Last administration they had the escape clause that their boss was a blooming idiot.For once I am on Bidens side. I agree, they should remove Putin. I doubt that they will but Biden showed some gumption.
Now secondly, who in the hell can tell the President of the United States to take back something he just said. This is a classical case of the tail waging the dog. They are making it pretty clear that they can sensor the President. Don't try that with Lyndon Johnson a democrat, or some of the Republicans of the last century.
Biden didn't start a war, it has been going on for a month. They have became too used to telling people who hired them what he can and cannot do.
This time they have the excuse that their boss(who inserted foot 👣 in mouth throughout his career) sometimes shows vestiges of senility.
When is either party 🎉 going to put someone in office 🏢 who will command the respect the office 🏢 should hold.