Mike Flynn

How is it a black eye for FBI? That’s a separate entity from special counsel’s office that prosecuted this and obtained a guilty plea. A judge reviewed the plea and found it was supported. It’s a black eye for DOJ and AG’s office, especially when Trump pardons Barr on his way out this winter.
Are you serious? How is this not a black eye for the FBI???
Also, the court ordered (in favor of Sidney Powell) that Flynn’s previous representatives & partners hand over specifically the cell phone records/texts/emails of one Eric Holder! You know, the guy who killed Nipsey Hussle? My bad *cough* this Rona messing with my head - not that Eric holder. The Eric Holder as in Obama admin AG. That law firm (that previously represented Flynn) refused. The corrupt judge seemingly accepted their lame excuse that it “take too much time.”

And yet, there will always be tools who claim AG Barr (by now responsible for more child sex trafficking arrests in US history) is some kind of criminal or something... yeah, right!
There are very few checks and balance for systematic unethical behavior by the FBI especially at the upper levels. Especially for those of us without high level political connections. My view comes from the unique ability of the FBI to ruin people’s lives at the minimum and take away their liberties at the extreme because of personal or professional bias. Comey, McCabe, on down to individual agents have been a bad look for the Bureau. Trump’s mess will thankfully get cleaned up in six months. The FBI needs an overhaul as well.

I’ve not once said that Flynn shouldn’t serve time if he committed criminal acts. However, one person lying to the FBI is of much less concern for me as what appears to have been a culture of unethical behavior by our most trusted investigative and criminal enforcement body due to the risk to all of us.
Unfortunately, this is the truth. The FBI has tolerated a parallel culture of lawlessness in its administration and ranks since its inception. Whether it is Hoover inventing laws he needed, creating a bogus culture of supercops who are unfoulable, repeatedly relying on junk science to convict that they knew was questionable, or the systematic deprivation of exculpatory information to convict based on a their own theories of what happened “I’m not trying to convict him of bank fraud, so I don’t have to turn the notes of the bank fraud investigation in this public corruption case where six agents from three federal agencies and the Texas Rangers all say the guy is guilty of nothing except pissing off the Mayor”. Etc.

Put down the papers written by people either flat out bought by the left or duped into doing their business for them for free. There are elements of the FBI and DOJ that many people have been calling a continuing criminal conspiracy for decades. You can’t say that DOJ is politicized for the first time ever and then write that MLK was victimized for the political surveillance on him. You can’t say this is the first time that DOJ has filed a motion to set aside a criminal proceeding against a prominent Republican because of politically motivated overreach. Eric Holder of all people did it in the Ted Stevens case. For those of you unfamiliar, the facts are basically the same but Senator Stevens, after 40 years in the Senate, a WWII vet, refused to cop a plea, was convicted and later exonerated by both DOJ and Special Counsel investigations. The judge in the case, that presided over the jury trial, said it was the worst government misconduct he had ever seen. A judge said that about his own political show trial.

Brady material is Brady material. You don’t hold it back. Gold you know better than most that you make pre-trial decisions based on what will AND cannot be presented. Rolling the bones on forty years on a theory you are being railroaded isn’t an option if you have an option to lie and likely escape custody time. It happens dozens of times everyday. You can’t lament the plight of the underclass being unable to defend themselves in court and being coerced into pleading guilty and then claim this guy wasn’t coerced as well.

This type of behavior will continue until these folks start going to jail for what they’ve done, instead of $300,000 a year law firm jobs with left wing big firms.
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It sure sounds like something designed to undermine faith in institutions that effectively perform counter intelligence. And it just happens to involve one of the most egregious counter intelligence investigations ever. Keep your eye on the ball. He’s guilty and even his former boss said it. I’m not naive enough to believe FBI is perfect, but I also know some people in Russia who sure hate it. I will stand by our people over that mob any day.

I’m enjoying how the GOP is no longer the law and order party. And all of a sudden, there’s all this sympathy for a guilty criminal defendant when there are countless others in the same system who have been screwed, for dumb things like drugs. What exactly is Trump doing to reform the FBI, other than antagonizing people on Twitter?

Barr is absolutely terrible. The interview with CBS yesterday was some sort of Roy Cohn/ Thasymachus community theater project. You don’t even touch that. I’ll be nice there.

I’m still not hearing what the FBI did that was wrong. You talk about Ted Stevens, but that’s a non sequitur. The information I’ve read about the case at issue actually shows the opposite. Fake tv attorney dipchit says some words. (The words actually show liability and no wrongdoing.) That doesn’t convict the FBI or exonerate the liar. The only specific thing they have pointed to are some notes written in handwriting that aren’t identified to any author. Uh huh . .

YOU INTENTIONALLY DO NOT RESPOND TO THE FACT THAT THE COURT ALREADY MADE A FINDING THAT THE LIE WAS MATERIAL. Courts don’t just change their mind on that, especially independent minded judges like this. We had a multi-million dollar case in front of a very friendly judge for me. He had entered a judgment already, but it was basically a default and the facts were very screwy. Love the man, but he wouldn’t change his mind. That’s pretty consistent across the board.

No one with actual credentials and credibility in the federal criminal bar is defending this. And I stand by bet that the conviction remains. I had this happen to a client once, albeit in much less intriguing circumstances.
The judge has to make a finding there’s a factual basis for the plea. They rely on the elocution of the defendant to do that. That’s why you have to stand up and say exactly what you did. And then the judge just ratifies that. So if you stand up and lie to the judge to avoid prison, you embarrass yourself and the judge and the system if that turns out to be a lie. Which is what happened here. He might be a bad person, I don’t know. But he took the plea to avoid a trial that was stacked against him because DOJ was sitting on evidence that may have helped him at trial. You just don’t do that.

And so what if he confessed? I had a client that confessed to murder to avoid the death penalty that was later released due to DNA testing. People lie every day in court to avoid adverse outcomes. Sadly, even judges and lawyers do it in isolated cases. You know that.

And as for politicization, to my knowledge Bill Barr isn’t scheduling secret meetings with high profile political figures while their wife is under investigation.
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Here’s the big one (that refutes everything Gold has said about this “case” that’s since been dropped):

Obama, Yates, Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Susan Rice JAMES COMEY THEY ALL COORDINATED THIS!!!

So, what do you have to say now, Gold? This thread sure aged well lol even for you, Gold!

This is just the beginning. The tip of the iceberg is what this is. More declassifications to follow en masse. Get ready to no longer claim moral high ground on anything Obama & realize you are on the wrong side.

Nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing!


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The judge has to make a finding there’s a factual basis for the plea. They rely on the elocution of the defendant to do that. That’s why you have to stand up and say exactly what you did. And then the judge just ratifies that. So if you stand up and lie to the judge to avoid prison, you embarrass yourself and the judge and the system if that turns out to be a lie. Which is what happened here. He might be a bad person, I don’t know. But he took the plea to avoid a trial that was stacked against him because DOJ was sitting on evidence that may have helped him at trial. You just don’t do that.

And so what if he confessed? I had a client that confessed to murder to avoid the death penalty that was later released due to DNA testing. People lie every day in court to avoid adverse outcomes. Sadly, even judges and lawyers do it in isolated cases. You know that.

And as for politicization, to my knowledge Bill Barr isn’t scheduling secret meetings with high profile political figures while their wife is under investigation.
They also threatened to get Flynn’s son federally convicted on some made up trumped up charge. That’s why he fell on the sword. After being incorrectly charged. Read the post above.
The judge has to make a finding there’s a factual basis for the plea. They rely on the elocution of the defendant to do that. That’s why you have to stand up and say exactly what you did. And then the judge just ratifies that. So if you stand up and lie to the judge to avoid prison, you embarrass yourself and the judge and the system if that turns out to be a lie. Which is what happened here. He might be a bad person, I don’t know. But he took the plea to avoid a trial that was stacked against him because DOJ was sitting on evidence that may have helped him at trial. You just don’t do that.

And so what if he confessed? I had a client that confessed to murder to avoid the death penalty that was later released due to DNA testing. People lie every day in court to avoid adverse outcomes. Sadly, even judges and lawyers do it in isolated cases. You know that.

And as for politicization, to my knowledge Bill Barr isn’t scheduling secret meetings with high profile political figures while their wife is under investigation.

Bill Barr is the scum on the puss spattered on the fecal matter excreted from the anus of a frog. The guy is as dirty as they come.
Bill Barr is the scum on the puss spattered on the fecal matter excreted from the anus of a frog. The guy is as dirty as they come.
Your lack of intelligence, objectivity & basic understanding of the law is showing.
It sure sounds like something designed to undermine faith in institutions that effectively perform counter intelligence. And it just happens to involve one of the most egregious counter intelligence investigations ever. Keep your eye on the ball. He’s guilty and even his former boss said it. I’m not naive enough to believe FBI is perfect, but I also know some people in Russia who sure hate it. I will stand by our people over that mob any day.

I’m enjoying how the GOP is no longer the law and order party. And all of a sudden, there’s all this sympathy for a guilty criminal defendant when there are countless others in the same system who have been screwed, for dumb things like drugs. What exactly is Trump doing to reform the FBI, other than antagonizing people on Twitter?

Barr is absolutely terrible. The interview with CBS yesterday was some sort of Roy Cohn/ Thasymachus community theater project. You don’t even touch that. I’ll be nice there.

I’m still not hearing what the FBI did that was wrong. You talk about Ted Stevens, but that’s a non sequitur. The information I’ve read about the case at issue actually shows the opposite. Fake tv attorney dipchit says some words. (The words actually show liability and no wrongdoing.) That doesn’t convict the FBI or exonerate the liar. The only specific thing they have pointed to are some notes written in handwriting that aren’t identified to any author. Uh huh . .

YOU INTENTIONALLY DO NOT RESPOND TO THE FACT THAT THE COURT ALREADY MADE A FINDING THAT THE LIE WAS MATERIAL. Courts don’t just change their mind on that, especially independent minded judges like this. We had a multi-million dollar case in front of a very friendly judge for me. He had entered a judgment already, but it was basically a default and the facts were very screwy. Love the man, but he wouldn’t change his mind. That’s pretty consistent across the board.

No one with actual credentials and credibility in the federal criminal bar is defending this. And I stand by bet that the conviction remains. I had this happen to a client once, albeit in much less intriguing circumstances.
Are we seriously back to Russia?

Dude, the case was dropped because his previous lawyer’s law firm refused to turn over Eric Holder’s cell phone / texts / email records AFTER A COURT ORDER THAT THEY DO SO!! Why are Holder’s records relevant? He was a partner at that law firm! That’s why Flynn switched to Sidney Powell & tried to withdraw his guilty plea!

You’re getting your news from fake news sources.

This is just the beginning. It’s the beginning of the end. You’re going to be questioning each & every one of your core values come November because these people (Comey’s FBI, Obama, Biden, Lynch, Yates, Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Susan Rice, Priestap, Baker, Page, Strozk, McCabe etc etc etc) ARE CRIMINALS!!!

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing!


Gold, seriously, this topic you posted has aged well at all. You should stop with the nonsense & just throw in the towel. I know it’s difficult for you to admit you’re wrong, you want to blame AG Barr etc etc but the point is you don’t realize WHY the case was truly dropped. The judge is a left wing shill cronie who wanted to send Flynn to prison & even that judge couldn’t go through with it after the declassifications (plural.).

Seriously, this is just the beginning.

Maybe another time for you to quit early, go fix yourself that cocktail & learn to cope with being wrong & the fact you will soon have to question all of your previously “set-in-stone” beliefs because the people you vote for, these people that you’re trying to hold on a pedestal are criminals. Don’t ever put the P on a P. That’s P for power & P for pedestal. Seriously. Go get that drink & try to ignore it (or get pissed that you’ve been exposed as a hypocrite,) I don’t care.

Still, best you not try to get anymore work done today. I know losing succs BUT I imagine it succs way more for a narcissistic, conceded, sore loser like yourself.
The judge has to make a finding there’s a factual basis for the plea. They rely on the elocution of the defendant to do that. That’s why you have to stand up and say exactly what you did. And then the judge just ratifies that. So if you stand up and lie to the judge to avoid prison, you embarrass yourself and the judge and the system if that turns out to be a lie. Which is what happened here. He might be a bad person, I don’t know. But he took the plea to avoid a trial that was stacked against him because DOJ was sitting on evidence that may have helped him at trial. You just don’t do that.

And so what if he confessed? I had a client that confessed to murder to avoid the death penalty that was later released due to DNA testing. People lie every day in court to avoid adverse outcomes. Sadly, even judges and lawyers do it in isolated cases. You know that.

And as for politicization, to my knowledge Bill Barr isn’t scheduling secret meetings with high profile political figures while their wife is under investigation.

He didn’t just confess. He entered into a plea deal. You know, unlike the yahoos (with one glaring exception) on here who have never been to court, that to submit the plea, it’s not some perfunctory deal the judge rubber stamps. The defendant has to admit, under oath, on the record, that they committed the crime. Here, the defendant didn’t just admit to lying to FBI, he admitted to other crimes like lobbying for Turkey without proper disclosure. In the national security world, that’s a major crime.

The judge had complete discretion to review the file. And this judge absolutely did that. This wasn’t some stupid drug case. The judge was well prepared and knew the case well. He has previously said that Flynn “arguably sold [his country out.”

I think you are contributing to a great deal of misinformation here and understand your motives to some extent. There is no finding from anyone that’s the FBI acted improperly here. Flynn’s people made mirror image arguments last year and this judge has already rejected them. And even if you could prove the FBI acted wrongfully here, that just doesn’t change the guilty plea or the fact that he’s guilty of other crimes independent of whatever the FBI did. Not registering as an agent of Turkey is a strict liability crime. There’s no evidence that the FBI was sitting on that would exonerate him for that. It doesn’t matter if the FBI was mean to you. You don’t follow the law, you are liable for crimes just like any of the rest of us.

Neither you nor Lawpoke can tell me what this magic evidence that was allegedly withheld would make any difference. Flynn lied to FBI. He lied to Trump. Trump said as much. The Russians are even aware that Flynn lied, which is a whole other level of d!ckery to this.

The arguments here incredibly flimsy. I expected more. Then again, when you get in bed with Rippin and a bunch of idiots who believe in conspiracy theories, this is what you get.

There will be a hearing. I imagine the judge will call the attorneys, especially the one who withdrew, to testify. The burden to withdraw a guilty plea is incredibly high and I believe the conviction will stand.

What’s stupid about this whole exercise is that even if it goes forward (it won’t), Trump still has to pardon Flynn because the withdrawal doesn’t dismiss all potential charges.

The whataboutism of Hillary and Bill doesn’t really excuse this. As the law of crap on this board says, you don’t justify more crap based on dumb crap in the past. Trump also praised Comey when he first took over. I won’t defend Comey, whom I’ve come to understand as something of a media whore. But it’s clear you aren’t trying to refute my points because you can’t. This whole thing is a headline grab without substance meant to mislead people who don’t actually know the nuts and bolts of federal procedure.

You can’t just dismiss a case. The court had to approve it. Given the lengthy record and findings here, the Court is within its discretion to not dismiss the case and enter a sentence. If the analysis doesn’t begin and end with those facts, you’re denying reality and misleading people.
He didn’t just confess. He entered into a plea deal. You know, unlike the yahoos (with one glaring exception) on here who have never been to court, that to submit the plea, it’s not some perfunctory deal the judge rubber stamps. The defendant has to admit, under oath, on the record, that they committed the crime. Here, the defendant didn’t just admit to lying to FBI, he admitted to other crimes like lobbying for Turkey without proper disclosure. In the national security world, that’s a major crime.

The judge had complete discretion to review the file. And this judge absolutely did that. This wasn’t some stupid drug case. The judge was well prepared and knew the case well. He has previously said that Flynn “arguably sold [his country out.”

I think you are contributing to a great deal of misinformation here and understand your motives to some extent. There is no finding from anyone that’s the FBI acted improperly here. Flynn’s people made mirror image arguments last year and this judge has already rejected them. And even if you could prove the FBI acted wrongfully here, that just doesn’t change the guilty plea or the fact that he’s guilty of other crimes independent of whatever the FBI did. Not registering as an agent of Turkey is a strict liability crime. There’s no evidence that the FBI was sitting on that would exonerate him for that. It doesn’t matter if the FBI was mean to you. You don’t follow the law, you are liable for crimes just like any of the rest of us.

Neither you nor Lawpoke can tell me what this magic evidence that was allegedly withheld would make any difference. Flynn lied to FBI. He lied to Trump. Trump said as much. The Russians are even aware that Flynn lied, which is a whole other level of d!ckery to this.

The arguments here incredibly flimsy. I expected more. Then again, when you get in bed with Rippin and a bunch of idiots who believe in conspiracy theories, this is what you get.

There will be a hearing. I imagine the judge will call the attorneys, especially the one who withdrew, to testify. The burden to withdraw a guilty plea is incredibly high and I believe the conviction will stand.

What’s stupid about this whole exercise is that even if it goes forward (it won’t), Trump still has to pardon Flynn because the withdrawal doesn’t dismiss all potential charges.

The whataboutism of Hillary and Bill doesn’t really excuse this. As the law of crap on this board says, you don’t justify more crap based on dumb crap in the past. Trump also praised Comey when he first took over. I won’t defend Comey, whom I’ve come to understand as something of a media whore. But it’s clear you aren’t trying to refute my points because you can’t. This whole thing is a headline grab without substance meant to mislead people who don’t actually know the nuts and bolts of federal procedure.

You can’t just dismiss a case. The court had to approve it. Given the lengthy record and findings here, the Court is within its discretion to not dismiss the case and enter a sentence. If the analysis doesn’t begin and end with those facts, you’re denying reality and misleading people.
Lol yes I’ve been to court, so what?
If this stands as is, which I hope gold is right,(that it won't) then they are breaking down piece by piece the involvement of Mueller as special prosecutor. You can't go back and see a couple of emails/texts and destroy the whole case, just based on those emails. Those emails didn't exhibit a destruction of the case as a whole. They just made it look bad, as far as optics for the FBI.

It needs to be investigated and go back to court again before it should be abandoned. You are allowing Barr(a corrupt mouth piece of a corrupt Trump) to do what he and his predecessor were not allowed to do in the first place, which was dictate solely what happens in past prosecutions. This is breaking down the checks of power instilled in our government. This is leading to the first throes towards a dictatorial government pretending to be a democracy. Barr/Trump are using those emails as an excuse to destroy the balance of power in our government. They are not any worse than the communications between the Strzok's, and that certainly didn't get the whole case thrown out. And those communications received much more of an investigation than this has.

They couldn't get away with it before, and they shouldn't get away with it now. If they find facts to throw the case out in the investigation, then great, that's the justice system working. But they haven't had that investigation.
So you’re saying he’s better or worse than Rick Santorum? Want to be sure to adjust my settings on Google.
Lol this is why the Dems / Left can’t meme.

Attempt to explain it all you want. It’s not going to stop. Declassification should shall continue. Ratcliffe is not about to wait on anything.

nothing can stop what’s coming.


If this stands as is, which I hope gold is right,(that it won't) then they are breaking down piece by piece the involvement of Mueller as special prosecutor. You can't go back and see a couple of emails/texts and destroy the whole case, just based on those emails. Those emails didn't exhibit a destruction of the case as a whole. They just made it look bad, as far as optics for the FBI.

It needs to be investigated and go back to court again before it should be abandoned. You are allowing Barr(a corrupt mouth piece of a corrupt Trump) to do what he and his predecessor were not allowed to do in the first place, which was dictate solely what happens in past prosecutions. This is breaking down the checks of power instilled in our government. This is leading to the first throes towards a dictatorial government pretending to be a democracy. Barr/Trump are using those emails as an excuse to destroy the balance of power in our government. They are not any worse than the communications between the Strzok's, and that certainly didn't get the whole case thrown out. And those communications received much more of an investigation than this has.

They couldn't get away with it before, and they shouldn't get away with it now. If they find facts to throw the case out in the investigation, then great, that's the justice system working. But they haven't had that investigation.
The fbi was complicit in illegal activity, dude!
It’s not as bad as it seems. It’s worse. Just sit back & enjoy the storm.
My prediction is the judge doesn’t grant the motion to withdraw the case and that triggers a pardon.

Even if that doesn’t happen (it has to because judge found last summer that the lie was material), Trump still has to pardon Flynn or the charges can be re-filed. Flynn admitted to
he agreed to a plea deal to stop their threat to ruin his son, and bankrupt him with legal fees.
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Turkey: he didn’t directly contract with the government of Turkey so there was no reason to register under FARA. Turkey had already contracted with the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager shortly after both candidates became the nominees btw.

FBI: Read the filing. It’s a joke. The FBI was closing the national security investigation and the criminal case was shut down by DOJ. They had a transcript of the phone call with the Russians. They listened to it and determined no crime, no Logan Act and no national security threat. Two dudes on their own knowingly broke FBI and DOJ and WH procedures and went over to interview him to see if he would lie about what he said on the phone. In that conversation, Flynn said that he knew the FBI was listening and couldn’t remember details. They didn’t follow procedure and tell him that if he lied he could be charged. The contemporaneous notes of the conversation by the agents say that he wasn’t acting evasive and they didn’t think he was lying. Now how in America is that crime?
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Turkey: he didn’t directly contract with the government of Turkey so there was no reason to register under FARA. Turkey had already contracted with the brother of Hillary’s campaign manager shortly after both candidates became the nominees btw.

FBI: Read the filing. It’s a joke. The FBI was closing the national security investigation and the criminal case was shut down by DOJ. They had a transcript of the phone call with the Russians. They listened to it and determined no crime, no Logan Act and no national security threat. Two dudes on their own knowingly broke FBI and DOJ and WH procedures and went over to interview him to see if he would lie about what he said on the phone. In that conversation, Flynn said that he knew the FBI was listening and couldn’t remember details. They didn’t follow procedure and tell him that if he lied he could be charged. The contemporaneous notes of the conversation by the agents say that he wasn’t acting evasive and they didn’t think he was lying. Now how in America is that crime?

Just stop.

Have you even looked at what FARA says? It doesn’t matter if the relationship is “directly with the government” or not.

The statute applies to “foreign principals” and “foreign governments.” I would argue Flynn was working for both. And in fact, he admitted just that in his guilty plea. Beyond that, the plea goes further: it says he worked for the government of Turkey.

Flynn even admitted to that in court: Was he lying when he told the judge that? That would be a separate crime of perjury.

FARA is one of several examples of uncharged crimes that Flynn would have to be pardoned of. There were other instances of false statements. When you read the transcript, it’s pretty damn nuanced (around page 17).

So you are 110% wrong there. But at least you tried? Cut the whataboutism chit with Hillary. I don’t have time. A crime is a crime. Why aren’t they indicting him or Hillary? I thought Trump promised to lock her up. But he broke that promise, too.

Likewise, around page 8 of the transcript, Flynn says there was no issue with the interview after being warned that he would be committing perjury if his lied. So which perjury charge do you want? That one from December 2017? Or the one where he is lying about it now?

Your argument goes from bad to worse when you claim that there was no national security investigation regarding the 2016 election fraud. Shame on you. There absolutely was. Other than that, you cite no argument about improper conduct. I’ve asked about six times in this thread what the FBI did wrong and none of you can tell me.

The notes have no evidentiary value. No one knows who prepared them. They would not be admitted at trial and I disagree that.

Your argument is based entirely upon the most pathetic legal brief of our time. I really expected more out of you. You are citing Bill Barr’a Justice department that will go down as among the most corrupt ever.
I think you need to catch up on the latest document dump or consult impartial sources. They had finished the nat sec look at him and concluded no wrongdoing but not formally closed it. Comey and Strozk seized on that to begin their own tainted set up.

Internally, the FBI violated their own procedures by launching a crim division investigation through the nat sec division, violated DOJ procedures on FBI notification to DOJ prior to interviewing a political appointee, defied the instructions of the number two career lawyer in DOJ not to interview him, by conscious design failed to follow the required disclosure that he was the subject of a criminal investigation and warn him not to lie, failed to coordinate the meeting with the career White House Counsels Office, then denied repeatedly doing all of this.

They literally sat around and said “Should we set him up to get arrested or just fired?” after the election and days before they were unexpectedly out of power. It’s chilling. Ice cold.

You’ve asked for a single commentator who defends Barr’s actions both on the facts and the law. Jonathan Turley teaches con law at GWU, testified on the con law aspects of the Clinton and Trump impeachments, a frequent guest on Maddow and every lefty commentary show you can name, is the second most cited law professor in the country according to one service, and states unequivocally that this stinks to high heaven. He’s got one of the better legal blogs out there on a variety of topics.
They literally sat around and said “Should we set him up to get arrested or just fired?” after the election and days before they were unexpectedly out of power. It’s chilling. Ice cold.
Excuse my having only a laymans understanding of the situation. You can tear my argument apart if it is inaccurate. Whether you define 'set him up' in legal terms or a colloquial definition, it pretty much says it was an illegal act in which the prosecution set him up for an act(s) in which he did nothing wrong.

Firstly it is doubtful that he did nothing wrong. But secondly, and more importantly, whether they 'set him up' is yet to be determined. They could have 'set him up" for acts they knew to be legal, or they could have felt he was guilty of illegal acts. The debate could have been on the merits of getting a guilty verdict through evidence, or of him lying and then proving he lied about illegal acts. Which is as far as I know, generally legal. Their debate could have been strictly on which would be the the most efficacious route to a conviction, for acts they were all but certain were illegal.

All this goes to the intent and methods of the prosecution. Things which need to be proven through an investigation and eventually go back to court. It is wrong to just drop the case and the guilty plea, off of those emails and a single hand written note, without an investigation.
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I think you need to catch up on the latest document dump or consult impartial sources. They had finished the nat sec look at him and concluded no wrongdoing but not formally closed it. Comey and Strozk seized on that to begin their own tainted set up.

Internally, the FBI violated their own procedures by launching a crim division investigation through the nat sec division, violated DOJ procedures on FBI notification to DOJ prior to interviewing a political appointee, defied the instructions of the number two career lawyer in DOJ not to interview him, by conscious design failed to follow the required disclosure that he was the subject of a criminal investigation and warn him not to lie, failed to coordinate the meeting with the career White House Counsels Office, then denied repeatedly doing all of this.

They literally sat around and said “Should we set him up to get arrested or just fired?” after the election and days before they were unexpectedly out of power. It’s chilling. Ice cold.

You’ve asked for a single commentator who defends Barr’s actions both on the facts and the law. Jonathan Turley teaches con law at GWU, testified on the con law aspects of the Clinton and Trump impeachments, a frequent guest on Maddow and every lefty commentary show you can name, is the second most cited law professor in the country according to one service, and states unequivocally that this stinks to high heaven. He’s got one of the better legal blogs out there on a variety of topics.
Essentially what I'm saying, is that these points mentioned in your cited op-ed article, need to go before a judge.
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I think you need to catch up on the latest document dump or consult impartial sources. They had finished the nat sec look at him and concluded no wrongdoing but not formally closed it. Comey and Strozk seized on that to begin their own tainted set up.

Internally, the FBI violated their own procedures by launching a crim division investigation through the nat sec division, violated DOJ procedures on FBI notification to DOJ prior to interviewing a political appointee, defied the instructions of the number two career lawyer in DOJ not to interview him, by conscious design failed to follow the required disclosure that he was the subject of a criminal investigation and warn him not to lie, failed to coordinate the meeting with the career White House Counsels Office, then denied repeatedly doing all of this.

They literally sat around and said “Should we set him up to get arrested or just fired?” after the election and days before they were unexpectedly out of power. It’s chilling. Ice cold.

You’ve asked for a single commentator who defends Barr’s actions both on the facts and the law. Jonathan Turley teaches con law at GWU, testified on the con law aspects of the Clinton and Trump impeachments, a frequent guest on Maddow and every lefty commentary show you can name, is the second most cited law professor in the country according to one service, and states unequivocally that this stinks to high heaven. He’s got one of the better legal blogs out there on a variety of topics.

Impartial sources? I cited the plea agreement and transcript. That’s like calling a replay in a game “fake news.” It’s literally what happened.

First, let’s not this bit of amateurism by the esteemed US attorney of DC who was only appointed for this role of a life time:

I thought about this a bit. It’s a stupid thing to do. Stupid things happen with word processors. I’ve done it. In state court, they might let this slide. In federal court, you’re getting a call from a guy with a handlebar mustache and now tie who reads these rules all day long and will call you a dumb chit. I did things like this my first year out of school. You don’t do it I’m the biggest case in the world right now.

This whole thing is amateurish. At least get your bar number right if you are going to commit historic fraud upon the Court. Then again, on further thought, why not lie about that, too?

Next, let’s note that you concede the issue of the additional violations. He absolutely broke FARA.

Your remaining defense is “you need to read these documents that I’m not linking.” I’ve read some of them. They don’t say what you say they do. I’m not going through thousands of pages to prove my point. I have family things to do this weekend that are more important. There was a reason I was posting at 5 am.

I don’t believe I asked for a single commentator, but my brain is mush today. Turley is a garbage hack. He just wants to get appointed to something, like all the others. He’s been consistently pro-Trump recently, which indicates there’s something there. Sounds like a Stephen Moore deal. Say the things Trump likes, even if they aren’t supported by reason, fact, or law.

There was an ongoing counter-intelligence investigation that was absolutely authorized by law. It pre-dated Trump. That was part of what was crazy about the Steele Dossier. While much of it was garbage (though I bet there’s a pee tape with someone else out there), it came out about the time that the media confirmed the investigation. You mention Strozk, but that’s just another tired talking point meant to confuse the ever dwindling herd of people who want some reason to justify the actions of a racist :crap:bag you apparently admire.

Every idiotic Murdoch controlled news source ran that silly story today. I guess you read one. It’s in whatever memo of taking points that will be refuted soon. You produce no actual documents supporting the claim. That was your job and I just don’t have the time to do that for you. In comparison, I cited you line and verse from the actual documents.

I remember this example from law school. Cops chase a robber through a house with an open door. When they get to house, they find tons of drugs. They had no warrant, but they are justified in arresting the homeowner who had nothing to do with the robbery. All of us that passed the bar (or are minimally eligible to do so), know that example and know it’s a valid search and seizure based on centuries of case law.

At worst, that’s what happened here. You have conceded Flynn committed many crimes. At most, there’s a process argument, albeit one that no one can adequately explain with actual citation to a record as required by any court. You’re citing talking heads and I’m citing documents. The talking heads don’t work in court and that applies to Trump’s, er Flynn’s fake Faux News tv lawyer with a bad mustache.

It’s my turn for whatabaoutism, or in this case, where-the-hell-ism. Where the hell are Trump’s tax returns? How can you support a demagogue who won’t produce them? Where the hell are the Deutsche Bank records? Again, how the hell can you support syphllitic :crap:bag who won’t produce them? Why is every record requested of this administration fought like a war, but we’re still talking about Hillary in this thread.

Put your cards on the table or don’t play. I don’t think these guys have any cards and I think you’ve been taken for a ride.
Excuse my having only a laymans understanding of the situation. You can tear my argument apart if it is inaccurate. Whether you define 'set him up' in legal terms or a colloquial definition, it pretty much says it was an illegal act in which the prosecution set him up for an act(s) in which he did nothing wrong.

Firstly it is doubtful that he did nothing wrong. But secondly, and more importantly, whether they 'set him up' is yet to be determined. They could have 'set him up" for acts they knew to be legal, or they could have felt he was guilty of illegal acts. The debate could have been on the merits of getting a guilty verdict through evidence, or of him lying and then proving he lied about illegal acts. Which is as far as I know, generally legal. Their debate could have been strictly on which would be the the most efficacious route to a conviction, for acts they were all but certain were illegal.

All this goes to the intent and methods of the prosecution. Things which need to be proven through an investigation and eventually go back to court. It is wrong to just drop the case and the guilty plea, off of those emails and a single hand written note, without an investigation.
The judge has the ability to order such an investigation. This same judge did the same thing in the Stevens case. Which is why the career prosecutors all resigned from this case, not any sense of moral outrage. They are at best going to be witnesses in the investigation and at worst hoping they keep their name out of the mud. In the Steven’s case, the day after the judge called the prosecutors actions the most egregious government misconduct he had ever seen, they were each paid bonuses in excess of $20,000.00. So I doubt anything happens to this crew. Probably the same.
he agreed to a plea deal to stop their threat to ruin his son, and bankrupt him with legal fees.
They actually did bankrupt him. Also, he got tricked into hiring a law firm that has made Eric Holder a partner. That same law firm has refused to turn over Eric Holders comms records (texts emails calls, etc) after the court ordered they do so.

I can’t believe these fools like gold & gmoney (plus their minor clique buddies of uredskin & Aston) are actually trying to dig their way out of this! They are seriously sore losers, though I should’ve recognized that I’ve known that for quite some time now since they’re seemingly always calling for a coach to be fired.

Gmoney kept saying destruction of the case lol I had to re-read that twice because he clearly is lost when it comes to legal jargon.

It’s OK, we won. They need to take the L like men. Of course, I know Gold isn’t capable of doing so but maybe there is hope that the others can.
Impartial sources? I cited the plea agreement and transcript. That’s like calling a replay in a game “fake news.” It’s literally what happened.

First, let’s not this bit of amateurism by the esteemed US attorney of DC who was only appointed for this role of a life time:

I thought about this a bit. It’s a stupid thing to do. Stupid things happen with word processors. I’ve done it. In state court, they might let this slide. In federal court, you’re getting a call from a guy with a handlebar mustache and now tie who reads these rules all day long and will call you a dumb chit. I did things like this my first year out of school. You don’t do it I’m the biggest case in the world right now.

This whole thing is amateurish. At least get your bar number right if you are going to commit historic fraud upon the Court. Then again, on further thought, why not lie about that, too?

Next, let’s note that you concede the issue of the additional violations. He absolutely broke FARA.

Your remaining defense is “you need to read these documents that I’m not linking.” I’ve read some of them. They don’t say what you say they do. I’m not going through thousands of pages to prove my point. I have family things to do this weekend that are more important. There was a reason I was posting at 5 am.

I don’t believe I asked for a single commentator, but my brain is mush today. Turley is a garbage hack. He just wants to get appointed to something, like all the others. He’s been consistently pro-Trump recently, which indicates there’s something there. Sounds like a Stephen Moore deal. Say the things Trump likes, even if they aren’t supported by reason, fact, or law.

There was an ongoing counter-intelligence investigation that was absolutely authorized by law. It pre-dated Trump. That was part of what was crazy about the Steele Dossier. While much of it was garbage (though I bet there’s a pee tape with someone else out there), it came out about the time that the media confirmed the investigation. You mention Strozk, but that’s just another tired talking point meant to confuse the ever dwindling herd of people who want some reason to justify the actions of a racist :crap:bag you apparently admire.

Every idiotic Murdoch controlled news source ran that silly story today. I guess you read one. It’s in whatever memo of taking points that will be refuted soon. You produce no actual documents supporting the claim. That was your job and I just don’t have the time to do that for you. In comparison, I cited you line and verse from the actual documents.

I remember this example from law school. Cops chase a robber through a house with an open door. When they get to house, they find tons of drugs. They had no warrant, but they are justified in arresting the homeowner who had nothing to do with the robbery. All of us that passed the bar (or are minimally eligible to do so), know that example and know it’s a valid search and seizure based on centuries of case law.

At worst, that’s what happened here. You have conceded Flynn committed many crimes. At most, there’s a process argument, albeit one that no one can adequately explain with actual citation to a record as required by any court. You’re citing talking heads and I’m citing documents. The talking heads don’t work in court and that applies to Trump’s, er Flynn’s fake Faux News tv lawyer with a bad mustache.

It’s my turn for whatabaoutism, or in this case, where-the-hell-ism. Where the hell are Trump’s tax returns? How can you support a demagogue who won’t produce them? Where the hell are the Deutsche Bank records? Again, how the hell can you support syphllitic :crap:bag who won’t produce them? Why is every record requested of this administration fought like a war, but we’re still talking about Hillary in this thread.

Put your cards on the table or don’t play. I don’t think these guys have any cards and I think you’ve been taken for a ride.
You should write two books, my friend. One on how to not play poker & the other on how to be a sh1tty lawyer.
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he agreed to a plea deal to stop their threat to ruin his son, and bankrupt him with legal fees.

No, he pleaded to lesser charges in exchange for cooperation (which is a whole other level of d!ckery) and admitted to those. Have you read the hearing transcript or are you still getting your news from a meth head who listened to Hannity?
Seriously, though - it’s ok to lose. We all so sometimes. Except me. But still, you don’t have to be a sore loser.

Nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing!


No, he pleaded to lesser charges in exchange for cooperation (which is a whole other level of d!ckery) and admitted to those. Have you read the hearing transcript or are you still getting your news from a meth head who listened to Hannity?
So you’re saying they didn’t threaten to go after his son? You’re arguing semantics when the game is OVER!!! FLYNN IS EXONERATED & YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY ABOUT/PROUD OF THAT!!!

Blutty Hell, I don’t understand how you could be so miserable. If you had a son (I know you don’t) you would fall on a false narrative sword to protect him. Seriously, dude. You’re not gaining points with anyone.

Flynn should’ve never been interviewed that day in January 2017. He did nothing wrong. The case is dropped. And now Obama is panicking. So is sally Yates. So is Loretta Lynch. So is Eric Holder. So is John Brennan. So is James Clapper. So is James Corney (corn ready for to be cut.) so is Strozk. So is Page (though I believe she was the first to start singing like a bird to military investigators - because that’s what this warrants as it’s treason.)

You know who else is panicking? Valerie Jarrett. Where was Valerie Jarrett born? I dare you to look that up & cross the lines between that fact & which country got billions of dollars cash under Obama.

Friggin yuppie punk...



Someone needs to be held accountable; Flynn should file suit against all the responsible parties, the doj, the fbi, the dnc, hrc, bho, mueller et all, abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, late night tv host, dems in congress, his judge, his jury foreman ...
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Someone needs to be held accountable; Flynn should file suit against all the responsible parties, the doj, the fbi, the dnc, hrc, bho, mueller et all, abc, nbc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, late night tv host, dems in congress, his judge, his jury foreman ...

Really? How do you sue the government for a guilty plea? Ever ever heard of sovereign immunity? Tell what the standard is to sue a media outlet for libel? Oh wait. You don’t know what the eff you are taking about.

Just quit. You aren’t smart and no one likes you.
Really? How do you sue the government for a guilty plea? Ever ever heard of sovereign immunity? Tell what the standard is to sue a media outlet for libel? Oh wait. You don’t know what the eff you are taking about.

Just quit. You aren’t smart and no one likes you.
LOL... he was coerced into the guilty plea!

You should know you CAN definitely sue the government ESPECIALLY if they’ve (illegally) infringed on your rights.

So, do you really think Obama is all the sudden talking for sake of virtue/love of the country? No, he’s flipping out, running scared because he knows Flynn knows too much. What he doesn’t know is that Flynn has been communicating with POTUS. He prays that’s not true, but it is.

Game over. Enjoy the show.
#Obamagate #Bidengate & #subpoenaObama all trending on twitter lol ...

I come over here & it’s crickets.

I love it. I told y’all. Don’t worry, more DECLAS to come in the coming weeks & months. #DemBeFkd lol I can’t wait until it all comes out & y’all gotta really look yourselves in the mirror with a heavy conscience & question everything you’ve ever supported. These people are corrupt. These people are criminals. Even worse, these people are not smart.

You’re probably already questioning what you thought you knew, but it’s going to get worse.

We have the Weiner laptop. You know, the laptop that has caused so many people to be killed/arkancided? Yeah, that one.
Really? How do you sue the government for a guilty plea? Ever ever heard of sovereign immunity? Tell what the standard is to sue a media outlet for libel? Oh wait. You don’t know what the eff you are taking about.

Just quit. You aren’t smart and no one likes you.
This is only the beginning. You’re going to have to tell me what it feels like to have egg on your face & how that crow tastes. You should already be doing that, but I got the juice, so I am prepared to wait because these people you support are not smart & we have it all. Like I said, more DECLAS to follow between now & November. Enjoy the show!

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