Official HC Speculation Thread

Sounds like someone that didn’t watch the game at all.
I've seen nearly every Union game since Reisig got there 3 seasons ago. Pike has seen almost all of them too. Reisig misses too many simple passes IMO. Also, he tends to under throw his deep balls worried about overthrowing the WRs, problem is when you have guys with track speed (Carrasco for one), Jino Boyd for another, throw it and let them go get it. Underthrows are almost always trouble.

Maybe it's more the inconsistency at times. But I see all the tools there to be very good and he's going to a great place with a guy who knows how to coach QBs so it will be interesting to see his progression.

Tulsa HS Football

That is why I feel this city is a high school city, and it hasn't stepped into the big leagues, but it may never.

Part of that is also how we decide to keep our high schools at 6,000 and 5,000 students. OKC decided to keep their high schools a lot smaller. They also have more colleges down there. For some reason, such as Blah, think that is awesome.
The only high school with over 5k students is Broken Arrow. They released a study a few years ago about splitting into 3 schools, but that was shot down as quickly as it went up.

It only takes about 700 band parents to show up at a school board meeting to change minds real quick.
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Tulsa HS Football

So the weirdest things have gone down this week in area HS football as 3 of the big 5 were looking for new coaches. Union hired Antonio Graham, a Union alum, but more importantly the Owasso HS coach who took over for BB when BB retired. I don't think many people connected to Union saw that coming...many felt it would just be handed to Dub Maddox. Graham had a great season at Owasso. In turn, Owasso has re-hired Bill Blankenship as the HC. I see this as a 1-2 year thing until Owasso can find someone or they look at it as BB training the next head coach for the Rams. And maybe the best hire of all is BA getting Travis Hill away from Muskogee where he did a great job.

That leaves Jenks. I have no idea where they're looking but I'd be surprised if they didn't at least have a conversation with Loren Montgomery. I think it'd be hard for Montgomery to leave Bixby right now if it's not for a college gig. He's built a great program and culture at Bixby and now Bixby PS is in turn going to build a palace of a football stadium and complex to complement the status of his program.
Travis Hill will do fine in BA as long as he knows his place, which is in line behind the band director.

As for Owasso, people out here seem genuinely disappointed that coach Graham left. He seemed to add a spark that had been missing for a few years.
