Ukraine….what’s our endgame here

Not shocking to most of us but it turns out fighting a war makes one better at fighting a war. I was a little surprised to see the increase is manpower.

Meanwhile we cant meet our recruiting goals..

Ukraine….what’s our endgame here

Not shocking to most of us but it turns out fighting a war makes one better at fighting a war. I was a little surprised to see the increase is manpower.

This is the Democratic Party.

As far as the Fed, I would have rather seen a .25 basis point move. Inflation is still our #1 enemy especially considering out huge debt service load. Adding liquidity to the money supply as well as continued debt based spending increases inflationary pressures. We’ve already seen the concern over the .50 point move in the bond markets.

This is the Democratic Party.

Ironic that history only matters to some when it supports their current political position :)

As far as Rowe v Wade the court made the correct “legal” decision imo in finding there is no constitutional protected right to a medical procedure. Even though I am pro choice I recognize the Rowe decision was problematic from a legal standpoint. Which is why I’ve been arguing for years the need for federal law which protects reasonable abortion access. Thus far….crickets

This is the Democratic Party.

the Supreme Court did not rule on abortion; pro or con. They ruled that it was a States Rights issue, not Federal.
Which is a bad decision, and no matter how much Trump lies to you and says that’s what everyone wanted, it wasn’t.

Maybe the Civil War should have acted as a clue that passing certain issues back to the states who are in heavy disagreement doesn’t actually solve issues.

This is the Democratic Party.

I'm getting tired of hearing about this jumbo, gigantic, huge, monumental interest rate cut.

It's either a normal cut of 1/4 or a large cut of 1/2. Period. Tired of all this hyperbole. A huge rate cut is 1% or 1.5%(which was actually done in the covid period) The 1.5% was massive, and only done in emergency, but 3/4 is a big cut, and 1% is a jumbo cut, not 1/2.
Most people don’t understand what a rate cut means. They correlate Fed funds rate cut with lower mortgage rates. Home loan rates are higher this am than they were prior to the announced rate cut yesterday. The ten year bond yield is also higher this am.
