I keep trying to explain this and it seems Monty has recognized it, but a lot of people are still missing it.
This is an old school football team.
Nothing fancy.
Big inside O-line that is going to grind on you. Since we play fast no subbing just you 5 vs 3 or 4 over and over again.
Running backs that chomp off yards. We got one that will break your ankles and run off on you. We got one that will smack you in the mouth and then the next guy after him.
Big receiver who can hold off little CB's.
Quick receiver you can't hit in a phone booth.
You let your O-line go to work. You feed your running backs.
Your QB throws quick hits to the big receiver for sure catches, little guy for big play potential.
Play action after you establish the run to hold the pass rushers, doesn't even matter if you catch them the safeties can't cheat.
Add a sneaky good tight end who is a match up problem and a stalwart defense then you got the 1960s Cleveland Browns.