Defund the police!!

Or, I hand it over to the police, like I said. The point is, you don’t get to go vigilante justice on the Methhead just because he stole your TV.

Sorry in this reality gun lunatics like myself have banded with leftists to abolish the police so the only options are social worker or my drone MK19
Y’all need to stop debating the distraction and see this for what it really is. Police unions are a significant political force in purple districts. Police jobs are often occupied by persons that are increasingly leaving the Democratic Party. Even non-white ones though many of those become NPA. This debate has nothing to do with public safety or compassionate roadside assistance. It’s about taking honest apolitical people off the payroll who don’t support you and installing them with people much more likely to give money and vote your way. To make those congressional seats safely blue (ironically) and not purple. Period. End of story.

It can take as little as .4 seconds at close range to get off a pointed center mass shot and a little under 2 seconds for an aimed headshot. Reasonable people on both sides of the aisle, those not fanning flames to raise money or self virtue, know there’s not any way to talk a gun out of people’s hands in that instance and there’s no way to distinguish between that type of deadly trap and non-violent encounters, especially in that time period. If you unarm someone you have to train them to survive that scenario, so you’ve trained them to make it through the initial life threat but left them defenseless for the continued and secondary threats. Good luck to you at the press conference when the first social worker ends up dead. People know this that make policy. On both sides. Neither side is eager to do what you are proposing because there’s so much common sense saying it’s dumb and nobody outside cushy white suburbs with hyper educated liberal nuclear families would sign up to do the job for under $150,000, if that.

We’ve seen this play out in real time with the Bryant shooting earlier this week. A lot of knee jerk and mistaken and even despicable social media from high profile leaders and athletes, some without watching the video. Anyone with any sense that has seen that video can see that a social worker responding would have resulted in an innocent teenage girl being stabbed and perhaps killed. People on the street want cops to have guns in these situations for exactly this reason: to have the method available to defend the life of an innocent 3rd party. Defund the police is so unpopular in the Black community (75% oppose) Republicans have started quietly funding the movement because they see real opportunity to gain political ground in the cities for the first time in decades. The victim in this case was certainly grateful to the police.

It polls at about 16-20% nationally and has House Democrats in purple states in open revolt with the political extremists spouting off from comfortable districts.

So go ahead, keep talking the nonsense. America thinks you are naive fools and when you lose Congress in 18 months and your agenda grinds to a halt, you’ll have yourself to blame. Meanwhile nobody on here will take your other subsequent arguments on other issues seriously or think you are just jerking chains or brainwashed. Not a good place to be.
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LA says Defund Police after protests. Makes cuts. Starts program for social workers to be first responders. Murders and violent crime soar. Mayor proposes budget increase to restore cuts and add more. Nobody surprised.

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LA says Defund Police after protests. Makes cuts. Starts program for social workers to be first responders. Murders and violent crime soar. Mayor proposes budget increase to restore cuts and add more. Nobody surprised.

Correlation does not equal causation.
Well the Mayor and the experts say it’s the cause, that’s why they are asking for money. Because I can assure you appropriators do not fund correlations.
Which experts?

"‪Killings increased by 20.9 percent nationwide in the first nine months of 2020"
That's not all caused by defunding the police.

‪Richard B. Rosenfeld, a criminologist at the University of Missouri at St. Louis, told the Post that the nationwide spike in violent crime appears to have resulted from the collapse of public confidence in police departments over the summer.

‪“The increase [in 2020] tends to occur in nearly every city at the very end of May and the first days of June,” Rosenfeld noted. “The size and abruptness of the increase are unprecedented.”

Nothing in either of those articles which cite multiple experts in criminology and law enforcement points specifically to defunding police (because most municipalities have not done so). Yet we've still seen a sharp rise across the US (not just in LA). It does acknowledge the tensions nationwide with cops and the likelihood that the some combination of the pandemic putting a strain on police offices and officers in combination with the racial tensions making cops more standoffish in their daily duties might have something to do with it.
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defund the police because people have lost confidence in the police

people have lost confidence in the government, so defund. them.
all we see are the bs skewers with extreme insane agendas. are there any sane people left in leadership positions?

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