Let's do the math

He's saying that I'm a felon I think. Though I don't really see it as much of an insult. I know multiple felons that are great people. Sometimes when you grow up in a rough area you do some rough things to survive.
It's a little hard to tell what are insults, and what are admissions of guilt with he/she.
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Did u get out of hand with the beer lady another time too? So you are felon too. You are definitely someone to right home to mom about. Act nice to the democrats, and maybe they'll let you vote.
Lmao although I knew you’d fall for it, I never expected this level of embarrassment. Thanks for taking the bait.

No, I’m not a felon - I was referring to him. Also, please explain what “right home to mom about” means. Surely it’s a phrase with which I’m unfamiliar, especially considering you likely don’t know the definition of “right” (as a verb) or the difference between “right” & “write.” LOL this is gold - if I WERE a felon (which I’m not) it would be a Democrat president or governor that would allow me to vote (again, if I WERE a felon, which I’m not).

I am not a felon (at least not a convicted one LOL) but judging by your grammar/English I wouldn’t be surprised if you were. I suspected it was possible URedskin was a felon, though I never assumed that to be true. You did assume I was a felon, yet you said “so you are a felon too” (again improper English) which implies that either you yourself are a felon or you know that URedskin is a felon. Well done, sir!
I think rippin's preferred pronouns are ze/zir/they
Lmao good one... You know damned well I never state my pronouns nor would I ever respect anyone’s preferred pronouns unless they were to match those of which they were biologically confirmed at birth. Good one, though - especially for a snowflake! LOL this has been perfect, somehow I knew y’all’d take the bait!
He's saying that I'm a felon I think. Though I don't really see it as much of an insult. I know multiple felons that are great people. Sometimes when you grow up in a rough area you do some rough things to survive.
You would be almost correct in your assumption. I did not state that I believe you are a felon - I don’t know. I assumed it was a possibility, as it is with anyone.

I do agree with you, though. I also know some felons of high quality of character. I also know some that are repeat offenders & to whom a judge could never sentence enough years in prison. Of those convicted felons I know that are good people/have been rehabilitated, they learned their lesson or they simply shouldn’t have been convicted. However, some of them are only slightly rehabilitated - e.g. some hate white people and/or consistently disrespect law enforcement and/or have serious problems controlling their ability to not make emotional decisions &/or can’t control their anger/temper.

I do believe that convicted felons who are 100% rehabilitated should have some avenue through which they can reaquire their constitutional rights - especially the right to vote & the right to bear arms.
Did u get out of hand with the beer lady another time too? So you are felon too. You are definitely someone to right home to mom about. Act nice to the democrats, and maybe they'll let you vote.
Proper English aside, ON ME FK THAT BEEr LADY!@ 4realz LOL
He's saying that I'm a felon I think. Though I don't really see it as much of an insult. I know multiple felons that are great people. Sometimes when you grow up in a rough area you do some rough things to survive.
I do agree that growing up in situations like this is a tragedy & I want to add that I actually feel bad for the offenders. More times than not it is not that the offenders are inherently bad people or violent, rather it’s a result of having awful parenting and/or (usually male) role models.

Have you seen the recent viral video of the kid who got caught shoplifting at a walmart or some department store & got crazy disrespectful with the police when they arrived on scene? He was doing everything he could as a young 9 or 10 year old boy to instigate violence with the police & loss prevention officers. As the unofficial ambassador of the white race, I in no way represent his parents. However, I do have black family members who are parents & they would NEVER allow their child to act that way. I’ll come back with the edit to provide a link of the video.

*warning* - it does include foul language including racial slurs.

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My oh my, how could I have written right when I meant write. Mightn't it have been auto correct? What a dweeb.
My oh my, how could I have written right when I meant write. Mightn't it have been auto correct? What a dweeb.
Actually, no it couldn’t have been autocorrect. It’s not possible. Also there is no g nor h in the word “write.” A very nice try, though. A for effort.
Lmao good one... You know damned well I never state my pronouns nor would I ever respect anyone’s preferred pronouns unless they were to match those of which they were biologically confirmed at birth. Good one, though - especially for a snowflake! LOL this has been perfect, somehow I knew y’all’d take the bait!

Usually when someone is this obsessed with an issue it's because of a personal insecurity. The things that we hate in others tend to be the things we hate most about ourselves. I think that might be the case here. Rip, if you want to be a woman, go be a woman.
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Usually when someone is this obsessed with an issue it's because of a personal insecurity. The things that we hate in others tend to be the things we hate most about ourselves. I think that might be the case here. Rip, if you want to be a woman, go be a woman.
Lol this is the same type of comeback that my one of my ghey friends used to use on me when I would be talking noise to him & challenging him to just come out of the closet already. It was a very lame attempt of trolling in his case by trying to accuse me of being homosexual not just because it was obvious how uncomfortable he would be when I would denounce every aspect of homosexuality (while still making it clear I don’t care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms but that I in no way need to approve of it nor believe it’s natural). It’s a level of projection of which I am not even familiar with the term to describe it (reverse psychological projection, maybe?) but it was clear what he was doing the entire time. He knew that by me making fun of him for being in the closet (as far as I know he’s still in the closet) after saying the most outrageous things like “I think every homosexual teen should be given shock therapy treatment” or “I believe every gay teen should be sent to homosexual conversion therapy camp for an entire summer,” IN HIS MIND he “knew” (thought) that by accusing me of being gay he’d be able to get back at me. In reality, it was clear that what I was saying to mess with him was actually affecting him & getting under his skin. Over the course of years during which I’ve known him I’ve not once seen him have a girlfriend nor bed a girl & I used to point that out (meanwhile I continued doing what straight guys do to beautiful women willing to come to bed with them).

I don’t know who you are & I really don’t care if you’re gay or not. It’s just as sinful as my not being able to smash the temptation of smashing beautiful young women out of wedlock. It’s not my place to judge.

I just find it interesting that you chose that type of comeback. Maybe you are a Pete booty judge. If you are I really couldn’t care less - I’d disapprove of that lifestyle choice & acknowledge you were likely the victim of sexual abuse by a male pedophile & treat you with respect but I still wouldn’t treat you any different. I’d still talk noise, I’d still run my mouth & I'd still let you know when you’re wrong.

Long answer to a really stupid yet telling attempt of a comeback on your part but imho it needed to be said.
Usually when someone is this obsessed with an issue it's because of a personal insecurity. The things that we hate in others tend to be the things we hate most about ourselves. I think that might be the case here. Rip, if you want to be a woman, go be a woman.
By the way, as much as it bothers me how much I sin by bedding girls out of wedlock, the sin of not making an honest woman out of one of them & starting a family is much more burdensome. I’m sure many people on this board can relate to this. It’s kept me up many nights. It’s a much more serious sin in my eyes as not only do I deny some of these girls of their desire to marry a worthy man that would treat them right, I also deny them their blessing & the joy of having amazing children & our parents’ right to the joy of amazing grandchildren.

It’s a terrible burden with which I struggle everyday. God willing, I will get the strength to choose some day soon.

Ok back to politics - I’m right & you’re wrong. Your safety & the safety of those around you is YOUR responsibility - NOT THE responsibility of the government. That’s part of freedom & that is why our constitution exists & was written the way it was.
Actually, no it couldn’t have been autocorrect. It’s not possible. Also there is no g nor h in the word “write.” A very nice try, though. A for effort.
You really don't know how autocorrect works do you?!?.
You really don't know how autocorrect works do you?!?.
Actually it’s quite clear that you don’t. I’m actually surprised you wouldn’t just own up to a common mistake that we’ve all made.