You should spend a week in Budapest, the people dont consider it a dictatorship.. but they do consider Biden to be a war monger..
I don't care what they think, it is a dictatorship. (And this might be an assumption but I doubt it.
You don't consider it a dictatorship. ) That's what's wrong with half of society today, they want strong government by the individual.(without balance of power) That's a dictatorship. That infringes on freedom. He runs the press there. That's called a dictatorship. There is a judiciary controlled by him, that's a dictatorship. There is arbitrary arrests, imprisonment, torture, and killings there for saying things against the government. That's a dictatorship. What a joke, 'people don't consider it a dictatorship.'
I'm sure you agree that Biden is a war monger. Which is it, Biden is a war monger, or his cabinet ran the government, because he was senile. He's not a war monger, and Republicans use to agree with supporting Ukraine against Russia's invasion. They only stopped supporting efforts like Ukraine because of these dingbat weak minded
maga lemmings. That's not a war monger, that's a President helping protect a fellow country from invasion by a Dictatorship, and helping protect democracy. Of course, they think he's war mongering. He is helping the Ukrainian's defend themselves against their buddy Putin. My grandfather would have a cow over this crap of being war mongering. He was a card carrying Republican his entire life and knew what was worth defending. Of course, Hungarians think he's a war monger. They buy everything Orban's media feeds them.