It’s time to get serious... calling all Dems


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
At what point to we decide certain coincidences are beyond reasonable suspicion for probable cause to at least warrant an investigation?

Why is it that out of ALL the deceased people who were sources to Wikileaks that were murdered (there are many) Wikileaks confirmed they were sources postmortem but never offered a reward for information leading to an arrest? Why would the only time Wikileaks offered a reward ($25,000) be for information leading to the arrest of a young, murdered DNC staffer? His name was Seth Rich. Wikileaks never confirmed Mr Rich to have been their source for the HRC/DNC/Podesta emails that were leaked but Wikileaks did confirm those emails didn’t come from a foreign State (their source wasn’t Russia nor Russian hackers).

Is that a coincidence that might at least warrant an investigation?

What about the fact that the President specifically mentioned Crowdstrike in the now infamous phone call with President Zolinsky of the Ukraine? The DNC SERVICES./DEM. NAT’L COMMITTEE is on record of often having made 4 figure payments to CROWDSTRIKE, INC. YET all the sudden (seemingly out of nowhere) on July 11th, 2016 CROWDSTRIKE, INC. was paid $98,849.84 by DNC SERVICES./DEM. NAT’L COMMITTEE. Seth Rich was murdered on July 10th, 2016.

The only other payment from DNC SERVICES./DEM. NAT’L COMMITTEE to CROWDSTRIKE, INC. that exceeded 4 figures was a payment of $113,645.77 on August 3rd, 2016. “What does that have to do with the other large payment,” one might ask. Well, there is a similar, suspicious circumstance tied to that payment, as well. On August 2nd, 2016 Sean Lucas was found dead. Who was Sean Lucas? Just some attorney working on a DNC lawsuit case.

Read between the lines. These people aren’t smart.

“Corn ready for to be cut.”

Enjoy the show!
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