Alright I am done
Fire him before he gets back on the plane.
Go find Todd Graham at the airport and offer him whatever the hell he wants to come in and coach now. Like next game.
As soon as Graham signs on the line fire Gragg too.
This isn't Tulsa football. It's trash.
That end of the game nonsense I just watched?????? That's 100% on the head coach.
It's not the players.
Fire him.
Fire him before he gets back on the plane.
Go find Todd Graham at the airport and offer him whatever the hell he wants to come in and coach now. Like next game.
As soon as Graham signs on the line fire Gragg too.
This isn't Tulsa football. It's trash.
That end of the game nonsense I just watched?????? That's 100% on the head coach.
It's not the players.
Fire him.