Okay Mr. “Free Speech” Protector…

Looks like we’re going to get a first hand look at how school choice fares in Texas as the current bill will almost certainly become law. What’s interesting is while almost 2/3rds of Texans support the bill it’s Black Texans who support the measure by a whopping 69%.
Why??? (Meant to be a rhetorical.)
Because their communities schools have been so underfunded by the state (for specifically this purpose) that they think this will be a way to buy their way into other communities' schools.....

Which will last for a whole 10 seconds until the local Baptist pastor's wife realizes that a bunch of inner city kids are going to be in their precious baby's class.... they will feel uncomfortable with this and overtake the admission's process....

They will then deny the inner city kids' admission (never outright saying they're doing it based on race so they don't get sued. Maybe they'll just up the tuition to the voucher price plus a premium that the poor folks can't afford) and meanwhile the African Americans will still be stuck in 'crappy' public schools.... only this time with even worse funding... because we gave the money to the pastor's wife.

It's a hidden way for bigots to cement a caste system... and as aTUfan says "keep more of THEIR money" because they don't want to pay into the public educations system.
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I love seeing black parents who want a better education for their kids through access to better schools only to hear white liberals doing everything they can to force them to stay in the same crappy schools with the same crappy education with the same crappy outcomes with the same crappy cycle of poverty and crime. All the while proposing zero solutions for a never ending problem. Hard to maintain control over them if they aren’t dependent on you for basic necessities I suppose. So let’s continue to force them to attend failed schools even when a vast majority want alternatives
I love seeing black parents who want a better education for their kids through access to better schools only to hear white liberals doing everything they can to force them to stay in the same crappy schools with the same crappy education with the same crappy outcomes with the same crappy cycle of poverty and crime. All the while proposing zero solutions for a never ending problem. Hard to maintain control over them if they aren’t dependent on you for basic necessities I suppose. So let’s continue to force them to attend failed schools even when a vast majority want alternatives
And you think this republican plan in Texas that offers them a 10k voucher to go to a 20k tuition school does them any good? Both the Democrats & the Republicans are selling them a bill of goods. Neither party is fixing the problem, but the bill of goods the republicans are selling them makes the system much worse.

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