How Liberal Are You....take the quiz and post results.


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2002
Seems to be a little tilted toward the Dems but I never the less I thought was interesting.
This post was edited on 11/8 3:34 PM by lawpoke87

Here's mine.

Originally posted by Chazz Reinhold48:
I always find those tests interesting, thanks

R = 82
L = 68
D = 37
G = 26
S = 6
I'm pretty left leaning, probably more now than ever. But I consider that a lack of more centers stances by the GOP than anything. I consider the GOP a party ran by radicals... Need evidence: Government Shutdown. I don't like seeing smart Republicans acquiescing to those idiots.
So Obamacare wasn't radical? Is lying over and over to the american people a radical thing in order to achieve a political end? Is "ends justifying the means" radical?
98 R
46 L
4 D

I am attempting to purge that 4% from my system... I figure cutting off a couple of middle fingers ought to suffice...
I consider myself to be a moderate republican but if you're going to argue that the GOP is ran by a bunch of radicals then you must see that the libs are as well? We have 2 political parties not willing to reason for anything because of the thought of defeat. 99.9% of the people in DC are living in la la land with their own political agendas. We have a government that no longer believes in capitalism, but crony capitalism
So how liberal or conservative is Hollywood? I know there is a bit of liberal bias in employing actors who work in that bastion of radicals, and there are the usual suspects we all know are/were conservative/repulbican. So I did some digging to find out who they are or were if dead. There are some real stunners in the list.

We all know Chuck Norris, John Wayne, C Heston, Arnold S, Clint Eastwood and of course Ronald Reagan, but here are some I selected as well. Now everyone knows the list is much larger than this one because there is a sort of unwritten blacklist today in Hollywood that the lieberals always go to the front of the line and conservatives must hide.

Vince Vaughn
Gary Cooper (D)
Jon Voight
Bob Hope (D)
Frank Sinatra (D) supporter of Kennedy
Adam Sandler
Gene Autry (D)
Kelsey Grammer
Gary Sinise
Tom Selleck
Kurt Russell
James Caan
Jim Belushi
Jimmy Stewart (D)
Dennis Hopper
Cary Grant (D)
James Woods
Sylvester Stallone
Dick Clark (D)
Ricardo Montalban (D)
Joe Pesci
Rip Torn
Shirley Jones
Al Jolson (D)
Joan Rivers
Mickey Rooney
Clark Gable (D)
Raquel Welch
Leslie Nielsen (D)
And my personal favorite, the absolutely stunningly beautiful Yvette Mimieux.

This post was edited on 11/23 10:06 AM by rabidTU
you claim liberal bias and blackballing in Hollywood, then list 30 people who had steady employment in Hollywood for as long as they wanted it. Fail.
The point is that noone knew a lot of them were Conservative until late in their careers. It is/was career suicide early on when they tried to establish themselves. Later, their starpower and age meant they could come out of the closet. Clint Eastwood is a good example of that. Also, Hollywood has changed over the years into a more liberal city and the film industry into a more politically liberal industry. If you'll notice, many of these stars established their own production companies which allowed them to prosper outside the mainstream liberal movie industry. Some became icons because of winning oscars, emmy's etc. thus their audience kept them on the screen.

Add to the list

Robert Duvall
Mel Gibson
Rob Lowe
Bruce Willis (2nd ammendment - small govt
Christian Bale/Jack Nicholson (abortion
Gene Hackman


Originally posted by 2PoorTUFans:
you claim liberal bias and blackballing in Hollywood, then list 30 people who had steady employment in Hollywood for as long as they wanted it. Fail.

This post was edited on 11/28 11:10 AM by rabidTU

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