Has Joe been Biden His Time?


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Does Mrs. Clinton have another rival to contend with?
The Vice President was making some serious statements to labor unions. "If I don't move I'll be demoted to Secretary of State...That's a joke." I'll need your help and support. There is a debate on the 13th that he probably can't get and most likely wouldn't want to because he has little time to prepare.

But he might have something big to say a few days later.
I still think the main problem the dems have is the age of their candidates/potential candidates. In the end, if the Reps run a younger candidate, the dems will lose the youth vote and be forever tagged as the party of old socialists who dodged the draft, spit on the troops and advocated a dangerous lifestyle. Those kids are going to grow up in a world of "less" and they'll understand at some point, why?
I think Biden will get the nomination.
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Neither party has a perfect candidate, but among the Democrats, Biden is vastly superior to Hillary.
I agree with TUMe that Biden is a superior candidate to that dishonest, lieberal and probable lawbreaker Hillary and he is a bigger threat to the GOP if he gets in the race. But this comes down to who the Reps run IMO. They are stigmatized with the tag of the old, rich, white and spoiled party - which really isn't them, but the public by and large believe is the case because of media bias. IMO that is why the Reps must have a transformative candidate like Rubio at this point. Someone who has the values of the party, but not the "look". It would be strange for the dems who have spent years playing the race, gender, ethnic and "age"card to have to explain away a candidate their party should accept, but can't because of "political" differences. In effect, they would become the victim of their own propaganda.

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