Will Tulsa County and/or Oklahoma go for Trump today?

Yes and Yes.

The real race appears to be on the Democratic side. Of the two polls I've seen today one has Hillary up 9 while the other has Bernie up 5.
If so, Oklahoma could look like a barbell with the most radical at both ends.
Trump isn't so much radical as just a nut case. He may be doubt he is... but he is still a nut case.
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The open primary situation on the Democrat side only in Oklahoma is odd. I wonder what effect Independents may be having.
Do you view Trump as more radical overall than Cruz?

I view all three as scary and objectionable. But on this board, Trump is clearly considered the most radical and objectionable.

Actually Trump says some interesting things about health care, Bush's failure on Iraq and 9/11, etc., but it doesn't offset the rest.

Actually I am on the horns of a dilemma. One the one hand, I'd like to see Trump be the Republican candidate for all the reasons that the establishment hates him: he'd lose and tear up the party. Which in the long run would actually be good because it would separate out different interests and might result in a viable, moderate GOP. But...what if he won? Small chance, but is it worth taking? El Duce.

OTOH (pretend I'm an economist), Cruz and Rubio would almost be as bad. I could not vote for either but their chances of winning are higher.

I'm not a Hillary fan and Bernie doesn't have the experience to carry out much if anything that he proposes (although I like some of it), but at least they aren't preaching hate, xenophobia, warfare, urination, and the rest . Also there is SCOTUS. Another Scalia who gave us Citizen's United and "originalism" and Justices as rock stars would be a disaster. That alone would drive me away from voting for those bozos.

Kasich and Hillary would be a tough choice that I would give a lot of thought to. Hillary has unrivaled experience, and like Trump, has a long record as a result, which like Trump can look bad in places.

My advice to the Republican Party would be to allow Obama pick a moderate, swing vote on SCOTUS so that would take that fear off the table. There are acceptable Justices who Obama and even Cruz could live with in a less politicized world. That done, I'd be more open to crossing party lines. Unless with Trump, Cruz or Rubio.

Fat chance. Yes?
Isn't Hillary the epitome of everything you speak against on this board? Pocket of big money, dishonest, will say anything to divert attention from her ethics, has no core values (has adopted most of Bernies), etc...

I realize there aren't good options on either party but I would vote for Bernie (fantasy economics and all) over someone I view as morally corrupt.

Trump has been a conservative for the last 12 months. He's a liberal lean on social issues (which I like) and I even like his talk steps to bring wage paying jobs back to the states. A U.S. based corporation should not be able to manufacture goods half way across the world and ship them back to the states cheaper and with better quality than if they were made here. Are Acts and treaties regarding trade must be re-examined. We need those jobs.

Unfortunately, Trumps other position as well as his overall demeanor is something I can't stomach. Trump will be the Rep nominee and will be beaten by Hillary. We will then be back to the status quo with money controlling our politics and a President with no moral compass. Both parties will be responsible. The Reps for nominating a baffoon. The Dems for nominating a someone who is guided soley by the pursuit of power absent moral values.
Happy to c where one of the few states not to go Trump.

Surprised but happy to see Bernie win. Assume he received a large "hate Hillary" vote from the independents in the open primary.
It will be interesting to see the rationalizations posted on this board next September/October for voting for Trump if he is the Republican candidate.

Frankly he is scary good with the media even when he saying nothing.
It will be interesting to see the rationalizations posted on this board next September/October for voting for Trump if he is the Republican candidate.

Agree. Same applies for Hillary. Ironic how is appears that the two candidates with the highest negative ratings will be in the general.

Disappointing that a candidate who has yet to receive 50% of the vote in a primary is likely to win the nomination. Reps will get what they deserve if they nominate him.
You will look back on Obana as having a very strong moral compas dealing with a Republican Congress without one.

Hillary is the lesser of two bad choices who might appoint a justice who would reverse Citizens United which has absolutely screwed this country. And she is by far the best prepared for a complex job.

Who are you going to glom on to? Trump? Cruz? Rubio?

Isn't Hillary the epitome of everything you speak against on this board? Pocket of big money, dishonest, will say anything to divert attention from her ethics, has no core values (has adopted most of Bernies), etc...

I realize there aren't good options on either party but I would vote for Bernie (fantasy economics and all) over someone I view as morally corrupt.

Trump has been a conservative for the last 12 months. He's a liberal lean on social issues (which I like) and I even like his talk steps to bring wage paying jobs back to the states. A U.S. based corporation should not be able to manufacture goods half way across the world and ship them back to the states cheaper and with better quality than if they were made here. Are Acts and treaties regarding trade must be re-examined. We need those jobs.

Unfortunately, Trumps other position as well as his overall demeanor is something I can't stomach. Trump will be the Rep nominee and will be beaten by Hillary. We will then be back to the status quo with money controlling our politics and a President with no moral compass. Both parties will be responsible. The Reps for nominating a baffoon. The Dems for nominating a someone who is guided soley by the pursuit of power absent moral values.
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Hillary is corrupt and dishonest. Two of the worst qualities I can imagine in a leader. History is full of leaders who exhibited theses qualities. Their subjects almost always suffer in the end. I will not support that out of principal and good conscious.

Kasich and O"Malley were my top two. Feeling pretty lost right now politically. There is no middle....only far right and far left.
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So far a nightmare for the country. I won't be justifying voting for either one. It would take the perfect storm to stop either.
Hillary has things going for her that no other candidate does. First, experience. No OJT. She has been a senator and sec'y of state in some of the most trying times this country has faced. Moral compass? Against what standard? Cruz, Trump, Rubio lied, lied and lied. All have been willing to stoop to juvenile, near obscene antics to pander for votes. Bernie and HRC, not. International stature? No one comes close.

As for emails (both Powell and Condi did the same), Bengazi (political hack job with lots of smoke but no fire) and sticking by Bill (it is her own darn business), none of that would have mattered if it had been Bush with a Republican Congress. Bush did much, much worse but was protected until he was on his way out and not a political threat to anyone. Hillary has been targeted as the presumptive Democratic Candidate for years and a great deal of effort has gone on to derail her. No one else has had to take kind of abuse.

She would not be my first choice, but given the actual choices in front of me....I would vote for her. Actually, Kasich might make me think about my choice, but SCOTUS would make it tough.
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Kasich is way too conservative, he just looks moderate compared to the three loons in front of him. I can't listen to Hillary's speeches, just can't do it, like scratching on a chalkboard, but she'll get my support. Maybe I'll warm up to her, but damn. This will be the craziest election of our lifetimes, and please don't kid yourselves, Trump could win this thing, Hillary has massive negatives.
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Hrc, has experience doing what????

Abetting a rapist, using an illegal server, letting seals die, accepting bribes from foreign gov, blasting the 1% while being one, . . .
Kasich is way too conservative, he just looks moderate compared to the three loons in front of him. I can't listen to Hillary's speeches, just can't do it, like scratching on a chalkboard, but she'll get my support. Maybe I'll warm up to her, but damn. This will be the craziest election of our lifetimes, and please don't kid yourselves, Trump could win this thing, Hillary has massive negatives.

Over the years, I have watched Presidential elections from Eisenhower v. Stevenson to this mess. Probably more than half of the time many, often including me, have complained that we really don't have anyone to choose from.

But this is special. Occasionally, one candidate is detested. But this time both most likely candidates have what Eastcane has correctly called "massive negatives." We have been given approximately 20 candidates in the two parties to look at and seem now in an odd situation.

Maybe it really is like watching sausages being made.
Trump will get crushed by Clinton. I'd imagine most republicans will hold their nose and vote trump after they've heard Hillary speak a few times, but there will be a small but significant percentage who will refuse to vote for him. That, combined with what I can only assume will be record minority turnout in opposition to him, will result in a bloodbath. Trump may even lose a couple states in the south that haven't gone D for a long time.
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Bernie and Hillary don't pander for votes. What the hell have you been watching. Both have sold their soul to gain the support of a radical hate group who advocates the killing of peace officers. They can't even stand up and declare that ALL lives matter. My friend....that is pandering at its worse.
Need I point out Bill Clinton's war on women. Er. . . at least their private parts.
The open primary situation on the Democrat side only in Oklahoma is odd. I wonder what effect Independents may be having.

This only anecdotal evidence from one precinct in the state of Oklahoma, but my mother was the inspector at a precinct across the street from Rhema. She said there was approximately 15 or 20 independent voters out of 400 that came in to vote there.(approximately 65-70% of voters were republican) All but 1 or 2 voters found out that they couldn't vote republican, and did not vote. I'm making the assumption from the attitude my mother said most of them exhibited and/or the things most of them said, that they were all wanting to vote for or against Trump and didn't care about voting for the democratic candidates.(The precinct had approximately 55% of registered voters come to vote, which is pretty good.)
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I saw a blog shares elsewhere pointing out that Cruz's success is coming from mostly closed republican primary states.
Huh, maybe that points to Independent voters voting for a democrat, or mostly voting for somebody other than Cruz and Trump? I would hope there aren't that many independent voters voting for Trump! Another location from the voter bloc in which we need every single vote.
Bernie and Hillary don't pander for votes. What the hell have you been watching. Both have sold their soul to gain the support of a radical hate group who advocates the killing of peace officers. They can't even stand up and declare that ALL lives matter. My friend....that is pandering at its worse.

Strikes me as over conflating Bernie's and HRC's positions to rationalize voting for one of the Gang of Three has already started. I love these litmus tests. Obama is ruining us because he won't say "Islamic radicals" and now it's "All lives matter" (Trump said that right?). What's the next password?
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Trump will get crushed by Clinton. I'd imagine most republicans will hold their nose and vote trump after they've heard Hillary speak a few times, but there will be a small but significant percentage who will refuse to vote for him. That, combined with what I can only assume will be record minority turnout in opposition to him, will result in a bloodbath. Trump may even lose a couple states in the south that haven't gone D for a long time.

That is the current Republican night mare. The question is whether people are so fed up that the appeal of authoritarian figures is so great that people rationalize Trump into office. If the evangelicals can, why not others?
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Strikes me as over conflating Bernie's and HRC's positions to rationalize voting for one of the Gang of Three has already started. I love these litmus tests. Obama is ruining us because he won't say "Islamic radicals" and now it's "All lives matter" (Trump said that right?). What's the next password?

This short quote of WATU is so full of nonsense it's hard to keep an answer short.

The "Gang of Three" is an odd term. I have no need to rationalize my vote. As an American Citizen registered in my state, I can vote for whover I want. The implication of the quote is that there is something deeply wrong with all three. Additionally, I could ask how you rationalize voting for Mrs. Clinton. I won't because you, like me, have every right to vote for whoever you wish.

Anyone who has a problem saying "all lives matter" must either mean that no lives matter or that some lives matter and some do not. Or possibly that some lives matter more than others. I can't imagine how it has became politically incorrect to think that all lives matter. Dr. Martin Luther King famously said "All people, black people and white people, will be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin...." in his I have a dream speech. All lives matter is not a passward, it is a logical statement.

I can understand Obama not saying Islamic Terrorists. I don't agree with it but it is more understandable. They are Islamic and they are Terrorists but I can let that one slide because part of his life he was schooled in an Islamic country and doesn't see his classmates as terrorists. We all have more sympathy and understanding of that we are familiar with. That doesn't mean he is a Muslim.

But what I don't understand is why he says ISIL when the whole world says ISIS. The IS stands for Iraq and Syria. IL stands for the Levant, which is much larger and includes a number of countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Asiatic Turkey, and Israel.

You included so many liberal buzzwords in your post that it took a lot to answer all of them.
Sorry this was so long.
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I'm sorry too TUME, I'll never get the time back.
Bernie and Hillary don't pander for votes. What the hell have you been watching. Both have sold their soul to gain the support of a radical hate group who advocates the killing of peace officers. They can't even stand up and declare that ALL lives matter. My friend....that is pandering at its worse.

Dog whistle time, radical hate group, Trump boy. Bernie and Hillary have simply listened to the concerns of black America, and the crap they have to deal with in everyday life. This is exactly the kind of coded racism that has propelled Trump into his lofty position in the GOP. I know who you are voting for Poke.
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I'll be brief Eastcane.

It is incredible that saying "all lives matter" is somehow now racist.

Like Animal Farm: All lives matter, some lives matter more.
I can understand how one might feel that All Lives Matter is an attempt to take over or minimize the sentiment behind Black Lives Matter. I see the same thing in domestic violence discussions/movements where men want to take over the discussion with the fact that they can also be victims. Ok, sure, but go have your own discussion instead of derailing this one. It's not always about you.

So while I wouldn't say it's racist, I'd say it's tone deaf and lacking in empathy and I see why it would anger people.
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Yes but the implication when someone yells "Black Lives Matter!" at me is that I don't think black lives matter. To which the response is "of course i think black lives matter. I think all lives matter."
I'm just saying that if you graph a circle that contains the set "lives" then another set that contains "black lives" will fall completely inside the circle "lives." That is a tautology. All lives are lives.

I have no problem with "black lives matter." Of course they do. But I also have no problem with "all lives matter." Of course they do.
All Lives Matter is dismissing the fact that our lives are not affected by all the same factors simply by virtue of our being white.

My life is not and has never has been affected by the same forces as someone born in poverty.

Your life is not affected by the same issues by virtue of being a man.

All lives are not created the same in our reality and my rights are not being diminished by acknowledging it. It's not about me/us as my/our life already matters in that context.
Which is worse, to be born white and poor or to be born black and rich? Both happen. I have been as far South as you, except in the 1960's and even in the 1950's. I was working for the summer in a gas plant about 10 miles from a small SE Texas gas plant when the first black employee ever started. You might not be surprised how they old timers treated him, but you might be surprised how we were treated when we gave him a ride to work one morning. As a kid in the 1950's I was surprised around Natchitoches, LA when my dad, one of the easiest going people that I have ever known, asked a black man for directions. The man was afraid. He was an older man. Why was he afraid of my dad? "Little" things too, like movie theatres where bought they their popcorn through a different line with a tiny window so you didn't see them and only got it after all of the others were served, then went to the balcony.

There were, and may still be areas in the Ozarks where white people and Native Americans had dirt floors and often the main course was squirrel dumplins heavy on the dumplins. They got commodities which had good peanut butter and cheese but the rest weren't so good. Still there was a sign on the road that said "XXXX don't let the sun set on your ass in YYYY county". Why they would want to I don't know.

Black people did and do have it hard. Poor people have it hard. Handicapped people have it hard. I don't for a minute think they don't. All of their lives matter and I understand why they take black lives matter seriously. Police lives matter, firemen's lives matter, chicken catchers lives matter [they go in chicken houses at night and carry out chickens for slaughter carrying their feet between their knuckles.] Coal miners lives matter. I don't mind if someone says it one way or the other. Black lives matter. All lives matter. I don't approve of black people being shot needlessly. I don't approve of anyone being gunned down needlessly. I don't approve of cops being gunned down needlessly.
Law enforcement is a perfect additional example.

Are people throwing a hissy fit about Blue Lives Matter because their life matters too as an accountant or a chef or a dog catcher or a retiree? No. Obviously other professional lives also matter. But it's absurd to pretend those lives carry the same risks and realities as cops.

It's appropriate for the focus to be on that one group in context.
Now that Cruz is gaining some traction I can't wait for the super smart think-pieces from the left about how Cruz is actually worse than Trump
I'm sorry too TUME, I'll never get the time back.

Dog whistle time, radical hate group, Trump boy. Bernie and Hillary have simply listened to the concerns of black America, and the crap they have to deal with in everyday life. This is exactly the kind of coded racism that has propelled Trump into his lofty position in the GOP. I know who you are voting for Poke.

Black Lives Matters has advocating the killing of cops. Unfortunately, police officers were executed shortly after their chants murdering police officers. I have no room for hate on any side and certainly not the advocating of violence. Disappointed but not surprised you would support such speech and then the subsequent actions which took the lives of several police officers. Disgusting.

I'm the only one on this board who has talked about the plight of inner city blacks and offered solutions to fix the same. The Dems and Reps certainly aren't nor are the Black Lives Matters folks as it doesn't get media coverage. However, the drug, violence and poverty faced by these people every day is truly what effects their lives. There were over 100 people murdered in Chicago the first two months of this year. Almost all involve black on black violence. media coverage and no one speaking out to bring attention to the horrific conditions these people are dealing with everyday. Yet, East would rather call names and hurl insults. Again....not surprised just disappointed as this behavior is the root of our problems. Problems which are ignored.
today here in Dallas there was a memorial for a police officer who was killed by a crazy man laying in a ditch waiting for the police. no wonder police shoot first and ask question later.

Thousand of police and other officials from local and distant cities attended. I look through the crowd of 10s of thousands of spectators that came to pay their respects to the fallen officer.

I looked very intensely but i did not see some familiar faces that usually follow an event like this. Never saw Al sharp ton, Jesse Jackson, bho, hrc, lorita lynch, . . . nor did any of them offer a word to family.

I don't understand?

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