This is the Republican Party

A). We pretty much agree on this except without some sort of penalty the effort of move homeless would be problematic as they will simply return to the areas they chose.
What sort of penalty would you ask.

Jail? They would probably welcome that.

Fines? Where would they get the money from. and what would the penalty be for not paying it? Jail?

You could take away their belongings, if anyone would approve of that, but they have likely had that happen to them time, after time. They would just start over, finding what they find, or gets given to them.

I don't know what you could do to them, when they don't have anything of any value to them. Whether that's belongings or freedom. We shouldn't and won't torture them, or take away food &/or water. Those would be the only penalties that would have any affect, I would think.

Marco Rubio, Trump, Immigration

No one's reputation has been enhanced by Trump, especially those who were closest to him. Rudy is at the head of the the line of a long, long list of pardoned and unpardoned felons and disgraced former officials and generals. As the US moves from democracy to oligarch led dictatorship that is cozy with China, Russia, Hungary and other members of the club, this year will likely go down in infamy.

This is the Republican Party

A). We pretty much agree on this except without some sort of penalty the effort of move homeless would be problematic as they will simply return to the areas they chose.

B). Disagree of Chevron. The power grab we’ve seen in the Executive branch over the last 20 years needs to be reversed. One person defacto legislating is bad policy. This decision is a start.

G5 realignment, playoffs

local opponents attract a good crowds. ou, osu, ku. ksu, ark, tt, Baylor, tcu, Houston, ...

It’s been a long time, but we used to have athletic directors that could schedule games with these teams quite often.

I wonder if the new guy has connections to pull in a few of these again. We’ve got an opening for a home game in 2025, but it will likely be filled with another FCS opponent.
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This is the Republican Party

1). Cities should have the legal authority to remove homeless encampments in areas which they don’t approve. In that regard I agree with the decision. Cities need to provide sufficient shelters as a prerequisite. That portion I disagreed.

2). Chevron needed to be overturned. Placed far too much power on the Executive branch to legislate. An Executive branch who has seen its power grow exponentially over the last few decades. If they’re ambiguities in certain laws let Congress address them or the courts interpret them. Preferably the former. Anything which throws the power pendulum back toward Congress has my approval. If Trump is elected I think some of you might come over to my side here.
A) I agree that cities should have the legal authority to move homeless encampments, I don’t agree that civil or criminal penalties should be enforceable for being homeless, which was essentially the question at hand. Bad decision with overreaching precedent.

B) Chevron did not need to be overturned. Neither Congress, nor the courts actually understand (or should be expected to understand) the full impacts of the regulations they are opining on. In the case of Congress they tend to listen to what the person donating the most money is telling them..,. And when it comes to regulations that is a case of the Fox guarding the henhouse which will lead to corruption and poorly regulated industries which have far reaching impacts on our society. Every decision will be made on what can make the corporation (or business entity) the most money which will inevitably harm common citizens.

Terrible, terrible, terrible decision.

Regardless of what happens for this election, conservatives sure are creating a lot of ammunition against themselves for future elections. If I were a Dem running in 8 years, I would make the overturning of ridiculous conservative judicial precedent a primary campaign plank (not just fighting for roe), and I think you would lose in a landslide.

The First Debate

How in the hell can you defend that statement? Like seriously.

For literally anyone building a “solar plane”the first thing they would think about is a battery charging system.

Moreover it’s just an attack on innovation, the likes of which 90% of Trumps audience can’t really understand. (The same folks who were asked to “do their own research”)

There are many opportunities in the aviation space to, if nothing else, greatly decrease the greenhouse emissions of commercial air travel. Trump’s allies want to keep the country hooked on fossil fuels so they will push carbon capture, even though that doesn’t really solve the nation’s climate issues. There could also be opportunities to use other sorts of power (battery, hydrogen) etc… during cruising to reduce emmissions, even if you wanted the extra power for jet propulsion for takeoff.
Electric planes of any size simply aren’t currently feasible and won’t be for the foreseeable future. The whole weight and getting off the ground thing. It’s not complicated. Solar is a little more feasible as long as your generating electricity as you fly thus eliminating the need to large heavy batteries to store the energy. Not sure why you’re talking about electric planes when technology isn’t close to making such a thing work.

The First Debate

Fairly confident he was talking about solar planes as electric planes of any size aren’t currently feasible due to the weight of the batteries required to store the energy.
How in the hell can you defend that statement? Like seriously.

For literally anyone building a “solar plane”the first thing they would think about is a battery charging system.

Moreover it’s just an attack on innovation, the likes of which 90% of Trumps audience can’t really understand. (The same folks who were asked to “do their own research”)

There are many opportunities in the aviation space to, if nothing else, greatly decrease the greenhouse emissions of commercial air travel. Trump’s allies want to keep the country hooked on fossil fuels so they will push carbon capture, even though that doesn’t really solve the nation’s climate issues. There could also be opportunities to use other sorts of power (battery, hydrogen) etc… during cruising to reduce emmissions, even if you wanted the extra power for jet propulsion for takeoff.

The First Debate

Meanwhile you have this idiot who shouldn’t be trusted to manage a Wendy’s….

Fairly confident he was talking about solar planes as electric planes of any size aren’t currently feasible due to the weight of the batteries required to store the energy.
