America finally seeing the disaster of obamacare

Billy Packard

I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 15, 2006
It appears that even obama's govt media are seeing the light and asks him to start telling the truth

This post was edited on 10/17 2:16 PM by Billy Packard

This post was edited on 10/17 3:43 PM by Billy Packard

Chicago Tribune article
Originally posted by Billy Packard:

It appears that even obama's govt media are seeing the light and asks him to start telling the truth

This post was edited on 10/17 2:16 PM by Billy Packard
This post was edited on 10/17 3:43 PM by Billy Packard
I've been unaffected by the law, and I have insurance. This is oped, so it's credibility only reaches as far as that of the writer. I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, which is usually where it resides.
Congressional finagling to get it passed.
Special favors to Unions and Congressmen to get buyin.
Companies, Unions, Congress opting out.
Supremes call the mandate 'Tax". If it's so good; why the "Mandate"?
Web site snafu.
Peple with insurance losing their's or seeing big increases.

I can hardly wait until someone actually tries to use it. Whoopie, you government at work.
If we can't even get on a govt designed website which is the first step required in the "mandated" process, then why would anyone believe that the rest of this fiasco will actually work smoothly from here on.

I think I know where this is going. IMO it will somehow end up back in the SCOTUS or it will be our next step to Orwellian Single Payer. Get ready for long lines, delayed procedures, rationing and eventually death panels (where Uncle Sam decides what will be "done" with you and your loved ones when they get too old, too sick or the procedures become too costly).

I know that from personal experience, when a person gets on govt run healthcare - a loved one.

If you like your doctor, you can keep him - period.

If you like your insurance, you can keep it - period.

Anyone want to bet those Obama "promises" will be kept?

IMO there's not a chance - period.
The White House website still has the promise "if you like your plan you can keep it. Nothing will change under the new law". Might want to update that :)
This is one of tens of stories (not op-eds) from investigative reporters from the networks news like ABC, NBC, CNN all Obama supporters and now there are at least 10 democratic senators that have written letters to the president to delay and change the ACA.

There are thousands and thousands of reports that premiums for 60-80% of those having their own private coverage are many times more expensive under the ACA and Obama not only said you can keep your current insurance but that premiums will be cut in half.

Just saw a story of a single woman in Florida now pays $50/month but had that coverage cancelled and now has to pay $500/month. Most elderly people are seeing their insurance they have had for years cancelled and their new premiums are 5 to 6 times what they pay now.

But Obama says the new coverage will cover more things, like maturnity benefits. I imagine most couple between 45-90 really don't want to pay for that coverage and the other things they have to pay for under obamacare. The administration is MANDATING everyone that has private insurance and that's millions of people, will not have the same choices they have now and the cost is astronomical.I agree something needs to be done to help the uninsured, but at the expense of most americans? Why does hard working americans have to pay more and more to those on some sort of govt assistance. If he would have concentrated on creating jobs in the private sector (i.e. keystone pipeline and increased drilling would have created over a million jobs and added billions to the federal govt in taxes. People that don't work, don't pay taxes. We cannot continue as a society with over 1`/2 of americans receiving subsidies from the govt. And Eastcane, not all people on welfare are families with starving kids. MedIan income has dropped under obama, govt spending on welfare has increased rapidly under obama. He wants to have americans dependent on the federal govt so the dems can stay in office.

My God, can't we have a pres and admin that puts all americans first and not winning congressional seats as the most important thing.

The president knew for over 3 1/2 years premiums were going to go up and these people would not be able to keep their own coverage, but he has lied and lied and lied about this even up to the week before the rollout.

I just can't believe some of you smart obama supporter can't see all the lies he's told since becoming president. He's done nothing to help the economy, we are losing most of our good allies, he supports rogue nations such as Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood (of which his brother is a member) and does not represent ALL americans. He rushed thru a 2,200 page bill and made congress pass it within 24 hours, (another lie about giving congress time to debate laws and show them on C-SPAN and he bribed democratic senators from Nebraska and Louisiana, exempted many unions and himself, his staff, and congress. He and Harry Reid blamed repubs for "extorting" the american people. What did the pres and his democratic buddies due to "extort" votes to sign a law no one knew anything about. Even Nancy Pelosi said, "I guess we have to pass it to find out what's in it" If the pres were running a business he would have been fired years ago and if it were George Bush lieing and doing these things, dems and the media would be calling for impeachment.

Not exactly representing ALL americans, never has and never will. And after the IRS targeting conservative group and the IRS and administration said first it was rogue agents in Ohio, then they said some were from DC and now we know it was everyone in the IRS. And you feel comfortable in having the IRS administer our healhcare?

I just can't believe some of you are so naive that you have believed him every step of every scandal, from fast and furious, green companies (Solyndra) NSA spying on americans, foreign govts and their people (60 million in Spain alone, Chancellor Merkel's private cell phone, France, and stopping a soverign nations president (Brazil) private jet to searched for eric snowden.

The trust we had around the world is now gone, China and Europe says they don't think they can trust american and cannot consider us allies. We have over 1 trillion dollars of debt to China and pay 40% of our govt spending just to pay the interest on loans to China. The fed can't continue to keep interest rates low forever and our credit rating has already been downgraded, another downgrade could cause that 40% to go to over 50%. And this administration wants more tax increases so they can spend more money. Many countires have tried to increase the federal government's spending and as most of you know, the govt is the most inefficient entity to manage anything. And we will have the crooked IRS administer our health care? That's insane and I can't believe the obama supporters can not read this guy to know that he's made lies after lies after lies. He blames everyone but himself. But what do you suspect from a community organizer that voted present over 90% of the time as a US senator and criticize George Bush for increasing the national debt. He said it was treasoness. Is he commiting treason now, or as in everything he does, he's exempt from our laws, our constitution.

He can't manage anything and has hired suspect members to his staff, and his czars, even Timothy Geitner had to pay thousands of dollars in back taxes so he could be confirmed. Many other had to do likewise, others, especially the czars have known ties to anti-american organizations. Look this stuff up and don't just repeat the admins talking point.

Jay Carney has lied over and over about all of thse so-called by the pres as "phony scandals" and professed that he knew nothing about most of them.t.

He not followed the constitution in so many instances with his liar Eric Holder. Suing Arizona for enforcing Federal law, allowing sanctuary cities to protect illegals (who many are drug dealers, killers, etc) and won't prosecute them to try to win there votes. Wants to give amnesty to illegals but not secure the boarder first. Not good common sense, but he will get a lot of democratic voters. He and all politians only care about themselves and not the people that elected them. Our federal govt is a disaster and americans and the whole world are laughing at us.

Why do you think the IRS targeted conservative groups? Most non-partisan organizations say it was to help him win reelection. Now delaying obamacare for employers one year is to help democrats win seats in the 2014 elections.

I really don't think some of you are stupid, but your inability or refusal to admit Obama has lied and lied and lied and stonewalled and covered up, is beyond me. I think most americans are now seeing the real obama, the one who went to college in the US on a "foreign scholarship" Why would he do that if he's an american citizen and why does his Kenyan grandmother who has insisted over and over that she was present min Kenya when he was born, need bodyguards. To protect her from reporters and telling the truth about him.

Wow, I could go on and on. He's either the most stupid president in history, inept at running anything or he's doing this on purpose to "punish bad, bad americans. Which part of him is doing this, his 50% white side, or his 43% arab side or his 7% black side. Hard to figure out.

I would like to see now after two weeks since I posted how badly the law is and how terrible the rollout is. They had 3 1/2 years to get this straight. He can blame all sorts of people, but as Harry Truman said, "the buck stops here, meaning with the president.

Thoughts please and no white house talking points or pulling isolated cases to try to prove a point that everything is going smoothly and the president has and is telling all americans the truth.

Lies and more lies
Originally posted by Billy Packard:

This is one of tens of stories (not op-eds) from investigative reporters from the networks news like ABC, NBC, CNN all Obama supporters and now there are at least 10 democratic senators that have written letters to the president to delay and change the ACA.

There are thousands and thousands of reports that premiums for 60-80% of those having their own private coverage are many times more expensive under the ACA and Obama not only said you can keep your current insurance but that premiums will be cut in half.

Just saw a story of a single woman in Florida now pays $50/month but had that coverage cancelled and now has to pay $500/month. Most elderly people are seeing their insurance they have had for years cancelled and their new premiums are 5 to 6 times what they pay now.

But Obama says the new coverage will cover more things, like maturnity benefits. I imagine most couple between 45-90 really don't want to pay for that coverage and the other things they have to pay for under obamacare. The administration is MANDATING everyone that has private insurance and that's millions of people, will not have the same choices they have now and the cost is astronomical.I agree something needs to be done to help the uninsured, but at the expense of most americans? Why does hard working americans have to pay more and more to those on some sort of govt assistance. If he would have concentrated on creating jobs in the private sector (i.e. keystone pipeline and increased drilling would have created over a million jobs and added billions to the federal govt in taxes. People that don't work, don't pay taxes. We cannot continue as a society with over 1`/2 of americans receiving subsidies from the govt. And Eastcane, not all people on welfare are families with starving kids. MedIan income has dropped under obama, govt spending on welfare has increased rapidly under obama. He wants to have americans dependent on the federal govt so the dems can stay in office.

My God, can't we have a pres and admin that puts all americans first and not winning congressional seats as the most important thing.

The president knew for over 3 1/2 years premiums were going to go up and these people would not be able to keep their own coverage, but he has lied and lied and lied about this even up to the week before the rollout.

I just can't believe some of you smart obama supporter can't see all the lies he's told since becoming president. He's done nothing to help the economy, we are losing most of our good allies, he supports rogue nations such as Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood (of which his brother is a member) and does not represent ALL americans. He rushed thru a 2,200 page bill and made congress pass it within 24 hours, (another lie about giving congress time to debate laws and show them on C-SPAN and he bribed democratic senators from Nebraska and Louisiana, exempted many unions and himself, his staff, and congress. He and Harry Reid blamed repubs for "extorting" the american people. What did the pres and his democratic buddies due to "extort" votes to sign a law no one knew anything about. Even Nancy Pelosi said, "I guess we have to pass it to find out what's in it" If the pres were running a business he would have been fired years ago and if it were George Bush lieing and doing these things, dems and the media would be calling for impeachment.

Not exactly representing ALL americans, never has and never will. And after the IRS targeting conservative group and the IRS and administration said first it was rogue agents in Ohio, then they said some were from DC and now we know it was everyone in the IRS. And you feel comfortable in having the IRS administer our healhcare?

I just can't believe some of you are so naive that you have believed him every step of every scandal, from fast and furious, green companies (Solyndra) NSA spying on americans, foreign govts and their people (60 million in Spain alone, Chancellor Merkel's private cell phone, France, and stopping a soverign nations president (Brazil) private jet to searched for eric snowden.

The trust we had around the world is now gone, China and Europe says they don't think they can trust american and cannot consider us allies. We have over 1 trillion dollars of debt to China and pay 40% of our govt spending just to pay the interest on loans to China. The fed can't continue to keep interest rates low forever and our credit rating has already been downgraded, another downgrade could cause that 40% to go to over 50%. And this administration wants more tax increases so they can spend more money. Many countires have tried to increase the federal government's spending and as most of you know, the govt is the most inefficient entity to manage anything. And we will have the crooked IRS administer our health care? That's insane and I can't believe the obama supporters can not read this guy to know that he's made lies after lies after lies. He blames everyone but himself. But what do you suspect from a community organizer that voted present over 90% of the time as a US senator and criticize George Bush for increasing the national debt. He said it was treasoness. Is he commiting treason now, or as in everything he does, he's exempt from our laws, our constitution.

He can't manage anything and has hired suspect members to his staff, and his czars, even Timothy Geitner had to pay thousands of dollars in back taxes so he could be confirmed. Many other had to do likewise, others, especially the czars have known ties to anti-american organizations. Look this stuff up and don't just repeat the admins talking point.

Jay Carney has lied over and over about all of thse so-called by the pres as "phony scandals" and professed that he knew nothing about most of them.t.

He not followed the constitution in so many instances with his liar Eric Holder. Suing Arizona for enforcing Federal law, allowing sanctuary cities to protect illegals (who many are drug dealers, killers, etc) and won't prosecute them to try to win there votes. Wants to give amnesty to illegals but not secure the boarder first. Not good common sense, but he will get a lot of democratic voters. He and all politians only care about themselves and not the people that elected them. Our federal govt is a disaster and americans and the whole world are laughing at us.

Why do you think the IRS targeted conservative groups? Most non-partisan organizations say it was to help him win reelection. Now delaying obamacare for employers one year is to help democrats win seats in the 2014 elections.

I really don't think some of you are stupid, but your inability or refusal to admit Obama has lied and lied and lied and stonewalled and covered up, is beyond me. I think most americans are now seeing the real obama, the one who went to college in the US on a "foreign scholarship" Why would he do that if he's an american citizen and why does his Kenyan grandmother who has insisted over and over that she was present min Kenya when he was born, need bodyguards. To protect her from reporters and telling the truth about him.

Wow, I could go on and on. He's either the most stupid president in history, inept at running anything or he's doing this on purpose to "punish bad, bad americans. Which part of him is doing this, his 50% white side, or his 43% arab side or his 7% black side. Hard to figure out.

I would like to see now after two weeks since I posted how badly the law is and how terrible the rollout is. They had 3 1/2 years to get this straight. He can blame all sorts of people, but as Harry Truman said, "the buck stops here, meaning with the president.

Thoughts please and no white house talking points or pulling isolated cases to try to prove a point that everything is going smoothly and the president has and is telling all americans the truth.
Good find. And an NBC piece at that. Chris Mathews and Ed Shultz must be really upset at those writers for finally posting the truth.

Another example of Obama being the head Lieberal.
Rabid, there are 100's on articles just like this and if anyone will take the time to read foreign news, Der Speigel, British, French, Chinese, Spanish press they will find out how the world and our former allies feel about the other topics such as Bengazhi, drone strikes. IRS and especially the NSA scanda. We are the laughing stock around the world. Obama is definately not popular. He's lied to most of our allies. He spends more time supporting Muslim countries and is the case of Iran is willing to ease sanctions against them. We all know (except the naive Obama) than they always promise something and it's always a delay tactic and in this instance, give them time to complete a nuclear bomb. Many foreign countries press have stated Iran might be one month away from a nuclear weapon capable to reach Israel, of course, but also the U.S. and Europe.

Then there is the destroying of chemical weapons in Syria. No one and I mean no one on the world stage believes we will ever be able to destory them. It just gives them more time.

Also, on Bengahzi, we had over 30 CIA operatives down the street from the ambasadors compound and we had had numerous threats by terrorists that they were going to kill Red Cross workers, the British ambassador and the American ambassador. Our military over there warned Hillary and the admin about this and noting was done. The excuse for not sending planes or troops in to help was that "we had a fuel problem" We know Obama, Hillary and other top staff were in the situation room that night and were watching live feeds from two drones overhead, and we did nothing. The president went to bed and then got up the next morning to fly to Vegas for a fund raiser. Is this waht the commander in chief does?

WE also know from multiple sources that the CIA operatives were illegally sending guns to Libya and they were forced to sign non-disclosure agreement that meant they couldn't talk about what happened. Some were even given new identities and moved to undisclosed location. They were threathened, as was their families, all to protect the screw ups by obama and hillary.

That is naitivity at it's finest. He's a boy scout. He thought when he made his apology tour thru the middle east when he bowed down (and don't give me that crap that he was tieing his shoelaces. that Muslim nations would do whatever he wanted because he is part muslim and he's a god (in his own mind) Watch the video. It's so clear, even a child can see what was happeing.
Originally posted by Billy Packard:

Rabid, there are 100's on articles just like this and if anyone will take the time to read foreign news, Der Speigel, British, French, Chinese, Spanish press they will find out how the world and our former allies feel about the other topics such as Bengazhi, drone strikes. IRS and especially the NSA scanda. We are the laughing stock around the world. Obama is definately not popular. He's lied to most of our allies. He spends more time supporting Muslim countries and is the case of Iran is willing to ease sanctions against them. We all know (except the naive Obama) than they always promise something and it's always a delay tactic and in this instance, give them time to complete a nuclear bomb. Many foreign countries press have stated Iran might be one month away from a nuclear weapon capable to reach Israel, of course, but also the U.S. and Europe.

Then there is the destroying of chemical weapons in Syria. No one and I mean no one on the world stage believes we will ever be able to destory them. It just gives them more time.

Also, on Bengahzi, we had over 30 CIA operatives down the street from the ambasadors compound and we had had numerous threats by terrorists that they were going to kill Red Cross workers, the British ambassador and the American ambassador. Our military over there warned Hillary and the admin about this and noting was done. The excuse for not sending planes or troops in to help was that "we had a fuel problem" We know Obama, Hillary and other top staff were in the situation room that night and were watching live feeds from two drones overhead, and we did nothing. The president went to bed and then got up the next morning to fly to Vegas for a fund raiser. Is this waht the commander in chief does?

WE also know from multiple sources that the CIA operatives were illegally sending guns to Libya and they were forced to sign non-disclosure agreement that meant they couldn't talk about what happened. Some were even given new identities and moved to undisclosed location. They were threathened, as was their families, all to protect the screw ups by obama and hillary.

That is naitivity at it's finest. He's a boy scout. He thought when he made his apology tour thru the middle east when he bowed down (and don't give me that crap that he was tieing his shoelaces. that Muslim nations would do whatever he wanted because he is part muslim and he's a god (in his own mind) Watch the video. It's so clear, even a child can see what was happeing.
Very interesting. Its always plausible deniability which means the head man never takes the blame even though he IS ultimately the one who should.

When I read stuff like this I always think of the quote from "The Hunt for Red October".

Jeffery Pelt (the late Richard Jordan) "Look, I'm a politician which means I'm a liar and a cheat. When I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops".
This just in.

They've discovered why the Obamacare website was originally screwed up.

Evidently it occurred when ex president Bill Clinton who was visiting the Oval Office, tried to access the site by inserting his own floppy disk in the wrong hole.
So now its Romneys fault?

Yesterday morning, some of the news media outlets wanted to ambush Romney with a guest interview, (to ultimately give cover to Obamacare IMO). Romney clearly stated many times (during the campaign and yesterday) that his program in Mass. had been taylored to that state only and the voters there wanted that program as designed. But to blame Romney for the disastrous Obamacare debacle is pure lunacy. Obviously the buck stops with Romney, not Obama.

It was hilarious to see Mary Marsh (who worked for that traitor, John Kerry) on one of the programs try to explain that Obama was sooooo influenced by Romney's success that he patterned Obamacare after Mitt's program.

(Obviously Mitt is BO's idol, ha!).

This post was edited on 11/4 9:43 AM by rabidTU
So now its Romneys fault?

With BHO, it's always someone elses fault.
Computer glitch for Obamacare sign-up; no harm, no foul.

What happens when someone needs IMMEDIATE care and the Dr cant access their information becase there is a computer glitch.
I was so impressed with President Obama's apology to those millions of americans who lost their health insurance, that I thought I'd write an apology to some of those I'd also harmed in the past. Granted I haven't put their lives at risk or bankrupted them with my posts, but if our fearless leader can apologize, I can too. So in that vein (in the same way President Obama used his powers of speech to seek forgiveness) I am publicly posting this apology.

I have translated this message in Fwank-speech for you.


The ex-honowable Congwessman Bonney Fwank
Cambwidge, Massschuits

My Deah Mista Fwank,

I want to apowogize and say that I am twuee sowwy you find yusselff in the siituation you are in and that you understood me wong.

I'm also sowwy I was bunned, err I mean YOU were bunned by some of dis misspeach.

Once again, I am sowwy you coundn't figue out how sowwy I twuwee am about dis.

Yours twuee,




There, now I feal better!

Forgiveness is always a good thing.
Real Clear Politics has BHO's favorability at 42.4%. Both Gallup and Pew have recently had it in the high 30's. It looks like people are beginning to wake up to what is happening. I hope so!

But it is too late from this respect - He's been reelected and we are stuck with him and the lieberals for three more years.

Obamacare was supposed to make HC universal, but in reality, more people have now lost insurance than ever had before it. And this is just the beginning, wait till the employer mandate begins.

So the very concept of Obamacare is a - yes - LIE!

Is Obama lying when he says that peoples insurance was substandard when the vast majority who lost it, bought it themselves and did not drop it because they didn't like it.

Lets face it, Obama is just another union thug politician with a power complex. All these little Freudian accidents in speech tell us what he really is like - power hungry, self centered.
Why doesn't MSNBC report this?

Obamacare Sticker Shock: 5 States Where Costs Could Double

By Dan Caplinger
| More Articles
November 9, 2013 | Comments (54)

Millions of Americans have taken a look at the costs of the new insurance options they have under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Many of them haven't been happy with what they've found, as in many states, premiums will go up versus what people were paying before for individual health-insurance coverage. A recent study from the Manhattan Institute took a look at premiums across the country to figure out which states would end up seeing the biggest increases.

In the following video, Dan Caplinger, The Motley Fool's director of investment planning, looks at the results of the study and finds that in five states, premiums under the Affordable Care Act are slated to more than double. Dan runs through the five states, noting that in Nevada and Arkansas, the increases will hit young men the hardest according to the survey. Meanwhile, New Mexico has rates that double across the board for both young, middle-age, and older residents. Vermont has age-neutral premiums statewide, but in North Carolina, the rate increase actually hits older residents disproportionately hard.
Re: Why doesn't MSNBC report this?

The ABC News show and NBC's Meet the Press programs both interviewed and were pushing Chris Christy as the next Republican nominee against (probably) Hillary.

There is an old saying that goes "Never let your enemies pick your generals". I'd say thats what is happening here. When the lieberals back someone they know they'll never vote for themselves, that is when to beware.

BTW, there was very little on the Obamacare travesty. That should alert us to what is really going on here.

This post was edited on 11/11 9:00 AM by rabidTU
Re: Why doesn't MSNBC report this?

I generally follow the political polls 2 or 3 times a week and have noticed that Obama's approval is at its lowest point. But I also see that Fox News' ratings have spiked dramatically in their evening and nighttime period. Those shows are Conservative opinion based and not just generic news.

This is not a scientific analysis by any means, but I've noticed when Fox news ratings spike up and BO's go down, that means a shift in opinion that is fairly long lasting. There's virtually no way to gage what the country is thinking or those who've changed their opinion, but thats as good a determiner as any that the country may have actually awoke.

BTW, that new host, Megan Kelly on FN at 8:00, is a dynamo. She is quick, probing, won't take any BS and comes off well liked whatever your politics. She is everything MSNBC's Rachel Maddow (who's been described as Soupy Sales in drag) isn't.

This post was edited on 11/11 9:26 AM by rabidTU
Tea Party wingnut Sarah Palin gave what she considers an alternative to the ACA today outside the White House to NBC's Matt Lauer. She is about as credible as the mental mavericks commenting on this post:

"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many
years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need
more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform
threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans
have been proposed over and over again," Palin said.

While Palin struggled to explain what a conservative alternative to
Obamacare would look like, she made it clear that she dislikes the
Affordable Care Act.

"And what thwarts those plans? It's the far left," she said "It's
President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to
usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship
links to reform health care."

That's right folks, we need some of that free market, Patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship (?, I have no idea either) reforms to health care. lol
Originally posted by eastcane:
Tea Party wingnut Sarah Palin gave what she considers an alternative to the ACA today outside the White House to NBC's Matt Lauer. She is about as credible as the mental mavericks commenting on this post:

"The plan is to allow those things that had been proposed over many
years to reform a health-care system in America that certainly does need
more help so that there's more competition, there's less tort reform
threat, there's less trajectory of the cost increases, and those plans
have been proposed over and over again," Palin said.

While Palin struggled to explain what a conservative alternative to
Obamacare would look like, she made it clear that she dislikes the
Affordable Care Act.

"And what thwarts those plans? It's the far left," she said "It's
President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to
usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship
links to reform health care."

That's right folks, we need some of that free market, Patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship (?, I have no idea either) reforms to health care. lol
But eastcane, that is what we had before Obamacare. A patient centerred approach to medical care that the majority of people in the nation were satisfied with, wanted to keep and basically are now forced to purchase something different by penalty of law.

And now, very soon, the govt is going to give us a penalty (or extra tax if you want to lie about the verbage) if we don't conform to their wishes and buy into this fisco. Many of the people Obama lied to and said he was helping will now be hurt if they won't or can't follow HIS rules.That penalty will be assessed because we did not buy something the govt told us to buy.

Analogy - If I go to Walmart to buy a watch and have $20 to spend on that watch, but find out the cheapest watch is $40 and I can't afford the watch I went in to buy, should I be assessed a $10 penalty for not buying it? This is a simplification, but is what we have now in the Obamacare law.

The govt is forcing us to buy something we may not want or cannot afford without a subsidy from them (that is against the values of many of us that just don't believe in taking govt handouts). Many of us do not want to be beholden to govt - its called personal pride and self respect.

This post was edited on 11/12 11:14 AM by rabidTU
Hey, Sarah's quote is one of her more intelligent ones and makes more sense than most on this thread.

BTW see link for a comparison of US healthcare system costs and outcomes vs. other industrialized countries. We pay more, cover fewer, and have worse outcomes. Of course we should keep the system we had.

Compare US plans and outcomes with other countries
So lets get medical tourism started for catastrophic care as I've advocated before. Thanks!

If you are saying that our doctors and hospitals are crappy, then go ahead and mention that to your doctor next time you have an appointment. Let me know how that works for ya.

Originally posted by WATU2:
Hey, Sarah's quote is one of her more intelligent ones and makes more sense than most on this thread.

BTW see link for a comparison of US healthcare system costs and outcomes vs. other industrialized countries. We pay more, cover fewer, and have worse outcomes. Of course we should keep the system we had.
Originally posted by rabidTU:
Real Clear Politics has BHO's favorability at 42.4%. Both Gallup and Pew have recently had it in the high 30's. It looks like people are beginning to wake up to what is happening. I hope so!

But it is too late from this respect - He's been reelected and we are stuck with him and the lieberals for three more years.

Obamacare was supposed to make HC universal, but in reality, more people have now lost insurance than ever had before it. And this is just the beginning, wait till the employer mandate begins.

So the very concept of Obamacare is a - yes - LIE!

Is Obama lying when he says that peoples insurance was substandard when the vast majority who lost it, bought it themselves and did not drop it because they didn't like it.

Lets face it, Obama is just another union thug politician with a power complex. All these little Freudian accidents in speech tell us what he really is like - power hungry, self centered.
BHO now at 41.7% approval according to Real Clear Politics.

Don't be surprised if there is a media bait-switch to gear the criticism away from the Obamacare tragedy and protect POTUS.

Wasn't that the premise of "Wag the Dog"? Anything to keep peoples attention away from the politicians real mistakes and dishonesty?

BTW, David Mamet, the screenwriter for "Wag the Dog" was on Fox News last night and something he said was what we've often discussed about man caused global warming - "the essence of science is doubt". He gets it. Theory's aren't facts and shouldn't be presented as such.
This post was edited on 11/12 2:27 PM by rabidTU
Here is one of the main reasons why Obamacare will ultimately fail IMO. This hasn't really been discussed in the media as far as I know. I'd call it "medical cause and effect".

The lieberals didn't vote tort reform in the Obamacare law and that presents a huge problem for the physicians in this way - Doctors will have to see more patients to make the same profit for their practice akin to an assembly line - a business necessity. Therefore they won't be able to spend the quality time with their individual patients as they once did and that adds up to poorer patient care - it has to. The result will be that the doctors open themselves up for more malpractice lawsuits. Then the inevitable cycle of higher costs of malpractice insurance to pay for the increase in litigation will drive up patient costs even higher than they are. So the "Affordable Care Act" will inevitably force costs to rise, not fall. Unfortunately doctors lose, lawyers win. Is that what Obamacare was intended to do?

This post was edited on 12/5 8:52 PM by rabidTU
now that BHO has
turned the entire Health Care Industry upside down,
and the Health Insurance Industry is in turmoil,
and private company benefit plans are in shambles.

How many of the 45,000,000 uninsured have stepped up to the plate and taken the self responsibility to siign up?
"the emperor's new clothes"

US press vs Rissian press.

I think the US press is more scared of BHO if they expose his weaknesses, than
the Russian Press is of opposing Putin.

How did we get here?
Another delay in Obamacare.

Now they say that you can just "opt-out" till income taxes are due (mid April) if you just go on their website (beware of its cybersafety btw) and click a blue button and "bingo!" - you haven't broken their law that they "were" forcing you to comply with. (Now who wants to bet that we'll get a delay in April too?) Maybe it'll end up like illegal immigration enforcement and just be ignored or not enforced at all. If that happens then why did we get put through all this in the first place?

Hey, I think I just came up with a new "Obamastrategy". Call it "Obamamnesty" from the govt mandated healthcare fine. In effect they would say something like - "We are really crappy at doing our jobs and because we are crappy at it, we are forgiving YOU from "our" penalty/fine you were going to have to pay since you are an honest citizen paying your taxes and living by the law that we devised and that isn't working."
The question now is this: Was the fine/penalty actually just a scare tactic to force law abiding people to pony up for insurance and do the will of the exective in the WH?

Was the individual mandate penalty a lie to begin with and if it was, is that really what govt should be doing? I don't even think there was ever even a way to collect the fines was there? How?

This post was edited on 3/26 5:53 PM by rabidTU

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