dump your pants. Awful.
Is a 7-5 season and a bowl trip a bad thing?
I think this team can easily go 7-1 in conference.
I'm pissed but we weren't ever winning this game.
Dane is somewhere between a bad and below average QB. I can't wait until he graduates. Hopefully whoever we have up next year can actually go past his first read. Same 'ole Dane, hasn't gotten any better in 3 years. 6-3 at halftime if our terrible QB doesn't fail in the worst way possible. Then we could've had something to work off of in the 2nd half. Go into halftime 6-3, put in the back up QB and see what he's got. The running game and defense will win us games this year, Dane will only increase the chance of losing them.
Who was our last great qb?
Of all the games on the schedule for Dane to have a bad night, this was the best time to do it.
Houston isn't as big, strong, fast or as deep as Ohio State. We won't face anyone like tOSU the rest of the year.
This team controls its own destiny this year imo.
Talk about class. I didn't watch the second half, but I figure Urban left in his players since they are so young and need the reps. Only six total starters back from last year.No qualms with a broken leg just to teach Urb a lesson. That's just me.