What the H3ll is wrong with the Minneapolis Police?

I could have sworn that a month or two ago you said you are white. If that isn't true, I apologize in advance.
What in that post you quoted said he wasn't white? It didn't say he wasn't white and implied he was, from what I understood.
The underlying issues are mainly poverty and all the byproducts of that poverty.

Agree. The problem I have is the lack of new ideas to combat it. We seem to try the same failed solutions and elect the same ole people with the same ideas to run these cities. There is no public outcry. No protests. No media coverage. No athletes or celebrities talking about the violence, drugs, gangs, and cultural issues which feed into the cycle.
What in that post you quoted said he wasn't white? It didn't say he wasn't white and implied he was, from what I understood.
You miss read my post. It said the months back that he was WHITE. Now he talks about being picked on by the police and worried about his son walking in a hoodie. Maybe they picked on him because he was speeding in a construction zone. The speed limits in a construction zone are not racist. They are meant to protect workers. Don't want to be hassled for speed in a construction zone, don't speed in a construction zone.
The guilty officer may be eligible or $1 million dollar pension, per CNN.

Another reason for death penalty. Dead men don't drawl pensions.

I am very much in favor of the maximum penalty. Unlikely in California, but it does get the message across in big letters.
White privilege is also knowing the likelihood of my son having a gun pulled on him for walking in our neighborhood while wearing a hoodie is nearly nil while I would not doubt that a POC who lives in our neighborhood has had the police called on them for "looking out of place". It's really sad people don't realize this. Maybe if we termed it "White Benefit of the Doubt" more people would understand.

You miss read my post. It said the months back that he was WHITE. Now he talks about being picked on by the police and worried about his son walking in a hoodie. Maybe they picked on him because he was speeding in a construction zone. The speed limits in a construction zone are not racist. They are meant to protect workers. Don't want to be hassled for speed in a construction zone, don't speed in a construction zone.
I think you misread that, nearly nil means nearly zero chance of having a gun pulled on him by police. Meaning his son is taking part in white privilege.
6 Republican Presidents to 3 Democrats. 36 Years of Republican rule to 20 of Dems.

Curious.. how much did the democrats do for the African American community before LBJ (notorious racist) decided to buy their votes with government money and place them in shackles made of gold rather than iron?

And in all those years you listed.. in how many of them did Republicans control both houses of congress?
Curious.. how much did the democrats do for the African American community before LBJ (notorious racist) decided to buy their votes with government money and place them in shackles made of gold rather than iron?

And in all those years you listed.. in how many of them did Republicans control both houses of congress?
As we've discussed, the makeup of the Democratic party in (and a bit after) the time of LBJ was vastly different than it is today. There were a lot of Dems who had switched sides by the time Reagan came into power. The breakdown after LBJ's term for congress is 24 years of total Dem control (most of that when the southern - segregationist Dems were still in office) 16 years of total Republican power and the rest was split.
As we've discussed, the makeup of the Democratic party in (and a bit after) the time of LBJ was vastly different than it is today. There were a lot of Dems who had switched sides by the time Reagan came into power. The breakdown after LBJ's term for congress is 24 years of total Dem control (most of that when the southern - segregationist Dems were still in office) 16 years of total Republican power and the rest was split.

But you dont deny that LBJ used the power of the government purse to buy the black vote and secure them as a voting block dependent on the Democrats for handouts?

Golden shackles from their former masters.

The dems havent changed other than to move more left, and spend more money to secure their power. They are still the party of Jackson, Wilson, LBJ, and Davis.
But you dont deny that LBJ used the power of the government purse to buy the black vote and secure them as a voting block dependent on the Democrats for handouts?

Golden shackles from their former masters.

The dems havent changed other than to move more left, and spend more money to secure their power. They are still the party of Jackson, Wilson, LBJ, and Davis.
I don't agree with that. If anything, the Republicans voted for the same legislation (back when Republicans were still the party of Lincoln)
I don't agree with that. If anything, the Republicans voted for the same legislation (back when Republicans were still the party of Lincoln)

Democrats and golden shackles...

The party of Lee, Davis, Quantrill, George Wallace, the Klan and Jim Crow.
The political division is getting downright crazy. I had to look up what OAN is, and it's apparently a conservative TV or radio network, but this seems nuts to me. Someone took a photo of Mike Gundy fishing with his kids this past weekend, and he had an OAN shirt on. So Chuba Hubbard isn't going to do anything for OSU until Gundy decides to no longer be a conservative. What is happening in the world right now?

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The political division is getting downright crazy. I had to look up what OAN is, and it's apparently a conservative TV or radio network, but this seems nuts to me. Someone took a photo of Mike Gundy fishing with his kids this past weekend, and he had an OAN shirt on. So Chuba Hubbard isn't going to do anything for OSU until Gundy decides to no longer be a conservative. What is happening in the world right now?

If OSU fires him over a shirt, i hope Tulsa offers him the HC job. He's certifiable. But, he could win the AAC every year with half his mullet tied behind his back.
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The political division is getting downright crazy. I had to look up what OAN is, and it's apparently a conservative TV or radio network, but this seems nuts to me. Someone took a photo of Mike Gundy fishing with his kids this past weekend, and he had an OAN shirt on. So Chuba Hubbard isn't going to do anything for OSU until Gundy decides to no longer be a conservative. What is happening in the world right now?

Can't believe you haven't seen that network mentioned in the news, even if you haven't seen the network. It's been Trump's favorite news network since he started getting pissy with fox over some things, maybe in like March. It was his big stick threat to Fox, to get them back completely in unison with Trump. It did not seem to have the effect Trump was hoping for.

It's also been rumored that Trump wants to get into the 24 hour news network business, and that is where he would probably start,(with a takeover bid) after he is out of office.
If OSU fires him over a shirt, i hope Tulsa offers him the HC job. He's certifiable. But, he could win the AAC every year with half his mullet tied behind his back.
I haven’t been able to stand a second of the guy’s schtick since he was the QB at Midwest City.

But his football knowledge is raging raw. On the annual coaches cam version of the national championship game, he routinely schools the room and repeatedly and routinely predicts plays with uncanny ability everything from RB dives to deep shots to trick plays. He was talking about it seconds before it would happen and he’s done that several years in a row.

He can have the Tulsa job in an instant as far as I’m concerned but he would never take it.
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Can't believe you haven't seen that network mentioned in the news, even if you haven't seen the network.
I just don't have time to pay much attention to that stuff. I get much of my news by hearing it in the background from major networks and then researching anything interesting to see what's true and/or false. I have a hard time watching news networks, because they are all slanted one way or another.
I just don't have time to pay much attention to that stuff. I get much of my news by hearing it in the background from major networks and then researching anything interesting to see what's true and/or false. I have a hard time watching news networks, because they are all slanted one way or another.

The only time I've watched any of the cable news networks in the last couple years was during the protests/rioting. I flipped back and forth through all 3 and then had to just shut my TV off when it hit the Cuomo/Hannity/Maddow hour followed by the Lemon/Ingraham/O'Donnell hour. Unwatchable garbage all of them.
And the final stage: giving a fake apology because you like your money

I still haven't viewed OAN and have no plans to...however.

If Gundy wants to, it's none of my business and if the player hates it, it is still none of my business. They didn't come to oSu to be media critics but to engage in the sport of football and further their careers. That right works both ways.

Ignore fashion statement from a man who grows a mullet...oops I just contradicted myself.
I still haven't viewed OAN and have no plans to...however.

If Gundy wants to, it's none of my business and if the player hates it, it is still none of my business. They didn't come to oSu to be media critics but to engage in the sport of football and further their careers. That right works both ways.

Ignore fashion statement from a man who grows a mullet...oops I just contradicted myself.

My understanding is that OAN has an anchor or two that is critical of BLM. An extremely weak reason to throw a fit at your coach, especially publicly. But maybe Gundy is just a jerk and his players don’t like him very much. Coaches can be controlling pricks and it’s kind of funny to see players realizing they have power over him and can make him grovel.
And the final stage: giving a fake apology because you like your money

My understanding is that OAN has an anchor or two that is critical of BLM.
I also viewed the apology as not very sincere...but I'm guessing he doesn't feel that an apology was really necessary. Gundy didn't need to tell us that he believes black lives matter. He grew up playing football with and against black kids, and then chose a profession to coach and mentor young men...mostly black. He wouldn't be doing that if he didn't care about black lives.

Gundy wearing an OAN shirt doesn't mean he agrees with what every OAN anchor says. He wore a crap shirt to go fishing, which is what I do, because I usually get my shirt pretty nasty. Gundy could've easily worn an OSU shirt, but he didn't. I did see one video of an OAN anchor saying that BLM is a "farce", but honestly, I've heard several black people be critical of that organization.

This was just a situation, in my opinion, that was blown WAY out of proportion, and I agree with Hubbard that he went about it the wrong way.
My take: just about every football team has had similar issues bubble up quietly in the last week after building up for years, decades. Hubbard was testing his limits, like any other 20 year old.

FWIW, TU is not immune. Contrary to the assertion above. It just got its social media out early.
I also viewed the apology as not very sincere...but I'm guessing he doesn't feel that an apology was really necessary. Gundy didn't need to tell us that he believes black lives matter. He grew up playing football with and against black kids, and then chose a profession to coach and mentor young men...mostly black. He wouldn't be doing that if he didn't care about black lives.

Gundy wearing an OAN shirt doesn't mean he agrees with what every OAN anchor says. He wore a crap shirt to go fishing, which is what I do, because I usually get my shirt pretty nasty. Gundy could've easily worn an OSU shirt, but he didn't. I did see one video of an OAN anchor saying that BLM is a "farce", but honestly, I've heard several black people be critical of that organization.

This was just a situation, in my opinion, that was blown WAY out of proportion, and I agree with Hubbard that he went about it the wrong way.

It's naive to think this was just about a shirt. Chuba himself has said "I will not be doing anything with Oklahoma State until things CHANGE" "Change is coming I promise you that." "No don’t get it twisted. Foots still on the gas. Results are coming. It’s not over."

Those aren't the words of someone who just wants a wardrobe change.

Also, I disagree that he wouldn't be coaching Black kids if he didn't care about Black lives. He's got millions of reasons and plenty of company throughout the history of football.
It's naive to think this was just about a shirt. Chuba himself has said "I will not be doing anything with Oklahoma State until things CHANGE" "Change is coming I promise you that." "No don’t get it twisted. Foots still on the gas. Results are coming. It’s not over."

Those aren't the words of someone who just wants a wardrobe change.

Also, I disagree that he wouldn't be coaching Black kids if he didn't care about Black lives. He's got millions of reasons and plenty of company throughout the history of football.
I guess clothes make the man. I have to wonder what a player who was white, black or Mongolian would have got from Woody Hayes.
It's naive to think this was just about a shirt. Chuba himself has said "I will not be doing anything with Oklahoma State until things CHANGE" "Change is coming I promise you that." "No don’t get it twisted. Foots still on the gas. Results are coming. It’s not over."

Those aren't the words of someone who just wants a wardrobe change.

Also, I disagree that he wouldn't be coaching Black kids if he didn't care about Black lives. He's got millions of reasons and plenty of company throughout the history of football.
Of course it's not just about a shirt. It's about Chuba projecting a whole lot of assumptions on his coach, and doing it publicly, based on a shirt his coach was wearing while fishing with his family...before ever talking to his coach about the issue. That doesn't seem to be a great way to go about things.

We can agree to disagree on whether or not Gundy cares about black people. Gundy didn't make millions in coaching for a long time...he had been in the profession over 10 years before that happened.
Of course it's not just about a shirt. It's about Chuba projecting a whole lot of assumptions on his coach, and doing it publicly, based on a shirt his coach was wearing while fishing with his family...before ever talking to his coach about the issue. That doesn't seem to be a great way to go about things.

We can agree to disagree on whether or not Gundy cares about black people. Gundy didn't make millions in coaching for a long time...he had been in the profession over 10 years before that happened.

He's been at OSU since 2017. He doesn't need to project in order to know more about Gundy than any of us do publicly. He could have addressed him privately, but would the response have been as decisive and quick as it was?

Also, I didn't say Gundy doesn't care about Black people. I contested your assertion that playing and coaching football proved anything one way or the other.
I didn't say Gundy doesn't care about Black people. I contested your assertion that playing and coaching football proved anything one way or the other.
That's fine. I just don't see why a racist would choose a profession that would require him to deal on a daily basis with a race he doesn't like.

He's been at OSU since 2017. He doesn't need to project in order to know more about Gundy than any of us do publicly. He could have addressed him privately, but would the response have been as decisive and quick as it was?
I don't believe the ends justify the means. I personally think you should treat others the way you want to be treated. I certainly sometimes fail at that, but it’s my goal. I’m pretty certain Chuba wouldn’t want to be dragged on social media by another public figure due to some assumptions being made about something he wore. It’s this ridiculous cancel culture that has developed due to social media. People are quick to judge and jump on others, allowing no grace, mercy or forgiveness. But they sure want grace and forgiveness when it happens to them. It just adds to the current divisiveness in our society.
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The more interesting question is how the NFL will treat him in interviews based on this incident, if it is addressed at all. It may have cost him millions or maybe not. In years past, certainly so.