Mandatory Rona vaccine

Yeah, I've got family members that would throw a fit if they did. They would exercise civil disobedience. In today's environment, I don't know. It need's to be, because of today's environment, just to help economic recovery speed up.
I would probably get the vaccine. Not sure I would make my kids who are at practically no risk from the virus take an untested vaccine. Tough call. The fact that we won’t know any possible long term effects of both the virus and vaccine give me pause. I think the Fed’s would have a difficult time mandating a vaccine under those circumstances.
I would take after a period of time.
I'm not a fan of it being required with fines or jail time as a consequence of not taking it. That would just make some folks double down on the rights issue and not take it.
If it is like other vaccines where you have them to go to school or college, I'm fine with that.
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I assume, that if this happened, there would be a compliance time. I would wait until long into the compliance period. If the go alphabetically, my name is Zyzinsky.

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