Joe Biden

You’re right. If you make a bad mistake.... you might have to go back to... flipping burgers... where you’ll be underpaid and have no savings since you lost it with the company. I could see why that keeps you up at night... I sure wouldn’t want to do it again... if only they would pay the burger flippers a wage that didn’t mean destitution. Maybe you wouldn’t be so worried about making a mistake. Maybe more people would try out small businesses if they didn’t mean such dire consequences for failure. Or maybe more small businesses would be able to innovate to try and keep up with their competition.

The deck is just so stacked against small business when it comes to competing against their large competitors. Take Walmart, they get credit terms of net 60 or net 90 for their purchases. Small business is typically cash at the time of purchase. They get bulk discounts which aren’t available to mom and pop. The ACA did away with our ability to form a group among ourselves to lower our healthcare costs while Walmart still gets such discounts. It’s just not a level playing field. The Walmart’s of the word will have no issues with a $15 minimum wage. They will automate and reduce workers. Small business simply doesn’t have the resources to do the same. I haven’t even addressed the bulk discounts they receive in shipping, etc.... It is what it is.
But the tradeoffs always affect the wage workers who actually make the company worth something. The tradeoff never comes at the expense of a CEO making $20M per year and that get a $10M bonus per year (or more for larger companies) OR at the expense of shareholders who literally do nothing to towards the production and profitability of the company. Places like Wal Mart, McDonald's, etc. who don't pay $15/hr certainly can afford to without needing to increase the cost of products but would oppose it because it cuts into the Walton family's lavish lifestyle by 1%. Granted there will be some small businesses that this would suck for...maybe there's a compromise on that end. Maybe also look into not raising it to $15 for kids who still live under mom and dad's roof or for Federal WS students ($15 would gut the budget of universities. When minimum wage rose to it's current level ($7.25), the number of hours a student could work per week was reduced to 12 from 15/16. Student's get a whole number of dollars as their award. 80% of FWS money is provided by the Fed Gov't while schools pay the other 20%.

Someone did the math....$15/hr at 40 hrs per week comes to roughly $31k per year BEFORE TAXES. The reason there are so many people in poverty and going hungry right now is $31k barely covers rent, utilities, and food in most cities around the country. On the coasts, $31k qualifies you for welfare and food stamps and you may still be homeless.

Maybe there is a simpler way to do it and not hit companies all at once moving forward. Get it to a respectable level over the next 7 years and then tie the minimum wage to the avg. rate of inflation for the previous 5 years. Companies can prepare for it, it moves with the avg. rise in costs.

And don't get the choice in telling some people there jobs are worth the $15/hr they make or not.
Neither does the government!
The deck is just so stacked against small business when it comes to competing against their large competitors. Take Walmart, they get credit terms of net 60 or net 90 for their purchases. Small business is typically cash at the time of purchase. They get bulk discounts which aren’t available to mom and pop. The ACA did away with our ability to form a group among ourselves to lower our healthcare costs while Walmart still gets such discounts. It’s just not a level playing field. The Walmart’s of the word will have no issues with a $15 minimum wage. They will automate and reduce workers. Small business simply doesn’t have the resources to do the same. I haven’t even addressed the bulk discounts they receive in shipping, etc.... It is what it is.
Man, wouldn't it be nice if the workers at Wall-Y-World could have come together decades ago to form some sort of workers support group that helped them negotiate their wages as a group instead of each worker having to do so individually without any bargaining leverage.... they could have called it a guild.... or maybe (I KNOW!) A UNION!

Too bad Walmart is allowed to punitively treat any worker who so much as utters that word and they don't have to deal with paying their workers a fair portion of the profits from their company which would make mom and pops more competitive with them....
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Man, wouldn't it be nice if the workers at Wall-Y-World could have come together decades ago to form some sort of workers support group that helped them negotiate their wages as a group instead of each worker having to do so individually without any bargaining leverage.... they could have called it a guild.... or maybe (I KNOW!) A UNION!

Too bad Walmart is allowed to punitively treat any worker who so much as utters that word and they don't have to deal with paying their workers a fair portion of the profits from their company which would make mom and pops more competitive with them....

Not sure what this has to do with my post. Of all the advantages I listed on Walmart’s side wages were not one of them.
Man, wouldn't it be nice if the workers at Wall-Y-World could have come together decades ago to form some sort of workers support group that helped them negotiate their wages as a group instead of each worker having to do so individually without any bargaining leverage.... they could have called it a guild.... or maybe (I KNOW!) A UNION!

Too bad Walmart is allowed to punitively treat any worker who so much as utters that word and they don't have to deal with paying their workers a fair portion of the profits from their company which would make mom and pops more competitive with them....
So everyone make the same. The on time hard worker gets the same as someone who Isnt
Not sure what this has to do with my post. Of all the advantages I listed on Walmart’s side wages were not one of them.
You noted that Walmart could afford increased wages, and you’re not wrong... but it would also dent their profits and might cause them to have to increase prices, making mom and pops more competitive. Their inherent advantages in the supply chain come from the fact that we allow them to get away with being a near monopsony in many places.
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You noted that Walmart could afford increased wages, and you’re not wrong... but it would also dent their profits and might cause them to have to increase prices, making mom and pops more competitive. Their inherent advantages in the supply chain come from the fact that we allow them to get away with being a near monopsony in many places.

Your business logic frustrates me at times :). If Walmart is paying $17 an hour you somehow seem to believe mom and pop down the street can hire from the same employee pool at a substantially less wage. Business doesn’t work like that. People will migrate to the higher paying company leaving mom and pop with either a labor shortage or substandard labor if they don’t pay competitive wages.

We not only allow them to get away with monopolistic practices we pass legislation which enhances it. See ACA and now the pending $15 across the board minimum wage.
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Your business logic frustrates me at times :). If Walmart is paying $17 an hour you somehow seem to believe mom and pop down the street can hire from the same employee pool at a substantially less wage. Business doesn’t work like that. People will migrate to the higher paying company leaving mom and pop with either a labor shortage or substandard labor if they don’t pay competitive wages.

We not only allow them to get away with monopolistic practices we pass legislation which enhances it. See ACA and now the pending $15 across the board minimum wage.
There's something to be said about working for a mom & pop who generally value their employees more. Wal Mart likes to use nice language like "associate" but reality is they treat their workers like crap. Oh, you need 32 hours a week to be eligible for health care're only getting 28 and no OT. Why? Because this protects the store manager's year end bonus. I've seen this from the inside.
There's something to be said about working for a mom & pop who generally value their employees more. Wal Mart likes to use nice language like "associate" but reality is they treat their workers like crap. Oh, you need 32 hours a week to be eligible for health care're only getting 28 and no OT. Why? Because this protects the store manager's year end bonus. I've seen this from the inside.

I agree. I obviously live in this world to some degree. The limiting factor is this generally only applies to people who work for you when it comes to them moving to mega Corp. When it comes to the initial hire of a new 20 something year old worker the allure of higher pay almost always wins out over the “we will treat you better here” promise. As I’ve said before, it’s not a level playing field and said field continues to tilt toward mega Corp via our lawmakers.
Your business logic frustrates me at times :). If Walmart is paying $17 an hour you somehow seem to believe mom and pop down the street can hire from the same employee pool at a substantially less wage. Business doesn’t work like that. People will migrate to the higher paying company leaving mom and pop with either a labor shortage or substandard labor if they don’t pay competitive wages.

We not only allow them to get away with monopolistic practices we pass legislation which enhances it. See ACA and now the pending $15 across the board minimum wage.
I didn’t say monopolistic. I said monopsonistic. Monopoly is where there is only one seller. Monopsony is when there is only one major buyer and they control the rates from a bunch of sellers (A-la Walmart controlling the supply chain and shutting out mom and pops...)

What we really should be doing is encouraging these large companies to have to deal with unionized workers... so you don’t have to raise the wages at mom and pops substantially, but a worker hiring into Walmart or Amazon doesn’t have to negotiate their own wages with no bargaining leverage as the company doesn’t care if it loses 1 potential employee.... but they will care if they lose a substantial portion of their workforce for underpaying based upon their profits.

Also, having an imbalance of wages doesn’t necessarily cause problems for mom and pops... it just puts jobs with certain companies at higher demand and potentially higher turnover. Kind of like the wages of a software engineer at Google vs a software engineer at a startup.
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I didn’t say monopolistic. I said monopsonistic. Monopoly is where there is only one seller. Monopsony is when there is only one major buyer and they control the rates from a bunch of sellers (A-la Walmart controlling the supply chain and shutting out mom and pops...)

What we really should be doing is encouraging these large companies to have to deal with unionized workers... so you don’t have to raise the wages at mom and pops substantially, but a worker hiring into Walmart or Amazon doesn’t have to negotiate their own wages with no bargaining leverage as the company doesn’t care if it loses 1 potential employee.... but they will care if they lose a substantial portion of their workforce for underpaying based upon their profits.

Also, having an imbalance of wages doesn’t necessarily cause problems for mom and pops... it just puts jobs with certain companies at higher demand and potentially higher turnover. Kind of like the wages of a software engineer at Google vs a software engineer at a startup.

Did you compare a software engineer with Google to a checker at Walmart ? Can we at least do a comparison with unskilled labor ?
Changing subjects, Biden just said there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the virus over the next several months 🤷‍♂️

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Changing subjects, Biden just said there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the virus over the next several months 🤷‍♂️

Lol slightly different from the campaign messaging. Guess it’s a good thing it’s been declining in Oklahoma and nationally for a couple weeks then. Hopefully vaccinations get us enough immunity before the UK variant has a chance to take hold here

Maybe....except mom and pop shops don’t employ UAW members. I’ve always been curious how many posters have been union members? Should we count teacher unions ?
Mom and pops employ people who will leave their employment if they get a higher paying job. I honestly encourage you to watch Walmart or Amazon's anti-Union videos that they put out for managers to help ensure that any union activity is snuffed out before it really gets going.

"We want a direct working relationship with the employees"

"The most obvious signs of Union activity include the use of words like living wage... or unusual interest in policies, benefits, or other kinds of company information"

How dare these people want to have a representative / agent negotiate their wages for them! How dare they talk about 'living wages'.... how dare they take interest in the policies and benefits of the company they work for!
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Unions forfeited their moral high ground after getting mobbed up in the 60’s and 70’s. Most still are.

Want to watch a Democrat squirm? Wait for them to complain about the lack of accountability for police misconduct, then point out those are union members. Ask them if they favor fewer employment protections for other government employees.

People like the dude I caught watching teeny porn on a government computer during business hours or the female security guard who slept on the job or the guy who went on a two week cruise without telling anybody. He just left, didn’t tell his boss, showed up two weeks later, swore out a time sheet saying he worked the whole time. We couldn’t fire any of those criminals because of union protections. Heck, I couldn’t even verbally counsel the sleeping security guard. All untouchable hiding behind their local.
This is an interesting macro discussion. And an interesting political discussion. Most of the democratic politicians could care less about a living wage. Most would vote against it to benefit their donors if they didn’t need the issue to drive turnout. That’s really what this “debate” is about irl. Focus grouping told some Dem operatives how to get people to the polls with this issue. Promising to double their salary does tend to incentivize them to the polls.
Unions forfeited their moral high ground after getting mobbed up in the 60’s and 70’s. Most still are.

Want to watch a Democrat squirm? Wait for them to complain about the lack of accountability for police misconduct, then point out those are union members. Ask them if they favor fewer employment protections for other government employees.

People like the dude I caught watching teeny porn on a government computer during business hours or the female security guard who slept on the job or the guy who went on a two week cruise without telling anybody. He just left, didn’t tell his boss, showed up two weeks later, swore out a time sheet saying he worked the whole time. We couldn’t fire any of those criminals because of union protections. Heck, I couldn’t even verbally counsel the sleeping security guard. All untouchable hiding behind their local.
I favor the ability of the employer to fire / discipline a union member for cause just as they would any non-union employee. That doesn't matter if it's a teacher sleeping with a student, a cop killing an innocent, or what have you. The fact that you are a Union member does not (should not) give you a pass to commit crime. Nor should the laws governing most fundamental crimes (killing another human, assault, rape, theft, etc...) be altered just for you just because you belong to a union.

Cops belong to a union that negotiates their wages and they get paid handsomely in comparison to their education / intellectual aptitude because of the service they provide to the community 74854111111111and the danger involved in that service. We can try to mitigate that risk as much as possible, but not to the point that they are free to act above the laws that rest of us live by.
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I worked for a small non union manufacturing company that became unionized. When the company refused any union requests, the union went on strike which lasted nearly a year.

The company continued to produce its product with management and a other non union workers. They discovered that they could produce the same quantity with only 2/3 of the workforce.


The union's actions had done nothing but cost job, so the employees voted the union out.
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I favor the ability of the employer to fire / discipline a union member for cause just as they would any non-union employee. That doesn't matter if it's a teacher sleeping with a student, a cop killing an innocent, or what have you. The fact that you are a Union member does not (should not) give you a pass to commit crime. Nor should the laws governing most fundamental crimes (killing another human, assault, rape, theft, etc...) be altered just for you just because you belong to a union.

Cops belong to a union that negotiates their wages and they get paid handsomely in comparison to their education / intellectual aptitude because of the service they provide to the community 74854111111111and the danger involved in that service. We can try to mitigate that risk as much as possible, but not to the point that they are free to act above the laws that rest of us live by.
Everyone who runs on a Democrat ticket thinks that, but never does anything about it because they fear being primaried. They are hostages to the unions. If you wonder why Republicans don’t listen to your virtue seeking policy proposals, this is one in a long list of reasons why. The real danger in government expansion isnt the increase in government spending or intrusion into your private life or economy. It’s what unelected people outside of government can do with those powers to manipulate those functions to their profit. Employment protections are on a long list of these failures and excesses.

After three decades in and out of government, I always laugh at people newly elected who think they actually have power when they run for office and win. They come in with naive ideas like your view above and enjoy about a two week honeymoon before they come out of some meeting like a wounded deer and announce that the guy who got caught stealing all the computer equipment gets reinstated, promoted with back pay and interest and can still sell things like electronic equipment on eBay on government time using government computers.
I favor the ability of the employer to fire / discipline a union member for cause just as they would any non-union employee. That doesn't matter if it's a teacher sleeping with a student, a cop killing an innocent, or what have you. The fact that you are a Union member does not (should not) give you a pass to commit crime. Nor should the laws governing most fundamental crimes (killing another human, assault, rape, theft, etc...) be altered just for you just because you belong to a union.

Cops belong to a union that negotiates their wages and they get paid handsomely in comparison to their education / intellectual aptitude because of the service they provide to the community 74854111111111and the danger involved in that service. We can try to mitigate that risk as much as possible, but not to the point that they are free to act above the laws that rest of us live by.
BTW, this is #maga
BTW, this is #maga
This is MAGA before it was stolen by idiots. Unions didn’t die because they weren’t effective they died because big companies realized the laws protecting the unions had no teeth and they could do all kinds of illegal things while union busting without being punished financially.
This is MAGA before it was stolen by idiots. Unions didn’t die because they weren’t effective they died because big companies realized the laws protecting the unions had no teeth and they could do all kinds of illegal things while union busting without being punished financially.
Negative, the unions died because they were mobbed up and corrupt and self serving. There was no public or political will to save them. And where there was, the companies moved to the right to work South and Sunbelt to avoid it.
Negative, the unions died because they were mobbed up and corrupt and self serving. There was no public or political will to save them. And where there was, the companies moved to the right to work South and Sunbelt to avoid it.

Don't disagree but business interests were constantly using political pressure to reduce union numbers. In graduate business school, 'labor relations' courses certainly taught how to limit the effects and influence of unions. Some of the ideas were positive (treat your employees so well they won't unionize) but others were just plain how to limit them. Basically having to ever negotiate with a union was a fail.
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Unions have no room for the individual.
No individual thought, accomplishments, knowledge or effort. Just blend in with the group think.
Lol slightly different from the campaign messaging. Guess it’s a good thing it’s been declining in Oklahoma and nationally for a couple weeks then. Hopefully vaccinations get us enough immunity before the UK variant has a chance to take hold here

Take anything released by the State of Oklahoma with a grain of salt. They use a different color coded system showing the seriousness so everything remains YELLOW/ORANGE while the national COVID numbers show us as among the worst in the nation for infection rate and infections per 100k population. Yet Stittiot continues to say "All is fine. Nothing to see here." and pushes in person schooling while doing absolutely nothing to try and get this infection rate lower. Oklahoma is now avg. 40 deaths PER DAY over the last week. And now you have jackasses in the OKLeg trying to pass laws that make it illegal for municipalities, school districts, etc. from requiring masks. Why are the idiots in charge in OK in complete denial that things are getting worse here, not better?

And then you have the wonderful city where I live who refuses to even pass a mask recommendation. City council of morons...the last meeting one of the most vocal opponents to a mask mandate was not able to attend....because she's sick with COVID. Why does Oklahoma continue to elect complete ****ing morons to just about every elected position?
Negative, the unions died because they were mobbed up and corrupt and self serving. There was no public or political will to save them. And where there was, the companies moved to the right to work South and Sunbelt to avoid it.
Right to a joke and yet the folks it hurts the most are the ones who vote for it. The only benefit Right to Work had for employees was you couldn't be forced to be part of a union. Yet the protections afforded workers before, i.e. employers had to have a reason to get rid of you, were completely wiped out.
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Take anything released by the State of Oklahoma with a grain of salt. They use a different color coded system showing the seriousness so everything remains YELLOW/ORANGE while the national COVID numbers show us as among the worst in the nation for infection rate and infections per 100k population. Yet Stittiot continues to say "All is fine. Nothing to see here." and pushes in person schooling while doing absolutely nothing to try and get this infection rate lower. Oklahoma is now avg. 40 deaths PER DAY over the last week. And now you have jackasses in the OKLeg trying to pass laws that make it illegal for municipalities, school districts, etc. from requiring masks. Why are the idiots in charge in OK in complete denial that things are getting worse here, not better?

And then you have the wonderful city where I live who refuses to even pass a mask recommendation. City council of morons...the last meeting one of the most vocal opponents to a mask mandate was not able to attend....because she's sick with COVID. Why does Oklahoma continue to elect complete ****ing morons to just about every elected position?

I’m not gonna do conspiracy stuff. There’s no evidence of manipulation at this point. The numbers are what they are and they’re in line with most other places in the country showing a likely peak around the beginning of the year and rapid decline over the last 2 weeks. Hopefully that continues.

And it may be a broken clock being right twice a day, but Stitt and every other republican were right about trying to keep schools open. Shutting them down, especially for as long as we have, is the opposite of following the science and will have a negative public health impact for decades and disproportionately on poor and minority students. There’s a reason most of our European friends did not close their schools at all last year and have resisted it to the greatest extent possible even during their massive outbreak this winter
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Wow.. imagine the contributions to the DNC that a Wal Mart union, an Amazon union, or a fast food workers union could make...

I can see the slobber dripping from Harrison and Whitmer's mouths already..
I’m not gonna do conspiracy stuff. There’s no evidence of manipulation at this point. The numbers are what they are and they’re in line with most other places in the country showing a likely peak around the beginning of the year and rapid decline over the last 2 weeks. Hopefully that continues.

And it may be a broken clock being right twice a day, but Stitt and every other republican were right about trying to keep schools open. Shutting them down, especially for as long as we have, is the opposite of following the science and will have a negative public health impact for decades and disproportionately on poor and minority students. There’s a reason most of our European friends did not close their schools at all last year and have resisted it to the greatest extent possible even during their massive outbreak this winter
No one is denying that kids will be better off with in person school. I don't deny that and both my kids are in person. My point was more that Stittiot has not done a single damn thing to help mitigate spread in the community or in schools. He wants kids to go back but refuses to pass a mask mandate when nationwide data shows that places with mask mandates have at least slowed the rate of infection. And I'm not saying he manipulated the numbers...they are what they are. But by changing the color coding to show the infections per capita, he is manipulating people's psyches who will see the yellow/orange color thinking it's not as bad as it is. Oklahoma is #1 in the country in rate of infection right now at 20%+ (yes, down from nearly 30% just a couple of weeks ago).
Oklahoma is #1 in the country in rate of infection right now at 20%+ (yes, down from nearly 30% just a couple of weeks ago).

I've seen the Tulsa World reporting that and for some reason it doesn't align with what the health dept has been putting out. I'm not sure what's causing the discrepancy

Edit: Nevermind, found it. Source: This data is obtained outside of individual case data reported to the OSDH Acute Disease Service and comes from a daily survey of state and private laboratories and facilities that are performing Covid-19 testing.

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I've seen the Tulsa World reporting that and for some reason it doesn't align with what the health dept has been putting out. I'm not sure what's causing the discrepancy

Edit: Nevermind, found it. Source: This data is obtained outside of individual case data reported to the OSDH Acute Disease Service and comes from a daily survey of state and private laboratories and facilities that are performing Covid-19 testing.

Right now there are several reporters covering a story that the state's COVID data reporting is much lower than what the CDC is reporting, especially with the number of deaths....CDC is reporting almost 4200 COVID deaths in OK whereas the state is only reporting 3000+. Stitt and OK have been tinkering with the way they report the numbers to fit their narrative about reopening, about a mask mandate, about opening schools, etc.
Right now there are several reporters covering a story that the state's COVID data reporting is much lower than what the CDC is reporting, especially with the number of deaths....CDC is reporting almost 4200 COVID deaths in OK whereas the state is only reporting 3000+. Stitt and OK have been tinkering with the way they report the numbers to fit their narrative about reopening, about a mask mandate, about opening schools, etc.

This is kind of conspiracy stuff though man. There's sometimes a discrepancy between confirmed covid deaths and presumed or probable covid deaths. Give me evidence that people are actually trying to not count deaths and maybe I'll buy that. And there may be certain labs that don't report to the OSDH Acute Disease Service, resulting in a difference between that and what comes out in their surveys that include those labs. If they're sending the info to the CDC, they're not hiding anything. You'll also see a difference between excess deaths and reported covid deaths, and it's due to a combination of missed diagnoses and other increases in deaths we've seen this year due to the disruption to people's lives (an uptick in dementia deaths due to isolation is one example).
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This is conspiracy stuff though man. Most other states are also seeing a difference between excess deaths and reported covid deaths, and it's due to a combination of missed diagnoses and other increases in deaths we've seen this year due to the disruption to people's lives (an uptick in dementia deaths due to isolation is one example).
I'm not proposing any conspiracies just referencing the discrepancies and the reports pointing them out. But I do know that Stitt has manipulated the numbers or even worked to create a different threshhold level and reporting chart to fit what he wants to do policy wise. There's no denying that. While the numbers in OK increased on an almost exponential trajectory the last 3-4 months, Stitt's office continually reported that we were plateauing and dropping and anyone who is not blind can see that was not the case.
I'm not proposing any conspiracies just referencing the discrepancies and the reports pointing them out. But I do know that Stitt has manipulated the numbers or even worked to create a different threshhold level and reporting chart to fit what he wants to do policy wise. There's no denying that. While the numbers in OK increased on an almost exponential trajectory the last 3-4 months, Stitt's office continually reported that we were plateauing and dropping and anyone who is not blind can see that was not the case.

If you're just saying that a politician is picking and choosing which stats he wants to rely on to fit the policies that he wants to implement then I would say of course, just like just about every other politician has this year. It seems to me like he probably used % positive to justify calling it a plateau and then when that went up the last couple months he probably started using hospitalizations. While I was still in Austin our mayor's main metric for re-opening was based on hospitalizations. Then when hospitalizations fell below the threshold, rather than stick to that metric they changed and went by number of cases, which might actually be the least useful metric given fluctuations in testing.
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When they counted a motorcycle decapitation as CoVid related in Florida, I tuned out the debate on the numbers game.
I support the wearing of masks but I’ve seen zero evidence to suggest those states where masks are mandatory have faired any better than those who haven’t passed such mandates. In fact, many are worse.
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When they counted a motorcycle decapitation as CoVid related in Florida, I tuned out the debate on the numbers game.

I remember reading that Florida was planning to audit some of its numbers because such a high percentage of deaths recorded had occurred more than 1 month after a positive test. Any word on how that turned out?

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