

I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Apr 17, 2012
Peacefully protest someone getting shot in the back by cops? Get your eyes shot out with rubber bullets... try to violently overthrow the government? Let you waltz right in without even calling in the national guard....
Hearing 95% of the protestors are peaceful. That’s the correct justification...correct ? 😜
There’s a difference between chanting at a random rally somewhere in the country and forcefully breaking up the certification of a legitimate election. When they are eventually arrested, I am very intrigued to know what all of these people will be charged with.... the least of their worries is the trespassing on federal grounds, destruction of property etc... I’m wondering if federal prosecutors are going to tack on things like endangering the lives of elected officials, etc...

Even if a BLM rally did turndestructive, that was violence against the property of a single person a few people in a community.What we’re seeing is literally a crime against every citizen of the country.

Leave it to the republicans (conservatives, libertarians, whatever) on this board to equivocate a coup attempt with aprotest on police brutality. It’s those same equivocations that got us into this mess and you guys literally can’t stop doing it!
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There’s a difference between chanting at a random rally somewhere in the country and forcefully breaking up the certification of a legitimate election. When they are eventually arrested, I am very intrigued to know what all of these people will be charged with....

I was actually speaking of the rioting, looting, burning, etc of american cities but ok. Fwiw...I didn’t support those “protests” and I don’t support these. It’s call consistency in a position.
I was actually speaking of the rioting, looting, burning, etc of american cities but ok. Fwiw...I didn’t support those “protests” and I don’t support these. It’s call consistency in a position.
No you treat them like they are of the same level of atrocity and they are no where close. Not even in the same solar system.
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Also, the reaction by law enforcemebt has been totally different. The goons in Washington were more than happy to beat the crap out people in the summer when they weren’t destroying democracy... but now they do pretty much nothing.
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No you treat them like they are of the same level of atrocity and they are no where close. Not even in the same solar system.

Correct. One group did murder multiple innocent people and destroy millions of dollars of their neighbors property. To my knowledge that hasn’t yet been done here. That said...arrest them all if they don’t leave the premises.

A cop just shot an unarmed woman per reports btw. Might want to reconsider your statement
Trump’s speech only threw gas on the fire. If he isn’t insane, then his goal is to tear down the country that rejected him. Two more weeks. What’s next?
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I am not pro trump nor do I support todays actions, but I believe Pelosi, etal abused their powers and started the civil war 4 years ago when the dems attempted a coup with a bogus investigation, and then the impeachment, along with other baseless allegations.
Metro police officially calling this a riot.
1,100 National Guard are deploying to DC to help with this and the 6PM curfew.
I am not pro trump nor do I support todays actions, but I believe Pelosi, etal abused their powers and started the civil war 4 years ago when the dems attempted a coup with a bogus investigation, and then the impeachment, along with other baseless allegations.
You sound like you’re marching with them right now.
Correct. One group did murder multiple innocent people and destroy millions of dollars of their neighbors property. To my knowledge that hasn’t yet been done here. That said...arrest them all if they don’t leave the premises.

A cop just shot an unarmed woman per reports btw. Might want to reconsider your statement
You don’t think this act has cost the tax payers millions in dollars already? Moreover it assaulted democracy which you keep neglecting to acknowledge. Raiding a target vs raiding the us capitol while it confirms the new President.... which one is worse?
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Also, it doesn’t matter if these seditionists leave the capitol peacefully or not, they were not permitted to be there. Each one of them deserves literally every charge that can be brought against them. From sedition to jaywalking.
Also, it doesn’t matter if these seditionists leave the capitol peacefully or not, they were not permitted to be there. Each one of them deserves literally every charge that can be brought against them. From sedition to jaywalking.

Thankfully the board standard for justifying a protest is that 95% of those protestors are peaceful. Carry on. :)
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US trade group asks Pence to seriously consider invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump.
  • A sharply worded statement from the head of the National Association of Manufacturers shows opposition to clashes that interrupted proceedings to accept Joe Biden as the next U.S. president.
  • The head of the group, Jay Timmons, was once executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
The only way Trump will go?
My 92 year old lifelong Republican dad decided to follow me in changing his registration to Independent today. Unsolicited.

Donny has never done a thing that makes me regret not voting for him
US trade group asks Pence to seriously consider invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump.
  • A sharply worded statement from the head of the National Association of Manufacturers shows opposition to clashes that interrupted proceedings to accept Joe Biden as the next U.S. president.
  • The head of the group, Jay Timmons, was once executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
The only way Trump will go?
I would agree but it would probably get Pence killed. Also, the 25th would probably take more than 14 days.
Thankfully the board standard for justifying a protest is that 95% of those protestors are peaceful. Carry on. :)
The justification for a protest is that you actually have a legitimate grievance and not one spoon fed by a maniac trying to overthrow the government for his own benefit.

keep equivocating the two sides and you’ll keep encouraging things like we saw today.
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The justification for a protest is that you actually have a legitimate grievance and not one spoon fed by a maniac trying to overthrow the government for his own benefit.

keep equivocating the two sides and you’ll keep encouraging things like we saw today.

I’m comparing the act not the reasoning. Only in 2021 can people argue occupying a federal building is equivalent to roaming the streets indiscriminately murdering innocent people. The families of those murder victims would probably disagree. Dead is dead and permanent. The capital is cleared tonight and those idiots won’t be back.
I’m comparing the act not the reasoning. Only in 2021 can people argue occupying a federal building is equivalent to roaming the streets indiscriminately murdering innocent people. The families of those murder victims would probably disagree. Dead is dead and permanent. The capital is cleared tonight and those idiots won’t be back.
In what city were the crowds, at large, randomly murdering people in the streets? I saw physical violence between opposing factions, but never randomly from one crowd on innocent bystanders. Moreover the clashes of last year were set off by legitimate events that continue to plague our country in terms of innocents being killed by police and the police getting away with it. Today’s violence was set off by conspiracy theories (already proved false) from an insurrectionist.
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In what city were the crowds, at large, randomly murdering people in the streets? I saw physical violence between opposing factions, but never randomly from one crowd on innocent bystanders. Moreover the clashes of last year were set off by legitimate events that continue to plague our country in terms of innocents being killed by police and the police getting away with it. Today’s violence was set off by conspiracy theories (already proved false) from an insurrectionist.

Forbes reports 19 murdered as of July 2020. Here’s a rundown of 11 of those. How are you not aware of these killings? The only person shot (and killed) today was a woman by a cop through a door.

Forbes reports 19 murdered as of July 2020. Here’s a rundown of 11 of those. How are you not aware of these killings? The only person shot (and killed) today was a woman by a cop through a door.

You still neglect the fact that none of those harmed in those incidents were harmed during attempts to subvert democracy. None of them were killed during attempts to disenfranchise over half of the voting population.
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You still neglect the fact that none of those harmed in those incidents were harmed during attempts to subvert democracy. None of them were killed during attempts to disenfranchise over half of the voting population.

In part because the “show” we saw today posed zero threat with our democracy. Nothing was ever going to come of it and didn’t. Protests were 19 people are murdered and numerous neighborhoods aren’t burnt to the ground can’t be compared to an occupation of a building. One is permanent and one is not. The capital will be back in operation tomorrow. The democratic process will continue. Nothing was burnt and no one murdered. Hopefully people are in jail.

Let’s not compare those murdered to the occupation of a building. It’s disrespectful to those who had their lives taken during the “protests”.
Also, the reaction by law enforcemebt has been totally different. The goons in Washington were more than happy to beat the crap out people in the summer when they weren’t destroying democracy... but now they do pretty much nothing.
I think they had a strategy today. I think they realized they'd have to resort to violence to keep the people out, and made a conscience decision to merely slow them down whilst they secured Congresspeople in the basement. Then they let them run around in a mostly empty building until they got bored. They let them go home, and now they can go out and arrest them at their leisure in a more safe and orderly fashion.

I actually think this is a very good tactic to use during riots and the like. They used it here in Santa Fe this summer when the police withdrew from a protest where a monument was toppled. They realized someone was going to get hurt, and it's just a monument, so let's just arrest them later when tensions aren't so high. And they did.

I agree that police tend to take a very different tack when dealing with BLM protesters, and that is kind of the point of the protesters. Some people get a law enforcement policy that prioritizes human life and safety above property. And others... don't.
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People were allowed to occupy parts of the building. However, when they tried to enter the house chamber they were met with deadly force. Not sure I’ve ever seen such a tactic. Not criticizing it. Just thought it was unusual.
People were allowed to occupy parts of the building. However, when they tried to enter the house chamber they were met with deadly force. Not sure I’ve ever seen such a tactic. Not criticizing it. Just thought it was unusual.
Some of it might be that the elector’s ballots were housed in one of the chambers and they couldn’t fall into the hands of those that would tamper with them.

I know they said some staffers eventually were able to remove them, not sure when that was.
In part because the “show” we saw today posed zero threat with our democracy. Nothing was ever going to come of it and didn’t. Protests were 19 people are murdered and numerous neighborhoods aren’t burnt to the ground can’t be compared to an occupation of a building. One is permanent and one is not. The capital will be back in operation tomorrow. The democratic process will continue. Nothing was burnt and no one murdered. Hopefully people are in jail.

Let’s not compare those murdered to the occupation of a building. It’s disrespectful to those who had their lives taken during the “protests”.
This is patently false. Saying that there was no threat to democracy today is a lie up there with some of the things Trump has said. Any of those protestors could have brought in high explosives and destroyed parts of the building if not had a devestating effect on the whole thing. They could have instigated a violent conflict with the National Guard which led to other conflicts in other cities across the country. There are a myriad of bad outcomes that were possible today... including the capture or harm of elected officials, staffers, etc... just because they didn’t happen doesn’t mean that this action posed no threat. It posed a huge threat.

You always get so uppity about those murdered at protests but you give zero :crap:s about innocents murdered by cops 99% of the time. Don’t getdramatic about murders when you simply don’t care most of the time. You only use them when the side you support has done something more egregious than they have in your lifetime.
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Here we go with the would of could of might have argument. An argument which can be made in every situation. None of those things occurred or where ever likely to occur. It’s the argument made when the outcome/facts doesn’t fit one’s position. It’s a loser.

I’ve never defended or attempted to defend any murderer...cop or rioter. Never attempted to diminish murders or support activity which leads to murders. Never implied the mother of a murdered child might have been involved in a drug deal. Never argued protests where people are being murdered should continue because most of the protestors weren’t violent.
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Some of it might be that the elector’s ballots were housed in one of the chambers and they couldn’t fall into the hands of those that would tamper with them.

I know they said some staffers eventually were able to remove them, not sure when that was.

Interesting. Looking forward to an explanation as to why deadly force was used in that instance.
Here we go with the would of could of might have argument. An argument which can be made in every situation. None of those things occurred or where ever likely to occur. It’s the argument made when the outcome/facts doesn’t fit one’s position. It’s a loser.

I’ve never defended or attempted to defend any murderer...cop or rioter. Never attempted to diminish murders or support activity which leads to murders. Never implied the mother of a murdered child might have been involved in a drug deal. Never argued protests where people are being murdered should continue because most of the protestors weren’t violent.
No, you simply use inter-citizen killings as excuses to try and invalidate the legitimate gripe that people of color have against (still continuing) police brutality. That relationship with authority in our country was no clearer than today. You try to obscure the wrong doings of those on your side by pointing the finger at the other side.

I fully realize that their are problems in urban communities that too often involve violent crime. and I acknowledge that, try to come to some conclusion as to why it’s happening and provide some solutions on how we might fix those issues while also making it where we can hold police accountable for their actions.

You rarely mention the underlying problems festering in the communities where these seditionists hail from, or why they are falling for Trumps continuous lies. Nor do you fully acknowledge their wrongdoing or it’s continuing escalation and the associated danger to our democracy that Trump and his ilk (Gaetz, Mcaneny, Guliani, Cruz, etc...) represent by continuing to misinform their followers. And you certainly didn’t offer solutions on how to get these gullible stooges to quit being gullible stooges or the racists / nazis to stop being racists / nazis.

I fully support getting gangbangers to stop being gangbangers. I understand why they are gangbangers and there are methods that we can adopt to curb their criminal proclivities. How do we do the same with under-educated, lower middle class gun-nuts?
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Todays protest reminded me of the 60s when friends of bho invaded federal office. Or more recently protester burn burning and looting, and some taking over cities and government buildings
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No, you simply use inter-citizen killings as excuses to try and invalidate the legitimate gripe that people of color have against (still continuing) police brutality. That relationship with authority in our country was no clearer than today. You try to obscure the wrong doings of those on your side by pointing the finger at the other side.

I fully realize that their are problems in urban communities that too often involve violent crime. and I acknowledge that, try to come to some conclusion as to why it’s happening and provide some solutions on how we might fix those issues while also making it where we can hold police accountable for their actions.

You rarely mention the underlying problems festering in the communities where these seditionists hail from, or why they are falling for Trumps continuous lies. Nor do you fully acknowledge their wrongdoing or it’s continuing escalation and the associated danger to our democracy that Trump and his ilk (Gaetz, Mcaneny, Guliani, Cruz, etc...) represent by continuing to misinform their followers. And you certainly didn’t offer solutions on how to get these gullible stooges to quit being gullible stooges or the racists / nazis to stop being racists / nazis.

I fully support getting gangbangers to stop being gangbangers. I understand why they are gangbangers and there are methods that we can adopt to curb their criminal proclivities. How do we do the same with under-educated, lower middle class gun-nuts?

I would suggest many of the same solutions I have talked endlessly about in this board for this group of people as I’ve mentioned for those living in our inner cities. Education, cultural changes, etc. There is more in common with those who feel disenfranchised than most realized regardless of skin color, address, etc.

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