Mike Flynn

I’ll tell YOU what’s too easy: just how FOOLISH y’all’s stupid liberal policies are & how many LIVES they RUIN!!!

It’s interesting how you don’t say anything about the points I made about the election. I know you won’t be able to say anything about my facts re: the havoc liberal/democrat policies wreak on communities all across this country.

Tell me this: can you explain why the places with the highest number of legal firearms per capita have the lowest numbers of violent crimes (specifically shootings & homicides) per capita?

No, you can’t explain that. It’s not just true in the USA, either - it’s true internationally in Switzerland, Mexico, Guatemala & even Brasil. I know there are more examples but that’s just off the top of my head.
Nice series of Red Herring arguments.

Every one of them could be torn down in a flash, but it's not worth my time to make you look more foolish than is already evident.
Tear just one down, then. I dare you.
Here is another example & I can keep going (y’all should like this since it’s a Muslim & y’all love them so much y’all want to let them free reign entry into this country) but I doubt you want that. Interesting how they don’t mention a description of the shooter - who remains at large - in this video. I can tell you right now it’s because the suspect description is that the shooter (killer) is black.

It is also another liberal hellhole.

Going back to the firefighter shot dead in Chiraq, here is the details the localnews media give the public after he was killed & before the (15 y/o) shooter was apprehended. No mention of suspect description other than the “distinctive” jacket (lie but that’s normal for libtards) - instead of saying it was a young 14-16 y/o black male they just say “please watch the video.”

Racist, stupid, white liberals with their stupid democrat policies just ruining American families’ lives on the daily while allowing any & everyone to enter the country at will.

It makes me sick. There is a special place in hell reserved for what white liberals have done to this country.

What great, liberal policies these violent crime infested cities signed into law by their wonderful Democrat leaders!
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Meanwhile, you libtards somehow overlook the fact that Trump has done more to protect children from child sex traffickers than any President in US history w/ arrests of child sex predators surpassing or Obama, Bush & Clinton - combined.

Child sex trafficking is what you libtards & establishment Republican mitt Romney loving/voting idiots support

We The People.


You butt lovers, butt brothers & kiddiediddlers already lost, y’all just don’t know it yet. You libtards that support these sexual deviants - even if it’s drag queen story hour or the lgbtq community in general - talk support child sex trafficking & child sexual abuse even if you don’t know it. Over 90% of gay men were sexually abused and/or raped as a minor BY AN ADULT MALE! You sick ****s... just wait!
I can’t comment on the substance of this subject specifically.

But I will clear a few things up:

1. iirc, shon signed for Rader and was a senior on the first Burns team. Regardless of his opinions, we all appreciate the pain and sweat that went into playing back then. It wasnt easy, losing, I’m sure. But that effort helped save Tulsa football. When it was on the brink. I’m sure we all understand we owe a special debt to the guys that played then. Their opinions are not greater than ours simply because they played, even on subjects related to football. But we should respect their contributions to the university. I don’t think its fair to attack someone over that and I think y’all will regret it later.

2. I’ve actually litigated election fraud cases in state and federal court. Unlike 99.9% of the lawyers who comment on it. I’ve won and Ive lost. In both cases there was an expedited discovery schedule due to the time sensitive nature of the subject. I haven’t followed these lawsuits during this cycle closely, but what little I’ve heard most of the motions seek lengthy discovery which isn’t really appropriate in this case. Gold alluded to the discovery process earlier and said you state a rational basis for what you want and you get it or the judge orders it. Some of the cases, what they want would take months to get. And that’s not really realistic in these cases. Whether that’s by design to extend the deadline for finalizing the election, I can’t speak to because I don’t know. I’m just pointing out that discovery deadlines that would take months to enforce in a regular case don’t work in election law. They are measured in hours and sometimes minutes. And that’s why some of these are bouncing quick. State authorities don’t have investigations open and one side is asking for broad authority snd document requests to essential start an investigation to determine if allegations they’ve received from third parties is true. That’s not really realistic in an election fraud case. And they are being bounced as fantastic not because there might not be evidence to support them but because there isn’t time to order that without causing chaos and not having proof in affidavits is a good excuse to boot it out of court.

Election fraud does exist in this country. I’ve proven it multiple times and I’ve proven it changed the outcomes of elections. Vote buying, absentee ballot theft, voter intimidation, dead voters, voting in multiple statesyou name it.

I’m not saying that happened here because I don’t know. I simply don’t. A lot of people think the claims are fake. They said the same things in 2017. Then a Republican got caught red handed in 2018 and went to prison. Suddenly election fraud existed.

The election was stolen in 1960. No reasonable person disputes that. Senior Democratic Party officials admitted it to the FBI and Congress in the late 60s once the statute of limitations had run. The fraud was in two states. In Texas, the fraud was direct and involved the manufacture of votes, vote buying and dead voters. In Illinois the fraud was more subtle and involved such gross incompetence in administration that local races could be controlled and in such a way that no colorable claims of fraud could be brought. It was run so poor in parts of the state you could tell 56 votes came from one house but not who cast them or how, etc. Fraud which deprived the public of a clear winner and therefore defrauded the declared loser. It’s the latter fraud that is most prevalent today, though both exists. The absence of direct proof early in an election review or the inability to present a concise evidentiary narrative of purposeful fraud that directly changes the outcome of the election at any point in the review doesn’t mean you didn’t have election fraud. You can defraud by depriving the loser a fair count and an ability to audit that count. It does make it easy to suggest it doesn’t exist to those who don’t want to believe that the American system might be flawed. Snd the protestations of government officials of both parties saying there’s no evidence of tampering is not dispositive. In my own personal experience I’ve seen government officials go on TV and say there were no irregularities when they knew there were. Nobody wants to say they screwed it up. No matter who benefits from it. Especially when they know they won’t be given the money to prevent it from happening next time. And the fact of the matter is that 2020 might be that next time. We won’t know for a while. The judicial and legislative and journalistic reviews of the 1960 election lasted seven years. And arguably continue to this day amongst a small group of academics. We may very well discover that some, maybe not all, of the President’s claims are true some day. The same network that told me Richard Jewell was 100% guilty and a crazy person who was delusional for denying it came back several years later snd said they were wrong. They were relying on the same institutions then that are their sources for saying this election was free from irregularities. Color me skeptical. Based on experience. It’s unlikely, I get that. But we’ve all seen the unlikely turn into truth down the road. Sometimes in court, sometimes not.
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1. iirc, shon signed for Rader and was a senior on the first Burns team. Regardless of his opinions, we all appreciate the pain and sweat that went into playing back then. It wasnt easy, losing, I’m sure. But that effort helped save Tulsa football. When it was on the brink. I’m sure we all understand we owe a special debt to the guys that played then. Their opinions are not greater than ours simply because they played, even on subjects related to football. But we should respect their contributions to the university. I don’t think its fair to attack someone over that and I think y’all will regret it later.
He attacked me on a bunch of personal issues, so I don't really give a crap about whether or not his playing for TU was attacked. He brought up my parents deaths, that trumps his playing for TU in my opinion.

I just find his opinions amusing, but scary. Not scary because he holds them, scary because I have seen others like him who hold those same unjustifiable opinions to be true. Just because the fraud might be true doesn't justify pulling bs sources that have no basis in truth, as proof. He is allowing himself to be manipulated by those sources.

The sources and articles which might justify actual proof don't exist yet. As you say, those issues require many months/years to come out with real justification.
He attacked me on a bunch of personal issues, so I don't really give a crap about whether or not his playing for TU was attacked. He brought up my parents deaths, that trumps his playing for TU in my opinion.

I just find his opinions amusing, but scary. Not scary because he holds them, scary because I have seen others like him who hold those same unjustifiable opinions to be true. Just because the fraud might be true doesn't justify pulling bs sources that have no basis in truth, as proof. He is allowing himself to be manipulated by those sources.

The sources and articles which might justify actual proof don't exist yet. As you say, those issues require many months/years to come out with real justification.
Y’all are free to go after each other’s throats over personal stuff. Like your parents. I was just pointing out that he likely didn’t brag about playing for Burns. He had no choice. He might have bragged about playing and he should be allowed to do it. Just being in there for one play is an achievement.
Y’all are free to go after each other’s throats over personal stuff. Like your parents. I was just pointing out that he likely didn’t brag about playing for Burns. He had no choice. He might have bragged about playing and he should be allowed to do it. Just being in there for one play is an achievement.
I didn't bring up my parents, he did. That eliminates any safeguards the board might have given him about his playing days. It didn't matter about whether he bragged about it. I was forced to deal with my parents deaths as well, I didn't have any choice in the matter. As I said before, my parents deaths trumps his playing for Burns/Rader. And I might add, it was not me who brought up his playing days first.

It seems like you are justifying his actions, and trying to protect him from any insults he might have had over his playing days, but any other personal issues are ok. That's an out of bounds protection imo. Once he brings up that other stuff, then his playing days and any other personal issue are up for grabs. You can't attack on an issue as serious as that that, and expect any issue to be out of bounds. Luckily I am not sensitive to an issue like that, but he didn't know that, or he wouldn't have brought up the issue in the first place.

I'm letting this issue go after this post. It's not important enough to dissect any further.
Go Hurricane!
I didn't bring up my parents, he did. That eliminates any safeguards the board might have given him about his playing days. It didn't matter about whether he bragged about it. I was forced to deal with my parents deaths as well, I didn't have any choice in the matter. As I said before, my parents deaths trumps his playing for Burns/Rader. And I might add, it was not me who brought up his playing days first.

It seems like you are justifying his actions, and trying to protect him from any insults he might have had over his playing days, but any other personal issues are ok. That's an out of bounds protection imo. Once he brings up that other stuff, then his playing days and any other personal issue are up for grabs. You can't attack on an issue as serious as that that, and expect any issue to be out of bounds. Luckily I am not sensitive to an issue like that, but he didn't know that, or he wouldn't have brought up the issue in the first place.

I'm letting this issue go after this post. It's not important enough to dissect any further.
Go Hurricane!
This is exactly why you need help. I have repeatedly pointed out to you that you are suffering from severs depression and stress and need profession help to get through this hard time in your life. Stop lying and playing the victim. You are not! You asked me in one post if I was referencing your parents when I pointed out your depression. You acted as if I knew you or your family situation. I don’t! Do you remember my response to your question about your parents ? I said this wasn’t an appropriate place to talk about. You pushed even harder. I’m sorry you lost your parents. As I said before, I too have experienced this loss but insulting me won’t bring them back. The drunk rants, looking to pick fights is your sad cry for help and it should stop. However if you choose to continue with this destructive behavior you should know by now, I will not back down and I am not intimidated. I will be your Huckleberry!
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I can’t comment on the substance of this subject specifically.

But I will clear a few things up:

1. iirc, shon signed for Rader and was a senior on the first Burns team. Regardless of his opinions, we all appreciate the pain and sweat that went into playing back then. It wasnt easy, losing, I’m sure. But that effort helped save Tulsa football. When it was on the brink. I’m sure we all understand we owe a special debt to the guys that played then. Their opinions are not greater than ours simply because they played, even on subjects related to football. But we should respect their contributions to the university. I don’t think its fair to attack someone over that and I think y’all will regret it later.

2. I’ve actually litigated election fraud cases in state and federal court. Unlike 99.9% of the lawyers who comment on it. I’ve won and Ive lost. In both cases there was an expedited discovery schedule due to the time sensitive nature of the subject. I haven’t followed these lawsuits during this cycle closely, but what little I’ve heard most of the motions seek lengthy discovery which isn’t really appropriate in this case. Gold alluded to the discovery process earlier and said you state a rational basis for what you want and you get it or the judge orders it. Some of the cases, what they want would take months to get. And that’s not really realistic in these cases. Whether that’s by design to extend the deadline for finalizing the election, I can’t speak to because I don’t know. I’m just pointing out that discovery deadlines that would take months to enforce in a regular case don’t work in election law. They are measured in hours and sometimes minutes. And that’s why some of these are bouncing quick. State authorities don’t have investigations open and one side is asking for broad authority snd document requests to essential start an investigation to determine if allegations they’ve received from third parties is true. That’s not really realistic in an election fraud case. And they are being bounced as fantastic not because there might not be evidence to support them but because there isn’t time to order that without causing chaos and not having proof in affidavits is a good excuse to boot it out of court.

Election fraud does exist in this country. I’ve proven it multiple times and I’ve proven it changed the outcomes of elections. Vote buying, absentee ballot theft, voter intimidation, dead voters, voting in multiple statesyou name it.

I’m not saying that happened here because I don’t know. I simply don’t. A lot of people think the claims are fake. They said the same things in 2017. Then a Republican got caught red handed in 2018 and went to prison. Suddenly election fraud existed.

The election was stolen in 1960. No reasonable person disputes that. Senior Democratic Party officials admitted it to the FBI and Congress in the late 60s once the statute of limitations had run. The fraud was in two states. In Texas, the fraud was direct and involved the manufacture of votes, vote buying and dead voters. In Illinois the fraud was more subtle and involved such gross incompetence in administration that local races could be controlled and in such a way that no colorable claims of fraud could be brought. It was run so poor in parts of the state you could tell 56 votes came from one house but not who cast them or how, etc. Fraud which deprived the public of a clear winner and therefore defrauded the declared loser. It’s the latter fraud that is most prevalent today, though both exists. The absence of direct proof early in an election review or the inability to present a concise evidentiary narrative of purposeful fraud that directly changes the outcome of the election at any point in the review doesn’t mean you didn’t have election fraud. You can defraud by depriving the loser a fair count and an ability to audit that count. It does make it easy to suggest it doesn’t exist to those who don’t want to believe that the American system might be flawed. Snd the protestations of government officials of both parties saying there’s no evidence of tampering is not dispositive. In my own personal experience I’ve seen government officials go on TV and say there were no irregularities when they knew there were. Nobody wants to say they screwed it up. No matter who benefits from it. Especially when they know they won’t be given the money to prevent it from happening next time. And the fact of the matter is that 2020 might be that next time. We won’t know for a while. The judicial and legislative and journalistic reviews of the 1960 election lasted seven years. And arguably continue to this day amongst a small group of academics. We may very well discover that some, maybe not all, of the President’s claims are true some day. The same network that told me Richard Jewell was 100% guilty and a crazy person who was delusional for denying it came back several years later snd said they were wrong. They were relying on the same institutions then that are their sources for saying this election was free from irregularities. Color me skeptical. Based on experience. It’s unlikely, I get that. But we’ve all seen the unlikely turn into truth down the road. Sometimes in court, sometimes not.
Yes, never berate someone because of who their coach was & TU fball truly was about to be 86’d from the university but wasn’t due to the effort guys on those teams!

Some of those best players in the history of the program played for those teams!

Blankenship, Shoals, Eric Richardson? Chris Earnest. Kilian. Gooch. Barnett. THE LANDRUM LEAP!!

I could keep going. Actually, in fact, I will!


How dare someone blast that team while pretending to be a fan of TU?!
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He attacked me on a bunch of personal issues, so I don't really give a crap about whether or not his playing for TU was attacked. He brought up my parents deaths, that trumps his playing for TU in my opinion.

I just find his opinions amusing, but scary. Not scary because he holds them, scary because I have seen others like him who hold those same unjustifiable opinions to be true. Just because the fraud might be true doesn't justify pulling bs sources that have no basis in truth, as proof. He is allowing himself to be manipulated by those sources.

The sources and articles which might justify actual proof don't exist yet. As you say, those issues require many months/years to come out with real justification.
Just like the proof that socialism works? Which country was that where it worked?

Dude, the war is over. Y’all (the pu$$ies) lost generations ago. It’s not changing. Get used to it, already!
I didn't bring up my parents, he did. That eliminates any safeguards the board might have given him about his playing days. It didn't matter about whether he bragged about it. I was forced to deal with my parents deaths as well, I didn't have any choice in the matter. As I said before, my parents deaths trumps his playing for Burns/Rader. And I might add, it was not me who brought up his playing days first.

It seems like you are justifying his actions, and trying to protect him from any insults he might have had over his playing days, but any other personal issues are ok. That's an out of bounds protection imo. Once he brings up that other stuff, then his playing days and any other personal issue are up for grabs. You can't attack on an issue as serious as that that, and expect any issue to be out of bounds. Luckily I am not sensitive to an issue like that, but he didn't know that, or he wouldn't have brought up the issue in the first place.

I'm letting this issue go after this post. It's not important enough to dissect any further.
Go Hurricane!
Au contraríe, you clearly are sensitive to all of it! Wipe the sand out of your Vag already & get used to being bullied for the simple fact you can’t stand up for yourself outside of typing some keys on the keypad/keyboard! THE WAR IS OVER! IT HAS BEEN OVER SINCE THE 1700s!!! THE PU$$IES LOST! BLUTTY HELL!
We come on here to talk about politics and issues facing our country.

Perhaps it would be better if both of you decided to stand down.
Stand down? Never.

4 MORE YEARS!!!! Get ready!!!! They’re coming!!!!!

We come on here to talk about politics and issues facing our country.

Perhaps it would be better if both of you decided to stand down.
I'm just hoping they peter out after Trump gets out of office. Alas, that probably won't happen. Remember when the only thing we had to deal with was Watu's reading list, and Aston's desire for a constitutional amendment?
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If the dems get control of the senate, get ready for a whole lot of feel good legislation.

Packed with pork.

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