What the H3ll is wrong with the Minneapolis Police?

At a certain point you have to begin to question the motives of leaders of a “movement” that pays millions in salaries who send innocent people out to stand in front of cars knowing at the time that people may get run over or shot or provoked into violence and even murder.
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It is perfectly reasonable to say you should be wary of stopping and letting people surround your car. That does not mean you get to run over each and every person in any situation that stops your car. It does mean I think the people (who are obviously not police officers) blocking a street are ultimately at fault for creating a dangerous situation, I can empathize with the person in the car more than a group of people intentionally being a-holes to that person, and in some cases I see it as justified to drive though.

Most of your retorts are hyperbolic
My retorts are hyperbolic because they point out what might happen if people stop behaving civilly and start behaving at extremes. Here's an example of a car running over people who were leaving a BLM gathering in Bloomington, Indiana today. (One to protest a bunch of rednecks there who had assaulted a black man and threatened to lynch him)

WRTV spoke to Geoff Stewart, the man who was holding onto the side of the car.
"A woman driving the vehicle came up to the stop and had started revving her engine toward us and we tried to stop her and let her know that the crowd is clearing up just wait a second. But, she and her passenger both wanted to go right away -- so, they started to push, they pushed into the woman that was with me and when she pushed again both of us went on the vehicle," Stewart said in an interview with WRTV.
Stewart continued, "I was just trying to block her vision so she would slow down. So I tried to pull myself as far in her way to kind of obstruct her view. She drove through red lights and made her turn up here that threw both of us off the car."
Police said they are still looking for the car and trying to determine the identities of the two people who were inside.

Once again, you have no right to run over pedestrians, even if they're in the road illegally, and if you do it purposefully then you should be prosecuted with attempted vehicular manslaughter.
Along those lines you have no right to illegally block traffic on a public road :)
Along those lines you have no right to illegally block traffic on a public road :)
No, you don't.... but you also don't have a right to speed.

Heck for a long time they didn't have the right to sit in a certain section of the bus in Selma.

It's an inconvenience (and possibly even a danger) to the people that disagree with you, and you should probably be charged by the police.... but you should not be runover because of it... anymore than a schizophrenic should be run over when they wander onto a highway. Yes, sometimes accidents do happen when people aren't able to react to pedestrians in their way, but if you take an offensive action that could result in someone's injury (speeding up instead of braking for example), even if they shouldn't be there, you're a bigger criminal than the person jaywalking by several orders of magnitude.
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My retorts are hyperbolic because they point out what might happen if people stop behaving civilly and start behaving at extremes. Here's an example of a car running over people who were leaving a BLM gathering in Bloomington, Indiana today. (One to protest a bunch of rednecks there who had assaulted a black man and threatened to lynch him)

WRTV spoke to Geoff Stewart, the man who was holding onto the side of the car.
"A woman driving the vehicle came up to the stop and had started revving her engine toward us and we tried to stop her and let her know that the crowd is clearing up just wait a second. But, she and her passenger both wanted to go right away -- so, they started to push, they pushed into the woman that was with me and when she pushed again both of us went on the vehicle," Stewart said in an interview with WRTV.
Stewart continued, "I was just trying to block her vision so she would slow down. So I tried to pull myself as far in her way to kind of obstruct her view. She drove through red lights and made her turn up here that threw both of us off the car."
Police said they are still looking for the car and trying to determine the identities of the two people who were inside.

Once again, you have no right to run over pedestrians, even if they're in the road illegally, and if you do it purposefully then you should be prosecuted with attempted vehicular manslaughter.

Look, you can keep strawmanning as much as you like but I just don't see how it gets us anywhere
Look, you can keep strawmanning as much as you like but I just don't see how it gets us anywhere
How is that a strawman? It specifically references your attitude regarding cars being held up by crowds (which is apparently reflected in the frustrations of others around the country) and it points out why it is just as dangerous as the protesters that you (the collective you) are so afraid of.
How is that a strawman? It specifically references your attitude regarding cars being held up by crowds (which is apparently reflected in the frustrations of others around the country) and it points out why it is just as dangerous as the protesters that you (the collective you) are so afraid of.

You're framing what I'm saying in the most extreme way possible so it's easy to argue with, and you know that's what you're doing. I just don't have the patience
No, you don't.... but you also don't have a right to speed.

Heck for a long time they didn't have the right to sit in a certain section of the bus in Selma.

It's an inconvenience (and possibly even a danger) to the people that disagree with you, and you should probably be charged by the police.... but you should not be runover because of it... anymore than a schizophrenic should be run over when they wander onto a highway. Yes, sometimes accidents do happen when people aren't able to react to pedestrians in their way, but if you take an offensive action that could result in someone's injury (speeding up instead of braking for example), even if they shouldn't be there, you're a bigger criminal than the person jaywalking by several orders of magnitude.

Since more people in cars have been killed by the mobs blocking these streets in the last month than motorist running through these blockades I might disagree with your orders of magnitude. Pretty clear as of late which group poses the greatest danger.
I dont know about the ex military guys on here but when i took survival training for overseas oilfield postings i learned several things about driving into angry crowds.. 1. You dont engage them verbally or make eye contact .. 2.. you keep your weapon at low ready .. 3. Identify an escape route.. 4. If no escape route is feasible then never take your foot off the gas... its better to drag them than be dragged.
Small children in a car surrounded by a screaming mob would certainly be a horrifying experience for those kids. As a parent I would do everything I could to keep my kids out of that situation never mind the danger they might be in from those people.
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Anyone saying you should sit in your car and assume a mob has no intent to harm you has zero life experience and no business having an opinion on the subject.
Since more people in cars have been killed by the mobs blocking these streets in the last month than motorist running through these blockades I might disagree with your orders of magnitude. Pretty clear as of late which group poses the greatest danger.
Not in the last month, but I will bring up Charlotte here. I'll also say, that only one person has been killed by these mobs stopping cars and that was that little girl in Atlanta. One other has been shot but didn't die. I'll also argue that there have been multiple instances in the last month of cars ramming into protesters or people driving up and flashing weapons as threats to protesters or even getting out of the car and shooting at people with things like a bow and arrow.
Small children in a car surrounded by a screaming mob would certainly be a horrifying experience for those kids. As a parent I would do everything I could to keep my kids out of that situation never mind the danger they might be in from those people.
You sound like someone that would attack someone a courtroom who had been on trial for doing something to a loved one of yours. You still go to jail for that.
I dont know about the ex military guys on here but when i took survival training for overseas oilfield postings i learned several things about driving into angry crowds.. 1. You dont engage them verbally or make eye contact .. 2.. you keep your weapon at low ready .. 3. Identify an escape route.. 4. If no escape route is feasible then never take your foot off the gas... its better to drag them than be dragged.
You're talking about treating Americans the same way you would violent revolutionaries in (usually third world) foreign countries who hate you just because you're from our country. It's also a country where you're not protected by our judicial system and where you have to live in a compound so you won't be abducted / harassed on a daily basis.

The fact that you can't distinguish between the two is honestly a very serious problem. Just because a military man is trained a certain way to combat terrorists in Falujah doesn't mean the same rules apply here.
This entire thread really nails one thing on the head for me. Our judicial system is BROKEN. It's broken for African Americans (and other minorities) because it's mistreating innocents while not being effective against actual gangbangers. It's broken because conservatives feel like they should be allowed to take the law into heir own hands instead of trusting the justice system to protect them and punish people who break the law. It's broken because it preys on the poor while ignoring the rich. It's broken because people think they need guns to protect themselves from their neighbors.
Imagine that, a conversation with someone confirmed all of your prior beliefs.
Not in the last month, but I will bring up Charlotte here. I'll also say, that only one person has been killed by these mobs stopping cars and that was that little girl in Atlanta. One other has been shot but didn't die. I'll also argue that there have been multiple instances in the last month of cars ramming into protesters or people driving up and flashing weapons as threats to protesters or even getting out of the car and shooting at people with things like a bow and arrow.

Charlotte occurred three years ago. When one has to go back that far for an example the argument is lost.
You sound like someone that would attack someone a courtroom who had been on trial for doing something to a loved one of yours. You still go to jail for that.

I’m a father who will protect my children from physical and emotional harm from those who seek to inflict either on them. I would hope most fathers share my perspective.

Were there protests today of the killing of that little girl? Have athletes came out and publicly spoke against the murder? Has ESPN made a commercial addressing it ?
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Charlotte occurred three years ago. When one has to go back that far for an example the argument is lost.
I can go farther forward.

Summer Taylor, 24, who worked at a veterinary clinic, died on Saturday after a man drove a car through a march on a Seattle highway. Another protester died after being hit in Bakersfield, Calif., in June.

In Richmond, Va., a driver sought to intimidate protesters with his truck and hit one demonstrator’s bicycle in early June, prosecutors said. The driver, who was charged with assault, told the police he was a high-ranking Ku Klux Klan official, court documents said.

In Seattle, the King County Sheriff’s Office announced that one officer had been placed on administrative leave after posting a picture of a vehicle hitting someone under the commonly shared phrase “All Lives Splatter” and another line about moving off the road.

In Tulsa, a pickup pulling a horse trailer drove through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters on a Tulsa interstate Sunday night, sending two people to the hospital with minor injuries.

In Portland, 3 injured after car drives into crowd of Portland protesters.

In Minneapolis, Large truck drives through crowd of protesters in Minneapolis The truck driver was pulled from the cab and has been arrested.

That's on top of this one in Springfield.
Meanwhile, in Del City, off duty cop gets in altercation with Walmart shopper over suspected shoplifting. Guy drives off after some kind of a scuffle, cop shoots at his car in a crowded parking lot 5+ times.

I’m sure the <$200 he may have taken -it’s unclear whether he had taken more than he bought- is worth shooting him (and possibly injuring others) for.
You're talking about treating Americans the same way you would violent revolutionaries in (usually third world) foreign countries who hate you just because you're from our country. It's also a country where you're not protected by our judicial system and where you have to live in a compound so you won't be abducted / harassed on a daily basis.

The fact that you can't distinguish between the two is honestly a very serious problem. Just because a military man is trained a certain way to combat terrorists in Falujah doesn't mean the same rules apply here.

An immediate threat to life is an immediate threat... whether its in Sa' na or the local highway... mobs are mobs..

But, hey.. if you want to sit in your Prius and put your faith in the goodwill of people throwing rocks at your car.. pounding on the hood.. rocking it back and forth.. and be confident that they wont break the windows out, pull your wife or daughter out and harm them.. well good luck.. but all bets are off when your little kids are crying and your wife is panicking and trust me.. you wont give a crap about their cause.. only saving your families lives..
An immediate threat to life is an immediate threat... whether its in Sa' na or the local highway... mobs are mobs..

But, hey.. if you want to sit in your Prius and put your faith in the goodwill of people throwing rocks at your car.. pounding on the hood.. rocking it back and forth.. and be confident that they wont break the windows out, pull your wife or daughter out and harm them.. well good luck.. but all bets are off when your little kids are crying and your wife is panicking and trust me.. you wont give a crap about their cause.. only saving your families lives..
I put my faith in our police to stop violent protests that don't adhere to the constitution (peacable assembly). I'm also smart enough to, if I'm stopped by a large crowd like that, not get into arguments with them just or be straight up disrespectful because I don't believe in what they're saying. You wouldn't waltz into one of Hitler's rallies and start telling all the Nazi's how stupid they are for not supporting communism.

The crowds in the US don't know what you stand for. You could be on their side for all they know. In the oil nations of the middle east, they can almost always be sure that you don't stand with their brand of Islam, and that your home country is actively opposing it in many cases.

I'm not worried about myself. I'm not worried for my wife. I wouldn't be worried for my children. Mobs in the US don't tend to drag people out of cars and maim them for no reason. The vast majority of the times I've seen mobs turn on people in vehicles is when people in vehicles are trying to push through the mob. In most cases, I've actually seen large groups make way for emergency vehicles like ambulances and people in need of emergency services.

All this shows me is that you're A) to stupid to keep your mouth shut around some people in our country that you don't agree with, and you start confrontations with them in public or B)You display needless cowardice in tense situations where de-escalation is still possible. Again, the US isn't Falujah.
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I put my faith in our police to stop violent protests that don't adhere to the constitution (peacable assembly). I'm also smart enough to, if I'm stopped by a large crowd like that, not get into arguments with them just or be straight up disrespectful because I don't believe in what they're saying. You wouldn't waltz into one of Hitler's rallies and start telling all the Nazi's how stupid they are for not supporting communism.

The crowds in the US don't know what you stand for. You could be on their side for all they know. In the oil nations of the middle east, they can almost always be sure that you don't stand with their brand of Islam, and that your home country is actively opposing it in many cases.

I'm not worried about myself. I'm not worried for my wife. I wouldn't be worried for my children. Mobs in the US don't tend to drag people out of cars and maim them for no reason. The vast majority of the times I've seen mobs turn on people in vehicles is when people in vehicles are trying to push through the mob. In most cases, I've actually seen large groups make way for emergency vehicles like ambulances and people in need of emergency services.

All this shows me is that you're A) to stupid to keep your mouth shut around some people in our country that you don't agree with, and you start confrontations with them in public or B)You display needless cowardice in tense situations. Again, the US isn't Falujah.

I thought putting our faith in the police was what started all this?

And.. Minneapolis looks a lot like Mogadishu these days... so police stopping violent riots .. not so much..

Nope sunshine.. when you're crapping your pants as the mob beats on your car, i'm gonna bet that your foot goes down on that accelerator..
I thought putting our faith in the police was what started all this?

And.. Minneapolis looks a lot like Mogadishu these days... so police stopping violent riots .. not so much..

Nope sunshine.. when you're crapping your pants as the mob beats on your car, i'm gonna bet that your foot goes down on that accelerator..
The mob would never attack my car (at least with me in it, they might trash it while I was away though) You know what I would be smart enough to do? I would role down my window and say.... "Can I (or we) march with you?" I would then leave the area and return for my car later. That's all it takes for no one to get hurt. Even if I didn't believe what they were saying.... hell even if it were skinheads supporting nazi-ism... I would just get out of the situation as fast as possible while with enough intelligence and empathy to not possibly commit murder.

Again, this isn't Mogadishu. They don't know you aren't actually on their side. Until someone like you says something stupid that is.

Now, my opinion might change if it's someone who is ethnically distinctive amongst a crowd that hates their ethnicity... like you being in the Middle East or a black person being in the middle of a Klan rally. But that's not really what we're talking about in reference to BLM.
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Rather than telling those little revolutionary LARPers I'd march with them I'd probably go with a quote from one of my great drill sgts. "I'd rather fight alongside the Taliban than any of you, because at least they had heart."
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Rather than telling those little revolutionary LARPers I'd march with them I'd probably go with a quote from one of my great drill sgts. "I'd rather fight alongside the Taliban than any of you, because at least they had heart."
Which is exactly why you'd be in trouble, and why if you ran somebody over and I were on the jury, I would throw you in jail for a very long time. Your incivility caused you to escalate a situation that could have been resolved peaceably.

P.S. Doesn't take much to be motivated when your country is being invaded by a country with an overwhelming level of force. I'm sure if Russia or China came knocking at our doors tomorrow those little "LARPers" would be pretty damn angry too.
Which is exactly why you'd be in trouble, and why if you ran somebody over and I were on the jury, I would throw you in jail for a very long time.

P.S. Doesn't take much to be motivated when your country is being invaded by a country with an overwhelming level of force. I'm sure if Russia or China came knocking at our doors tomorrow those little "LARPers" would be pretty damn angry too.

lol what are you even talking about?

How do you look at a tongue in cheek reply about a situation I will likely never be involved in and 1. come up with that response and 2. think that I was referring to the Taliban when I said LARPer? Also, what would cause you to have strong feelings in favor of defending the honor of the Taliban? So weird
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The mob would never attack my car (at least with me in it, they might trash it while I was away though) You know what I would be smart enough to do? I would role down my window and say.... "Can I (or we) march with you?" I would then leave the area and return for my car later. That's all it takes for no one to get hurt. Even if I didn't believe what they were saying.... hell even if it were skinheads supporting nazi-ism... I would just get out of the situation as fast as possible while with enough intelligence and empathy to not possibly commit murder.

Again, this isn't Mogadishu. They don't know you aren't actually on their side. Until someone like you says something stupid that is.

I'm not sure they would welcome you with open arms like you think. I'm not talking about real local protestors, I'm referring to paid troublemakers who want trouble.

Now, my opinion might change if it's someone who is ethnically distinctive amongst a crowd that hates their ethnicity... like you being in the Middle East or a black person being in the middle of a Klan rally. But that's not really what we're talking about in reference to BLM.

I'm not sure that they would welcome you with open arms. I'm not talking about local protestors, rather people who came here just to cause trouble. If your system fails or if they are smart enough to read through your faking support for them, you could be in a bad situation.
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I'm not sure that they would welcome you with open arms. I'm not talking about local protestors, rather people who came here just to cause trouble. If your system fails or if the are smart enough to read through your faking support for them, you could be in a bad situation.
I'll take my chances. All of the people in these groups aren't thugs and violent criminals as much as you'd like to make them out to be. I'll do anything within reason to keep blood from being on my hands. Then, if I ultimately do need to resort to violence, I will know I did it with righteous purpose rather than simply out of fear. As an aside, I think Christ would appreciate such an attitude.

“I tell you, my friends,do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell."
I'll take my chances. All of the people in these groups aren't thugs and violent criminals as much as you'd like to make them out to be. I'll do anything within reason to keep blood from being on my hands. Then, if I ultimately do need to resort to violence, I will know I did it with righteous purpose rather than simply out of fear. As an aside, I think Christ would appreciate such an attitude.

“I tell you, my friends,do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell."
I guess you didn't read my post. You just completely changed what I said. I said if they were locals you could be okay. But there are some, not all, who are here to cause trouble. In the meantime you have to figure out what your surroundings are. What did Christ say about a rich kid in an Aston Martin not playing games with a large number of people who are way more street wise then he is?

Now suppose that virtually all these people are peaceful protestors. Say only three or four who are there for bad business. By the time you decide who they are, you could have blood on more than your hands. Do you really think they would be fooled by your cute trick. You think they are that dumb. You are racist.
I guess you didn't read my post. You just completely changed what I said. I said if they were locals you could be okay. But there are some, not all, who are here to cause trouble. In the meantime you have to figure out what your surroundings are. What did Christ say about a rich kid in an Aston Martin not playing games with a large number of people who are way more street wise then he is?

Now suppose that virtually all these people are peaceful protestors. Say only three or four who are there for bad business. By the time you decide who they are, you could have blood on more than your hands. Do you really think they would be fooled by your cute trick. You think they are that dumb. You are racist.
Do you think I'm rich or that I drive an Aston? Lol. I do not, it was just a screenname from long ago because I liked their cars. I wasn't a regular poster when I chose it so I didn't know that everyone tended to choose TU themed names. I'm just to indifferent to change it now.

To your next point, the entire reason people are out on the street is to change people's opinions. Professing to be a supporter or even a convert would assuredly by you enough time to get out of the situation. I'm not saying that I need to sit down and have a discourse with whichever group of protesters this is, just that I need to buy enough time to exit the area safely.

Moreover, I never said anything about race. If you haven't noticed BLM rallies have more than one attending them. There are white people there too as well as Asians and Hispanics. Even if it were a Klan rally you could probably pull off something similar as long as you weren't an ethnicity they hate. Just make a racist joke or say something hateful and they'd probably cheer you and let you pass. It's not as hard as you think to blend in with people that don't agree with you. As a liberal who's lived among conservatives for decades.... it's really, really easy. Just don't make any sudden movements and don't say anything offensive to the larger group and you'll be fine. I am very much not speaking to the intelligence level of any race.... just that people are much less likely to vehemently hate you if you are able to agree with them (even if only temporarily) at some point.
Do you think I'm rich or that I drive an Aston? Lol. I do not, it was just a screenname from long ago because I liked their cars. I wasn't a regular poster when I chose it so I didn't know that everyone tended to choose TU themed names. I'm just to indifferent to change it now.

To your next point, the entire reason people are out on the street is to change people's opinions. Professing to be a supporter or even a convert would assuredly by you enough time to get out of the situation. I'm not saying that I need to sit down and have a discourse with whichever group of protesters this is, just that I need to buy enough time to exit the area safely.

Moreover, I never said anything about race. If you haven't noticed BLM rallies have more than one attending them. There are white people there too as well as Asians and Hispanics. Even if it were a Klan rally you could probably pull off something similar as long as you weren't an ethnicity they hate. Just make a racist joke or say something hateful and they'd probably cheer you and let you pass. It's not as hard as you think to blend in with people that don't agree with you. As a liberal who's lived among conservatives for decades.... it's really, really easy. Just don't make any sudden movements and don't say anything offensive to the larger group and you'll be fine. I am very much not speaking to the intelligence level of any race.... just that people are much less likely to vehemently hate you if you are able to agree with them (even if only temporarily) at some point.

This gentlemen, is the species known as "weasel". He has many forms.... He agrees with the boss.. he agrees with the line workers.. he compliments the criminal and denounces the police.. then kisses the cops ass once he is safe..

And he wouldnt survive 5 minutes in any of the scenarios he listed because he is only invisible in his mind..

Nice clothes, your majesty.
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i watched cnn today and found out there are two kinds of white people. those that admit to being racist. and those of use that didnt know we were.
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The Executive Director for Black Players for Change just said on ESPN their main issue is black people dying at the hands of white people. WTH is that ? There isn’t one statistic out there which shows white people kill blacks people per capita more than black people kill white people. In fact the vast majority of the murders of blacks people are committed by black people. Everyone on ESPN simply accepted that statement. I’m dumbfounded. It’s complete lunacy at this point.
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This gentlemen, is the species known as "weasel". He has many forms.... He agrees with the boss.. he agrees with the line workers.. he compliments the criminal and denounces the police.. then kisses the cops ass once he is safe..

And he wouldnt survive 5 minutes in any of the scenarios he listed because he is only invisible in his mind..

Nice clothes, your majesty.
Lmao. Sure. You call it that. I call it not being an a-hole to literally everyone I talk to.