Let's do the math


I.T.S. Senior
Nov 17, 2017
Take lilies in a pond. If their coverage doubles everyday and the pond is covered on day 40, on what day was the pond only half covered? At day 30 the coverage is barely noticeable.

Current estimates for the virus are that the number of infected doubles from every 2-3 days to 5 days.

As for testing claims, only those in hospitals with symptoms in Washington State can get tests. No one else can.

We live in interesting times.
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Wide spread testing has been fundamental to China’s, Singapore’s and Japan’s success in slowing to preventing the spread of the virus. Korea has tested hundreds of thousands while the US is only tested @ 10,000. Testing remains restricted to some healthcare workers and those in hospitals in Washington State.

Take lilies in a pond. If their coverage doubles everyday and the pond is covered on day 40, on what day was the pond only half covered? At day 30 the coverage is barely noticeable.

Current estimates for the virus are that the number of infected doubles from every 2-3 days to 5 days.

As for testing claims, only those in hospitals with symptoms in Washington State can get tests. No one else can.

We live in interesting times.
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No seriously Rudy Gobert should at least be kicked out of the NBA. Permanent ban. The video of him spreading it is despicable in fact I’m pretty sure it’s a crime.
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Another excellent, very clear summary of where the US is today:
Yeah yeah waah yourself to sleep tonight. This behavior is inexcusable & would never be tolerated by a society of quality people & high moral standards. So yes, you’re correct - it is a great example of how far our great nation has fallen.
Wide spread testing has been fundamental to China’s, Singapore’s and Japan’s success in slowing to preventing the spread of the virus. Korea has tested hundreds of thousands while the US is only tested @ 10,000. Testing remains restricted to some healthcare workers and those in hospitals in Washington State.

Way to cite one of the mere 3 countries outside of the West that aren’t sh*tholes. Seriously outside of Japan, Singapore & South Korea (to a lesser degree Hong Kong/Taiwan, too) the rest of the east countries are of low quality people. Seriously you go to the market & don’t know if what’s labeled as “chicken” is actually chicken - seriously it’s at least a 20% chance it’s cat meat.
Here’s the cold, hard fact of it all: the person responsible for this virus being released in the first place is either incredibly incompetent & should’ve never been near a virology lab or they did it on purpose. I lean toward the latter being the case.
I would also say, Japan is notoriously cleanly. They're a country that already tries to prevent normal illnesses by masking up.
CDC: US is failing in testing.

So far about 8,000 people have been tested in the entire US. Korea has tested over 200,000. Washington State's governor just held a press conference, and it's clear that tests are very scarce as are masks for health and emergency personnel.

All of the local K-12 schools have closed. Suddenly outside grocery stores carts are full of Coke, hotdogs, chips, cookies and similar stuff. If the virus doesn't get these kids, this diet will.
That's a good way to keep the number of people confirmed infected down...don't test many.
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All of the local K-12 schools have closed. Suddenly outside grocery stores carts are full of Coke, hotdogs, chips, cookies and similar stuff. If the virus doesn't get these kids, this diet will.

"I'm sorry', I ate all of that stuff [and still do in low amount] and
'I'm not quite dead yet."

Quotes indicate Monte Python reference.
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That's a good way to keep the number of people confirmed infected down...don't test many.

The problem with that logic is that it will result in skewed fatality rate. Which will look worse than a larger number of infected.
That’s a wonderful, unbiased, objective source you’ve linked there. Thank you, sir. I can’t stand it when people frame their arguments with biased sources such as Fox News or CNN ir MSNBC. Bravo on finding a media outlet that isn’t biased for the narrative being pushed in this true story!


That was idiotic to post that article & it brings nothing to the discussion. Blaming Trump when we were the last developed nation to have to consider going into lockdown makes no sense - just have a look at Europe (they’ve been proper Fkd for weeks now) & you’ll see just how lucky we are in the USA. Seriously, my chances of getting the COVID-19 in Tulsa are so small I’m more likely to be suspended/banned/blacklisted on here.

What’s crazy is I am highly critical of Trump. My best friend (who is black) & girlfriend (Native American) BOTH think Trump can do no wrong. I have routinely criticized him for a multitude of things such as hiring people like Pompeo/Kushner/Bolton/O’Brien, I could keep going. I hate on Trump for not designating the Mexican Cartels as terrorist groups (he caved to the banks as they’d be at risk of ultimately losing serious equity due to having done business with the cartels - wittingly or not). I have hated on Trump for not acting quicker with deportations/de-funding sanctuary cities. I have hated on Trump for not putting an immediate halt on all visa programs & not putting an indefinite moratorium on legal immigration.

The point is people like you & anyone else suffering from TDS will blame him for everything even if he does something that’s actually good for the country. It’s not his fault that China is a third world country full of substandard people with no morals.

You’re so woke it’s time you actually wake up & return to reality.
Gives one a lot of confidence to turn our entire healthcare system over to these Fed’s.
I think the problem is less the feds and more the individual states. Some states seem to respond more effectively and seem better prepared than others.
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It's not the Feds preventing local groups from testing it's the lack of test kits thanks to the error made by the CDC in their production. Probably time to look at the CDC and other federal agencies.

Agree with Aston as well. Some states have drive thru testing, etc... I do think the last thing you want is to have young people walking into health care centers filled with the old and compromised to get tested. Happy to see WATU back on the China bandwagon.
The only drive through testing in Washington is at the UW for UW medical staff. Testing is still restricted for those in hospitals.

As for China, Singapore, Korea and others that have drastically cut the virus’ spread, look at their results.

It's not the Feds preventing local groups from testing it's the lack of test kits thanks to the error made by the CDC in their production. Probably time to look at the CDC and other federal agencies.

Agree with Aston as well. Some states have drive thru testing, etc... I do think the last thing you want is to have young people walking into health care centers filled with the old and compromised to get tested. Happy to see WATU back on the China bandwagon.
I think the problem is less the feds and more the individual states. Some states seem to respond more effectively and seem better prepared than others.
Oklahoma is looking first class right now so there is some truth to this. There are also bureaucrats in State Health Depts who know they can’t be fired but want to make this administration look bad. Trust me, it happens all the time & yes, even with something as serious as this COVID-19. The fact that it’s an election year gives bureaucrats of the left even more incentive to fk around with peoples’ lives (bc they’re too stupid to take it as seriously as they should or at least they don’t take it as serious as they do trying to find a way to help this President not get reelected) instead of just doing their job. They can’t be fired, there is little incentive to work competitively & it is impossible for them to align their interests with that of the corporation (in this case the local, state or federal government) because there’s simply no incentive for them to do so. They view having to do more work (in this case helping people who need testing thus potential/probable patients) as a BURDEN.
The only drive through testing in Washington is at the UW for UW medical staff. Testing is still restricted for those in hospitals.

As for China, Singapore, Korea and others that have drastically cut the virus’ spread, look at their results.

Not true. Colorado has been offering drive through testing to the public for several days. They are now having test shortages which may curtail them temporarily but they have been offered. As I’ve said before, heads need to roll at the CDC for their missteps and lack of available tests. The problem isn’t that we’re not willing to do large scale testing it’s that the government people responsible for the tests appear incompetent at this point. Texas to start drive thru testing btw.
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Not true. Colorado has been offering drive through testing to the public for several days. They are now having test shortages which may curtail them temporarily but they have been offered. As I’ve said before, heads need to roll at the CDC for their missteps and lack of available tests. The problem isn’t that we’re not willing to do large scale testing it’s that the government people responsible for the tests appear incompetent at this point.
Regardless it still proves my point - that portion of Washington ESPECIALLY King County (or whatever it’s called) is full of people who HATE the President/current administration. The gov’t bureaucrats in that area are 100% not beneath dragging their feet on the job to the detriment of their neighbors in order to make the President look bad.
Ok. Colorado does have drive through, but the Colorado drive through is as restricted as the Washington’s. “Drive through” doesn’t indicate increased volume, only reduced exposure and no waiting room.

“The site will only service individuals who have a doctor’s order for the test, as well as a photo ID. It is not an at-large public screening site, and doctors will not be present on site”

As you posted CO does not have enough kits to keep it going.

Trump has been repeatedly and publicly corrected by his own people for saying kits and testing were available when they weren’t.
Ok. Colorado does have drive through, but the Colorado drive through is as restricted as the Washington’s. “Drive through” doesn’t indicate increased volume, only reduced exposure and no waiting room.

“The site will only service individuals who have a doctor’s order for the test, as well as a photo ID. It is not an at-large public screening site, and doctors will not be present on site”

As you posted CO does not have enough kits to keep it going.

Trump has been repeatedly and publicly corrected by his own people for saying kits and testing were available when they weren’t.

Colorado had up to a four hour wait in some of those drive throughs. I’m not sure how restrictive the tests could be with that type of volume. On that note, we obviously want the tests restricted to those with symptoms or first hand exposure. With limited tests a 2% positive is not ideal.

Glad to see us moving away from the CDC and bringing in the private sector to mass produce these tests. Hopefully we can have half a million available in the next week. Also glad to see a website brought online to show us the nearest drive thru testing facility. Kudos to companies like Walgreens, Target, etc... for providing these.

I’ve yet to understand how the CDC can produce thousands of bad tests and not realize it.
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FYI I work in a fairly large hospital outside of Dallas and I spoke with our ICU manager today. She told me that we have To get approval to get a Corona test and once we do get approval we have to send the test to Utah to get results which takes 2 days. That doesn't make any sense to me but it's apparently the truth. Why is so hard to mass produce a test that already exists is beyond me.
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Colorado had up to a four hour wait in some of those drive throughs. I’m not sure how restrictive the tests could be with that type of volume. On that note, we obviously want the tests restricted to those with symptoms or first hand exposure. With limited tests a 2% positive is not ideal.

Glad to see us moving away from the CDC and bringing in the private sector to mass produce these tests. Hopefully we can have half a million available in the next week. Also glad to see a website brought online to show us the nearest drive thru testing facility. Kudos to companies like Walgreens, Target, etc... for providing these.

I’ve yet to understand how the CDC can produce thousands of bad tests and not realize it.

These states are already disasters thanks to democrat policies, as we know.

I take pride in being responsible for my own safety & the safety/health of those around me. I take it very seriously because in other countries (where I’ve lived) I don’t have this right. In fact, in no other western developed nation are citizens afforded this right. Once again, I take it very seriously.
The only drive through testing in Washington is at the UW for UW medical staff. Testing is still restricted for those in hospitals.

As for China, Singapore, Korea and others that have drastically cut the virus’ spread, look at their results.

China has been an abomination in every aspect and exacerbated the problem throughout. They will get no compliments
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FYI I work in a fairly large hospital outside of Dallas and I spoke with our ICU manager today. She told me that we have To get approval to get a Corona test and once we do get approval we have to send the test to Utah to get results which takes 2 days. That doesn't make any sense to me but it's apparently the truth. Why is so hard to mass produce a test that already exists is beyond me.
interesting bc I have homegirls in TX that are RNs there & some in OK & they’ve all told me it’s very easy to get the tests done IF the executives/operations/charge nurses know the proper channels to go through when ordering the tests. In most cases they already have them, though there is a finite supply & more will need to be ordered. However, people who haven’t come into contact or are unlikely to have come into contact with someone infected shouldn’t be irresponsible by getting tested just because they’re paranoid. That is a waste of a test kit.
China has been an abomination in every aspect and exacerbated the problem throughout. They will get no compliments
I think you need to seriously consider what Merkel & President Xi were doing in Wuhan in September 2019 visiting hospitals & the Virology lab there. Why were they there? You should also consider the 3 letter intel agency that starts with a C that has been constantly trying to take down the president since even before November, 2016.
I think you need to seriously consider what Merkel & President Xi were doing in Wuhan in September 2019 visiting hospitals & the Virology lab there. Why were they there? You should also consider the 3 letter intel agency that starts with a C that has been constantly trying to take down the president since even before November, 2016.

I have no interest in conspiracy theories
I have no interest in conspiracy theories
So you believe that this virus originated with a bat in China? The same bats they’ve been eating for thousands of years over there?

It’s no secret that the previous administrations have sold us out over & over to China & while it’s true China has stolen our intellectual property, much of that is a cover traitor US politicians/bureaucrats & civilians have used when they actually sold our intellectual property/technology to the Chinese.

This virus did not come from a bat. It may have been tested on bats in the Wuhan Virology laboratory but it didn’t naturally enter the population. This virus has almost every characteristic of a chemically engineered bioweapon & I’d go as far to say that one or our 3 letter intel agencies (probably the one that starts with a C) maliciously brought it to China.

What about the timing coinciding with the ides of March / the 2020 election?

It’s alright, though. Most people aren’t interested in knowing the truth. Especially the people with a smaller amygdala - my bad, I mean liberals, Leftists & never-Trumpers. Why do you see the same people who used the term “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan virus” on tv now saying Trump is racist or xenophobic for referring to it as the “Chinese coronavirus?” Don Lemon Erin Burnett Fredo Cuomo almost everyone on MSNBC - they are all guilty of this.

Why would China blame the US Army? Twitter isn’t taking down the minister’s tweet accusing the US Army for being the virus to Wuhan. Is it possible the 3 letter agency (C_A?) hired someone to steal it from the Army & transport it? We all know the answer to that. Of course, the main reason twitter won’t take down that accusation is likely because they are bigger whores to China than the NBA.

One day you’ll realize I’m right OR you’ll just be miserable.
Again, I have no interest in your conspiracy theories so save yourself some time
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Keep voting for the tyrants, then. They’re going to protect you, those tyrants. You’ll see.

Unlike you I voted for neither of the aspiring tyrants last presidential election.
What an assumption! Felons can’t vote.
Did u get out of hand with the beer lady another time too? So you are felon too. You are definitely someone to right home to mom about. Act nice to the democrats, and maybe they'll let you vote.
Did u get out of hand with the beer lady another time too? So you are felon too. You are definitely someone to right home to mom about. Act nice to the democrats, and maybe they'll let you vote.

He's saying that I'm a felon I think. Though I don't really see it as much of an insult. I know multiple felons that are great people. Sometimes when you grow up in a rough area you do some rough things to survive.
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