Iran just attacked US consulate in Iraq.


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2002
Buckle up boys. No one is scared of Joe. Not Putin, not Saudi, not Iran.
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They did attack the US in Iraq via proxies under Trump..:..that’s what got Suleimani smoked. Can’t recall if there ever were shots that came directly from Iran
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They did attack the US in Iraq via proxies under Trump..:..that’s what got Suleimani smoked. Can’t recall if there ever were shots that came directly from Iran
Attacks were carried out by a Iranian backed Hezbolla militia. This is the first time I can recall the Iranians actually attacking a U.S. base in Iraq. Assuming current reports are true

Biden just called the Iranian missile attack an “unfortunate incident”. Statement doesn’t really need a comment
Buckle up boys. No one is scared of Joe. Not Putin, not Saudi, not Iran.
Iran launched missiles at Kurdish Iraq in response to an Israeli airstrike in Syria (that killed Iranian solders), claiming they were targeting "secret Israeli bases."

I'm going to need some sort of explanation on how that's Biden's fault. They did hit in a city that has an unoccupied US Consulate in it, but did not hit any US structures or personnel. If it was meant to show disrespect to Biden, they're doing it in a really round about way.

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Simply an observation along with Putin invading Ukraine, Saudi refusing to take Biden’s call, China now apparently providing military aid to Russia, etc… on where we are in the world. When you have left wing commentators like Trevor Noah observing the lack of respect for Biden I believe it’s more than just partisan talk
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Simply an observation along with Putin invading Ukraine, Saudi refusing to take Biden’s call, China now apparently providing military aid to Russia, etc… on where we are in the world. When you have left wing commentators like Trevor Noah observing the lack of respect for Biden I believe it’s more than just partisan talk
Well, China is now publicly denying that the Russians ever even asked for help. My $0.02 is that Russia asked them, and that China was more than happy to sell Russia their own weapons back to them for a tidy profit. Russia sold China a bunch of fighter jets and missiles a few years back, so that is probably what they discussed. It would have been stuff the Russians already knew how to operate.

China has been trying to play both sides of this since the beginning. The news of this potential deal leaked and now they are backing off and denying everything. So... why would you say that makes Biden weak? It's a sign of our influence over them, and a triumph of our intelligence network that this info leaked in the right way to embarrass them.

China is not an historical ally of Russia. They still rely far more on trade with the West than they do Russia in any way. They would like to maintain ties with both, same as India (which also historically buys Russian weapons, hence their notable ambivalence). I doubt the Chinese go through with a weapons deal, although they probably would have been happy to if nobody had noticed first.

I don't think Biden controls this moment in history, or really has much to do with it starting off. That's not a knock on him, just an observation that many things are coming to a head that are completely out of any one man's control.
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Simply an observation along with Putin invading Ukraine, Saudi refusing to take Biden’s call, China now apparently providing military aid to Russia, etc… on where we are in the world. When you have left wing commentators like Trevor Noah observing the lack of respect for Biden I believe it’s more than just partisan talk
I have no idea what Trevor Noah may be saying, but there is no evidence that:
Iran attacked a US consulate in Iraq.
China provided military aid to Russia in Ukraine.
It turns out the Saudis/UAE didn't refuse a call with Biden.
And Trump's own National Security Advisor said the reason Russia waited to invade was to see if Trump would withdraw from NATO (and then waiting for the Olympics to be over).

If the facts underlying your belief are unsupported, does it change your mind at all?

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Putin invaded Russia in 2022 to see if Trump would withdrawal the US from NATO? Not sure I’m buying that or that Trump had the political backing to withdrawal the US from NATO. Such a move would have been almost universally condemned by both parties. Even if true, an attack on Ukraine would have likely resulted in us rejoining NATO. Even Putin would know that Russian aggression in Europe would result in the NATO members being alarmed and circling the wagons. Comment just doesn’t make a lot is sense imo
I have no idea what Trevor Noah may be saying, but there is no evidence that:
Iran attacked a US consulate in Iraq.
China provided military aid to Russia in Ukraine.
It turns out the Saudis/UAE didn't refuse a call with Biden.
And Trump's own National Security Advisor said the reason Russia waited to invade was to see if Trump would withdraw from NATO (and then waiting for the Olympics to be over).

If the facts underlying your belief are unsupported, does it change your mind at all?

To be fair, John Bolton is kind of an iffy source. He's a hothead and colossal jerk. He's also vengeful, as evidenced by him trying to embarrass Trump at every turn. Pretty much nobody likes him.

Never trust a liar. A lesson I've learned harshly in my own life. That said, I tend to believe what he's saying here is probably true, but not because Bolton said it.

Another National Security Adviser of Trump's, McMaster, had this to say about all the recent talk of WWIII, and nuclear exchanges and chemical weapons attacks:

"It kind of plays into Putin's hand," he said. "What he's trying to do is to threaten an escalation of the war so that we will throttle back on our support for Ukraine."

And that I agree with 100%. Not that Putin wouldn't use chemical weapons, he would and has in the past. But Putin is floating all these potential escalations as a way to get the West to back off, and he will use them anyhow if he needs to. McMaster views this rhetoric from Moscow as a sign of weakness, and as a hint that Russia might fold faster than expected with the right kind of pushback. That's... interesting.
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Bolton also pushed back on the claim that trump had called dead soldiers losers and suckers. He said it didn’t happen. That willingness to defend Trump when appropriate gives him a bit of credibility I think
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Bolton also pushed back on the claim that trump had called dead soldiers losers and suckers. He said it didn’t happen. That willingness to defend Trump when appropriate gives him a bit of credibility I think
He tends to lie when it serves his purpose, but not when he doesn't need to. He's smart, and he doesn't need to lie to embarrass Trump. That's easy to do truthfully.

But still, it's never a good idea to take Bolton at his word.
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We need to keep up ours, and our allies pressure, and push our sanctions gradually and incrementally harder. So as not to push Putin suddenly into a corner. We need to stay vigilant of China's(and other Russian 'allies') words and actions, with public pressure to hold them back. Some actions by Biden have been weak, some of his actions have 'seemed' weak, but weren't. But overall he has been prudent and wise in his actions.

Overall I think Biden's actions over the conflict have been much stronger than anything else he has done while in office 🏢, and the conflict gives him something else to blame for inflation.

As a voting member of the GOP, I think Biden's position in 2024 has improved, and we need to be aware of that. Pushing him for harder sanctions and actions at the moment, is in the middle of a slight backfire.
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We need to keep up ours, and our allies pressure, and push our sanctions gradually and incrementally harder. So as not to push Putin suddenly into a corner. We need to stay vigilant of China's(and other Russian 'allies') words and actions, with public pressure to hold them back. Some actions by Biden have been weak, some of his actions have 'seemed' weak, but weren't. But overall has been prudent and wise in his actions.

Overall I think Biden's actions over the conflict have been much stronger than anything else he has done while in office 🏢, and the conflict gives him something else to blame for inflation.

As a voting member of the GOP, I think Biden's position in 2024 has improved, and we need to be aware of that. Pushing him for harder sanctions and actions at the moment, is in the middle of a slight backfire.
100% this. I wish he would have postured more ahead of the invasion in order to get Putin to back down. But knowing how committed Putin is now, it's hard to see how it would have made any difference. I can't really complain too much about how Biden has handled things post invasion.

Generally speaking, I'd rather not have Biden in the WH, but the GOP should think very carefully about putting Trump back up against him in 2024. Two months ago I would have said Trump had a real shot to win back the WH, but I think Biden's stock is rising through this fiasco. The crisis has underscored the need of having someone measured and willing to listen to his advisors and intelligence apparatuses, and it plays to Biden's benefit in many subtle ways as you note.

I would never have voted for Trump in 2024 anyways, but there are a lot of "gettable" votes like mine that they lost in 2020, and the GOP would be wise to put someone up that comes across as a responsible adult to get them back. Especially after everyone has gotten a nice reminder of why we don't usually elect impulsive loud mouthed ego-maniac reality TV stars to high office.
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100% this. I wish he would have postured more ahead of the invasion in order to get Putin to back down. But knowing how committed Putin is now, it's hard to see how it would have made any difference. I can't really complain too much about how Biden has handled things post invasion.

Generally speaking, I'd rather not have Biden in the WH, but the GOP should think very carefully about putting Trump back up against him in 2024. Two months ago I would have said Trump had a real shot to win back the WH, but I think Biden's stock is rising through this fiasco. The crisis has underscored the need of having someone measured and willing to listen to his advisors and intelligence apparatuses, and it plays to Biden's benefit in many subtle ways as you note.

I would never have voted for Trump in 2024 anyways, but there are a lot of "gettable" votes like mine that they lost in 2020, and the GOP would be wise to put someone up that comes across as a responsible adult to get them back. Especially after everyone has gotten a nice reminder of why we don't usually elect impulsive loud mouthed ego-maniac reality TV stars to high office.
Hopefully it pushes Trump's popularity with the public down enough, such that the party 🎉 can put their full support behind other candidates.

You know that's what the majority of Republicans in office 🏢 want. They just didn't want to alienate the Trump supporters. Maybe Cheney can step into that role.
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Polarization being what it is, Trump will win the nomination if he chooses to run again. The only way for someone else to win would be for the media to focus their fire on someone else and that ain’t happening. Can only hope that in 2-3 years he just won’t have it in him to run
Trump's hands have also been dirty with undermining the Ukraine from the moment he entered office. The Ukraine was largely non-news until Trump's and Manafort's arrival. Manafort had worked as campaign manager for the Unkranian presidential candidate backed by Putin. When that finally fizzled, Manafort went to work for Trump as his campaign manager. Later Ukraine suddenly became news as Trump tried to deny them military aid unless they manufactured some dirt on Biden. I hope Clong is right and we don't go back to electing "impulsive loud mouthed ego-maniac reality TV stars to high office" especially those in thrall to Vladimir Putin.

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