Joe Biden

I would bet my last penny that the investigation part leading to impeachment is already in motion my friend. The key is Georgia. I could imagine impeachment happening in the lead up to the midterms. It could sway everything to the right.
The problem with that is that in the lead up Nancy will still control the House, where investigations start for impeachment.
The problem with that is that in the lead up Nancy will still control the House, where investigations start for impeachment.
The full blown revolution will have started within the Dem party deepening the divide between the moderate and far right liberals while AOCrazy will vie to take over for Pelosi. It will be an absolute bloodbath with lots of public infighting. With the media no longer able to push the Orange man bad narrative, that infighting will be put on prime time TV 24/7. Meanwhile, the populous won’t have forgotten the irrational lockdowns and draconian tyranny. They will vote to get rid of their handlers and when their vote is stolen and their voices silenced, then real progress will be made.
The dems have offeered nothing but bs for the past 4 years, now they expect the rep to roll over a play dead.

After they finish their victory lap, the dems need to realize that the country is still about 50/50 and they lost house seats(grass root voters)
Now Biden is planning immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship. That already exists.
I would bet my last penny that the investigation part leading to impeachment is already in motion my friend. The key is Georgia. I could imagine impeachment happening in the lead up to the midterms. It could sway everything to the right.

Well your dumb**** prez just cost Rs the senate in GA so throwout whatever kind of scheme you were thinking about
I'm assuming you're being sarcastic?

Don't quite get your point.

Donald Trump being the dip:crap: that he is did dip:crap: things that likely hurt the two R candidates in GA. What’s not to get?
But they are both winning. ???

They are both quite likely to lose. Purdue May win, but unlikely. It turns out that convincing some of your voters that the election is rigged by lizard people makes some of them stay home.
They are both quite likely to lose. Purdue May win, but unlikely. It turns out that convincing some of your voters that the election is rigged by lizard people makes some of them stay home.
I haven't really been following the election much today, till right now. It suddenly got a lot closer while we were talking. I guess the the Dekalb county votes helped the Democrats make up a lot of ground.
Well your dumb**** prez just cost Rs the senate in GA so throwout whatever kind of scheme you were thinking about
Ok, now it makes sense. 😜

Perdue didn't even hold up for you URedskin, it's so close that they are putting the election at 50/50. I wonder if it will be a few hundred or a few thousand votes that win or lose it for Perdue/Ossof
Ok, now it makes sense. 😜

Perdue didn't even hold up for you URedskin, it's so close that they are putting the election at 50/50. I wonder if it will be a few hundred or a few thousand votes that win or lose it for Perdue/Ossof

Yeah it won't end up super close. Done in by the lizard controlled voting machines again!
hide you money in you mattress. Here come the dems with their better idea.. tax the rich...
Yeah it won't end up super close. Done in by the lizard controlled voting machines again!
Warnock's gonna kick Leoffler's a$$. There's still nearly 5000 votes that are mostly mail in ballots for them in Gwinnett county. It'll be closer with Perdue, but he'll still lose. I hate Loeffler, but still wanted her to win that cushion of 2 seats.
Warnock's gonna kick Leoffler's a$$. There's still nearly 5000 votes that are mostly mail in ballots for them in Gwinnett county. It'll be closer with Perdue, but he'll still lose. I hate Loeffler, but still wanted her to win that cushion of 2 seats.

I kind of figured the stink of insider trading would hang over Loefler, but I’m a little surprised some of the crazy stuff in Warnock’s past didn’t come back to bite him. But again, when the leader of the Republican Party tells voters that the Republican governor and the Republican Secretary of State are rigging elections against republicans, well, republicans deserve to lose.
Warnock's gonna kick Leoffler's a$$. There's still nearly 5000 votes that are mostly mail in ballots for them in Gwinnett county. It'll be closer with Perdue, but he'll still lose. I hate Loeffler, but still wanted her to win that cushion of 2 seats.
That lady looks like a show dog. Not ugly.... just... weird.
Get ready for a lot of feel good legislation full of radical left wing agenda...
You mean like a border wall, a Muslim ban, a tax cut for the rich, a repeal of a healthcare law, encouraging Iran to enrich nuclear weapons and losing a trade war with China etc...?
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Open border, socialism, freebies, penalize productivity, blame Republicans, Censor speech and thought, endorse or rationalize radical left wing groups, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich(oops there are no more rich) reward bad behavior
Open border, socialism, freebies, penalize productivity, blame Republicans, Censor speech and thought, endorse or rationalize radical left wing groups, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich(oops there are no more rich) reward bad behavior
The border will not be open, there will be little to no more socialism than there was prior to Trump, there is no way to censor thought, speech will be treated how it has for centuries, the wealthy will be taxed (don’t worry, you’re not one of them nor is anyone else on this board) and maybe there will finally be some encouragement from the federal government to get state policies on unwarranted police brutality / police accountability under control so we won’t see radical left wing groups rise up again.
$15 an hour federal mandated uniform minimum wage 😱😱.
Yeah... that one I’m not a huge fan of. I would increase it about 50% to somewhere around 11-12. (Much like it was increased about that much from 5 to 7 back in 07(?) (under a Republican President)
Yeah... that one I’m not a huge fan of. I would increase it about 50% to somewhere around 11-12. (Much like it was increased about that much from 5 to 7 back in 07(?) (under a Republican President)

I don’t mind $15 an hour is places like NYC or San Francisco. $15 an hour in Sapulpa will destroy small businesses. Insane to have an across the board standard. Places like Walmart and McDonald’s can’t wait for implementation.
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Open border, socialism, freebies, penalize productivity, blame Republicans, Censor speech and thought, endorse or rationalize radical left wing groups, tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich(oops there are no more rich) reward bad behavior
You're out of touch...there has never been an open border. They're not censoring speech, never have. Now on the taxes, maybe. But it needs to be done because of the blind GOP tax cuts for the top 1%. At least under Reagan and his tax cuts, there was the fallacy of trickle down put out there BUT under no GOP POTUS ever has the economy been stronger or ended with more jobs than it started. Many gripe about Obama's GDP growth being slow. Sure, it was slow...but it was steady and stable. Within a year of Trump taking office, the Carrier assembly plant in Indiana, the one that Trump had the photo-op grandstanding about keeping those types of jobs in America, closed and moved its ops to Mexico. There are more people in poverty now than at any point in US history. The number of American children who don't get 3 meals a day is staggering and shameful when you talk about the amount of wealth this country has. It's time for that wealth to finally trickle down. The whole point of giving tax breaks to companies and the wealthy business owners is that they would actually reinvest it in their businesses through R&D and in the workers that actually do the work and make the company profitable. Instead, they use the tax savings to boost their profit margin so the CEO can have a $50M year end bonus and the investors make $10 per share year end dividends vs $9. Inflation on all goods and services over the last 20 years is about 2.5% ANNUALLY. Minimum wage has not really gone up in that time. So let's start there...either you show a concerted effort to raise workers out of poverty by paying them a living wage or you lose your tax credits.

I've long said we should roll back taxes to where Clinton had them. Congress and Pres. Biden should also work to manage the budget like Clinton and his Congress did. That's the last time the budget was balanced and actually ran a surplus. It can be done and it won't kill your retirement or business.
I don’t mind $15 an hour is places like NYC or San Francisco. $15 an hour in Sapulpa will destroy small businesses. Insane to have an across the board standard. Places like Walmart and McDonald’s can’t wait for implementation.
Most places that you’re describing (like San Fran) have already upped their wages at or beyond $15/hr. If places like Oklahoma had tied their minimum wages to some sort of COL then they would likely be higher than they are today (maybe not $15, but certainly more than $7)
$15/ hour would be a joke in San Francisco btw. Your salary might buy you a cardboard box to sleep in the gutter with.

If a business can’t afford to pay its workers a living wage then it honestly shouldn’t be in business. I.E. if you can’t run your plantation without unpaid labor then you shouldn’t have a plantation at all.
There is probably no policy area where Dems choose to ignore reality like minimum wage. Maybe zoning, but I think minimum wage beats it. A national $15 minimum wage would be devastating in a decent economic environment. Right now it might finish off the remaining small businesses that didn’t go under during the pandemic. It will hurt a lot of people.
Most places that you’re describing (like San Fran) have already upped their wages at or beyond $15/hr. If places like Oklahoma had tied their minimum wages to some sort of COL then they would likely be higher than they are today (maybe not $15, but certainly more than $7)
$15/ hour would be a joke in San Francisco btw. Your salary might buy you a cardboard box to sleep in the gutter with.

If a business can’t afford to pay its workers a living wage then it honestly shouldn’t be in business. I.E. if you can’t run your plantation without unpaid labor then you shouldn’t have a plantation at all.

Requiring the same minimum wage across the country makes absolutely no sense. A living wage is much different in Cali than say Oklahoma.

You’re plantation analogy lacks real world economic sense. Big corporations operate at higher margins than small businesses for obvious reasons. They will automate and/or run on smaller margins until their smaller competitors go bankrupt. At $15 an hour in Sapulpa many local businesses simply won’t be able to compete with their corporate counterparts. In the end we will end up with a few mega corporations providing our consumer needs and ultimately be at their mercy as far as prices and services. Have fun with that.

Biden talking about the recent struggles of small businesses and in the next sentence proposing a $15 uniform minimum wage is one of the most disingenuous things I’ve ever heard...and after Trump that’s saying something.
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Requiring the same minimum wage across the country makes absolutely no sense. A living wage is much different in Cali than say Oklahoma.

You’re plantation analogy lacks real world economic sense. Big corporations operate at higher margins than small businesses for obvious reasons. They will automate and/or run on smaller margins until their smaller competitors go bankrupt. At $15 an hour in Sapulpa many local businesses simply won’t be able to compete with their corporate counterparts. In the end we will end up with a few mega corporations providing our consumer needs and ultimately be at their mercy as far as prices and services. Have fun with that.

Biden talking about the recent struggles of small businesses and in the next sentence proposing a $15 uniform minimum wage is one of the most disingenuous things I’ve ever heard...and after Trump that’s saying something.
I don’t disagree that there should be disparate minimum wages between cities / states / regions.... but I also know that many states have held their minimums stagnant for 15 years now. They need to move to put pressure on both low end wages and middle class wages.

The highest purchasing power that the minimum wage ever had was in 1968. It had a 2019 equivalent of about $11.60 Since then that purchasing power has declined by 1/3rd.I would be very surprised if we see a $15 minimum wage... like you, I think $15 is unrealistic you punitive to small businesses... but there is a happy medium somewhere (even for businesses in Sapulpa) between 7 and 15. If your business can’t sustain someone at a living wage, then you shouldn’t be employing people just to take advantage of them.
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Not every job is worth mw. Not every employee is worth mw.

Biden talked about creating a pathway to citizenship for immigrants? That already exists and thousand of people do it every year.

I think he is wants to create a set of rules for people who ignored our immigration laws to begin with.
We have seen wages stagnate in real terms over the past 40 or 50 years as our nation's wealth has become concentrated in the top 1%. The lack of a living wage for those willing to work hard is a national tragedy that has feeds the anger with the 'elites' who don't seem to care or do much about it. Lots of contributors such as globalism (aka moving well paid jobs overseas), huge college debt, rising costs of medical care, etc.). Perhaps moving the minimum wage up will do some good, but it won't do it all by itself. Delegitimizing trickle-down economics for an alternative strategy could help. We might learn from Germany, Taiwan, Korea etc. to see how they are sustaining their manufacture bases and paying to healthcare too. Unfortunately the US seems to have difficulty learning from what works elsewhere.

But something has to change.

As the old saw about goes, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity.
We have seen wages stagnate in real terms over the past 40 or 50 years as our nation's wealth has become concentrated in the top 1%. The lack of a living wage for those willing to work hard is a national tragedy that has feeds the anger with the 'elites' who don't seem to care or do much about it. Lots of contributors such as globalism (aka moving well paid jobs overseas), huge college debt, rising costs of medical care, etc.). Perhaps moving the minimum wage up will do some good, but it won't do it all by itself. Delegitimizing trickle-down economics for an alternative strategy could help. We might learn from Germany, Taiwan, Korea etc. to see how they are sustaining their manufacture bases and paying to healthcare too. Unfortunately the US seems to have difficulty learning from what works elsewhere.

But something has to change.

As the old saw about goes, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity.

This is what I was talking about. Fluffy language while dancing around the specifics of how raising the minimum wage significantly above the equilibrium in a given area will somehow not result in significant job losses. Pretending the consequences don't exist does not make those consequences go away. At least free-trade absolutists will say "yes, a couple areas of the economy will lose jobs, but overall it will be a net benefit in jobs and prices." Even if you disagree with the policy or whether there will be a net benefit, at least the tradeoffs are usually acknowledged.
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Not every job is worth mw. Not every employee is worth mw.

Biden talked about creating a pathway to citizenship for immigrants? That already exists and thousand of people do it every year.

I think he is wants to create a set of rules for people who ignored our immigration laws to begin with.
Every employee is worth minimum wage as it's the minimum that a person's time is worth. If you are exchanging your time (as well as your effort) for the benefit of someone else's business then they should pay you, at a minimum, a rate that would sustain your continued existence. If there is no floor to what someone might charge then they are able to take advantage of their workers to the point that their workers might have to work multiple jobs just to have shelter and sustenance. Even medieval serfs had a better deal than that. They didn't typically have to work a night shift just to keep themselves alive with shelter and a meager amount of food.

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