Fauci Funded COVID?????

There's all kinds of research linked to somebody that's been in the communicable diseases research industry for as long as he has. You eliminate very qualified candidates if you start down this road. But most people on this board already know this, cept you.
There's all kinds of research linked to somebody that's been in the communicable diseases research industry for as long as he has. You eliminate very qualified candidates if you start down this road. But most people on this board already know this, cept you.
I didn’t write the article nor am I accusing him however there are some serious allegations made nonetheless
"serious allegations" = conspiracy theories spread by the tin hat crowd We just had an attack on Congress based on 'serious allegations" of voter fraud that were knowingly spread by people who knew they were false. It's not a victimless act.
"serious allegations" = conspiracy theories spread by the tin hat crowd We just had an attack on Congress based on 'serious allegations" of voter fraud that were knowingly spread by people who knew they were false. It's not a victimless act.
This interview that made these allegations was given on a MSM network which means Fauci can sue for defamation and spreading false information. If and when Fauci sues and wins this claim, then your point will be taken seriously. As far as attack, hopefully you recognize the assault by ANTIFA and BLM all summer on our democracy and put them on the same level as the Capital. Not condemning ALL violence is absolutely ridiculous and poses a threat to our democracy.

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