Rick Dickson interview after $30 million gift to the University of Tulsa's Athletics Endowment Fund

I had a chance to catch up with Rick Dickson this afternoon after the announcement was made. He was gracious enough to jump on a zoom for 18 min while he was in Mexico. This is only the beginning as mentions more to come. Wants to put this over $100 Million.

The First Debate

Biden will drop out. Donations have dried up. Polling numbers aren’t good. Big money boosters want him out. Media has turned on him. The race to replace him is likely going to be chaotic. The race card regarding Kamala has already been played by several black congressional Dems. Big money people want anyone but Kamala.

The First Debate

I don't really know. Things I have been reading lately suggest that his inner circle keep him very well-guarded, even some of his lesser aides no longer have regular contact with him. Not a good sign.

One of the Dem Congressman Politico spoke to suggested Biden could address a lot of concerns by agreeing to an unscripted, closed door caucus meeting. Being able to handle a large crowd that has some pointed questions would go a long way to restoring confidence. But he hasn't (yet) agreed.
Lesser aides not having regular contact with him is a warning sign. Maybe that works for a while, but the longer it goes on, the louder the buzz gets. Especially in the middle of a campaign.

It would resolve problems to have a caucus, but probably not in the way that he wants. There are problems there that likely cannot be covered up in a setting like that. Even if the problems don't hinder him in most situations of carrying out his duties, the Republicans & conservative media would shred him and never let go. The Democrats in the caucus would know that in the caucus. It likely would take mental exams(not the fake ones from 'ronny' that Trump bragged about.) and a lot of talk from doctors, to convince people if he is still capable of his duties. That won't happen. I don't think there is going to be a route out of this situation for Biden. He is going to lose or drop out.
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The First Debate

Congress and the like see enough of him, that they had to suspect more than the average bear though??? Can't imagine enough didn't meet with him at the White House about issues or speak on the phone. They do talk. It's not like their isn't a gossip mill on the hill. Aides talk in confidence with congress too.(Despite likely being warned not too.)
I don't really know. Things I have been reading lately suggest that his inner circle keep him very well-guarded, even some of his lesser aides no longer have regular contact with him. Not a good sign.

One of the Dem Congressman Politico spoke to suggested Biden could address a lot of concerns by agreeing to an unscripted, closed door caucus meeting. Being able to handle a large crowd that has some pointed questions would go a long way to restoring confidence. But he hasn't (yet) agreed.

The First Debate

I think you have a situation where he's been so shielded from most Dems even on Capitol Hill, that nobody really actually knows what kind of mental state he is in. That's part of what is causing the absolute panic. The regular rank-and-file house members feel like maybe they were lied to about his true condition, and frankly, so do I.
Congress and the like see enough of him, that they had to suspect more than the average bear though??? Can't imagine enough didn't meet with him at the White House about issues or speak on the phone. They do talk. It's not like their isn't a gossip mill on the hill. Aides talk in confidence with congress too.(Despite likely being warned not too.)

The First Debate

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has signaled support for trying Liz Cheney via a military tribunal for treason on national television. And we all know what the penalty for treason is.
Niiiice! Such a kind man he is.

She is the one that probably pissed him off the most from the time he ran for office in 2016 till now. He is lucky more people didn't follow her lead. She is a very brave and principled individual. He hates that. He'd love to pull the handle on her.

The First Debate

CNN now going after Dems for hiding Biden’s cognitive decline. The same station who claimed what we saw was doctored is now asking how can you not believe what you saw and heard? Just bizarre.

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I think you have a situation where he's been so shielded from most Dems even on Capitol Hill, that nobody really actually knows what kind of mental state he is in. That's part of what is causing the absolute panic. The regular rank-and-file house members feel like maybe they were lied to about his true condition, and frankly, so do I.

He did rattle off lots of factoids and actually got better as the debate wore on, which is a mitigating factor.

But the fact that the party leaders themselves seem to be in the dark as to if their candidate is actually in decline or not is a problem, even if he is perfectly fine. It means he's so isolated that when he stumbles, nobody knows what the hell to make of it.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has signaled support for trying Liz Cheney via a military tribunal for treason on national television. And we all know what the penalty for treason is.

I feel like I am in that split second between realizing I am about to crash my car, but not being able to do anything about it. I know that whatever happens next, it's going to hurt.

Personally, I'd rather have a well intentioned animated corpse than a power-hungry maniac that will disrupt many of our alliances. Sucks that is the choice, but that is the current choice.

US Debt Service Costs

Well at least liberal mainstream media is making note of it.

First step in resolving a problem is admitting you have the problem.

PS this is BS they are taking every bit of color out of the posts. None in links, none in tagging someone, none in new posts. I guess they want a black and white world? I'm surprised our ids aren't in black & white. I'm protesting in purple. What little color was there, was there for a reason. LSU Sucks!!! @Chris Harmon Anytime you bold something for emphasis they may think it is a link now.
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Berhalter’s replacement may not have been to Oklahoma,

Fernando Torres? Has never managed at the international level. Zero chance. None. God, the opinions of people in soccer always amaze me. It is fun to listen to and make fun of. You are going to join TU_Bla in insanity.

The only move is to make the Godfather offer for Klopp 10M/year and houses in Atlanta, Aspen, NYC and Miami. This is the way.

Do we have to offer 4 houses in kind to Miss Hayes, or are material goods an exception. That would be quite a raise for her.
