I thought about posting this and didn't. But I decided I probably should have. I love Austin as a supporter of everything TU. I disagreed with his tweet about asbestos sign only because of the perception of that post. I called up Austin shortly after my post referring to the Asbestos tweet.
We had a nice 15 minute conversation about the gist the whole situation, and how it was all being perceived on and off the board. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule Austin. I know he realizes I think well of him, but I just wanted to make sure the board realized as well. And I publicly want to apologize to him if I sounded overtly more critical of him than I intended.
I hope the meeting he told me he had set up with Dr. Clancy in a week or so goes well for him. Hopefully Austin can make some headway on finding the best avenues of providing some light for the supporters of TU athletics!