Pro-Choice Violence

lots of political ads about abortion from, Harris, trump, and congressional candidates. what a strawman campaign; these officials have no say on this issue. the SCOTUS gave it back to the states; its either on the Nov ballot for the voters, or up to State legislatures. Not Feds.
What do you mean it would have to be on the ballot in Nov.? We don't vote on laws, that is what Congress is for.

If a federal law is passed by congress that mandates a federal minimum guideline to the states, that states they have to allow abortions at a minimum level,(in cases of rape, incest, or health threatening pregnancy, and/or before so many weeks pass) then for a short time that law is good. The supreme court may decide to rule on that law's constitutionality, but that is the Supreme Court's decision. It is not automatically decided, before they even try to pass a law on a minimum guidelines, that this law is unconstitutional.

You truly don't know how government works, but still make dictating statements on it all the time.
What do you mean it would have to be on the ballot in Nov.? We don't vote on laws, that is what Congress is for.

If a federal law is passed by congress that mandates a federal minimum guideline to the states, that states they have to allow abortions at a minimum level,(in cases of rape, incest, or health threatening pregnancy, and/or before so many weeks pass) then for a short time that law is good. The supreme court may decide to rule on that law's constitutionality, but that is the Supreme Court's decision. It is not automatically decided, before they even try to pass a law on a minimum guidelines, that this law is unconstitutional.

You truly don't know how government works, but still make dictating statements on it all the time.
it's on the ballot here in AZ to strengthen the current laws on the books to allow more.
there is no federal law. ie SCOTUS
Because it hasn't been written yet. Scotus determined the right to an abortion was to be determined by the states, in the confines of the law being addressed in Roe V Wade. They did not address and/or determine if a minimum requirement for abortion could be set up by the federal government, and then the states could equal or lessen that requirement. That is a very specific delineation that has not been defined by the court, because it will not be defined by Scotus, until there is a law being enacted which brings this question before them. Scotus knocked down the law that existed. They did not knock down the law that could be written and passed. They are two different questions, and Scotus hasn't answered one of the specific questions yet.

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