So, Union's JV Red (Fr/So) team plays almost exclusively against 4A, 5A varsity teams that are used as varsity record games for those schools. They should 100% have 3 officials for any game involving a varsity team that counts for record. The games in Collinsville that they played (25 min halves, tournament) were against Oolagah varsity, Hale varsity, and Will Rogers varsity. These aren't used for records since they aren't official timed games (40 min halves). They had a pool of 4 officials rotate through. They should have absolutely had 3 officials run the boys and girls finals of that tournament.Mandating 3 officials for JV? That is some funny stuff. Get more off . There aren't enough officials and there aren't enough officials for a number of:
1. almost all of these games have to be adults since kids are too young. Many very good ARs are younger. They play at a high level and are capable of being ARs for even the highest level youth matches (ECNL in OK).
2. Some officials don't do high school vs USSF/youth or adults.
3. There especially aren't enough officials in the non-metro areas to cover games. If they are in the area, their lack of knowledge about the game is limited at best or non-existent.
4. Travel to smaller outlying schools is not paid for. Some refuse to pay mileage. These can be 1-2 hour drives each way. Game ends at 10 or later if it goes to OT or gets now that OSSAA has said there must be a winner. You are talking getting home past midnight on a work day. It isn't worth it for the time and cost of driving. Some do it because it is sort of fun. Others say hell no. Limits the pool
5. JV games start early. Some are kicking off at 3pm. That takes away from people that work. Limits the pool
6. high school has a lot of really, really bad games. Some higher level officials who do college or USL games etc...will just decline them unless it is decent schools. Or they just don't do high school at all. Limits the pool
7. Some people just can't handle it. The abuse can be really high. There are just so many parents and fans that don't understand jack about competitive matches what is advantage or what is actually a foul. "That was an elbow!" (usually with a country ass accent). He is over his back on a header! that was a high kick! He is going cleats up! The kids don't even react because they understand but the parents are going nuts People have been chased out of stadiums by fans etc.. it isn't worth it for 50 bucks. Limits the pool
those are some of the bigger reasons.
I get the shortage of officials. Its the reason I went through the process to get certified this year. And it's actually pretty simple to get certified as an OSSAA soccer official. Pay, take the test, pass, you're in. There are still way too few refs out there. For instance, the assignor at BA is begging for refs this weekend which is strapped because TSC's Route 66 showcase is this weekend. For anyone with teenagers looking to make a few bucks, this is the route. My 16 year old may $175 last weekend working 6 hours between Saturday and Sunday. Most of his games were U7 and U8 games where the ref basically tells them who throws it in, whose goal kick it is, etc. Mostly stress free. 13 and 14 year olds can easily do those games without a problem.
And if you're a parent of a soccer player...don't be the previous me. You don't know all the laws or the nuances of how they're applied and none of these games really means diddly in the grand scheme of life. Stop acting insane and embarrassing your kid