Will Tulsa County and/or Oklahoma go for Trump today?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Equal means 1.0 life. There is no 0.7 or 1.3. Does a policeman's life matter more than a professional person? What if the professional person does heart transplants? Whose life matters more a soldier in Afghanistan or the guy that broken the Japanese code in WWII. Does a cop carry the same risks and realities as a machine gunner on Normandy beach on D-Day? Saying some life matters more borders on Eugenics. If have a friend who is a retired insurance man. Great guy. Does his life matter more because he is black?

The people that put their life on the line by signing the Declaration of Independence didn't follow that line of thought. "All men created equal" "Rights."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Both government a political correctness go too far in telling what does matter now. I believe each of us are 1.0 person with 1.0 life and most do what they can where they can. Those people on the plane that went down on 9/11 may have been ordinary people when they boarded the plane but they saved some lives many miles away.
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Well now you are just being obtuse.

The reality of people's lives and daily existence is not universal. Acknowledging that does not diminish or lessen my own life or mean it doesn't matter.

And again, the same white middle class non-law enforcement males reacting so vehemently to Black Lives Matter are not making a peep about Blue Lives Matter.
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Well now you are just being obtuse.

The reality of people's lives and daily existence is not universal. Acknowledging that does not diminish or lessen my own life or mean it doesn't matter.

And again, the same white middle class non-law enforcement males reacting so vehemently to Black Lives Matter are not making a peep about Blue Lives Matter.

I'm not being obtuse, nor are you. We obviously operate on a different thought process.

I'm not reacting vehemently about the phrase "Black Lives Matter." [Some have pointed out that there is a group by that name. I'm talking about the phrase.] Others react strongly against the statement the "All lives matter." As far as the phases, I agree with both. I agree that Blue Lives Matter.

I honestly feel like I'm right because I'm not judging anyone's "life value" by the color of their skin or the uniform that they wear. You feel like you are right because "The reality of people's lives and daily existence is not universal." That is a true statement but not measurable and certainly not determined by one factor.

By the way, I am not worried about anything diminishing the value of my life or that my life doesn't matter.
I'm sorry too TUME, I'll never get the time back.

Dog whistle time, radical hate group, Trump boy. Bernie and Hillary have simply listened to the concerns of black America, and the crap they have to deal with in everyday life. This is exactly the kind of coded racism that has propelled Trump into his lofty position in the GOP. I know who you are voting for Poke.

You are doing what all lieberals do - calling anyone that disagrees with your limited, biased and even racist opinions, a racist. In this instance, YOU don't get to define who is a racist unless you, yourself are one. Has Trump ever attended a Klan rally? Any republican candidate? I think I'll just call you a racist! Ya, thats the ticket. YOU are a racist! You are a democrat aren't you?

So who is a racist? - democ- rat and KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd who was supported by his party for decades (including Ted Kennedy btw) or that creepy Trump who has played both sides and was a democrat donor and supporter for many, many years? The democrat party has always been the party of the Klan. Ever hear of democrat George Wallace? "Segregation now and segregation forever!" Prove that statement wrong.

But again, thanks for bringing this up! So why do you support that racist democrat party?
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Ike was easy going, but it is important to note that he not only nationalized the entire Arkansas National Guard but sent units of the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army. He left no doubt that he was capable of enforcing the law.
So who is a racist? - democ- rat and KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd who was supported by his party for decades (including Ted Kennedy btw) or that creepy Trump who has played both sides and was a democrat donor and supporter for many, many years? The democrat party has always been the party of the Klan. Ever hear of democrat George Wallace? "Segregation now and segregation forever!" Prove that statement wrong.

But again, thanks for bringing this up! So why do you support that racist democrat party?

The party's roles flipped in the 1960's, that is when the racist south flipped in its entirety away from the Democratic Party to the new Republican Party. We have witnessed 60 years of voting patterns since, where black America has voted 90-95% for the Democrats, and against GOP policies concerning the poor, working class, and minority Americans.
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Rabid is reciting Anne Coulter's misrepresentation of history. Johnson lost the south for Democrats when he backed integration. The South went to the Republican party as a protest against racial equality and the end of Jim Crow.
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Rabid is reciting Anne Coulter's misrepresentation of history. Johnson lost the south for Democrats when he backed integration. The South went to the Republican party as a protest against racial equality and the end of Jim Crow.

Mostly True. But Senator Robert Byrd did stay on in the Senate leadership from 1971 to 2010 as Whip, Majority/Minority Leader depending on which party had the majority, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee until 2009 and President Pro Tem of the Senate till 2010. The last position is worthless unless everyone above you in Presidential succession dies.

I can report that, however, that Byrd was an outstanding fiddle player.
Something must be wrong with my computer. I missed the part where our Democrats explained about Byrd and the Clan. About him filibustering against the Civil Rights of 1964. Yet being in the Senate leadership for decades after the Democrats became the good guys. He wasn't just a KKK member, he organized his local chapter of 150 people and wrote to a fellow Southern Senator that he would die a thousand time rather than serve in the military next to a black. He said it would be like trampling on the flag.

There is another history lesson for the under informed, WATU. And he kept multiple leadership roles until 2010. He did say he was sorry. But he was a high class Southerner. They used the word Nigra. A hybrid word between the more acceptable one and the more distasteful one.
Rabid is reciting Anne Coulter's misrepresentation of history. Johnson lost the south for Democrats when he backed integration. The South went to the Republican party as a protest against racial equality and the end of Jim Crow.

You are assuming that another person you don't know even knows who Ann Coulter is. I assume you have no evidence of that. You are misrepresenting my position unless you don't accept wikipedia for instance.
The party's roles flipped in the 1960's, that is when the racist south flipped in its entirety away from the Democratic Party to the new Republican Party. We have witnessed 60 years of voting patterns since, where black America has voted 90-95% for the Democrats, and against GOP policies concerning the poor, working class, and minority Americans.

So you don't accept that your party has a history of bigotry, racism and prejudice including lynchings, cross burning and attack dogs. I see. That must have occurred on the planet Mars.
And then there is the politics of the damocrats mercilessly attacking black candidates like Herman Cain, Ben Carson and even the confirmation of SCOTUS nominee Clarence Thomas. Why didn't the damocrats protest that treatment instead of lead it. I'll be patiently waiting for that answer until Hades freezes over.
Clarence Thomas! Really? He should never have been confirmed. Here's who he outted him for sexual misconduct during his confirmation: Anita Hill.

A travesty: both for her and then for SCOTUS because it put mute, conflicted Clarence on the bench.

Anita Hill was born in Lone Tree, Oklahoma, the youngest of the 13 children of Albert and Erma Hill, who were farmers. Her family came from Arkansas, where her great-grandparents and her maternal grandfather, Henry Eliot, were born into slavery. Hill was raised in the Baptist faith.

After graduating as valedictorian from Morris High School, Hill enrolled at Oklahoma State University, receiving a bachelor's degree with honors in psychology in 1977. She went on to Yale Law School, obtaining her Juris Doctor degree with honors in 1980.

She was admitted to the District of Columbia Bar in 1980 and began her law career as an associate with the Washington, D.C. firm of Wald, Harkrader & Ross. In 1981, she became an attorney-adviser to Clarence Thomas who was then the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights. When Thomas became Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 1982, Hill went along to serve as his assistant, leaving the job in 1983.

Hill then became an assistant professor at the Evangelical Christian O. W. Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University where she taught from 1983 to 1986.[8] In 1986, she joined the faculty at theUniversity of Oklahoma College of Law where she taught commercial law and contracts.

She is a professor at Brandeis University Law School in Massachusetts. An American and Oklahoma success story. She represents the essential American story.
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You're proving my point ---- that there is a double standard where lieberals are concerned. Fact is that Clarence Thomas was a black nominee of a sitting POTUS for the SC and the damocrats tried to trash the man out of their hatred for his basic beliefs - which was part of the reason he was nominated.

And the idea that AH is some kind of heroine proves the point that a lieberal will "always" side against their perceived enemy EVEN if that enemy is an honest black person with a spotless record.

So you have just demonized a person of color, found them guilty as charged and lionized their accuser who had little or no solid evidence of their accusation.

Sounds like a lynch mob mentality to me. You just became the hangman. Congratulations!

Thanks for bringing this up.
LOL. You can bob and weave all you want but history will not support you. Clarence was picked and has fulfilled his role as the antidote to one of the greatest Justices on the Supreme Court: Thurgood Marshall. And he has fulfilled that role. He says zero and just voted to the right of Scalia. Republicans backed him despite his moral lapses because they were desperate. Of course it's easy for some to score a black woman, even a stellar Oklahoman such as AH, for opposing him. And and you point out, that does proves the point I was making.

More to the point, there is no credible version of history that supports the view that the current Republican party's dominance in the SouthEast is not based on it's repugnance for the egalitarian, racial equality supported by the Democratic Party since FDR. The ultimate proof comes not from a bunch of white posters on this board, but from the voting patterns of those affected: people of color today. They are the ones who are affected and understand the way the system works.
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That's a bunch of gobble-d-gook from the Damocrat historical book of junked up history. You are trying to prove some "evidence" that doesn't exist in the "he said she said" book of law. That long ago TV event was nothing more than an attempt to keep congress from electing a nominee that was both qualified and wanted by the the elected body that would vote him into the SCOTUS as is written in the constitution - the law of the land. The idea you don't like it means zilch. The idea that you advocate the trashing of a black man attempting to be one of only a few black justices is all that matters in this thread.

What time is the lynching?
Yet they vote for the same ideas and leaders who fail to address the current state of inner city communities and set forth different and meaningful solutions. Our current system has failed them. Politicians seem content to keep them dependent instead of striving towards independence. I understand the former means control of the populous while you lose the same with the latter. However, it's pretty clear that the current policies haven't been effective. We need new voices and ideas.
Only 8 months from tomorrow till the election. I it could get ugly.
Only 8 months from tomorrow till the election. I it could get ugly.

Bingo! I recommend keeping in shape and eating right. Stay away from too much dairy and too much red meat. Carbs are good, especially before posting. o_O;)
I always eat right. I start on the left side of the buffet and eat right.
The party's roles flipped in the 1960's, that is when the racist south flipped in its entirety away from the Democratic Party to the new Republican Party.

I think I'll bring up the 1968 Presidential Election since you brought up the "1960's". And thanks for doing that!

The Republican candidate was Richard Nixon versus the Democrat Hubert Humphrey. The south was heavily democratic and obviously had a racist element. So segregationist George Wallace entered the race as a third party candidate (American Independent Party). The solid democratic south thus turned into a bundle of swing states that gave the election to Nixon. If the dems had kept their south solid, Nixon would never have become president. Since Nixon won the WH without those swing "racist" votes, the obvious take on this is that the Republican Party didn't need or want those voters by appealing to their racism. There is no evidence where those voters went later on. That race was very close - I looked it up.

Popular Vote - Nixon - 31,783,000------Humphrey - 31,271,000-----Wallace - 9,901,000

If the swing states of Tenn/NC/SC/Fla/Ky/Va had stayed with the democrats, Nixon would have lost electorially, but with Wallace in the race, they went to the Republicans since those votes were denied to the dems but not counted for the Reps .

Where is the evidence the Republican Party is racist? Nowhere. But there is a heck of a lot of evidence there was racism in the Democrat party.
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