I don't want to 'maintain control' over anyone.
I did propose a solution. Redistribute property tax funds across a wider area so those dollars aren't tied up in wasteful projects in the suburbuan districts. Take the money from Union, Jenks, Owasso, Bixby, BA, etc... that they use to build palatial football stadiums and IPF's and give it to Booker T Washington to improve the Math and Reading programs.
Stop allowing for tax increases to fund buildings and capital expenditure but not teacher pay.
There you go.... two solutions...
The real problem is that the suburban parents want their kids to go to the palatial school and don't want their dollars to be pooled and used by poor schools. (That's why they moved where they did in the first place) They also put too much emphasis on athletics and extra curriculars and not enough emphasis on school. (Not that I'm saying extra curriculars shouldn't be supported)