Thoughts on DOGE?

Your fiscal conservatism makes you blind. Like I start to question the lengths you wouldn’t go to in order to make meaningless budget cuts and cut your own tax burden.

It’s like a pathetic, sad, morally bankrupt Ron Swanson.

Ignore dictatorial actions? Absolutely.
Disregard threats to the rule of law? Did that for the past couple weeks.
Support the violent overthrow of legitimate elections without any evidence? Sure!
Hold no one accountable for their actions? They always say to “turn the other cheek”
Explain away clear signs of racism and fascism? Yup.
Bomb 3rd world countries for no little reason and zero benefit? Did that in the 90’s…. And then again in the 2000’s.
Pull children out of schools so you could ship them to a country they have never been to? You’re onboard.

I’ve asked this many times…. When will you actually grow a conscience? What’s your “line in the sand”? If people like you don’t find some common sense soon there’s not going to be any intrinsic value left in this country, so it won’t matter if it’s bankrupt or not. I would be very happy to find ways to achieve a more sound budget with you after you realize the impending threats to democracy from home and abroad.
they are addressing yeas of entrenched bad spending, duplication, and waste
You’re blind to our future if we continue down our current fiscal road. Our debt and the service cost of the same will ultimately wreck our economy and way of life. We won’t be able to afford our basic social programs for the poor. Talk about a lack of a conscious. I have no idea why you would prefer millions starving people without basic necessities. Yet you do.
I don’t care to live in a dictatorship no matter the economic cost. I would much rather go through another Great Depression. I refuse to give up liberty or the liberty of my neighbor for economic security.

Apparently you don’t care. The more you speak the more I think you would have been a “good Nazi”. You would be here talking about how wonderful the Autobahn was and how Hitler’s economic policy improved the life of the everyday German after years of economic hardship.
  • Haha
Reactions: lawpoke87
Elon went to DC with billions in his pocket. how about all the others who go to DC with Empty pockets and leave Millionaires. HRC, BHO, Biden and family, Pelosi, . . .
BHO before office as a best selling author: $800,000
Pelosi's net worth in '87 before office: 3.5M
I don’t care to live in a dictatorship no matter the economic cost. I would much rather go through another Great Depression. I refuse to give up liberty or the liberty of my neighbor for economic security.

Apparently you don’t care. The more you speak the more I think you would have been a “good Nazi”. You would be here talking about how wonderful the Autobahn was and how Hitler’s economic policy improved the life of the everyday German after years of economic hardship.
Your party is now claiming free speech was a major contributor of the Holocaust. Dems are now going to great lengths to justify trampling our first amendment rights. What a scary time for our democracy when a major political party not only advocating abolishing free speech but using a false narrative for the same .

Your party is now claiming free speech was a major contributor of the Holocaust. Dems are now going to great lengths to justify trampling our first amendment rights. What a scary time for our democracy when a major political party not only advocating abolishing free speech but using a false narrative for the same .

I have a feeling she was referring to the period before Hindenberg appointed Hitler to Chancellor for a majority cabinet. During that period the Nazi party became popular. Before Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the Chancellorship the Nazi party was limited in power because it was competing with two other party's. But during that period it gained enough ground for Hindenburg to feel like it was his best option, and one he could deal with.

During that period many speeches by Hitler helped the Nazi party gain enough popularity that Hindenberg felt like appointing Hitler. That contradicts the response by Rubio. The party, and the Chancellor (Hitler) might have never come to power if Hindenburg hadn't appointed Hitler. His speeches were in large part responsible for that. I'm not saying she is right. I'm just saying Rubio's first response didn't prove her wrong.
Your party is now claiming free speech was a major contributor of the Holocaust. Dems are now going to great lengths to justify trampling our first amendment rights. What a scary time for our democracy when a major political party not only advocating abolishing free speech but using a false narrative for the same .

Go read a history book. Tell me what it says about Hitler pre 1934.

Then go read about the paradox of tolerance. paradox of tolerance is,the very principle of tolerance.

What a scary time for our democracy when people have forgotten the lessons of the past.
Your party is now claiming free speech was a major contributor of the Holocaust. Dems are now going to great lengths to justify trampling our first amendment rights. What a scary time for our democracy when a major political party not only advocating abolishing free speech but using a false narrative for the same .

Hitler's vitriolic beer hall speeches began attracting regular audiences. A demagogue,[106] he became adept at using populist themes, including the use of scapegoats, who were blamed for his listeners' economic hardships.[107][108][109] Hitler used personal magnetism and an understanding of crowd psychology to his advantage while engaged in public speaking.[110][111] Historians have noted the hypnotic effect of his rhetoric on large audiences, and of his eyes in small groups.[112] Alfons Heck, a former member of the Hitler Youth, recalled:

We erupted into a frenzy of nationalistic pride that bordered on hysteria. For minutes on end, we shouted at the top of our lungs, with tears streaming down our faces: Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil! From that moment on, I belonged to Adolf Hitler body and soul.[113]
(after attempting to overthrow the government in the Beer Hall Putsch) Hitler was sentenced to five years' imprisonment at Landsberg Prison.[125] There, he received friendly treatment from the guards, and was allowed mail from supporters and regular visits by party comrades. Pardoned by the Bavarian Supreme Court, he was released from jail on 20 December 1924, against the state prosecutor's objections.

While at Landsberg, Hitler dictated most of the first volume of Mein Kampf (lit. 'My Struggle'; originally titled Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice) at first to his chauffeur, Emil Maurice, and then to his deputy, Rudolf Hess.[127][128] The book, dedicated to Thule Society member Dietrich Eckart, was an autobiography and exposition of his ideology. The book laid out Hitler's plans for transforming German society into one based on race. Throughout the book, Jews are equated with "germs" and presented as the "international poisoners" of society. According to Hitler's ideology, the only solution was their extermination. While Hitler did not describe exactly how this was to be accomplished, his "inherent genocidal thrust is undeniable", according to Ian Kershaw.[129]

Published in two volumes in 1925 and 1926, Mein Kampf sold 228,000 copies between 1925 and 1932.

At the time of Hitler's release from prison, politics in Germany had become less combative and the economy had improved, limiting Hitler's opportunities for political agitation. As a result of the failed Beer Hall Putsch, the Nazi Party and its affiliated organisations were banned in Bavaria. In a meeting with the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Heinrich Held, on 4 January 1925, Hitler agreed to respect the state's authority and promised that he would seek political power only through the democratic process. The meeting paved the way for the ban on the Nazi Party to be lifted on 16 February.[133]

However, after an inflammatory speech he gave on 27 February, Hitler was barred from public speaking by the Bavarian authorities, a ban that remained in place until 1927.[134][135] To advance his political ambitions in spite of the ban, Hitler appointed Gregor Strasser, Otto Strasser, and Joseph Goebbels to organise and enlarge the Nazi Party in northern Germany. Gregor Strasser steered a more independent political course, emphasising the socialist elements of the party's programme.
Go read a history book. Tell me what it says about Hitler pre 1934.

What a scary time for our democracy when people have forgotten the lessons of the past.
I’m very aware of history. As such, I know Hitler permitted only that speech which supported his regime while censoring speech critical of the same. Sounds all too familiar and now such an approach appear to be openly floated.

Gmoney might be correct in that she was referring to the period of time prior to Hitler being appointed Chancellor. The alarming thing is the party she’s supporting actually did openly censor and silent dissenting views. Much like Hitler post 1934. You might look at how he treated speech critical of his treatment of Jews during the inception of the Holocaust.
The Nazis tested their new strategy in the national parliamentary elections of 1928, harnessing their paramilitary formations in violent intimidation of voters, particularly on the political left, in order to improve their own prospects. Though Nazi formations initiated much of the politically motivated violence, Party speakers presented it as the consequence of left-wing and Jewish provocation of the “honest” patriotic sentiment of the Nazi rank and file. Despite the almost constant agitation and violence, the Nazis harvested a disappointing 2.6% per cent of the national vote in this still relatively prosperous year under the stewardship of the Weimar Coalition (Social Democrats, Catholic Center Party, German People’s Party, and German Democratic Party). Nevertheless, the decision of the Nazis to abandon putsch attempts for participation in electoral contests as well as their occasional collaboration with conservative nationalist forces on issues such as opposition to the Young Plan in 1929, an effort of international bankers to restructure the German reparations debt into more manageable payments, lent the Nazi a legitimacy and respectability that they had not previously enjoyed.

With the onset of the Great Depression in the first half of 1930, Nazi agitation began to have increasing impact in the German population. When the Weimar Coalition government collapsed on March 27, the three non-Socialist partners in the coalition, responding to their respective political bases and led by Catholic Center politician Heinrich Brüning, persuaded President Hindenburg to call emergency national parliamentary elections by invoking Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. With this extraordinary step, the Brüning government hoped to manufacture a governing majority that would first exclude the Social Democrats and then facilitate a revision of the Weimar constitution in a more authoritarian direction that would permanently exclude the political Left from real participation in governing.

Sensing an unparalleled opportunity, the Nazis entered the campaign enthusiastically. In the public imagination, they were untainted with Weimar policies that were—they argued—the source of the increasing political deadlock, economic misery, and moral deterioration felt by Germans across the political spectrum. Modern technology (e.g. air travel, radio, mass rallies with technological bells and whistles, and deep engagement of the country’s youth) enhanced Nazi campaigning. Hitler himself, the first German politician to use air travel in a political campaign, blanketed the country to deliver his message of national renewal to a nation perceiving itself to be increasingly spiraling into an existential and lethal political, economic and cultural/moral crisis.

In the September 14, 1930 elections, the Nazi Party captured 18.3% of the vote, depending significantly on new voters, unemployed voters, and alienated voters deserting the middle class parties.
I’m very aware of history. As such, I know Hitler permitted only that speech which supported his regime while censoring speech critical of the same. Sounds all too familiar and now such an approach appear to be openly floated.

Gmoney might be correct in that she was referring to the period of time prior to Hitler being appointed Chancellor. The alarming thing is the party she’s supporting actually did openly censor and silent dissenting views. Much like Hitler post 1934. You might look at how he treated speech critical of his treatment of Jews during the inception of the Holocaust.
That's the paradox Poke. Tolerance of Intolerance led to Intolerance of Tolerance.

The only thing you can do is supress intolerance. If you let it spark and burn unopposed it will devour everything.... which is what we saw in 1930 and what we're seeing right now. Hell... Trump just today banned the use of the word 'Women' in childrens books.

You're still complaining about fairness in girls soccer.... meanwhile your daughters are having their social freedoms taken away far beyond the consequences of a stupid soccer game.
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That's the paradox Poke. Tolerance of Intolerance led to Intolerance of Tolerance.

The only thing you can do is supress intolerance. If you let it spark and burn unopposed it will devour everything.... which is what we're seeing right now.
Deflection. You’re completely ignoring the fact that by the time the Holocaust started free speech was all but eliminated in Nazi Germany. Dissenting views challenging the Nazi party were non-existent. A pattern we’ve seen in almost every totalitarian regime throughout history. You’re here arguing a regime censoring dissenting voices can be a good thing AND referencing the Holocaust . 😂😂😂
Deflection. You’re completely ignoring the fact that by the time the Holocaust started free speech was all but eliminated in Nazi Germany. Dissenting views challenging the Nazi party were non-existent. A pattern we’ve seen in almost every totalitarian regime throughout history. You’re here arguing a regime censoring dissenting voices can be a good thing AND referencing the Holocaust . 😂😂😂
You're completely skipping over the part where they (the German Weimar administration) let the people who ultimately stopped free speech for all reasonable voices...... continue to say whatever the hell they wanted!
Deflection. You’re completely ignoring the fact that by the time the Holocaust started free speech was all but eliminated in Nazi Germany. Dissenting views challenging the Nazi party were non-existent. A pattern we’ve seen in almost every totalitarian regime throughout history. You’re here arguing a regime censoring dissenting voices can be a good thing AND referencing the Holocaust . 😂😂😂
The Holocaust and free speech being eliminated was a result of Hitler getting appointed, which was a result of his hate speeches. You have to go to the source of the following events. You as an individual, or a member of a large group of advocates probably would have had no power to stop the limiting of speech, or the Holocaust after Hitlers appointment. You must go back to that period before to have any shot at changing the course of history. Before the appointment, before the depression, before, before, before... That's when it got set in stone, aside from a well planned early on assassination just after his appointment.
The Holocaust and free speech being eliminated was a result of Hitler getting appointed, which was a result of his hate speeches. You have to go to the source of the following events. You as an individual, or a member of a large group of advocates probably would have had no power to stop the limiting of speech, or the Holocaust after Hitlers appointment. You must go back to that period before to have any shot at changing the course of history. Before the appointment, before the depression, before, before, before... That's when it got set in stone, aside from a well planned early on assassination just after his appointment.
Just to be clear, are you advocating the federal government be given the power to silence speech which in their subjective opinion is “ hate” speech? Furthermore, even if the speech they choose to classify as “ hate” speech is speech which is critical of the officials silencing said speech.

Isn’t the censorship we’ve seen over the last few years evidence how a governing party can take and expand what they consider “dangerous” speech to speech with which they simply doesn’t follow the government agenda?
Just to be clear, are you advocating the federal government be given the power to silence speech which in their subjective opinion is “ hate” speech? Furthermore, even if the speech they choose to classify as “ hate” speech is speech which is critical of the officials silencing said speech.

Isn’t the censorship we’ve seen over the last few years evidence how a governing party can take and expand what they consider “dangerous” speech to speech with which they simply doesn’t follow the government agenda?
The fact that we continued to let some people who tried to overthrow the US Constitution, give public addresses instead of throwing their asses in Jail until they died is evidence that we're going down the same road the Weimar Republic went down when they kept giving Hitler and the Nazis slaps on the wrist and subsequent reprieves until they finally took full power and completely got rid of free speech.

Trump misinterprets history.... go figure. Also forgets to mention that they made the Great Depression worse, and probably lended somewhat to WWII.
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Just to be clear, are you advocating the federal government be given the power to silence speech which in their subjective opinion is “ hate” speech? Furthermore, even if the speech they choose to classify as “ hate” speech is speech which is critical of the officials silencing said speech.

Isn’t the censorship we’ve seen over the last few years evidence how a governing party can take and expand what they consider “dangerous” speech to speech with which they simply doesn’t follow the government agenda?
I'm not advocating anything with my statements about WWII and Hitler in the present time period. I am simply stating that to have influenced events away from Hitler gaining power and the holocaust happening, you would have to do it before Hitler's appointment as Chancellor.

I will say this though. The internet is the benefit and the bane of our existence today. It makes so many technological advances possible, but gives idiots out there easy access to be an influencer, and have a voice beyond what they ever would have had before. It allows them to coalesce in ways they never would have before. Jan 20 Anti Vaxxers, Al Qaeda, etc would have had a much harder time coordinating and being as widely accepted before the internet. That all leads to many people being much more easily influenced.

There is a need for a keeper of the gate, but rational, intelligent, and good minded people can't find some sort of agreement on that. And if they did, the other idiots and power seeking people out there wouldn't let it happen. We need limitations on speech, but nobody will accept what limitations we need. We need to douse conspiracy theorists, people that lie to the masses intentionally, and put out hate speech intentionally.

We need it now more than ever. But we have too many bad actors out there to get an agreement on what needs limiting. They had a better idea in the early to mid 20th century than we can agree on now. But the ideas which were shared by enough people to enact them then, is not possible now. Too many ideas on how to limit speech are out there, to ever find an appropriate way today.
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the last administration demanded the I could not work without a shot, what pronouns to use, that boys could be girls, taxpayers pay for illegals, that I must hire based on color and sex; not the best qualified, . . .
Elon went to DC with billions in his pocket. how about all the others who go to DC with Empty pockets and leave Millionaires. HRC, BHO, Biden and family, Pelosi, . . .
so everyone is up in arms since doge is requiring a weekly statusfrom workers.

What's the problem? I had to provide a weekly ( somtomes, hourly ) status of what I did, and didn't do last week; why. and plans for this week.
especially when I worked dod.

If you have nothing to report, turn off your computer, turn in your key card, and go home.
so everyone is up in arms since doge is requiring a weekly statusfrom workers.

What's the problem? I had to provide a weekly ( somtomes, hourly ) status of what I did, and didn't do last week; why. and plans for this week.
especially when I worked dod.

If you have nothing to report, turn off your computer, turn in your key card, and go home.
A) That level of micromanagement is often inefficient, unless you have incompetent workers... it's a manager's responsibility to be aware of the work that he has delegated to his team(s).

B) How many times a week do you think the mechanics in the carpool look at their email?
The office of Doja Cat and Elon Musk is really showing some force and is pulling out some real change. They are smelling up DC with Musk's fragrance of failure. They declared it Keystone Cops Day at all Federal Buildings across the nation. The real cops(the Justice Department, State Department, Pentagon, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Energy) made it official when they told all personnel to ignore the genius request. This is some elite businessman stuff. They'll be arguing all day long in a few years. The argument will be who can boast about being threatened the most times with the catch phrase from the apprentice.
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Sure glad they put Musk in charge of government spending. He's been very successful at it. Conflict of interest...who cares?

Elon Musk’s business empire is built on $38 billion in government funding

Government infusions at key moments helped Tesla and SpaceX flourish, boosting Musk’s wealt
Now he wants to swoop in and take Verizon's contract for the FAA.

He also wants to give raises to these non 'DEI' successful applicants to take the air traffic controller test and hire a bunch more controllers as well. He's spending here, not saving. Him and Trump are as crooked as they come.

Can't have bad economic numbers if you just stop keeping track of the numbers....

WASHINGTON, March 4 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's administration has disbanded two expert committees that worked with the government to produce economic statistics, potentially affecting the quality of data.
The terminations by Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick were effective February 28 and communicated on Tuesday via email to one of the panels, the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee (FESAC), which assisted with inflation and employment gross domestic product (GDP) data.

The email read in part "the Secretary of Commerce has determined that the purposes for which FESAC was established has been fulfilled and the committee has been terminated, effective February 28 2025." The second group - the Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee, which consulted on a separate group of economic data - was also terminated.
"This will impact the quality of data because it's a core principle of federal statistical agencies that they continually improve and innovate," Erica Groshen, a former FESAC member, told Reuters. "Without a robust flow of information and advice between experts outside their agencies, it's going to be harder for them to do that."

The Commerce Department and the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday evening.
Groshen, who is also a former Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) commissioner, said FESAC was made up of academics, private-sector economists and data scientists, and focused on continually improving economic data produced by the BLS as well as the Commerce Department's statistical agencies, the Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The committees had been in place for at least two decades.
The disbanding comes days after Lutnick said he would strip government spending from the GDP report, a move some economists said was impossible and intended to obscure the economic impact of deep spending cuts and mass layoffs being pursued by tech billionaire Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE.

"When you go down that rabbit hole, it's like trying to unscramble the eggs," said Brian Bethune, an Economics professor at Boston College. "For example, a lot of the defense spending goes to private contractors. So how can you cut that out of GDP? It's a ridiculous idea."

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