Subpoena argument at Supreme Court

Meh. Engineering licensing in Florida is a private company under contract with the state. They have four employees. Not much regulation there. Their ethics prosecutor was fired from the Attorney General’s Office for buying hookers with a state credit card.

When you give Florida man a state credit card . . .

Tell me more about the hookers.

Your friend,

What's even better... is that this guy is STILL a vice president on the board of the company that Florida contracts their licensing oversight work to. FYI.... most states don't subcontract their licensure boards out like that from what I've seen.

What's even better... is that this guy is STILL a vice president on the board of the company that Florida contracts their licensing oversight work to. FYI.... most states don't subcontract their licensure boards out like that from what I've seen.

He was hired by them within days of being fired by the AG for the incident mentioned above.
Jesus Christ.... what is this world coming to.

It goes back to my discussion about ethics rules. I think we have lost our conscience. You wouldn’t have To Kill a Mockingbird be a legitimate story in this era. It would be sensationalized into a Buzzfeed or TMZ sh!tshow.

There is so much rage in place of legitimate conversation. What I see time and again if people who refuse to change their opinions on absurd conclusions they made long ago.
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To Kill a Mockingbird, one of my favorite movies. Another is Shenandoah with Jimmy Stewart.

Some other old classics of mine. Lillies of the Field, Longest 100 Miles and Cool Hand Luke.

Has nothing to do with the topic. Oh well, no rules on Crossfire.
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John Roberts once lost a Supreme Court case to the late Rex Lee, who was the president of BYU and Roberts' friend and mentor. The vote was 9-0. Roberts called his client to advise of the drubbing. "9-0? 9-0?" the client said. "Why did we lose 9-0?" Said Roberts, "Well, because there are only nine justices."

I think we’re going to see the tax returns and a lot of bank records. This is going to be mandatory precedent that will end this debate.

Then again, US v. Nixon is such mandatory precedent. So is the Paula Jones case — hell, that case directly addresses the issue of acts by the President before he took office, including acts not relevant to issues in the civil case (i.e. Lewinksy). It wasn’t very hard to figure out that they have to produce the documents here.

I mean, when Clarence Thomas dunks on you, you gonna lose.
I been dunking on y’all. Lol
What’s that y’all said about me being stupid? Nothing going on in the Flynn thread that Gold posted - he hasn’t said anything on that since Monday! Lol


He knows.

To Kill a Mockingbird, one of my favorite movies. Another is Shenandoah with Jimmy Stewart.

Some other old classics of mine. Lillies of the Field, Longest 100 Miles and Cool Hand Luke.

Has nothing to do with the topic. Oh well, no rules on Crossfire.
They did make films after 1970 you know.... ;)
Best movie line ever "Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown."

Before you call me a racist, the bad guy is a rich white guy.