Pray For Israel 🇮🇱 🙏

I’ve been consistent from the start of the buildup to the invasions. You either provide sufficient support to keep Putin out of Ukraine or you find a peaceful solution. What you don’t do is provide just enough support to keep the killing and destruction going. Basically a never ending war which leaves Ukraine destroyed and hundreds of thousands dead and multiple countries in debt. Which is exactly what we’ve done and what we plan to do going forward as far as I can tell. Just burning money and throwing away lives. Remember, the longer this war goes the more it’s going to cost someone to rebuild Ukraine. With debt service costs now of a $1T a year we really don’t have that luxury .

Huffy, the thought has crossed my mind as well. Both sides are benefiting from real world experience with weapon systems and tactics. The military industrial complex is the only winner here. N
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TU #195 US News 2024 rankings.

My son has made a;base64,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
It’s a secret code?

Congrats on the decision.
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TU’s new AD must be a dynamic fundraiser

I am 100% sure Penni posted on here back in the day. She was really good friends with one of the RDs on staff back then and the RD said Penni was pissed about something someone posted about TGs unstable personality on the sideline
Iirc, we had a poster who was able to somehow confirm that. Which is one of the reasons I think TG was a poster. She defended TG and something someone posted in support of him. Way too long ago. What an era of the interwebs though. It’s been fifteen years or more since any of us has gotten a cease and desist letter from yahoo, a challenge to a fight in Dallas, or people in Louisville posting our private info on line.

US Debt Service Costs

Total U.S. debt will be $35T at the end of this year. Current debt service costs on obligations coming due is roughly 5%. We have a large amount of debt coming due in the next 12 months. Do the math

$35T x .5% = $1.75T in debt service. This is assuming we can keep debt service at 5% which is hardly a guarantee due to the extremely large amount of treasuries which have to be sold. The Federal Reserves is about the only buyer of U.S. Treasuries at this point. Just printed money. It’s a shell game.

At what point will our political leaders address this issue.? What point will the media cover this issue?. What point will the American people pay attention? Assume the answer to all the above is “when everything crashes and we can’t pay entitlements or we continue to print money and inflation hits 20-30% (maybe higher).

📝 Larry Lewis Rick Dickson made lasting impact at TU

We need to keep Bruce at TU as long as possible. Incredibly prepared. I could see him keep working for many more years. Not an easy job, but SID job would be really, really challenging. So many details.
Bruce’s ability to do play by play not only in FB, MBB, WBB (TV) but Softball (TV) is amazing. TV and Radio are very different types of PBP assignments, yet he handles both exceptionally well. I try to listen critically and he very rarely comes across as the level of homer that many PBP guys that work at universities do. We are fortunate.

Pray For Israel 🇮🇱 🙏

They don't call the police and send security when this happens? Those that are perpetrating the harassment should at la minimum be kicked off campus. That is not protecting their students and is grounds for a lawsuit against the University if they don't handle it in this manner. I'd think a case like that would be a slam dunk win in court.
Appears lawsuits have been filed

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TU #195 US News 2024 rankings.

Their color combination is just weird. They gave my son a t-shirt as an admitted student taking the visit...but he also asked for a hoodie from the campus store (I knew when he asked for that he sort of had made his decision). They had these light "carolina" blue hoodies with brown lettering. The one he got was a navy blue with Tufts in a block TUFTS in the lighter blue color.
Hopefully the brown will always be an accent color on the uniforms. Looking like the UPS soccer team isn't appetizing.

Pray For Israel 🇮🇱 🙏

Universities have been barring speech from their campuses for years. Well speech with which they disagree. That said, they have every right to limit the protest areas to spots on campus which guarantees the targets of those protests (Jewish students) aren’t affected. Universities for years have championed “safe spaces” for students. Especially minority students. I’m not sure anyone would disagree they are failing in that regard here. As I said prior, if these protests and calls for voilence were directed at any other minority group I believe you would see a much different response. I do agree that many of the protestors aren’t students btw. However, the universities haven’t shown much of a desire to kick those individuals off campuses.

Plenty of articles of Jewish students being trapped in buildings, prevented from going to class, having items thrown at them and even attacked.
They don't call the police and send security when this happens? Those that are perpetrating the harassment should at la minimum be kicked off campus. That is not protecting their students and is grounds for a lawsuit against the University if they don't handle it in this manner. I'd think a case like that would be a slam dunk win in court.

Pray For Israel 🇮🇱 🙏

These are private campuses that are being protested on. I personally think that those that are in the main protest areas should have to show their student ID on request. They should kick the non students off of the campus that are only there to protest. They are allowing a protest on private grounds. It becomes much easier to police when it is on public grounds, not in an area where students are going to class. The students can then decide if they want to go to the public protest, or stay on campus grounds for the student protest.
Universities have been barring speech from their campuses for years. Well speech with which they disagree. That said, they have every right to limit the protest areas to spots on campus which guarantees the targets of those protests (Jewish students) aren’t affected. Universities for years have championed “safe spaces” for students. Especially minority students. I’m not sure anyone would disagree they are failing in that regard here. As I said prior, if these protests and calls for voilence were directed at any other minority group I believe you would see a much different response. I do agree that many of the protestors aren’t students btw. However, the universities haven’t shown much of a desire to kick those individuals off campuses.

Plenty of articles of Jewish students being trapped in buildings, prevented from going to class, having items thrown at them and even attacked.
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TU #195 US News 2024 rankings.

Here was my first choice for an image to post: (I got a red x)
Tufts Jumbos

My second choice is above.
Their color combination is just weird. They gave my son a t-shirt as an admitted student taking the visit...but he also asked for a hoodie from the campus store (I knew when he asked for that he sort of had made his decision). They had these light "carolina" blue hoodies with brown lettering. The one he got was a navy blue with Tufts in a block TUFTS in the lighter blue color.
