is the President for you. But for the vast majority of us, he’s not. And my college girlfriend had too many teeth to be your type.
I mean if bragging about a girl online 20 years ago makes you feel better about your life choices and inferior intellect, maybe Trump is the President for you. But for the vast majority of us, he’s not. And my college girlfriend had too many teeth to be your type.
Lol 😂 I really hit a nerve there......glad we got that about your girl out in the open! I was different back then! I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life reading about life choice and intellect. I’m pretty happy with my life 😂
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Lol 😂 I really hit a nerve there......glad we got that about your girl out in the open! I was different back then! I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life reading about life choice and intellect. I’m pretty happy with my life 😂

Sure you are. You belong to a cult of morons and can’t advance in life because you are truly freaking stupid. All you can do is make up crap about women you didn’t meet because you played for a 1-10 team.
Lol 😂 I really hit a nerve there......glad we got that about your girl out in the open! I was different back then! I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life reading about life choice and intellect. I’m pretty happy with my life 😂
This is ****ing epically awesome.
Sure you are. You belong to a cult of morons and can’t advance in life because you are truly freaking stupid. All you can do is make up crap about women you didn’t meet because you played for a 1-10 team.
Dude your fat ass never played any competitive sports in even high school. You really do look insecure af on here & it’s beyond blatant. Of course, anyone who has taken one look at you knows why you’re insecure. I wish I didn’t have to come to say it but you’re the one who started it with the personal attacks.

It is pretty hilarious he smashed your girl, though. That alone was worth it lmao
I still have Rippin blocked. Fo real, is he out of rehab? Did they release him back to his mom’s house? Again?
And back to the point, can we all stipulate Powell is the worst attorney in history? Are any of you defending this twit any longer?
It gets sad at the end of a con. There are always a few of the conned who cling and keep the faith until the bitter end because to admit to yourself that you’ve been duped at this point would just be humiliating. The lie must continue for the sake of their own self esteem, so the more obvious it is that things are over the more absurd and unhinged the claims will get.
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It gets sad at the end of a con. There are always a few of the conned who cling and keep the faith until the bitter end because to admit to yourself that you’ve been duped at this point would just be humiliating. The lie must continue for the sake of their own self esteem, so the more obvious it is that things are over the more absurd and unhinged the claims will get.
I think you just very acutely described the actions of the left very well over the past 4 yrs. They questioned bc it was their job to question. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the left should and will get the same level of scrutiny! We will have a lot of answers after the 23rd🎄
I think you just very acutely described the actions of the left very well over the past 4 yrs. They questioned bc it was their job to question. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the left should and will get the same level of scrutiny! We will have a lot of answers after the 23rd🎄
U will have jack sh*t on the 23rd cept your realization none of what you ever said came anywhere near to pass.
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It gets sad at the end of a con. There are always a few of the conned who cling and keep the faith until the bitter end because to admit to yourself that you’ve been duped at this point would just be humiliating. The lie must continue for the sake of their own self esteem, so the more obvious it is that things are over the more absurd and unhinged the claims will get.
Staying up late, drinking away your problems is exactly why I worry about you so much.
I don't know why your fake pretense of worry about me makes you feel like you got a thing on me, but shine on you cray cray diamond. Don't gaslight me for your addiction.
I'm thru playin wit u, I'm bored wit it. Sayonara.

Go get trash talked under the table by somebody else.

You keep bringing in personal things you don't know about me, and thinking you are going to get my goat.

Your fail is kinda funny.

I'll leave it to somebody else to make you look the fool, it's not hard. I'm sure somebody else will take up the mantle.
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Shon is projecting. He was the one drunk posting before 5 am. He knows he supported a moron for president. He knows he can’t really argue any of these issues coherently. Sad.

I mean he won’t even defend Mike Flynn or Powell. That’s what this thread is about. I have had my legal acumen challenged and virtually everything I said would happen actually happened. Compare that to Shon and others above.
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I'm thru playin wit u, I'm bored wit it. Sayonara.

Go get trash talked under the table by somebody else.

You keep bringing in personal things you don't know about me, and thinking you are going to get my goat.

Your fail is kinda funny.

I'll leave it to somebody else to make you look the fool, it's not hard. I'm sure somebody else will take up the mantle.
You do a good job of making yourself look foolish with your inability to speak proper English. Lol
Shon is projecting. He was the one drunk posting before 5 am. He knows he supported a moron for president. He knows he can’t really argue any of these issues coherently. Sad.

I mean he won’t even defend Mike Flynn or Powell. That’s what this thread is about. I have had my legal acumen challenged and virtually everything I said would happen actually happened. Compare that to Shon and others above.
Mike Flynn is a patriot & wasn’t guilty. In fact, the DoJ dropped the case bc he was pressured into pleading guilty by the FBI bc they threatened to go after his son!
I think you just very acutely described the actions of the left very well over the past 4 yrs. They questioned bc it was their job to question. Now the shoe is on the other foot and the left should and will get the same level of scrutiny! We will have a lot of answers after the 23rd🎄
Yesterday #VoteThemAllOut was trending on Twitter. I was shocked to see it. Of course, it all changed after Trump released his videos on his Twitter declaring to veto the Bill until they brought him one giving US citizens not only more money but also one that was cleaner, shorter & didn’t include all the special interests groups & corporate/foreign aid.

Even progressives, the far Leftist orange-man-bad “resistance” & Professors agreed with Trump.

I will never support any type of racism, but I will say this. I am a Nationalist. I have accepted as much to be true. If you don’t understand why those of us who are Nationalists choose to be so, I suggest you leave the country & go see how well the natives of your destination receive your presence in their country. Seriously, go anywhere. They will be able to pick you out as a native of the USA with shockingly quickness that you will wonder how they knew you were born in the USA before you even opened your mouth.

They can tell from the simplest things such a haircut, your blue jeans or your mannerisms. The biggest dead giveaway is often your shoes.

There is not one country on the planet fighting for the rights & future of white people - specifically straight, white men. Trump is by far the closest thing to it & likely the closest we will ever get.

It’s not that white people are wanting to be on top or think they’re better than any other race. It’s that we feel betrayed, forgotten & hated - especially those of us who were born after 1980. We are no longer welcome in our own country. After being the most generous of all races (& often getting punked for it) we are now told how awful we are. We are told how we are the biggest threat facing the USA - even bigger than radical Islamic extremist terrorists. We are told that our women shouldn’t give us the time of day - not that we need hear it as our women are already taught (indoctrinated) to think that we are the worst.

I was once told something at a young age by an elder & I didn’t understand it at the time. I was told “white people are nice - until they’re not.” I now understand that. I don’t blame other races, though, as I know where the blame belongs - square on the shoulda of white ****ing liberals. So I have two words to say to each & every one of you white liberals - F_CK YOU!

Seriously, this country would be so much better without white liberals. They pretend to support Malcolm X! LOL! MALCOLM X WARNED US OF YOU RACIST WHITE LIBERAL F_CKS!! Seriously, I dare any of you white liberals who claim to be admirers of Malcolm X & his work to go watch the videos of what he said about white liberals. He hit the nail on the head.
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Robert Hughes also called y’all white liberals out in 1993 for what you all want.

Yesterday #VoteThemAllOut was trending on Twitter. I was shocked to see it. Of course, it all changed after Trump released his videos on his Twitter declaring to veto the Bill until they brought him one giving US citizens not only more money but also one that was cleaner, shorter & didn’t include all the special interests groups & corporate/foreign aid.

Even progressives, the far Leftist orange-man-bad “resistance” & Professors agreed with Trump.

I will never support any type of racism, but I will say this. I am a Nationalist. I have accepted as much to be true. If you don’t understand why those of us who are Nationalists choose to be so, I suggest you leave the country & go see how well the natives of your destination receive your presence in their country. Seriously, go anywhere. They will be able to pick you out as a native of the USA with shockingly quickness that you will wonder how they knew you were born in the USA before you even opened your mouth.

They can tell from the simplest things such a haircut, your blue jeans or your mannerisms. The biggest dead giveaway is often your shoes.

There is not one country on the planet fighting for the rights & future of white people - specifically straight, white men. Trump is by far the closest thing to it & likely the closest we will ever get.

It’s not that white people are wanting to be on top or think they’re better than any other race. It’s that we feel betrayed, forgotten & hated - especially those of us who were born after 1980. We are no longer welcome in our own country. After being the most generous of all races (& often getting punked for it) we are now told how awful we are. We are told how we are the biggest threat facing the USA - even bigger than radical Islamic extremist terrorists. We are told that our women shouldn’t give us the time of day - not that we need hear it as our women are already taught (indoctrinated) to think that we are the worst.

I was once told something at a young age by an elder & I didn’t understand it at the time. I was told “white people are nice - until they’re not.” I now understand that. I don’t blame other races, though, as I know where the blame belongs - square on the shoulda of white ****ing liberals. So I have two words to say to each & every one of you white liberals - F_CK YOU!

Seriously, this country would be so much better without white liberals. They pretend to support Malcolm X! LOL! MALCOLM X WARNED US OF YOU RACIST WHITE LIBERAL F_CKS!! Seriously, I dare any of you white liberals who claim to be admirers of Malcolm X & his work to go watch the videos of what he said about white liberals. He hit the nail on the head.
This wasn’t directed at you, by the way, Shon. I just quoted you because I wanted those who have me blocked to see that I responded to you.

Also, to clarify, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS DESCRIPTION OF HOW MOST WHITE MILLENNIALS & GEN See’s FEEL - I agree with some of it. However, I was not sharing that information to inform anyone about which parts of those complains of white MILLEBNIAOS & Gen Z’ers with which I agree. Rather, I chose to inform those who read it so they will understand what could be coming our way in the near future.
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I can’t read any of that, but do enjoy your time out this week. It’s either your mom’s house or rehab next week. Just remember, obstructing a police officer is similar, but not as bad, as obstruction of justice. Either way, you’re a convicted criminal after you plead guilty, just like Michael Flynn. Good luck to you!
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I can’t read any of that, but do enjoy your time out this week. It’s either your mom’s house or rehab next week. Just remember, obstructing a police officer is similar, but not as bad, as obstruction of justice. Either way, you’re a convicted criminal after you plead guilty, just like Michael Flynn. Good luck to you!
Lmao about just wtf are you talking?!

obstructing an officer? Lmao wtf I’ve certainly been arrested more times than I can count (although not recently, I’ve got a super big D energy streak of almost 5 years strong going right now) but I don’t recall obstructing an officer being one of my arrests. Even if it was my record is clean you COWARD!
You do a good job of making yourself look foolish with your inability to speak proper English. Lol

They will be able to pick you out as a native of the USA with shockingly quickness that you will wonder how they knew you were born in the USA before you even opened your mouth.
Can't type proper English, AND can't meme/joke well.

I am referring to you, before you chime in with, 'that's what she said.'

Those who live in glass houses...
Can't type proper English, AND can't meme/joke well.

I am referring to you, before you chime in with 'that's what she said.'

Those who live in glass houses...
A comma before using “and,” how proper. Lol I don’t speak proper English but I certainly communicate effectively - hell, with a lot of people in my life I speak an entirely differently language. I only point it out to get on y’all’s nerves lol I thought that was clear by now...

Trolling aside, I do attempt to make it a habit to speak proper English.

A comma before using “and,” how proper. Lol I don’t speak proper English but I certainly communicate effectively - hell, with a lot of people in my life I speak an entirely differently language. I only point it out to get on y’all’s nerves lol I thought that was clear by now...

Trolling aside, I do attempt to make it a habit to speak proper English.
i don't give people :crap:over proper English on a silly sports board, you do.

You don't communicate effectively any more than I do. Actually you communicate less effectively than myself. It just makes u look silly criticizing my use of the English language, when you follow it with a no nothing diatribe on nationalism, with a sentence as incorrect as the one I pointed out.

It doesn't require me to point much of anything out, for u to look silly, but it sure is amusing.
Can't type proper English, AND can't meme/joke well.

I am referring to you, before you chime in with, 'that's what she said.'

Those who live in glass houses...
In all seriousness, we have been beyond crossing the point of counting heads. This is DEAD serious.

If we crossed that line in late 2018, what makes you think patriots in the government - particularly local, state & federal government (ESPECIALLY TRUMP) haven’t been doing the same?

Do you really think fewer people voted for Trump than Biden? When Biden couldn’t draw a dozen people to his rallies & Trump’s were overflowing with people willing to risk getting covid just to show support for their President Or do you prefer to call this a fair election & believe your lying eyes & ears?

Biden’s already discouraging people from showing up to the inauguration & trying to find a way to change it from the traditional event of Presidential Inauguration to doing it behind closed doors. Do you ever wonder why? He’s terrified because he knows it’ll be millions of Trump supporters there to protest & MAYBE 100 Biden voters if don’t count the 1 or 2 thousand ANTIFA/BLM jobless Biden supporters that the DNC pays to show up to the event!

He has already had to witness far more Trump voters showing up to his (staged) rallies than supporters of his own for months TO THE POINT HE PAID CAR DEALERSHIP OWNERS TO BRING CARS TO “OUTDOOR CAR RALLIES” TO MAKE IT APPEAR THAT HE HAD MORE THAN SINGLE DIGIT SUPPORTERS SHOW UP!

It got to him so bad that he actually called the exponentially larger crowd of Trump supporters “ugly” & “chumps” on different occasions!

Y’all need to step back & take a look at what’s really about to happen if Trump doesn’t get the 4 more years that he won. Put down your soy lattes & ask yourself if you have the stomach for what you’re asking.
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In all seriousness, we have been beyond crossing the point of counting heads. This is DEAD serious.

If we crossed that line in late 2018, what makes you think patriots in the government - particularly local, state & federal government (ESPECIALLY TRUMP) haven’t been doing the same?

Do you really think fewer people voted for Trump than Biden? When Biden couldn’t draw a dozen people to his rallies & Trump’s were overflowing with people willing to risk getting covid just to show support for their President Or do you prefer to call this a fair election & believe your lying eyes & ears?

Biden’s already discouraging people from showing up to the inauguration & trying to find a way to change it from the traditional event of Presidential Inauguration to doing it behind closed doors. Do you ever wonder why?

He has already had to witness far more Trump voters showing up to his (staged) rallies than supporters of his own for months TO THE POINT HE PAID CAR DEALERSHIP OWNERS TO BRING CARS TO “OUTDOOR CAR RALLIES” TO MAKE IT APPEAR THAT HE HAD MORE THAN SINGLE DIGIT SUPPORTERS SHOW UP!

It got to him so bad that he actually calles the exponentially larger crowd of Trump supporters “ugly” & “chumps” on different occasions!

Y’all need to step back & take a look at what’s really about to happen if Trump doesn’t get the 4 more years that he won. Put down your soy lattes & ask yourself if you have the stomach for what you’re wanting.
Nice series of Red Herring arguments.

Every one of them could be torn down in a flash, but it's not worth my time to make you look more foolish than is already evident.
What's sad is this board has gone in the crapper, since the trio of imbeciles raided it.

A comma before using “and,” how proper. Lol I don’t speak proper English but I certainly communicate effectively - hell, with a lot of people in my life I speak an entirely differently language. I only point it out to get on y’all’s nerves lol I thought that was clear by now...

Trolling aside, I do attempt to make it a habit to speak proper English.
"The most common coordinating conjunctions are and, but, and or. In certain cases, nor, yet, so, and for act as coordinating conjunctions. Rule: Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction that joins two independent clauses."

You need to coordinate your serials, and serial your coordinates.
I’ll tell YOU what’s too easy: just how FOOLISH y’all’s stupid liberal policies are & how many LIVES they RUIN!!!

They’ve certainly ruined the lives of too many of my loved ones... I lost count when I got to 40. That doesn’t include their families, girlfriends & friends.

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