What the H3ll is wrong with the Minneapolis Police?

Only in your mind...

Nice clothes, your majesty.
Do you think I talk to everyone I meet like I talk with you guys on here? Honestly, that's probably WHY I talk like I do on here, because I'm tired of putting up with it on a day to day basis.
The Executive Director for Black Players for Change just said on ESPN their main issue is black people dying at the hands of white people. WTH is that ? There isn’t one statistic out there which shows white people kill blacks people per capita more than black people kill white people. In fact the vast majority of the murders of blacks people are committed by black people. Everyone on ESPN simply accepted that statement. I’m dumbfounded. It’s complete lunacy at this point.
That is part of the problem with these shows, opinion accepted as fact.
Wanting the emperor's decision on this video...

Should the driver go to jail? Or should he have had a conversation with them?
Wanting the emperor's decision on this video...

Should the driver go to jail? Or should he have had a conversation with them?
He should absolutely, positively, 100% go to jail. Rule #1 don't drive through seas of people unnecessarily.

Now, if you would like to see the entire video:

The driver has been let through the crowd, has rolled down his window (or his passenger has) and is confronting the pedestrians.... then TURNS AROUND ILLEGALLY, AFTER HAVING CLEARED THE CROWD, TO CONFRONT THEM SOME MORE, then runs over a pedestrian.... yah... he should be in prison for a couple years at least.

They didn't surround this guy's car. They let him pass and he then came back to use his 2000+ pound vehicle as a deadly weapon. This is no different than the driver being on foot and turning around and pointing a gun at the crowd after having cursed them out and proceeding to shoot somebody.

Oh, and it's a felony hit and run as well.
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I did not see the full video. I do agree that it does appear the driver in the car was there to cause harm and was not just innocently driving through the area. Unless there is more to the story, that does appear reckless and needlessly agressive.

However, whatever this guy was doing...people did throw things at his car and we dont truly know why he was there in his car. Perhaps his.trip started innocently and turned into this.
I did not see the full video. I do agree that it does appear the driver in the car was there to cause harm and was not just innocently driving through the area. Unless there is more to the story, that does appear reckless and needlessly agressive.

However, whatever this guy was doing...people did throw things at his car and we dont truly know why he was there in his car. Perhaps his.trip started innocently and turned into this.
I agree, they did throw some bottle of water or something at his car, but that absolutely does not give him a right to turn around and try to push through a large group of pedestrians who he (or his passenger) have already been confronting. If he wanted to go park his car and try to find the person that threw the plastic bottle he could have. (He could have even called the police to try and get help if his car had been damaged). However; he specifically turned his car around to intimidate the crowd, and it ended up getting somebody runove and that's his fault. And, like I said, he fled the scene of the crime in his motor vehicle which is also a crime.
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I dare anyone here to read the comments on reddit associated with the first video... and how abusive they are towards the protesters (some of whom were waving him through!) and then go watch the second video.
I mean. The video I posted was from 'win stupid prizes'. Running next to or around a moving car that appears to have an angry driver is definitely not a smart move. Id run the other way. So thelose folks are kinda dumb for instigating someone in a car.

But still, if it was this guys intention to rile.up the protestors and run someone over, he absolutely was in the wrong.
Do you think I talk to everyone I meet like I talk with you guys on here? Honestly, that's probably WHY I talk like I do on here, because I'm tired of putting up with it on a day to day basis.

I think you are exactly what you portray on here...
A lady gets arrested for trying to paint over blm painted on a public street.

So it ok to burn, loot, chant hate police, and deface a public street, but you can't deface what someone else as already defaced