Senate Gets in on the Tyrants Action

This just reinforces the word Tom Coburn called dingy Harry a few weeks back. Now what was that "word"? I think it was a seven letter word beginning with an "A"?

I sure will miss Tom when he retires. We need him in DC for his honesty and hard work.
Very short-sighted of the Dems as this will have longterm effects. Ironic seeing how Reid spoke of the virtues of the 60 vote requirement when he was minority leader in the Senate and now he has eliminated a procedure which has been in place for over 200 years. I understand the frustration but come 2017 the political landscape may be much different and Reid may well regret his decision.
Originally posted by rabidTU:
This just reinforces the word Tom Coburn called dingy Harry a few weeks back. Now what was that "word"? I think it was a seven letter word beginning with an "A"?

I sure will miss Tom when he retires. We need him in DC for his honesty and hard work.
Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:

Originally posted by rabidTU:
This just reinforces the word Tom Coburn called dingy Harry a few weeks back. Now what was that "word"? I think it was a seven letter word beginning with an "A"?

I sure will miss Tom when he retires. We need him in DC for his honesty and hard work.
Perhaps it was "AIMLESS ABUSIVE AIRHEAD". Or possibly something completely different.
Originally posted by lawpoke87:

Very short-sighted of the Dems as this will have longterm effects. Ironic seeing how Reid spoke of the virtues of the 60 vote requirement when he was minority leader in the Senate and now he has eliminated a procedure which has been in place for over 200 years. I understand the frustration but come 2017 the political landscape may be much different and Reid may well regret his decision.
Does obama think the american public is stupid. Here's a video of him, then Senator Obama arguing the opposite side when he was a senator, but now that Democrats are frustrated, he reverses himself a 180 for politcal expediency.Oh, how many can we count? Get troops out of Afhganistan on 2008 presidental campaign and critizing Bush but now working with kerry and Karzai on a 10 year extenstion to keep troops there and give away billions more..

This guy is an idiot, does not know the first thing about leading anything and his character is so questionable we are loosing all of our allies in the middle east and European and are the laughing stock in China. He better listen to Israel for so many reasons, yet he defies them, insults them, as he does with Germany, France, Brazil, etc.

How about negotiating with terrorists and Iran. We all know they are biding time to get sanctions lessened and then will not do anything about their nuclear weapons program. Our foreign policy is giving away everything in return for nothing. Does he really trust Iran, after he got taken to the cleaners by a real world leader in Putin on the chemical weapons in Syria. Does anyone with any sense think they will destory all their chemical weapson. So naive and should not be making decisions affecting our national security and economic security.

Hypocrite Senator/President Obama
Politics. The GOP senators shouldn't have stone walled every single appointment, they only have themselves to blame for this move. It might backfire down the road, might not, but to not admit the stone walling by the GOP senate on President Obama's appointments is to deny the political calculus that finally led to this decision. Alligator tears man!!
You've been reading too much of that Marxist, Bill Moyer. He's getting more senile and nonsensical everyday. There was even talk of him moving to Moscow before the fall of "commie-nism" where his idol Jack Reed is interred.

This post was edited on 11/28 9:35 PM by rabidTU
The GOP senators shouldn't have stone walled every single appointment
The Dems did the same thing to appointments made by GWB.