Mike Flynn

Where did Rivalcane go? I’m still waiting on the proof regarding Flynn. I think Rivalcane is just eating pudding instead, but has found no proof.
No worries, Gold, no need for Rivalcane. I found the proof today.

Charges dropped.

Schiff & rest of Dem running scared.

You should seriously look on the mirror & take a personal inventory of your core values, because it’s about to get a lot worse than this (keep in mind that judge & even the jury were rigged against Gen Flynn.)

What’s crazy is Trump told us we’d get tired of winning. It is tiring. But I’m still not tired of it.
Where did Rivalcane go? I’m still waiting on the proof regarding Flynn. I think Rivalcane is just eating pudding instead, but has found no proof.
It’s ok, man. Take the rest of the day off. Don’t tell the wife, but don’t let her know (be nice when you get home.)

Go enjoy your cocktail as you regret the fact that you’re having to eat crow. Time to call it a day.

Best not try to get any more work in today, by the way.
No I'm not, your talking about something other than what I commented on.
That’s “you’re,” not your and you ended that sentence with a preposition. Are you sure you graduated from TU?

How about we stay on topic - FLYNN CASE HAS BEEN DROPPED!!
I just can’t wait to see what Gold says about this. First came the evidence practically exonerating General Flynn, now it’s official.

I told you all, “nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing.”

It’s true.

These people are scum, human scum. They have no right working for We the People!

Ww.gone.wga !!!!!!



That’s “you’re,” not your and you ended that sentence with a preposition. Are you sure you graduated from TU?

How about we stay on topic - FLYNN CASE HAS BEEN DROPPED!!
You weren't staying on topic.
As you Dems/NeoCons/Never-Trumpers have said for 3.5 years now, THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END!
“THIS IS A BOMBSHELL” - Democrat socialists / neocons / RINOs / never-Trumpers FOR THE PAST THREE & A HALF YEARS!!

Y’all also said “THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END” ... “for the President...”

Over & over & over again. The big lie y’all bought into without thinking critically about any of what you’ve been sold. Friggin amazing!




You weren't staying on topic.
What was that about General Flynn?? Or are you waiting for Gold to swoop in & save you since you know nothing about which you talk on your posts in this thread.
My apologies, I’m sure as fun as it is to me to watch y’all eat crow, it must hurt. Even as sore losers, ooofffffff that must make it worse. I’m sure Gold is already on cocktail #1 for the afternoon.
You weren't staying on topic.
You just follow Gold & I suggest you find a better role model. He is drowning in filthy lies right now. You don’t care about this country & you would prefer to see it burnt down to the ground. It’s sickening to someone like me, but you’re entitled to your opinion (as is Gold.) However, like I said, it feels good to win & this is the beginning of the end for y’all!

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Dark to light.
Do I even want to know what rip said that prompted this reply?
He just was off topic. I just used phrases he repeatedly used, while getting off topic even more. He just needs to get back on his meds, The Flynn situation put him in his manic mode, in spades. He's giddy.
Flynn case dropped. I’ve had my FIRST (of many) victory lap(s.)

I’ll let y’all wallow in y’all’s sorrow for a bit & check back later but for real - in the hacker/gamer community this is what we call “getting pwned.”

Y’all just got pwned. But better to get used to used to it, I guess.

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.


He just was off topic. I just used phrases he repeatedly used, while getting off topic even more. He just needs to get back on his meds, The Flynn situation put him in his manic mode, in spades.
What was that about General Flynn? LOL
What was that about General Flynn? LOL
You're an idiot. All this action proves is that Barr is so deep into Trump's pockets that we are now no longer a Democratic Republic but an autocracy run by an egomaniac (I can't quite call him a dictator because I don't think there are enough military leaders who would cover Trump if push came to shove). Barr's justice department has essentially become what would happen if you put John Gotti in charge of finding criminals in the mob and bringing them before a judge.

And you sir wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the a$$. You've essentially become as or more unhinged and disconnected from the reality of the world as Chuck Barris was.
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This doesn't affect my belief of Flynn's guilt. It is unfortunately another black eye for the FBI. My apologizes to WATU The 3rd but that agency needs an overhaul.
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This doesn't affect my belief of Flynn's guilt. It is unfortunately another black eye for the FBI. My apologizes to WATU The 3rd but that agency needs an overhaul.
“What a beautiful black sky.” - Gen Flynn.
You're an idiot. All this action proves is that Barr is so deep into Trump's pockets that we are now no longer a Democratic Republic but an autocracy run by an egomaniac (I can't quite call him a dictator because I don't think there are enough military leaders who would cover Trump if push came to shove). Barr's justice department has essentially become what would happen if you put John Gotti in charge of finding criminals in the mob and bringing them before a judge.

And you sir wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the a$$. You've essentially become as or more unhinged and disconnected from the reality of the world as Chuck Barris was.

Lay off the hallucinogens.

Also - continue supporting those dictators. I mean the real ones. They’re going to save you, those dictators. Like Xi, or Maduro, they’re going to save - maybe even Putin.

Behind every blade of grass, sir. Each & every one.
Don’t worry! It’s RUSSIA!!! Lol

Don’t worry, those of us not abusing hallucinogens will enjoy watching y’all melt down over this news re: Flynn & what’s coming hereafter.

Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.


This doesn't affect my belief of Flynn's guilt. It is unfortunately another black eye for the FBI. My apologizes to WATU The 3rd but that agency needs an overhaul.

How is it a black eye for FBI? That’s a separate entity from special counsel’s office that prosecuted this and obtained a guilty plea. A judge reviewed the plea and found it was supported. It’s a black eye for DOJ and AG’s office, especially when Trump pardons Barr on his way out this winter.
How is it a black eye for FBI? That’s a separate entity from special counsel’s office that prosecuted this and obtained a guilty plea. A judge reviewed the plea and found it was supported. It’s a black eye for DOJ and AG’s office, especially when Trump pardons Barr on his way out this winter.

Read the statement from the US Attorney to the District of Columbia (Timothy Shea) regarding the conduct of the FBI.
The Flynn case is a perfect example of how people on the left and right no longer have a shared reality. I’ve seen everything from “this is Donald Trump rewarding Flynn for keeping his mouth shut and is a tremendous abuse of power” to “this is a major FBI scandal that makes Watergate look like nothing.” This was the case while Obama was President too, but I’ve gotten to the point where I’m too tired to expend effort trying to figure out the truth with these things.
Read the statement from the US Attorney to the District of Columbia (Timothy Shea) regarding the conduct of the FBI.

Really? The US attorney appointed by Trump and Barr. That’s your source? Barr is evil. He will go down in history as among the wort traitors ever. He’s Roy Cohn that made it far.
Why can’t it be an abuse of power / scandal on both sides ?

Because it’s not. What are you saying FBI did wrong here? In your own words, please.

Are you not appalled by someone getting their guilty plea tossed aside?
Really? The US attorney appointed by Trump and Barr. That’s your source? Barr is evil. He will go down in history as among the wort traitors ever. He’s Roy Cohn that made it far.

Or the US Attorney who recommended 7 to 9 years for Stone. Same guy.

Yes....I said this didn’t affect my belief in his guilt. I’m appalled by a guilty plea getting set aside and I’m chilled by the FBI operating in a matter we’ve witnessed over the past several years. I fear a rogue federal police force much more than I do a dirty General.
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How is it a black eye for FBI? That’s a separate entity from special counsel’s office that prosecuted this and obtained a guilty plea. A judge reviewed the plea and found it was supported. It’s a black eye for DOJ and AG’s office, especially when Trump pardons Barr on his way out this winter.
Are you seriously being 100% serious? Who controlled the FBI division that coordinated “Operation Crossfire Hurricane?” Was it Trump’s administration? Was it William Barr?

Lord, help you. Seriously, I pray for you.

I pray for all of us.

Fkn worshipping celebrities, worried about your social status & sexualizing our children with drag queen story hour ... May Lord one day find a way to forgive this nation.

There is still time left, but on my own soul, may God have mercy on this country, because we do not deserve it.



See what faith can do for you? More than your fake friends ever could. More than you ever wish they could.


Or the US Attorney who recommended 7 to 9 years for Stone. Same guy.

Yes....I said this didn’t affect my belief in his guilt. I’m appalled by a guilty plea getting set aside and I’m chilled by the FBI operating in a matter we’ve witnessed over the past several years. I fear a rogue federal police force much more than I do a dirty General.

You can’t mean that. You aren’t alarmed about someone working for two different hostile nations, lying about it, and becoming national security advisor? That’s the plot of Manchurian Candidate.

The other issues with FBI are subject to checks and balances. The people at FBI and DOJ that Trump picked signed off on this every single time. Then Mueller, who was appointed because this very thing was heinous, signed off on it. And then a federal judge. You’re conflating two things that are very different and didn’t even take the time to say what the FBI did that is wrong.

This is all crap. Nothing in the recent release shows anything. In fact, it shows the opposite and how freaking inept Flynn’s tv attorney is. I’m disappointed. I expected more of you.
There are very few checks and balance for systematic unethical behavior by the FBI especially at the upper levels. Especially for those of us without high level political connections. My view comes from the unique ability of the FBI to ruin people’s lives at the minimum and take away their liberties at the extreme because of personal or professional bias. Comey, McCabe, on down to individual agents have been a bad look for the Bureau. Trump’s mess will thankfully get cleaned up in six months. The FBI needs an overhaul as well.

I’ve not once said that Flynn shouldn’t serve time if he committed criminal acts. However, one person lying to the FBI is of much less concern for me as what appears to have been a culture of unethical behavior by our most trusted investigative and criminal enforcement body due to the risk to all of us.
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There are very few checks and balance for systematic unethical behavior by the FBI especially at the upper levels. Especially for those of us without high level political connections. My view comes from the unique ability of the FBI to ruin people’s lives at the minimum and take away their liberties at the extreme because of personal or professional bias. Comey, McCabe, on down to individual agents have been a bad look for the Bureau. Trump’s mess will thankfully get cleaned up in six months. The FBI needs an overhaul as well.

I’ve not once said that Flynn shouldn’t serve time if he committed criminal acts. However, one person lying to the FBI is of much less concern for me as what appears to have been a culture of unethical behavior by our most trusted investigative and criminal enforcement body due to the risk to all of us.

What unethical behavior related to Flynn’s prosecution? You’ve had three chances now and can’t tell me what that is.

I actually think Wray has been decent. And of course Trump wants him gone.

And then there’s this:

Eff these people. This won’t go away. They’ll get theirs.
Really? The US attorney appointed by Trump and Barr. That’s your source? Barr is evil. He will go down in history as among the wort traitors ever. He’s Roy Cohn that made it far.
Barr is a trump guy. When trump got elected the doj and fbi were headed by bho, hrc and dnc faithful.
What unethical behavior related to Flynn’s prosecution? You’ve had three chances now and can’t tell me what that is.

I actually think Wray has been decent. And of course Trump wants him gone.

And then there’s this:

Eff these people. This won’t go away. They’ll get theirs.

I pointed you to the US Attorney’s explanation of the FBI’s behavior in the Flynn matter. I don’t believe I said it related specifically to his prosecution. I’ll cut and paste those comments tomorrow when I get on my desktop.

Looking forward to a change of direction in this country almost as much as I’m looking forward to an end of this pandemic.
I pointed you to the US Attorney’s explanation of the FBI’s behavior in the Flynn matter. I don’t believe I said it related specifically to his prosecution. I’ll cut and paste those comments tomorrow when I get on my desktop.

Looking forward to a change of direction in this country almost as much as I’m looking forward to an end of this pandemic.

You can’t explain the comments. I don’t need a copy and paste. I has the Googles.
Barr is a trump guy. When trump got elected the doj and fbi were headed by bho, hrc and dnc faithful.

Comey was Hilary faithful? C’mon sparky, try harder.

Trump appointed Sessions as AG. Most of this came out of his watch. He brought in Barr to undermine everything that Mueller accomplished and Barr did an effective job on the communication side, but a bad one on the legal one. There are still open investigations.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Are you seriously being 100% serious? Who controlled the FBI division that coordinated “Operation Crossfire Hurricane?” Was it Trump’s administration? Was it William Barr?

Lord, help you. Seriously, I pray for you.

I pray for all of us.

Fkn worshipping celebrities, worried about your social status & sexualizing our children with drag queen story hour ... May Lord one day find a way to forgive this nation.

There is still time left, but on my own soul, may God have mercy on this country, because we do not deserve it.



See what faith can do for you? More than your fake friends ever could. More than you ever wish they could.


You do realize that nobody here agreed with you, including lawpoke? Every person who commented, thinks Flynn is guilty. We are just arguing over what agency got a black eye out of it, and made them self look bad. Nobody here ever agrees with you, cept for aTUfan.
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My prediction is the judge doesn’t grant the motion to withdraw the case and that triggers a pardon.

Even if that doesn’t happen (it has to because judge found last summer that the lie was material), Trump still has to pardon Flynn or the charges can be re-filed. Flynn admitted to more crimes than pleaded to.

This was a headline grab. Only someone academically, morally, and criminally unfit to go to law school would believe that this was a thing.
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