This is the Democratic Party.

This was their choice and is also the consequences of their choice.
Does that not make it MORE brave? To be born into a scenario and deal with it is a necessity… to choose to tread a harder path voluntarily and to deal with the consequences is courage. (Or stupidity)
An award intended for displays of bravery was given to someone who dresses in women’s clothes, wears makeup, gets treated as a second class citizen, and displayed significant bravery.

If you don’t think so, I encourage you to throw on your best dress, some stilettos, mascara, and go on down to your local hang out spot or employer.
Corporal Klinger was exceptionally brave..
****An award intended for displays of bravery was given to someone who dresses in women’s clothes, wears makeup, gets treated as a second class citizen, and displayed significant bravery. *****

Bravery is a fireman running into a burning building, a soilder in combat, ...
****An award intended for displays of bravery was given to someone who dresses in women’s clothes, wears makeup, gets treated as a second class citizen, and displayed significant bravery. *****

Bravery is a fireman running into a burning building, a soilder in combat, ...
Or… a person standing up for basic human decency despite people persecuting them….
If it walks like a pig and talks like a pig….
Scientists are still learning about what determines gender identity; assuming it is just a personal choice is increasingly looking wrong.

".... it is safe to conclude that gender identity is less about behavioral, cultural, or social circumstances or upbringing and more biological.

While there are a number of genetic, biochemical studies[7][8][9][10] on gender identity, we don’t fully understand the involvement of specific genes. However, it is likely that genes [which in turn code for proteins, enzymes, hormones etc.], more than any other factor play a role in transgender identity. Can some of these genes reside on X or Y chromosome?—Perhaps. In my opinion, looking for biological variables as arbiters of gender identity is not a great idea for society.


[1] The School of Biomedical Sciences Wiki

[2] Peter Goodfellow

[3] Genetic evidence equating SRY and the testis-determining factor.

[4] "Genetic Evidence Equating SRY and the Testis-Determining Factor" (1990), by Phillippe Berta et al.

[5] Male development of chromosomally female mice transgenic for Sry


[7] Genomic Characteristics of Gender Dysphoria Patients and Identification of Rare Mutations in RYR3 Gene

[8] A polymorphism of the CYP17 gene related to sex steroid metabolism is associated with female-to-male but not male-to-female transsexualism

[9] Pacific Center for Sex and Society

[10] Sex steroids and human behavior: prenatal androgen exposure and sex-typical play behavior in children.
The article from Forbes distinguishes between sex and gender identify and further points out that both are genetically determined by two different systems. When the two don't align there is a compelling, biological drive to get the two back in alignment. It's not some self-indulgent choice as the anti-trans assume. There's likely much more to be learned, and as usual, old prejudicial stereotypes will be hard to change.
Most reasonable people understand that some males believe they should have been females and vice versa. Their feelings obviously don’t change their biology. Now do we classify a male as a female based on “feelings” and give that person preferential treatment when it comes to education opportunities, federal guaranteed loans, grants, scholarships, etc? What about race? What do we do with a white person who feels they fit in with blacks, Hispanics, etc?
Most reasonable people understand that some males believe they should have been females and vice versa. Their feelings obviously don’t change their biology. Now do we classify a male as a female based on “feelings” and give that person preferential treatment when it comes to education opportunities, federal guaranteed loans, grants, scholarships, etc? What about race? What do we do with a white person who feels they fit in with blacks, Hispanics, etc?
I have a real problem with them wanting to change their sex on their id's and passports. Their id should say what they are no matter what they look like in the photo. Id'ing them if they go missing or commit a crime should have every bit of the scientific & appearance information available on the id.
Scientists are still learning about what determines gender identity; assuming it is just a personal choice is increasingly looking wrong.

".... it is safe to conclude that gender identity is less about behavioral, cultural, or social circumstances or upbringing and more biological.

While there are a number of genetic, biochemical studies[7][8][9][10] on gender identity, we don’t fully understand the involvement of specific genes. However, it is likely that genes [which in turn code for proteins, enzymes, hormones etc.], more than any other factor play a role in transgender identity. Can some of these genes reside on X or Y chromosome?—Perhaps. In my opinion, looking for biological variables as arbiters of gender identity is not a great idea for society.


[1] The School of Biomedical Sciences Wiki

[2] Peter Goodfellow

[3] Genetic evidence equating SRY and the testis-determining factor.

[4] "Genetic Evidence Equating SRY and the Testis-Determining Factor" (1990), by Phillippe Berta et al.

[5] Male development of chromosomally female mice transgenic for Sry


[7] Genomic Characteristics of Gender Dysphoria Patients and Identification of Rare Mutations in RYR3 Gene

[8] A polymorphism of the CYP17 gene related to sex steroid metabolism is associated with female-to-male but not male-to-female transsexualism

[9] Pacific Center for Sex and Society

[10] Sex steroids and human behavior: prenatal androgen exposure and sex-typical play behavior in children.
And we get closer and closer to what our Native American ancestors said about gender and identity. It’s a spectrum rather than binary.
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Trait - a distinguishing characteristic or quality, especially of one's personal nature:

gender is a trait
The science is discovering that gender identity is as biologically driven as sexual charactertisics. Running to Webster or OED as scientific evidence is pathetic, especially given the appalling number of suicides among those who gender and sexual organs don't match.
Trump probably not going to be charged in NY, then somebody in the Trump circle had the bright idea of daring them to charge him. Gets him press, and gets the inner circle of the Republican party gathering around him once again. They were more likely going to charge Trump later on, not by the NY DA, but in relation to the Jan 6 ordeal, and even more likely over Classified documents.

Hopefullly the NY DA doesn't take the bait and decide to push back with charges. He knew they wouldn't probably charge him over the Stormy thing, and that it was the easiest to avoid any or more serious penalties.

To charge him on this would be stupid, in the overall scheme of things. It is the easiest thing to make look like a witch hunt, and for them to dismiss in the public's eyes. This would damage the public view of more serious charges on the invasion of the capital, and handling of classified documents, later on.

This is the first thing I've seen done by the Trump circle, that I would say is an intelligent move. I doubt this was Trump's idea, even though he will always claim it was in private circles.

This would prove the Democrats are not acting with intelligence, and an overall plan.
When you run your election campaign on the promise of charging DT with crimes and putting him in prison you sort of back yourself into a political corner. Jan 6, classified docs and Stormy will all likely appear political due to the political leanings and campaign of the DA. I assume most of us would be happy with a compromise of DT agreeing to never seek public office again. Not sure his ego will allow such an outcome. We can hope
His ego would never allow that. He'll have to lose the election. Hopefully he loses the Primary. The only other hope is serious charges and a serious conviction(or risk of a conviction) on the Classified documents or Jan 6. He will run if at all possible. He will win if at all possible. He won't volunteer to back off unless charges or lack of voters make a loss look automatic, and maybe w/ serious penalty. I think your hope will come to nothing.
I’m afraid you’re likely correct. Unfortunately, I don’t see charges being filed on either the classified docs or Jan 6. We may be stuck with Stormy and the circus which will surely follow. My fear is a Stormy prosecution ends up helping him. Tbis country needs new blood and new ideas in 2024. I’m betting we get neither
When you run your election campaign on the promise of charging DT with crimes and putting him in prison you sort of back yourself into a political corner. Jan 6, classified docs and Stormy will all likely appear political due to the political leanings and campaign of the DA. I assume most of us would be happy with a compromise of DT agreeing to never seek public office again. Not sure his ego will allow such an outcome. We can hope
Edited at the end.

His ego would never allow that. He'll have to lose the election. Hopefully he loses the Primary. The only other hope is serious charges and a serious conviction(or risk of a conviction) on the Classified documents or Jan 6. He will run if at all possible. He will win if at all possible. He won't volunteer to back off unless charges or lack of voters make a loss look automatic, and maybe w/ serious penalty. I think your hope will come to nothing. I think he'd dare them to take him to jail if charges were serious enough. Thinking he'd get a jan 6 type event to happen.
I’m afraid you’re likely correct. Unfortunately, I don’t see charges being filed on either the classified docs or Jan 6. We may be stuck with Stormy and the circus which will surely follow. My fear is a Stormy prosecution ends up helping him. Tbis country needs new blood and new ideas in 2024. I’m betting we get neither
Much more likely to get charged in the Jan 6th and classified documents in my opinion. They were even saying that in the media, before this dare. He heard that. Then the dare came out. It will help him if they charge him on stormy.
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I’m afraid you’re likely correct. Unfortunately, I don’t see charges being filed on either the classified docs or Jan 6. We may be stuck with Stormy and the circus which will surely follow. My fear is a Stormy prosecution ends up helping him. Tbis country needs new blood and new ideas in 2024. I’m betting we get neither
lack of real court room evidence
When you run your election campaign on the promise of charging DT with crimes and putting him in prison you sort of back yourself into a political corner. Jan 6, classified docs and Stormy will all likely appear political due to the political leanings and campaign of the DA. I assume most of us would be happy with a compromise of DT agreeing to never seek public office again. Not sure his ego will allow such an outcome. We can hope
The real issue is that Trump should have been imprisoned for the 2020 election debacle. His party and his followers put their loyalty to the party over their loyalty to the rule of law.
If they charge him, it will be the worst day in the life of Ron DeSantis.
On Stormy Daniels I agree.

On Jan 6 and/or Classified documents that is yet to be determined.

If they indict on either it will open up the field to more capable challengers who will have access to fundraising not previously committed which is considerable.

It will also signal to the MSM to attack DeSantis as the front runner, which they already have begun doing. He will have to spend money early he won’t want to spend to defend that.

And it will require a change in tactics. They had planned to run a rose garden campaign and essentially concede IA and NH, stay close, then hit the road and win the South with TV ads. He will have to go press the flesh if the indictment dents the Trump polling and/or a third candidate emerges. And DeSantis is probably the worst Presidential candidate one on one and in small groups in the last fifty years, unless he has considerably improved.

If they indict on either it will open up the field to more capable challengers who will have access to fundraising not previously committed which is considerable.

It will also signal to the MSM to attack DeSantis as the front runner, which they already have begun doing. He will have to spend money early he won’t want to spend to defend that.

And it will require a change in tactics. They had planned to run a rose garden campaign and essentially concede IA and NH, stay close, then hit the road and win the South with TV ads. He will have to go press the flesh if the indictment dents the Trump polling and/or a third candidate emerges. And DeSantis is probably the worst Presidential candidate one on one and in small groups in the last fifty years, unless he has considerably improved.
I misunderstood what you meant. I am more thinking a charge on him for the Stormy Daniels won't inhibit Trumps campaign at all, and instead supercharge it. That could close it to more candidates. Trumps polling would benefit from charges on Stormy Daniels and he would suffer negligible problems and penalties. It would make it difficult for Desantis to beat Trump.

I can see how any change from the way it is now is not good for DeSantis. Supercharged Trump with or without new candidates helps Trump and hurts DeSantis. Trump being hurt in polling and/or penalties probably does bring in more candidates as you have just pointed out. I was really only thinking about the race between DeSantis and Trump, and what charges could or would do to the battle between them. I can see how any change to the immediate staus quo of the election would hurt DeSantis, regardless of how it affects Trump.
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Yes, pretty much.

You win a primary by protecting your flanks. DeSantis has spent the last year quietly flip flopping to protect his extreme right flank. Which is a good idea in any primary but especially this one against a former president who attracts a lot of attention with some hard right views. But without Trump in the picture, and trust me he’s out if he gets indicted, suddenly being Trump Lite is not a good look and he will have a string of inconsistencies that will be exploited without the cachet of a Reagan, W, or Trump to avoid or explain them.

What the media, and even some of the DeSantis people, don’t get it is, that most Red voters could care less about politics. They think it is fixed against them, when it’s really fixed for them.

They just want problems solved. Make me better off than I was four years ago. Repair roads. Keep taxes low. Let me keep my thoughts of security because I own a gun locked in a safe I could never use properly if it was needed. Don’t kill too many babies. Don’t kill my baby while she is at school. Don’t teach her anything I wouldn’t teach her while I am off earning your tax bill that you spend on stupid stuff. I will vote for you if you personify my ideal of either masculinity or femininity and intelligence, but do it in a self depreciating way. Don’t embarrass yourself and make me feel stupid/regret my vote. These are the politics of the suburbs. And you can’t win without the suburbs.

The “magic” of Trump, to the extent he had any, was he had enough entertainment experience to latch on to those values, while speaking plainly about all the things that don’t work in this country that need to be fixed. Trouble is, he didn’t fix as many as he could have, and kept focusing on what worked for him in the polls: see the above and a triangulation between the two parties records and himself as a rep of “the people.” Strange enough, Obama did the same thing if you really break it down, but without the entertainment experience.

If Trump gets indicted, DeSantis will have to pay the bill in the suburbs for aligning with policies of Trump that maybe were not solving problems. And he won’t have a record of solving Biden’s problems, only reacting to them. And most of those reactions were designed to please/attract Trump voters who have lost faith in the President. They don’t add to his total from moderates and near left suburban voters. The ones he needs to win.

DeSantis has no real record on improving schools, except improving some aspects of teacher pay. His signature accomplishment is dismantling diversity programs. Which poll incredibly well amongst suburban white voters in swing states. Even in Florida itself.

The results are similar on the border issues, law enforcement, some parts of his handling of surplus revenue, etc. He’s made a lot of decisions that aren’t popular with most Republicans and the voters in the general election. But very popular with the Trump demographic. The voters that will go into his column and stay there if there is an indictment. His campaign will instantly turn from explaining why he is better than Trump to explaining why his results won’t be the same as Trump. And that’s a losing hand.

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