
Any new news/insights from those able to see practice. Is Garcia still out of the scrimmage part of practice, but shooting? Anybody standing out, or is the team looking like it is playing more team oriented? If course, when we are just scrimmaging ourselves, it is hard to get a really picture. We might have to wait and see how we look against an actual opponent.

This is the Democratic Party.

As far as the Fed, I would have rather seen a .25 basis point move. Inflation is still our #1 enemy especially considering out huge debt service load. Adding liquidity to the money supply as well as continued debt based spending increases inflationary pressures. We’ve already seen the concern over the .50 point move in the bond markets.
I think the Fed is scared about the economy whipsawing on them and being to slow to adapt. Yes, liquidity could drive up inflation again, but it will also mean that the debt's astronomical growth rate is slightly less bad, and rates are still high vs. what they have been historically for the past 10+ years.

This is the Democratic Party.

Ironic that history only matters to some when it supports their current political position :)

As far as Rowe v Wade the court made the correct “legal” decision imo in finding there is no constitutional protected right to a medical procedure. Even though I am pro choice I recognize the Rowe decision was problematic from a legal standpoint. Which is why I’ve been arguing for years the need for federal law which protects reasonable abortion access. Thus far….crickets
Federal Law is probably not strong enough. It's too easy to repeal a federal law, or dismember it gradually.

ESPN POLL Week 4....

IDK, I was just trying to help LEC bring his musical references into the post Gerald Ford era. I personally think a playoff of big10 and SEC teams will be boring as hell. The biggest thrill will be when a team I don't care about beats a team I dislike. Woo hoo.
I’ve seen 2 Swift concerts and she does put on a pretty good show. I recently saw my 8th Rolling Stones show and they just keep getting better. I’m not sure which era I’m stuck in.
