Joe Biden

The company has a naturally unbalanced inherent advantage against any employees... especially when you consider what the Taft Hartley act led to after WWII.

Reagan’s best pal at GE was famous for busting unions with anti-competitive tactics because he realized that the federal government didn’t have the teeth to enforce anything if they found out a company was treating itsworkers / unions unfairly in labor negotiations.
Your arguments assume that the company is always wrong.
Your arguments assume that the company is always wrong.
My argument assumes that the company is always out to lower operational costs as much as possible.... which means keeping wages as low as possible without disrupting productivity too much. Many companies these days have shown they don’t care at all about their workers... it became especially evident in the covid environment. The company also typically has all the leverage in the hiring process unless you have multiple job offers at once.
You are correct.

A business has two objectives; create and market a product, and make a profit selling it with the goal to maximize ROI and minimizing expenses.
You are correct.

A business has two objectives; create and market a product, and make a profit selling it with the goal to maximize ROI and minimizing expenses.
A business should have three objectives. Be financially beneficial for all those working to make it profits. Those companies with CEO’s that are essentially acting like Tom Sawyer tricking people into whitewashing the fence are not beneficial to America anymore than the sweatshops in Thailand or Mexico are beneficial to those countries.
The only purpose of any business is to make money with a minimum of overhead

Employees are overhead and are judged by their value to the company.
The only purpose of any business is to make money with a minimum of overhead

Employees are overhead and are judged by their value to the company.
Pieces on a chessboard... good to know. And that’s why they go on strike and say we’re not playing your game anymore... “we’re not going to paint your damn fence for you anymore Tom Sawyer!”
So you are never concerned with your roi on purchases or investments. You don't try to minimize your personal expenses.
Pieces on a chessboard... good to know. And that’s why they go on strike and say we’re not playing your game anymore... “we’re not going to paint your damn fence for you anymore Tom Sawyer!”
You know that they get to vote on whether or not they want to be a union shop. Fear is not the only thing that can keep them from organizing. Try getting by on picket pay for several months or finding another job while you wait and paying someone to walk your picket out of the proceeds.
Open ballot, wow no chance of intimidation there.

My brother worked for a union shop and soon learned that you never question the actions of the union leaders.

My wife worked in a shop where joining was optional since she was part time. She was backed into a corner and intimidated.
Who speaks for her
You know that they get to vote on whether or not they want to be a union shop. Fear is not the only thing that can keep them from organizing. Try getting by on picket pay for several months or finding another job while you wait and paying someone to walk your picket out of the proceeds.
Yes I’m aware of how it works.
Open ballot, wow no chance of intimidation there.

My brother worked for a union shop and soon learned that you never question the actions of the union leaders.

My wife worked in a shop where joining was optional since she was part time. She was backed into a corner and intimidated.
Who speaks for her
What did they do? And how much were they compensated for it? Union workers make on average 20% more than non-union counterparts and they get better benefits. You can complain all you want about the union system “the leadership structure is poor”, “they have to many rules that hinder operations”, but it’s infinitely better than a business where you can be backed into a corner by your employer and have no ability to change that and, you have absolutely no say in how your position operates. Just because there are problems with that system doesn’t mean it’s not still superior to not having a shop at all.
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Union wages are based on seniority. Everyome gets the same regardless of indivual productivity, and value.
Union wages are based on seniority. Everyome gets the same regardless of indivual productivity, and value.
Good. The fact that they get 20% more than the non-union people breaking their backs to be productive shows you how valuable it can be to have more negotiating power as an employee.
I have mixed feelings toward unions. I was a member in the early 80s of GBBA Local 128 in Sapulpa. I credit the union with what at that time was above market pay. I enjoyed it. The downside was the decision to strike. The members were fed mostly lies and false hope by the union leaders. Intimidation was a significant factor in the vote. A lengthy strike resulted and most never got their jobs back.
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Good. The fact that they get 20% more than the non-union people breaking their backs to be productive shows you how valuable it can be to have more negotiating power as an employee.
So the slacker standing next to you makes the same as you. I'd be pixxed. There is no incentive to achieve and mediocrity is acceptable.

20% more?
Union dues. Dependent. Added cost to the consumer.
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So the slacker standing next to you makes the same as you. I'd be pixxed. There is no incentive to achieve and mediocrity is acceptable.

20% more?
Union dues. Dependent. Added cost to the consumer.
Union dues are nowhere near the expected increase in salary a union worker can expect.
I have mixed feelings toward unions. I was a member in the early 80s of GBBA Local 128 in Sapulpa. I credit the union with what at that time was above market pay. I enjoyed it. The downside was the decision to strike. The members were fed mostly lies and false hope by the union leaders. Intimidation was a significant factor in the vote. A lengthy strike resulted and most never got their jobs back.
That's a fair criticism, but you also have to remember that there are just as many if not more people these days who have similar qualms with their companies being run poorly and them losing their jobs. I wouldn't argue that unions are perfect, but they are a fundamental step in the right direction in terms of leveling the playing field during salary / benefit negotiations. I think there are a lot of problems in unions that need to be worked out to make them functional... but what we have now (individual representation) isn't very functional either so it's kind of like deciding on whether to climb a daunting mountain or deciding to climb an even more daunting mountain.
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Weirdly Ted Cruz’s latest pitch is that he and Republicans represent the interests of shirtsleeves, working Americans. Amazon warehouse employees attempting to unionize could use his help.
Union dues are nowhere near the expected increase in salary a union worker can expect.
I worked nearly 50 years. I started with MW. As I improved my skill set, I received promotions which included more pay and better benefits.

Some projects required extra hours, Sometimes I was required to carry a pager 24/7. At no time did I ever feel that the company was taking advantage of me.

I always was well compensated, with nice benefits. I accomplished this on my own
I worked nearly 50 years. I started with MW. As I improved my skill set, I received promotions which included more pay and better benefits.

Some projects required extra hours, Sometimes I was required to carry a pager 24/7. At no time did I ever feel that the company was taking advantage of me.

I always was well compensated, with nice benefits. I accomplished this on my own
Good for you. You might be surprised to find out that promotions are becoming exceedingly rare in today's climate. The common consensus among current professionals is that the best way to acquire more pay and benefits is to move companies and to play companies' offers against each other. The days of staying with one company for the majority of your career are over. Companies don't reward employees for doing a good job anymore.... they just replace open positions at market rates.

It saves the companies money, but it actually hurts their expertise and efficiency. At no place I've been employed have you even been given the opportunity to negotiate benefits packages other than possibly salary. You can't say, "I've been a good worker who saved you X million dollars and I want an extra day off every year". Everyone from the janitor to the managing engineer get the same amount of time off, the same % contribution to their retirement etc... and that's without a union.
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Who does a person owe more allegiance to, the union which gets them benefits or the company that actually pay them for their work?

If the purpose of a union is that there is more power in a collective group to negotiate salary, benefits and work conditions, then why do professional athletes and actors need a union? They have a their own team of agents and lawyers that represent them and negotiate their individual compensation packages; not the union.
Who does a person owe more allegiance to, the union which gets them benefits or the company that actually pay them for their work?

If the purpose of a union is that there is more power in a collective group to negotiate salary, benefits and work conditions, then why do professional athletes and actors need a union? They have a their own team of agents and lawyers that represent them and negotiate their individual compensation packages; not the union.
In reality, player's unions function pretty ideally. The unions set the market rates for the lowest paid players and advocate for matching the rates that the top paid players are able to get compared to the league's profits. Typically the player's agents are there to negotiate what tier the player is going to be put into in terms of minimum salary to maximum salary.
A union negotiates a compensation package for the group.

The pro negotiate his own individual package based on his productivity, with the help of agents and lawyers. Where is the union in this equation?

Following the union method, all players should make the same based solely on seniority.
A union negotiates a compensation package for the group.

The pro negotiate his own individual package based on his productivity, with the help of agents and lawyers. Where is the union in this equation?

Following the union method, all players should make the same based solely on seniority.
The union makes sure that, based upon all the players backing the star players, that the stars are fairly compensated. (If management let wages stagnate while profits increased, the union as a whole would strike... which we've seen before) That's why the salary cap changes after collective bargaining in the NBA for instance. Seniority is not the ONLY way that unions operate. It is how SOME unions operate... usually ones where there are quite a few low level jobs and only a couple senior positions. In sports, there is no such thing as a senior position at your position. You can't go from being a Tight End to a managing Tight End.
Biden has promised 100 million shots in 100 days. Great how does that happen? Supply? Delivery? Storage? Shots?

Biden is going to be busy.
They can't tell it's just making fun of idiots.

Former rb thinks it's infatuation when it's really just flatulation over their ridiculousness.
It appears that not all of his policy changes have been successful nor extremely popular. Maybe he forgot that he received only a smidgen over 50%.

To achieve unity don't both sides have to change.
It appears that not all of his policy changes have been successful nor extremely popular. Maybe he forgot that he received only a smidgen over 50%.

To achieve unity don't both sides have to change.
They don’t want unity they want to take over permanently by any means necessary
How many elections is congress trying to overturn? Arent these the same people who blasted Trump for challenging the election.
I didn’t see it all but Politico is reporting that CoVid was not mentioned by the President and was not a question from the audience, after he gave a very brief mention to it at the beginning of the press conference. 62 minutes and he doesn’t talk about it except to give a brief summary of the number of people vaccinated.

And people wonder why this country is going to hell.

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